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1、外研版七年级(上)阅读训练10 篇(1)Mary is a manager. She _1_ in a big factory. She is busy every day. She wants _2_some exercises. So she _3_ to work every morning. It _4_ her 30 minutes. After she gets to the factory. She changes( 换) her clothes. Then she has _5_ breakfast She usually has _6_ bread, _7_ milk and

2、 an egg _8_ her breakfast. After that, she goes to her office and _9_ to work. She goes _10_ home by bus.() 1. A. workersB. worksC. is work() 2. A. doesB. doC. to do() 3. A. runsB. drivesC. goes() 4. A. takesB. takeC. taking() 5. A. theB. anC. her() 6. A. aB. a piece ofC. an piece of() 7. A. aB. two

3、 glass ofC. a glass of() 8. A. forB. atC. in() 9. A. beginsB. to beginC. beginning()10. A. toB. backC. at(2)Jack works in anoffice in a smalltown. One day his bosssays to_11_, “ Jack, I want you to goto_12_London, to my office there, to see Mr Brown. Here s the address.” Jack 13goes_totrainLondon.He

4、 leavesthe station and thinks,14” _office isn t far from the station. I will find it15 _. ”But after _1 6_ hour he is still looking for it, so he stops and asks an old lady, She says,“ Just goturn_17_ left at the end, and it is the second building _18_ _ the right.” Jack goes and finds it.Some days

5、_19_ he goes to the same city, but again he doesn t find the office, so he asks someone the waythe same lady! She is very surprised and says_20_ you” still lookingfor that place?”() 11. A. himB. hisC. he() 12. A. aB. /C. an() 13. A. withB. onC. by() 14. A./B. anC. The() 15. A. carefullyB. happilyC.

6、easily() 16. A. someB. anC. a() 17. A./B. onC. in() 18. A. ofB. onC. in() 19. A. laterB. afterC. in() 20. A. AreB. IsC. Do(3)A man is going to visit one of his friends. He has to walk for a few hours. So he _21_some bread with him_22_lunch. _2 3_ the way, he thinks to himself, I” msure my friend wil

7、lgive me a nice _24_. What s the useofthebread? ” Then _25_ it onto the ground.After a long hike he_26_ to a big river, but he _27_cross it. He has to go back home. Now he feels very, very_28_,but has nothing to eat at all. Suddenly he _29_ some dirty bread on the road. He picks it up quickly. In fa

8、ct, itis _30_.() 21. A. buysB. putsC. takes() 22. A. forB. afterC. to() 23. A. OnB. AtC. To() 24. A. lunchB. bikeC. meal() 25.A. putsB. throwsC. takes() 26.A. comesB. runsC. goes() 27.A. doesn tB. mustn tC. can t() 28.A. happyB. hungryC. angry() 29.A. throwsB. seesC. buys() 30.A. herB. himC. his(4)T

9、he Turners are American. They are now in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China forthree months .They want to visit some big cities and villages. They hope to learn some Chinese, too. Mr Turner is a driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs Turner is a school te

10、acher. She is visiting a city and a village school. Their daughter is a middle school student. She meets some Chinese students .They take a lot of pictures in China .When they are back in America, they are going to show (显示 )the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more a

11、bout China.() 31. Where are the Turners from_.A. AmericaB. AmericanC. AmericansD. An America() 32.What is Mr Turner ?A. He is a fatherB. He is a driver C. He is a man D. He is an American() 33.What is Mrs Turner ?A. She is a school teacher B. She is American C. She is a motherD. She is a woman.() 34

12、.Where are they staying now?A. ChinaB. In BeijingC. In a cityD. In a village() 35.Why do they take a lot of pictures in China?Because_.A. they like to take picturesB. they want the American people to know more about ChinaC. they love ChinaD. they want to take the pictures to America(5)I m a school g

13、irlI. like school. My parents are both teachers. They work hard. I study at NO.1 Middle School. There are twenty five boys and eighteen girls in my class.I usually get up at six o clock, and have breakfast at halfx.pastIgo sito school at seven o clock. Classes begin at eight. We have four lessons in

14、 the morning and two in the afternoon. We have lunch at fifteen past twelve. At three fifty we havesports.We study Chinese, maths, English, geography(地理 ), physics(物理 ), history,politics( 政治 ) and other lessons. We likeChinese. We like English, too. Some of us are good at it.We go home at five o clo

15、ck. We have supper at six o clock. We do our homework at seven every evening and go thalf past nine, but sometimes we go to sleep(睡觉 ) at about ten.() 36. What are the writer s parents?Theyare _.A. doctorsB. teachersC. driversD. workers() 37.How many students are there in her class? A. twenty-fiveB.

16、 eighteenC. forty-three D. seven() 38.What time does the writer usually get up?A. At six o clockB. At half past sixC. At seven oclockD. At eight() 39.Do they have seven or six lessons in a day?(A. SevenB. Six) 40. How many subjects do they learn at least( 至少 )?C. Yes, they do A. five B. sixD. No, th

17、ey don tC. sevenD. eight( 6)Lily must take a small chair to school. But she can t find the right chair. She has two chairs in her room. One is brthe other is green. The brown one is very big. It is too heavy. She can t carry it to school. The green one is broken. Lilymother says:“ You can take your

18、blue chair. Where is it ? I can t find it.” Lily says:“ It s over theMother says:“ You must put your hats away.” Lily says:“ OK. The blue chair is all right. It s not too byou, Mum. ”() 41. Lily must take a _ to school.A. hatB. blue chairC. small chairD. green chair() 42.The _ chair is very heavy.A.

19、 brownB. greenC. blueD. small() 43.The _ chair is broken.A. brownB. greenC. blueD. big() 44.Lily can take the _ to school.A. brown chairB. green chairC. blue chair D. hats() 45.Lily must put her _ away.A. chairsB. hatsC. blue chairD. clothes(7)A little boy comes to a new town. His name is Peter Pick

20、et. Of course he lives with his parents. His family is very rich.They have a gardener(园丁) , a cook ( 厨师) and a lot of other servants(佣人) .Peter is going to a new school. On the first day his mother says to him,“ Peter, be modest(谦虚) at your new school.Don t say we are rich.” And peter says,“ yes, Mu

21、mmy. ”So Peter goes to school. He meets his new teacher. And he sits down with the other children. The teacher says,morning , children. The first exercise today is a composition. The title(题目)is My name . ” So all the children write theircompositions(作文) . This is Peter s composition:“ My name is Pe

22、ter Picket . My family is very poor. My father is very poMy mother is also very poor. So are the gardener, the cook and all the other servants.”() 46. Peter lives with his_.A. motherB. fatherC. teacherD. mother and father() 47. There are _ family members in Peter s familyA. fiveB. threeC. tenD. twen

23、ty() 48. Peter s mother doesn t want peter to tell others about their _ family.A. richB. bigC. poorD. new() 49. The first exercise on the first day is a _.A. pictureB. gameC. compositionD. test() 50. In fact( 事实上 ), Peter has a _ family.A. newB. poorC. richD. bad.(8)Henry wants to borrow a book from

24、 the library. He comes to the library with his classmate. They canntsin it, but only some robots standing three. Henry says to the robot,me a book“Hey,onmusicgive.” But the robot doesnmove. Then another student tells Henry,“ You must say Excuplease firstme wheandyou want some help.” Henry doso and t

25、he robot brings the book. But Henry can t get the book from the robot s hands. He thinks for a moment,word to the robot. The robot gives him the book. Henry gets the book and goes home happily.() 51.What does Henry want to do?A. He wants to go to the park.B. He wants to buy a book.C. He wants to bor

26、row a book from the libraryD. He wants to play with his classmates() 52.Who works in the library?A. TeachersB. RobotsC. Students D. Henry lassmatesc.() 53.Who doesntthe robot move when Henry says,“ He give me a book on music”A. TeachersB. RobotsC. HenryD. Henry s classmates.() 54. What does Henry sa

27、y when he wants to get the book from the robot?A. ThanksB. SorryC. How are you?) 55. What kind of book does Henry borrow?A. A new bookB. An English bookC. A music book.D. Excuse me.D. A Chinese book( 9)One morning, Mr. Smith came into the garden at the back of his house. He saw so much snow in the g

28、arden. Mr. Smithwanted to take his car out, so he asked a man to clean the road from his garage( 车库 ) to the gate. He said to the man,“ Dthrow any snow on the side. It will damage(破坏 ) the flowers in my garden, and don t throw any on the other side, becausewill damage the wall. And don t throw any i

29、nto the street, because the policeman will come.” Then he wenWhen he came back, the road was clean. There was no snow on the flowers, or the wall or the street. But when he opened the garage to get his car out, he saw: the garage was full of snow, the snow from the road, and his car was under the sn

30、ow.() 56. In the morning Mr. Smith found _ was full of snow.A. his gardenB. his garageC. his houseD. his car() 57. He wanted a man to clean the road because _.A. He didn t like the snow.B. He liked the very much.C. He wanted to take his car out.D. He often asks the man to clean the road.() 58. Where

31、 did Mr. Smith tell the man to throw the snow in the garden?A. On the flowers.B. Into the street.C. To the wall.D. We don t know.() 59. He opened the garage and _.A. took his car outB. found it was full of snowC. found no car in itD. found no snow in it() 60 . Where was Mr. Smith s car?A. Under the

32、snow.B. In the street.C. In the garden.D. In the back of the garage.( 10)Many animals do strange(奇怪 ) things before an earthquake(地震 ). This news may be important. Earthquakes can kill people and knock down(击塌 ) homes. The animals may help save lives.Some animals make a lot of noise before an earthq

33、uake. Farmers have told about this. Dogs that are usually quiet have started to howl( 吠 ). Horses on farms have run around in circles( 圈 ). Mice have left their holes( 洞 ) and run away. Cows have gave less milk.In a town in Italy, cats raced down the street in a group. That happened only a few hours

34、 before an earthquake. In San Francisco, a man kept tiny frogs. One Sunday, the frogs jumped around more than ever. They made loud noises, like bigger frogs. That night, an earthquake struck the city.People want to know when an earthquake is coming. Then they could get away safely. Right now, there

35、is no sure way to know ahead of time. Maybe the best idea is to watch the animals.() 61. This story is mostly( 主要地 ) about_. A. how animals act before an earthquakeB. how an earthquake starts(C. how mice leave their homesD. when an earthquake is coming) 62. Before an earthquake, quite dogs _.A. ran

36、awayB. started to howlC. climbed treesD. stay quietly) 63. Before an earthquake, the frogs_.A. sangB. left their homesC. jumped around a lotD. dance) 64. There have been earthquakes in _.A. most countriesB. Italy and San FranciscoC. Chicago and SpainD. the whole world) 65. People want to _.A. be in an earthquakeB. find out early about an earthquakeC. run around in circlesD. stay at home

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