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1、wifi合同范本五篇篇一:无线网络使用协议中文:一、协议背景本协议是根据双方自愿平等的基础上签订的,为了明确双方的权利和义务,保证网络服务的顺利进行,特订立本协议。二、网络使用权限1. 使用方应当遵守网络管理规定,保证不对网络进行非法使用。2. 网络提供方有权根据实际情况管理和调整网络服务,使用方需配合配合做好网络的维护和管理。3. 使用方应当妥善保管网络帐号和密码信息,不得将帐号密码泄漏给他人。如发生泄漏情况,需及时通知网络提供方。三、网络使用规范1. 使用方不得在网络上从事任何违法违规行为,包括但不限于传播淫秽、暴力、恐怖等信息。2. 使用方不得影响网络的正常运行,不得擅自更改网络设置。3

2、. 使用方应当尊重他人的网络服务,不得对其他用户进行侵犯。4. 如发现网络使用违规情况,网络提供方有权中止其网络服务,并通知相关部门处理。四、协议解除1. 若一方未履行协议规定,导致另一方权益受到损害的,受损害方有权解除协议。2. 协议解除后,使用方应当配合网络提供方的工作,尽快停止网络使用行为。英文:1. Protocol BackgroundThis agreement is signed on the basis of voluntary and equality between the two parties, in order to clarify the rights and ob

3、ligations of both parties, and ensure the smooth running of network services.2. Network Usage Permission1. The user should comply with the network management regulations and ensure that the network is not used illegally.2. The network provider has the right to manage and adjust network services acco

4、rding to the actual situation, and the user should cooperate with the maintenance and management of the network.3. The user should properly keep the network account and password information, and should not disclose the account password to others. In case of leakage, the user should promptly notify t

5、he network provider.3. Network Usage Regulations1. The user shall not engage in any illegal activities on the network, including but not limited to disseminating obscene, violent, terrorist information.2. The user shall not affect the normal operation of the network, and shall not change the network

6、 settings without authorization.3. The user should respect the network services of others, and shall not infringe on the rights of other users.4. In case of violation of network usage regulations, the network provider has the right to suspend its network services and notify the relevant departments

7、for handling.4. Termination of Agreement1. If one party fails to perform the provisions of the agreement, which causes damages to the other partys rights, the damaged party has the right to terminate the agreement.2. After the termination of the agreement, the user should cooperate with the network

8、providers work and stop using the network as soon as possible. 篇二:Wi-Fi服务条款中文:一、服务内容1. 提供无线网络服务,覆盖范围为服务地点内部。2. 提供网络账号和密码,保证网络服务的安全性。二、使用规范1. 不得利用Wi-Fi从事违法违规行为,包括盗用他人网络、传播有害信息等。2. 不得干扰他人正常上网情况,保持网络的畅通。3. 不得滥用网络资源,遵守网络使用规范。三、服务维护1. 用户在使用过程中如有问题或疑问,应及时向网络提供方反馈。2. 网络提供方有权对网络服务进行调整和管理,用户应当理解并配合。四、协议解释1.

9、本协议内容仅为双方协商一致后的约定,一旦签署即具备法律效力。2. 双方如有争议,应友好协商解决,无法解决的应当提交人民法院处理。英文:1. Service Content1. Provide wireless network services, covering the internal area of the service location.2. Provide network account and password to ensure the security of network services.2. Usage Regulations1. It is not allowed to

10、 engage in illegal activities using Wi-Fi, such as stealing others networks, spreading harmful information, etc.2. It is not allowed to interfere with others normal internet access and maintain the smoothness of the network.3. It is not allowed to misuse network resources and comply with network usa

11、ge regulations.3. Service Maintenance1. If users encounter problems or have questions during use, they should provide feedback to the network provider in a timely manner.2. The network provider has the right to adjust and manage network services, and users should understand and cooperate.4. Agreemen

12、t Interpretation1. The content of this agreement is only the agreement reached by both parties through negotiation, and once signed, it has legal effect.2. In case of disputes between both parties, they should resolve them through friendly negotiation. If they cannot be resolved, they should be subm

13、itted to the peoples court for handling.篇三:Wi-Fi使用授权协议中文:一、授权范围用户可以在服务地点内使用Wi-Fi网络服务,但不得将帐号密码泄露给他人。二、使用规范1. 用户使用Wi-Fi网络时,需遵守国家法律法规,不得从事任何违法违规行为。2. 用户应当妥善保管网络帐号和密码,不得将其泄露给他人使用。3. 用户不得干扰其他用户的正常网络使用,不得传播有害信息。三、服务维护1. 用户在使用Wi-Fi网络过程中发现问题,可及时联系网络提供方寻求解决方法。2. 网络提供方有权根据需要对网络服务进行管理和维护,用户应当积极配合。四、违约责任1. 如果用户

14、违反本协议规定的使用规范,网络提供方有权中止其网络服务,并保留追究法律责任的权利。2. 网络提供方为保障网络安全,如发现用户进行违规行为,有权随时终止其网络服务。英文:1. Authorization ScopeUsers can use Wi-Fi network services within the service location, but should not disclose the account password to others.2. Usage Regulations1. When users use the Wi-Fi network, they should comp

15、ly with national laws and regulations, and shall not engage in any illegal activities.2. Users should properly keep the network account and password, and should not disclose them to others for use.3. Users should not interfere with the normal internet use of other users, and should not disseminate h

16、armful information.3. Service Maintenance1. If users encounter problems when using the Wi-Fi network, they can contact the network provider in time to seek solutions.2. The network provider has the right to manage and maintain network services as needed, and users should actively cooperate.4. Defaul

17、t Liability1. If a user violates the usage regulations stipulated in this agreement, the network provider has the right to suspend its network services and reserves the right to pursue legal responsibilities.2. In order to protect network security, if a user is found to engage in misconduct, the net

18、work provider has the right to terminate its network services at any time.篇四:Wi-Fi使用协议样本中文:一、服务内容1. 提供Wi-Fi网络覆盖服务,保证网络的稳定性和安全性。2. 提供网络帐号和密码供用户使用,要求用户妥善保管帐号密码信息。二、网络使用规范1. 用户在使用Wi-Fi网络时不得从事任何违法违规行为,如传播色情、暴力信息等。2. 用户应当遵守网络使用规范,不得干扰其他用户的正常网络使用。3. 用户不得恶意破坏网络安全,不得擅自进行网络设置变更。三、服务维护1. 用户在使用网络服务过程中遇到问题,可联系网

19、络提供方协助解决。2. 网络提供方有权对网络进行管理和维护,用户应当配合并理解网络提供方的工作。四、协议约定1. 本协议自双方签字生效,约定一年内有效,到期后可根据实际情况协商续订。2. 若一方发现另一方存在违约行为,可为解除协议,但需提前书面通知对方。英文:1. Service Content1. Provide Wi-Fi network coverage service, ensure the stability and security of the network.2. Provide network account and password for users to use, an

20、d require users to properly keep the account password information.2. Network Usage Regulations1. Users are not allowed to engage in any illegal activities when using the Wi-Fi network, such as disseminating pornography, violence information, etc.2. Users should comply with network usage regulations

21、and should not interfere with others normal internet use.3. Users should not maliciously destroy network security or make unauthorized changes to network settings.3. Service Maintenance1. If users encounter problems during the use of network services, they can contact the network provider for assist

22、ance.2. The network provider has the right to manage and maintain the network, and users should cooperate and understand the work of the network provider.4. Agreement Provisions1. This agreement takes effect upon the signature of both parties, is valid for one year, and can be renegotiated for renew

23、al based on actual conditions upon expiry.2. If one party finds the other party in breach of the agreement, they can terminate the agreement, but must give written notice to the other party in advance.篇五:无线网络使用规范中文:一、网络服务范围1. 提供Wi-Fi无线网络覆盖服务,仅限于服务地点内部。2. 为用户分配唯一的网络帐号和密码,保证网络使用的安全性。二、使用规定1. 用户不得使用Wi-

24、Fi网络从事任何违法行为,包括传播有害信息、盗用他人网络等行为。2. 用户应当遵循网络服务管理规定,维护网络的正常秩序。3. 用户不得擅自对网络进行未经授权的设置修改。三、服务维护1. 用户在使用网络服务中遇到问题,应当主动联系网络提供方进行咨询。2. 网络提供方有权对网络服务进行优化和调整,用户需理解和支持相关工作。四、协议解释1. 本协议经双方签字生效,具有法律效力,如有争议,应协商解决。2. 未尽事宜由双方商定,并进行签字确认后方可执行。英文:1. Network Service Scope1. Provide Wi-Fi wireless network coverage servic

25、e, limited to the internal area of the service location.2. Assign users a unique network account and password to ensure the security of network usage.2. Usage Regulations1. Users are not allowed to engage in any illegal activities using Wi-Fi, including disseminating harmful information, stealing ot

26、hers networks, etc.2. Users should follow network service management regulations to maintain the normal order of the network.3. Users are not allowed to make unauthorized modifications to the network settings.3. Service Maintenance1. If users encounter problems during the use of network services, th

27、ey should actively contact the network provider for consultation.2. The network provider has the right to optimize and adjust network services, and users should understand and support the relevant work.4. Agreement Interpretation1. This agreement takes effect upon the signature of both parties and has legal effect. In case of disputes, they should be resolved through negotiation.2. Matters not covered herein shall be agreed upon by both parties and may be executed only after signature confirmation.

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