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1、目录Contents第一章概述Chapter 1 General1. 主要内容Main contents2. 适用范围Application3. 引用标准Refer standards第二章技术内容Chapter 2 technology1. 设备的配套Check item before installation 2. 设备安装的基本工艺要求General requirement for equipment installation3. 各类电气设备安装的具体规定Detail requirement for followed units3.1电机Electric motor3.2主配电板和应急

2、配电板MSB & ESB 3.3控制设备及分配电设备Control panel & distribution box3.4蓄电池Battery3.5舱室照明灯具Cabinet lighting fixtures3.6照明附具Lighting appurtenance3.7日用电器Fan & heater3.8船内通讯,信号设备Internal communication equipment4. 设备安装前的准备工作Preparation before installation5. 设备安装的基本形式Basic form 6. 设备及电缆的接地Earthing of equipment & ca

3、ble7. 设备的进线Cable entrance8. 设备的接线Wire connection第三章闭杯闪点小于60 的油船电气设备安装工艺Cheaper 3 Additional technology for equipment installation on oil tanker which the flash point less than 60 1. 一般要求general 2. 危险区域或处所的化分及其电气设备的安装Dangerous area division & equipment installation3. 扩大危险区域或处所的划分及其电气设备的安装Widen danger

4、ous area division & equipment installation4. 其它处所电气设备及附加要求Additional requirement for other space5. 防爆电气设备的基本要求Basic requirement for ex-proof equipment 6. 防爆电气设备的安装Installation requirement of ex-proof equipment第一章 概述Chapter 1 General 1. 主要内容Main contents 本工艺对入级钢质船舶的:1. 电气设备的安装提出了安装工艺、接地、进出线等的具体要求和规定。

5、以确保安装质量。2.闭杯闪点60的油船的电气设备施工工艺也作了规定。This technology ruled followed items for classed steel vessels:1. detail requirement for equipment installation, earthing, cable entrance and wire connection2. special technology for equipment installation, on oil tanker that the flash point less than 602. 适用范围Appli

6、cation用于我厂入级钢质船舶(包括闭杯闪点60的油船)的电气施工。其它特种船舶或船东提出的其它特殊工艺要求,应另编专用工艺文件,作为补充规定。For electric construction of classed steel ships (included oil tanker that the flash point more than 60)The special technology will been edited as additional standard, if for other special vessels or for special requirement bri

7、ng forward by ship owner 3. 引用标准reference standards1. 中国船级社钢质海船入级建造规范(1996)4分册CCS Rules for Classification of Steel Ships(1996)part 42. 中国长江轮船总公司金陵船厂企业标准Corporation Standard of Jingling Shipyard 3. 中国船舶工业总公司电气专业标准Specialty Standards of China Ship Industry Parent Company 4. BV 规范 16分册BV Rules part16

8、5. GL规范 3分册(1992)GL Rules part 3(1992) 6. DNV规范 第四篇 第四章DNV Rules part 4 chapter 4 7. LR规范 6分册LR Rules part 6第二章 技术内容Chapter 2 Technology Content1. 设备的配套Package of equipment1.1按照设备明细表(托盘D表)或电装图及电气设备布置图进行领料配套。所有电气设备应有制造厂的产品合格证。重要设备应具有相应的船检检验合格证或船用产品型式认可证或其它必须的证书,并注意其有效期限。Materials preparation is accor

9、ding to equipment list or material list and arrangement drawing and cable trays drawings. All electric equipment should have quality certificates from maker. Some important equipment should have class type approval certificate, equipment certificate or other necessary certificate, and pay attention

10、to the effective date. 1.2 核对设备型号、规格同设备明细表(托盘D表)及图样是否相符,并检查设备及其零件有无缺损,必要时应测量设备的绝缘电阻。 Check whether equipment specification is accordance with equipment list and whether equipment has some defect. Measure insulation resistance if necessary. 1.3 检查设备填料函的数量及规格是否与图纸要求相符。Check whether cable gland specifi

11、cation and quantities are in accordance with drawings. 1.4 按照相关图纸,配齐及安装好设备的底脚或支架及接地附件。Supports, foundation, ground accessories and so on to be prepared according to relative drawings. 1.5 按照相关图纸,装好设备的识别铭牌,对具有内部接线的设备,如分电箱、起动器等,应配齐必要的开箱图。 For power distribution panels, starter and so on, necessary pri

12、nciple drawing and nameplate to be installed correctly. 1.6配套好的电气设备,存放在专门储备处,存放场所应保持清洁、干燥。 Electric equipment should be placed in special store. The store should be kept dry and clean.2. 设备安装的基本工艺要求Basic technical requirement of equipment installation.2.1 设备安装应尽量考虑安全及便于使用、维修,安装场所应有足够的照明并通风良好。For the

13、 equipment installation, the security and convenient for use and maintenance should been considered as far as possible. There should have enough lighting and good ventilation in installation site. 2.2 设备安装不应破坏舱壁或甲板原有的防护性能及强度,在水密的舱壁、甲板和甲板室的外围壁上不应钻孔以螺丝紧固电气设备。Equipment installation should not break bul

14、khead or deck the defend capability and the intensity. It is not allowed that drill and screw for install the equipment on watertight bulkhead or deck.2.3 设备不应直接安装在主甲板以下的船壳板上。Equipment should not direct installed on the shell under the main deck.2.4 在易燃易爆舱室,如蓄电池室、油漆间、煤舱等处,除该处必须的防爆设备外,不应安装其它电气设备。In d

15、angerous space, such as battery room, painting room and so on, prohibit installed non-safety equipment except needed ex-proof equipment.2.5 在油、水侵蚀或蒸汽易于积聚的地方,只能安装相应防护等级的电气设备。Electric equipment with relative IP class can be installed at such space, where water, oil and steam are easy to accumulate.2.6

16、 安装在易受机械损伤场所的设备。其防护型式与安装场所相适应。否则,应加装必要的防护装置。The equipment liable being machine damaged site, the protection degree should be accommodate to installation position. Otherwise, it should be adopted essential protection.2.7 舱室的封闭板内一般不应安装电气设备,但线路的分支接线盒可安装 在便于开启的木作板内, 且在板外应配有相应的铭牌。Normally, electric equip

17、ment should not be installed inside closed panel of cabin. But junction box of circuit branch can be installed inside decoration panel, which is easy for open, and the relative nameplate should be performed.2.8 电气设备若必须在油舱、油柜或双层底、储油舱等外壁表面安装时,设备与此类舱壁之间至少应有50mm的距离,但工作时能产生高温的电气设备(如各类电阻器),禁止在此类舱壁表面安装。If

18、the equipment has to be installed on the bulkhead of bulkhead of oil tank, the distance to the surface should be more than 50mm, and electric equipment (heater etc.) producing high temperature forbid installed on the mentioned place.2.9安装场所如有剧烈震动,足以影响设备的正常可靠工作时,设备的安装应采取适当的减震措施。Proper absorber should

19、 be adopted if shake of installation place can influence normal and reliable working.2.10当非铝合金设备支架安装在铝质轻围壁上时,中间应有绝缘衬垫(如橡胶布,涂有白漆的帆布等)隔开,以防直接接触引起电解腐蚀。When non-aluminum equipment support to be installed on aluminum bulkhead, insulation pad such as rubber, canvas with white painting should be added betw

20、een bulkhead and support in order to prevent electroanalysis.2.11调节电阻、启动电阻、充电电阻、电热器具以及其它工作时能产生高温的电气设备,应尽量远离木质隔板等易燃物体和其它设备安装,必要时中间应用绝热材料隔开,当设备外壳温度超过80时,应加防护网或在布置上予以安排,以防工作人员偶然触及而灼伤。Electric equipment such as regulation resistance, start resistance, charge resistance, heater etc, if high temperature t

21、o be occurred during they working, their installation should be far away from other flammable objects, heat insulation materials to be used between them and flammable equipment if necessary. When equipment out shell temperature is more than 80, proper arrangement or protection net to avoid touching

22、damage.2.12敞开式电气设备应安装在专用舱室内,否则其带电部分应加防护罩,以防偶然触及。Exposed equipment should be installed in special cabins, its electric part should had protection net in order to prevent touching by accident.2.13设备的安装都应该是可拆的,其联接应牢固,并有防止受震动而松脱的装置。Equipment installation should be removable. The connection should be tig

23、ht and anti-loose.2.14除电压不超过24V,且对无线电收讯机不产生干扰的设备及具有双重绝缘的设备外,其它电气设备的金属外壳或开启式设备的金属骨架均应可靠接地。Except the equipment of voltage less than 24V and no effect for radio equipment, all metal shell of electric equipment should earth reliably.2.15设备安装应在设备支架焊装、补漆结束后进行,以保证设备本身的油漆及部件不受损坏。同时设备安装后,应用透明塑料布包扎起来。Equipme

24、nt installation to be done after equipment support welding and painting in order to keep equipment painting and part of equipment not been damaged. After equipment installation, it should be covered by plastic.3各类电气设备安装的具体规定Detail requirement of electric equipment installation 3. 1电机Motor3.1.1发电机组的安

25、装,其转轴应与船舶艏艉线平行,其它卧式电机的转轴也尽量与艏艉线平行。立式电机的转轴应与船舶水线平面垂直。Axis of auxiliary engine and horizontal motor should parallel with the centerline of the ship as far as possible. Stood motor axis to be vertical.3.1.2 电机的安装应留有测量转速、观察火花、维护换向器和碳刷架的空间。机组应有共同的底座。Leave space for measure revolution, observe spark, main

26、tenance commutator and carbon-brush. The motor group must have common base.3.2主配电板及应急配电板Main switchboard and emergency switchboard 3.2.1配电板面板前通道的宽度应至少为800mm,后通道的宽度至少为600mm,如配电板的结构形式为可在前面和侧面进行检修,维护和更换部件时,允许后面不设通道。The passageway front MSB is not less than 800mm, The passageway behind MSB is not less t

27、han 600mm. If maintenance can be done in the front and the side, it allows no passageway behind ESB.3.2.2配电板前后应铺有防滑和耐油的绝缘地毯或经绝缘处理的木格栅。The floor in front of and behind switchboard should be provided with insulating covering.3.2.3配电板的上方不应装有油、水及蒸汽管,如不能避免时,则应采取有效的防护措施,油柜及其它液体容器,不得在上述区域安装。The oil pipe, w

28、ater pipe and steam pipe should not above MSB. If not avoid, it must adopt effective protection. Oil tank and other liquid vessel shouldnt install the mentioned space.3.2.4安装在单底机舱内的落地式主配电板的底座应为具有水密性能的封闭式底座。即底座本身及与船底壳板之间的焊接、引入电缆的电缆管与底座的焊接,均应具有水密性能,以防油水在底座内积聚。If self-stand main switchboard installed i

29、n single bottom engine room, closed foundation with watertight function to be equipped. Welding between foundation and ship hull, foundation and cable pipe to be watertight in order to prevent oil or water accumulation in foundation.3.3控制设备及分配电设备Control and distribution panel3.3.1起动箱及分配箱的安装高度,其上沿距甲板

30、或花钢板一般为1900mm左右,同一区域内安装的设备,其箱体的上沿应尽量对齐。The distance from up-edge of starter and distribution box to deck is about 1900mm, the equipment in same area, their up-edges must be same highness.3.3.2落地安装的电气设备,如控制屏等则尽量安装固定在甲板上的角钢底座上,其底座高度一般为100200mm。Self-stand equipment (as control panel ) should be mounted

31、 on angle iron base fixed on deck as far as possible. The highness of foundation is 100mm200mm.3.3.3电机的起动箱,(组合起动屏除外)主令控制器或控制按钮盒,应尽量安装在电机附近,以便操作、检修和观察。Motor starter, (except GSP) control column or push button box should be mounted near the motor as far as possible.3.3.4立式安装的主令控制器或操纵台(器),应设经防蚀处理过的钢质底座

32、,底座及底座内的穿甲板层的电缆管与甲板间焊接应具水密性能,并应在设备与底座之间垫以厚度不小于5mm的橡皮,以保证水密及减振。Self-stand main control column or operation console should be equipped with antiseptic and steel foundation. Welding between cable pipe and deck inside foundation should be watertight. 5mm rubber should be provided between equipment and f

33、oundation in order to keep watertight and shock absorption. 3.3.5 主令控制器的安装,应考虑其手柄操作的方便,手柄转轴至操作平台的高度一般为1m左右。Height from handle of control column to operation plate is about 1m.3.3.6起动箱及分配箱上方不应装有油、水及蒸气管的法兰接头,如不可避免,必需采取相应的措施。The flange of oil pipe, water pipe and steam pipe should not be above starter

34、and distribution panel. If cannot avoid, suitable protection should be performed.3.4蓄电池Battery3.4.1蓄电池应安装在专用舱室或箱柜内,在机舱内若条件不许可,则可敞开安装在通风良好的地方。放置蓄电池箱、柜及敞开安装的蓄电池场所附近,不应有排气管、蒸汽管等各种热源或产生火花的设备。Battery should be mounted in expert cabinet or box or open mounted in place with good ventilation. And battery ca

35、nnot be installed near all kinds of heat source.3.4.2蓄电池的安装应便于检测、维护和更换。保证空气流通,若蓄电池为上下安装,之间应留有不小于300mm的空间。若为并排安装的蓄电池,其间的空隙应用不吸潮,耐电解液腐蚀的绝缘材料楔隔、衬垫和固定。蓄电池的底部应以厚度不小于2mm的青铅皮或其它耐腐蚀材料制成的托盘加以衬垫。托盘的四周边净高度不小于45mm,以防电解液漏出腐蚀船体钢材。对于敞开安装的蓄电池,其上部还应设有大于电瓶组尺寸的挡板,以防下落物件或搁置物件损坏电瓶或造成短路。Battery shall be so installed as t

36、o ensure accessibility for changing, inspection and maintenance. If battery is multi-layer mounting, its space is not less than 300mm. If it is side by side, its space should be pad by anti-corrosion insulation. Tray should be pad by lead or anti-corrosion materials at least 2mm under battery. Free

37、height around tray should not less than 45mm in case of steel hull corrosion by leakage of electrolyte. As to open mounted battery, baffle to be provided on top of it in case of battery damage or short circuit by falling things.3.4.3 蓄电池(封闭式的除外)不得安放在居住舱室内。Battery should not be installed in accommoda

38、tion cabin except free maintain type.3.4.4 蓄电池的一般高度为电池液孔塞至甲板不大于1.4m,否则应设有踏板以便操作。Battery height is not more than 1.4m generally, otherwise, provide pedal.3.4.5蓄电池箱、柜应有独立的通风装置,其出风口设在上方,进风口设在下方,进出通风口一般设在箱、柜的对角线的两端,在结构上,应设有档板式弯头,以防止水、火星或其它进入。Independent ventilation equipment should be equipped for batte

39、ry box or cabinet. The outlet is above and inlet is below. Normally, wind inlet and outlet should be performed at both side of diagonal of box or cabinet. Elbowed baffle to be provided in case of water, spark or other things come into box. 3.4.6 酸性蓄电池和碱性蓄电池不准放在同一蓄电池舱室、箱或柜内。 Lead-acid and alkalescent

40、 batteries cannot be mounted at same cabinets. 3.4.7 蓄电池接线完毕后,所有接线柱处应用凡士林等油脂涂封,以防腐蚀。After battery connection, all terminal board should be covered with vaseline in order to prevent corrosion. 3.5舱室照明灯具Lighting fixtures3.5.1舱室照明灯具应参照室内器具的具体位置及舱室结构适当布置,首先应保证操作及工作地点有必要的照明,并尽量保证舱室各处的照度。Cabin light shall

41、 proper arrange according to cabin structure and cabin apparatus. Necessary lighting for operation and working area should be kept. Also cabin lighting level to be kept.3.5.2 具有两个分路供电的舱室照明灯具应交叉或间隔布置。Alternation or cross arrangement should be kept for cabin lighting if two way power supply.3.5.3 安装在货

42、舱外走道露天甲板等其它易受机械损伤的场所的灯具,应有防护罩。应急照明的灯具,其外壳应有红色应急标志,且该标志贴在灯具外壳的位置应统一。Protection covers to be provided if light fixtures to be installed in machinery space such as outside passageway of cargo hold and weather deck. For the emergency lighting, the red mark should be performed at same position.3.5.4床头灯Be

43、d lamp 床头灯安装的位置一般为高于床铺板750mm,离床头(一般以靠近船艏或船舯的一端为床头)300的侧壁上,或顶头中间。Bed lamp high is 750mm to bedplate, and 300mm to bed head, or on the middle of bed head wall.3.5.5镜灯及壁灯Mirror lamps and wall lamps镜灯及壁灯的一般安装高度为:壁灯:距地板1800mm 镜灯:镜子上方100mmGeneral height: wall lamps: 1800mm from floor Mirror lamps: 100mm a

44、bove mirror3.5.6投光灯,探照灯及航行信号灯Flood light, searching light and navigation & signal light a.投光灯及探照灯的安装应便于操纵,并应保证其可动部分在工作需要的照射范围内转动灵活无阻,光线不受阻碍。 Floodlight and search light installation should be easy for operation and turn their movable parts and without obstacles for their light. b.投光灯及探照灯应设有专用的灯架或灯座,

45、灯架或底座的高度及形式与灯具的工作要求相适应。Floodlight and searching light should have special base, its height and type should be suit for working requirement. c.探照灯安装时,应在其底部或底座间垫以厚度不小于5mm的橡皮,以保证水密。对于在室内用连杆控制的探照灯,其连杆的安装亦应保证水密及操纵灵活。5mm rubber should be equipped between bottom of floodlight and its support in order to ke

46、ep watertight. As to indoor searchlight controlled by lever, its levers installation should keep watertight and easy operation. e.气体放电型投光灯的高压触发装置应安装在带有“高压危险”标记的金属箱内,金属箱内应尽量装在人员不易触及的地方。The flood light of gas discharge type, its high voltage touch device should mount in metal box with “DANGOUS: HIGH VOLTAGE” remarks. This metal box should be put such space where people can not touch it easily. f. 航行信号灯的安装位置、高度及要求,应符合有关信号设备规范的规定。Installation location and height and requirement of navigation & signal light should meet the relative rules requirement.3.6照明附具 Light accessories3.6.1暗式照明开关的安装,其扳柄方向

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