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1、英语练习题一一、 单项选择( ) 1 Im thinking about _ to spend my summer holiday.A what B who C where D which ( ) 2 Although I am very tired, _ I keep working. A / B but C and D so ( ) 3 I like music very much, so I _ listen to music. A often B hardly ever C never D sometimes( ) 4 _ give up , then you can be succe

2、ssful. A Sometimes B Never C Always D Often( ) 5 Healthy lifestyle can help you _ good grades. A get B getting C gets D got ( ) 6 -How many times do you take a bus in a week? - _A Times B One time C Twice D Five of times( )7 Nelson Mandela was born in _A England B America C South Africa D North Afri

3、ca ( ) 8 Where can you find some fish? In a _ . A pond B swimming pool C tree D garden ( ) 9 -Mum, could you buy me _ MP3 like this ? - Certainly, we can buy _ one, but as good as this.A a , a cheap B an , cheaper C an, a cheaper D a, the cheapest( ) 10 Which country has _ population , Canada, India

4、, or China?A the most B the smallest C the large D the least ( ) 11 This kind of coat looks _ and sells _ in the market. A nice, good B well, well C nice, well D good, nice( ) 12 He is the _ students to get to school.A twelve B twelf C twelves D twelfth( )13 He always doesnt go to bed _ his mother c

5、omes back. A since B after C until D because( ) 14 Im quite busy now. Could you please wait for me _ the meeting is over.A after B since C until D while ( ) 15 Who is always the first to _?A arrive in B get to C reach D arrive( )16Which is _, the moon_ the earth?A.big , and B. bigger, or C.bigger ,a

6、nd D.big, or ( )17.I ofen go to school_.A. by bikes B. on feet C.by bus D.in car18.My little brother is two years _ than me. A.smaller B. small C.younger D.young19.One of her two sisters is more friendly than _.A. that one B. another C.the other D.others20.If you want to take a train in USA, you can

7、 buy a ticket at the _.A. ferry terminal B.bus stop C.train station D.office21.Moost people travel to school by bus, so thats_.A. the cheapest way B. the most expensive way C. the most popular way D. the most dangerous way22.The taxi fare is_ money. A. a lot of B. many C.lot of D. a lots of 23.-Coul

8、d you tell me_?- About two hours. A .how long it takes to fly to JinanB. how long it took to fly to JinanC. How long does it take to fly to JinanD. How long did it take to fly to Jinan24.Which is _ river in China?A. longer B.longest C.the longest D. thre longer25.-_ is ti from your home to the zoo?

9、- Its about twenty minutes walk.A. How long B.How often C.How far D.How soon11.It is interesting _with a dog.A. playing B. play C. to play D.plays26.LuoYang is one of _ capital _ in China.A. older, city B.the older , city C.oldest, cities D.the coldest, cities27.Tonny is _ students in his class.A. f

10、unny B.funnier C.funniest D.the funnest 28.I do all the work. Im_ of all.A. more tired B. the most tired C.the tirest D.tireder二、 用所给词的正确形式填空1 It was sunny yesterday. It _ ( not rain ).2 He put some school things on the ground and _ ( have ) a yard sale. 3 -Your uncle _ ( come ) here an hour ago. He

11、re _ ( be ) a letter of his for you. - Thank you very much.4 It _ ( seem ) windy this morning, so I had to _ ( take ) the car to school.5 Its _ ( real ) boring . I cant stand it any more. 6 _ ( final ) I was lost in the mountain. 7 He _ ( not see ) the old man yesterday. So he _ ( have ) to ask the

12、child for help. 8 Would you like to go _ ( swim ) with me this afternoon?9 Two or three centuries ago, when cafes appeared in London, the word of “tip” _ ( appear ) too. 10 I told you not to be late again, _ I 三、用be的正确形式填空1 His father _ a worker three years ago, but now he _ a driver.2 When and wher

13、e _ your sister born?3 What _ the names of the two international schools ?4 The students _ having an English class now ,and they _ having a maths class a quarter ago.5 They _ in Beijing last week . But now they _ back.6 _ the English teacher strict ? I think so , she asked us to copy the same senten

14、ces many times. 7 Oh , you grow a lot. I remember you _a little short last year.8 _ your teacher friendly to you at that time.9 There _ still lots of things to do when I stayed in the small town last year. 10 I _ looking forward to going to China when I was in my hometown.。四、根据所给的释义在本单元中找出适合的单词或词组。1

15、. the opposite of “nearest” _2. another way of saying “by bike” _3. the opposite of “the cheapest” _4. a trip of some distance, usually by land _5. not safe _6. uncomfortably close together _7. a kind of boat _8. of the present time 五、朗读本单元活动4,完成下列填空练习,每空一词。 Tony lives _ from the school, so he has t

16、he longest _. He goes by bus because it is the best way to _ to school. Daming has the _ journey because he goes by bicycle, but at the same time, it is also the _ _ way. Linglings home is -_ to shool, so she walks. Bettys father goes to work by taxi, so its both the most _ way and the most _ way. H

17、e thinks the most _ way to go to work is by train.六、根据所给的中文完成句子。1. Tony 住得离学校最远。Tony _ _ _ school.2. 王先生每天乘地铁上班。Mr Wang goes to work _ _ every day.3. 总统乘飞机去别国访问.The president visits other countries _ _.4. 火车站挤满了乘客。The station is _ _ _.5. 乘火车去那里不舒服,还是坐出租去吧。Its _ to _ a train there. Lets go there _ _

18、instead.6. 公共汽车票不贵,可在公共汽车站买。The bus _ arent expensive and you can buy a ticket _ the _ _.7. 乘公共汽车旅行最安全最便宜,所以每年数百万美国人采用此方式旅行。Its the _ and _ way to travel by bus, so every year _ _ Americans go by bus.8. 从上海火车站到蒲东机场怎样走最舒适?Whats _ _ _ way to get from Shanghai Station to Pudong _?9. 从天津开发区到大连最有趣的旅行方式是乘火车。It is the _ _ _ to get from TEDA to Dalian by train.七、书面表达 写一篇不少于70词的短文,介绍你和你的同学放学后各自采用哪种交通方式回家。要求:谈一谈为什么你们采用不同的交通方式,并写出你认为最好的方式及其原因。

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