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1、期末检测试卷(60分钟 100分)一 . 单项选择(15分)( )1. -_ do you play football? -Threes times a week. A. How many B. How long C. How soon D. How often ( )2. Everyone in our class _ music very much. A. like B. likesC. liked D. liking( )3. Why do you buy these markers?_ I want to draw some pictures. A. Because B. SoC. A

2、ndD. But( )4. When you want to search on the Internet, please _ the computer first. A. take off B. turn offC. turn onD. open( )5. The zebras have long necks. They can eat _ easily. A. leave B. leavesC. leaf D. leafs( )6. Does the elephant like water? _A. Yes, it does. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are

3、. D. Yes, it can. ( )7. We ask the students to _ at 9:30 in the evening. A. get upB. have breakfastC. have class D. go to sleep( )8. Please tae photos _ the Great Wall and send them _me by email. A. for, to B. for ,for C. of, for D . of, to( )9. I often watch TV on Saturday evening, but _ I read boo

4、ks. A. usually B. always C. oftenD. sometimes( )10. Would you like _ bananas for breakfast?A. anyB. someC. one D. many( )11. Its 8 oclock. Tony s parents _ TV in the living room. A. is watchingB. are watchingC. watch D. watches( )12. _ a book and some pens on the desk. A. There isB. There are C. The

5、re has D. There have( )13. _ your brothers job?He is a teacher. A. WhatB. HowC. WhatsD. Whos( )14. This is _ bedroom. They like it very much. A. Lucy and LilysB. Lucy and LilyC. Lucys and LilyD. Lucys and Lily( )15. It is very cold._ your coat,please.APut on BPutting onCWear DWearing二. 完形填空(10分) I a

6、m an American boy. I am thirteen. I 1 in No. 14 Middle School in Shanghai. I often get up 2 half past six from Monday to Friday. I often have a cup of tea, an egg and some bread for 3 . I go to school at half past seven and get there before eight oclock, and 4 start at eight. We have four lessons in

7、 the 5 and two in the afternoon. At half past three, we 6 games. I study hard and study well. I like English and I am good at it. Mike is my good friend. We go home together. I do my homework at home, but 7 at school. I like 8 TV very much, but I can only watch it on 9 and Sunday. I often go to 10 a

8、t about nine oclock. ( )1. A. workB. studyC. liveD. stay( )2. A. withB. in C. onD. at( )3. A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinnerD. supper( )4. A. filmsB. worksC. lessonsD. concerts( )5. A. afternoonB. morning C. evening D. night( )6. A. makeB. playC. watchD. see( )7. A. sometimesB. alwaysC. usuallyD. often(

9、 )8. A. seeingB. watching C. looking D. looking at( )9. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Friday D. Tuesday( )10. A. school B. classC. bedD. movies三.阅读理解(10分)People in India call New Year “Diwali” or “the Festival of Light(光)”They often clean their houses before the day of Diwali. Most people clean their hou

10、ses in the morning. They often decorate their houses with flowers. They also make sweet food look like(看起来像) flowers,people and animals. Then they visit their friends and give them presents and cards.On New Years Day,many people open the doors and windows and light(点亮) candles in front of the doors.

11、 They want to bring good luck to their families. After Diwali,people often clean their houses again. Some people like to make loud noises(噪音) at their houses. They think this can make bad spirits(精灵) go away.()1People in India call New Year “Diwali” or “the Festival of _”AFoodBFruitCLight DLuck()2In

12、dian people often decorate their houses with _.Atrees BgrassCflowers Dcards()3Indian people make _ look like flowers,people and animals.Apresents Bsweet food Cclothes D. paper cuts()4The underlined word “candles” means _ in Chinese.A蜡烛B火把C灯D灯笼()5Which of the following is NOT true?APeople in India of

13、ten light candles on New Years Day.BPeople in India often clean their houses before and after Diwali.COn New Years Day,Indian people often visit their friends.DSome Indian people make loud noises,because they want to make bad spirits go away.四. 补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。有两项多余。A. I can print it. B. Yes

14、,I have one.C. What can you do on it? D. Turn on the computer E. Of course, I can. F. A computer. G. Can you do your homework on it?M : What present do you get from your parents on your birthday ? W:1_M:2_W: I can read and do my homework on it.M: How can you do your homework on it?W: 3and open a new

15、 document.M: Can you write in it?W: 4M: How do you give your homework to our teacher?W: 5 M: Thats great.五词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1.Thank you for giving me some _ (信息).2.Sometimes my father _ (买) tickets on the Internet.3.A dog is _ (跑) across the road.4.There are s _ (顾客) in the supermarket bu

16、ying fruit and vegetables.5.Koalas are vte. They sleep during the day and eat _ (叶子) at night.()用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)6. Look! Tom is having lunch. Yes, he usually _ (have) lunch at half past twelve. 7. Mum wants to get some new(furniture)for our house. 8. Hongbao means _(luck) money .9. Ms Dus son is good

17、 at _(make) things.10.-Where is Tony? -He _(lie) in the sun over there.六. 句型转换(10分)1. I usually play football on Saturday morning. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you usually _ on Saturday morning?2. Mr. Brown often washes his car in the garden. (用now改为现在进行时) Mr. Brown _ _ his car in the garden now.3. We havent got a

18、ny carrots. Lets go and get some. ( 合并为一句) We havent got any carrots _lets go and get some. 4. Its time for dinner. ( 同义改写 ) Its time_ _dinner.5. Damings birthday is on Wednesday. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Damings birthday?七. 根据汉语意思完成句子(10分)1. 汉堡和糖果不是健康食品。Hamburgers and candy _ _ _.2.我愿意玩电脑游戏。 I _ _ _ _ compute

19、r games.3.请把你的书收拾起来。Please _ _ your books.4.车未停稳请不要下车。Dont _ _ the bus before it stops.5.他们正在跟我祖父学习舞龙。They are learning _ _ _ with my grandpa.八. 短文填空(10分)从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成短文,使短文完整通顺。filmhavehehealth fourPEgetfromschool takeBill is thirty years oldHe works in a 1 He is a teacherHe goes to work 2 Monday

20、 to Friday every weekUsually he 3 up at six in the morningAfter breakfast, he 4 a bus to workHe is a(n) 5 teacher, so he often plays basketball, ping- pong and volleyball with his studentsHe has 6 classes every dayTwo are in the morning and two are in the afternoonHe likes his students and his stude

21、nts like 7 tooHe often plays sports, so he is very 8 He usually 9 dinner at home and then he watches TV for two hoursAt the weekend, he often goes to the cinemaHe likes 10 He thinks they are interesting1.九书面表达(15分)现在是星期天早上8点半,请根据下面图片中的提示,写一篇短文,介绍约翰全家正在做的事情。要求 : 1. 包含图片中的内容,可适当发挥 ;

22、 2. 50 60 词。_ _一、1. 【答案】D。【解答】本题考查短语辨析how many意为“多少”提问数量,修饰可数名词;how long 意为多长时间”, how soon意为“多久”;how often 意为 “多久一次”,提问频率。由答语 “Threes times a week”可知是提问频率,故选D。 2.【答案】B。【解答】本题考查第三人称单数的用法。everyone“每个人”强调单数,故用第三人称单数形式。3.【答案】A。【解答】本题考查关联词的使用。why用来询问原因,回答时用because引导,故选A。4.【答案】C。【解答】本题考查动词或短语辨析。根据语境,上网查资料

23、前应该先打开电脑,此处用turn on。5.【答案】B。【解答】本题考查名词复数。以“f”结尾,复数形式改“f”为“v”加“es”。6.【答案】A。【解答】本题考查一般现在时的一般疑问句的肯定回答。用does问, 用does答,故选A。7.【答案】D。【解答】本题考查对语境的理解。句意:我们要求学生晚上9:30睡觉。故选D。8.【答案】D。【解答】本题考查固定搭配。tae photos of意为“拍照片”;send sh. to sb.意为 “发送某物给某人”。故选D。9.【答案】D。【解答】本题考查频率副词。句意:星期六晚上,我经常看电视,但有时我读书。故用 sometimes。10.【答案

24、】B。【解答】本题考查 some和any的用法。句意:早餐你想要一些香蕉吗?在 would like引导的问句中,用 some,故选B。11.【答案】B。【解答】本题考查现在进行时。现在时间为8点钟,事情应该正在进行;又由parents为复数形式,be的形式用are,故选 are watching。12.【答案】A。【解答】本题考查There be结构。根据There be结构的就近原则,故用 There is。13.【答案】C。【解答】根据答句可知本题考查询问职业。询问职业用“Whats sb. s job?”或“What does sb. do?”故选C。14.【答案】A。【解答】本题考查

25、名词所有格的用法。因为bedroom为单数,所以表示两个人共有,只需在后一个人名后加s 即可,故选A。15.【答案】A。【解答】本题考查动词或短语辨析。put on意为“穿上”,表示动作;wear意为“穿着”,表示状态。故选A。二、【文章大意】 本文介绍了一个十三岁的美国男孩在中国上海的日常学习、生活和活动情况。1.【答案】B。【解答】由上下文可知“我在上海第十四中学读书”。2.【答案】D。【解答】在具体时刻前应用介词at。3.【答案】A。【解答】由上下文语境可推知此处应是“吃早饭”。4.【答案】C。【解答】由上文可知本文描述学校生活,C项符合语境。5.【答案】B。【解答】与in the af

26、ternoon对应的是in the morning。6.【答案】B。【解答】play games“做游戏”。7.【答案】A。【解答】我在家做作业,但有时在学校做。8.【答案】B。【解答】“看电视”用watch。9.【答案】B。【解答】由常识可知学生仅在周六和周日能看电视。10.【答案】C。【解答】由上文可知是在描述一天的生活,“在九点”可推知是睡觉时间。三、【文章大意】世界各地对新年的称呼不同。本文主要介绍了印度新年的名称和在新年的习俗。1. 【答案】C【解答】由短文第一段可知。2.【答案】C。【解答】由第二段第三句可知。3. 【答案】 B【解答】由第二段第四句可知。4.【答案】A。【解答】c

27、andles意为“蜡烛”。5.【答案】C。【解答】通读全文可知。四、15 FCDEA五、1.informa.buys 3.running 4.customers 5.leaves6. has 7.furniture 8.lucky 9.making 10.is lying2六、1.What d 2.is washing 3.so 4.to have 5.When is七、1.arent healthy food 2.would like to play 3.put away 4.get off 5.a dragon dance八、1. school2. from3. gets4. takes5

28、. PE6. four7. him8. healthy9. has10. films九、Its hal eight on Sunday morning. John, his parents and his grandpa are doing different things. Johns father is sleeping. Hes so tired. Johns mother isnt cooking. Shes watching TV and eating some food. John is climbing a mountain. He loves sports. Johns grandpa always gets up early. Hes doing some exercise and listening to music.

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