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1、保健品推广合同范本七篇第一篇:保健品推广合同范本中文版:一、甲方:_(以下简称“甲方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_乙方:_(以下简称“乙方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_二、根据中华人民共和国合同法的有关规定,双方经友好协商一致,就甲方所代理的保健品进行推广协议签订如下:1. 甲方聘请乙方作为保健品的推广代理人,负责在特定市场范围内开展销售和宣传推广工作。2. 乙方应当全力以赴地推广甲方的保健品产品,保证推广的真实性和效果,并做好售后服务工作。3. 甲方向乙方提供最新的产品资料、宣传册和市场活动支持,确保推广工作的顺利开展。4. 双方约定合作期限为_年,合同到期前一个月,双方如无特殊情况

2、需终止合作,应提前书面通知对方。5. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至合同约定期限届满后终止。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文版:Article 1. Party A: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Address: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Party B: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Address: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Article 2. In accordance wit

3、h the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the two parties, through friendly consultation, have signed the following agreement on the promotion of the health products represented by Party A:1. Party A hires Party B as the promotional agent for health products, re

4、sponsible for carrying out sales and promotional activities in specific market areas.2. Party B shall do its best to promote the health products of Party A, guarantee the authenticity and effectiveness of the promotion, and provide good after-sales service.3. Party A shall provide Party B with the l

5、atest product information, promotional materials, and support for marketing activities to ensure the smooth progress of the promotion.4. The cooperation period between the two parties is _ years. If there is no special situation to terminate the cooperation before the expiration of the contract, one

6、 months advance written notice shall be given to the other party.5. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties, and shall be terminated upon the expiration of the contract period.Party A (seal): Party B (seal):Signature: _ Signature: _Date: _ Date: _第二篇

7、:保健品推广合同范本中文版:一、甲方:_(以下简称“甲方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_乙方:_(以下简称“乙方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_二、鉴于甲方所推广的保健品在市场上的潜在需求和发展前景,双方经友好协商,达成以下合作协议:1. 乙方作为甲方保健品的独家代理商,有权在指定区域内开展销售和推广工作,并享有相应的推广权益。2. 甲方应提供乙方所需的产品宣传资料、培训支持和市场策划,协助乙方顺利开展推广工作。3. 乙方应按照甲方的要求,认真负责地进行产品推广工作,保持良好的信誉和形象。4. 双方约定合作周期为_年,如无特殊情况,合同到期前一个月,双方应书面通知对方是否续约。5. 本合同

8、经双方签章生效,至合同期限届满后终止。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文版:Article 1. Party A: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Address: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Party B: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Address: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Article 2. Recognizing the potential demand and developme

9、nt prospects of the health products promoted by Party A in the market, the two parties, through friendly negotiations, have reached the following cooperation agreement:1. Party B, as the exclusive agent of Party As health products, has the right to carry out sales and promotion activities in the des

10、ignated area, and enjoys corresponding promotion rights.2. Party A shall provide Party B with the necessary product promotion materials, training support, and market planning to assist Party B in smoothly carrying out the promotion work.3. Party B shall conscientiously and responsibly carry out prod

11、uct promotion work in accordance with the requirements of Party A, maintaining a good reputation and image.4. The cooperation period between the two parties is _ years. If there is no special situation, one month before the expiration of the contract, both parties shall notify in writing whether to

12、renew the contract.5. This contract shall come into effect upon the signing and sealing by both parties and shall be terminated upon the expiration of the contract period.Party A (seal): Party B (seal):Signature: _ Signature: _Date: _ Date: _ 第三篇:保健品推广合同范本中文版:一、甲方:_(以下简称“甲方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_乙方:_(以下简称

13、“乙方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_二、鉴于保健品市场的发展潜力和需求增长,双方就甲方所推广的保健品签订如下合作协议:1. 乙方作为甲方保健品的独立推广代理人,负责在指定区域内进行销售和市场推广工作,并享有相应的推广费用。2. 甲方应向乙方提供相关的产品宣传资料、市场营销支持和培训计划,以便乙方能够更好地推广甲方的保健品。3. 乙方应恪尽职守,忠实履行合同约定的推广任务,维护甲方的品牌形象和市场地位。4. 双方约定合作期限为_年,合同到期前一个月,如无意终止合作,应提前书面通知对方。5. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至约定期限届满后终止。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签字:_ 签字:_

14、日期:_ 日期:_英文版:Article 1. Party A: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Address: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Party B: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Address: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Article 2. Recognizing the growth potential and demand in the health products market, the two partie

15、s have signed the following cooperation agreement for the health products promoted by Party A:1. Party B, as the independent promotional agent for Party As health products, is responsible for sales and marketing activities in the designated area and is entitled to corresponding promotion fees.2. Par

16、ty A shall provide Party B with relevant product promotion materials, marketing support, and training plans so that Party B can better promote Party As health products.3. Party B shall faithfully perform its duties and carry out the promotional tasks stipulated in the contract, maintaining the brand

17、 image and market position of Party A.4. The cooperation period between the two parties is _ years. If there is no intention to terminate the cooperation, one month before the expiration of the contract, a written notice shall be given to the other party.5. This contract shall come into effect from

18、the date of signing and sealing by both parties and shall be terminated upon the expiration of the agreed period.Party A (seal): Party B (seal):Signature: _ Signature: _Date: _ Date: _ 第四篇:保健品推广合同范本中文版:一、甲方:_(以下简称“甲方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_乙方:_(以下简称“乙方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_二、经双方友好协商,甲方委托乙方开展甲方所代理的保健品推广工作,合作协议签订

19、如下:1. 乙方为甲方保健品的推广代理人,有权在指定市场范围内进行销售和宣传工作,并享有相应的推广佣金。2. 甲方向乙方提供产品资料、促销计划和市场支持,协助乙方有效推广甲方的保健品产品。3. 乙方应按照合同要求,积极推广甲方的保健品,提升产品的市场知名度和销售量。4. 双方合作期限为_年,合同到期前一个月,双方若无意终止合作,应提前书面通知对方。5. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,并于约定期限届满后终止。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文版:Article 1. Party A: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A

20、)Address: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Party B: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Address: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Article 2. Through friendly negotiations, Party A entrusts Party B to carry out the promotion of the health products represented by Party A. The cooperation agreement is

21、signed as follows:1. Party B is the promotional agent for Party As health products, with the right to carry out sales and promotional activities in the designated market and entitled to corresponding promotion commissions.2. Party A shall provide Party B with product information, promotional plans,

22、and market support to assist Party B in effectively promoting Party As health products.3. Party B shall actively promote Party As health products in accordance with the contract requirements, enhancing the market visibility and sales volume of the products.4. The cooperation period between the two p

23、arties is _ years. If there is no intention to terminate the cooperation, one month before the expiration of the contract, a written notice shall be given to the other party.5. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties and shall be terminated upon the

24、expiration of the agreed period.Party A (seal): Party B (seal):Signature: _ Signature: _Date: _ Date: _ 第五篇:保健品推广合同范本中文版:一、甲方:_(以下简称“甲方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_乙方:_(以下简称“乙方”)地址:_电话:_法定代表人:_二、根据甲方的委托,乙方作为保健品的推广代理人,双方就产品推广事宜达成协议如下:1. 乙方负责在指定地区开展甲方保健品的销售和宣传推广工作,确保推广工作的顺利进行。2. 甲方应向乙方提供最新的产品信息、市场数据和宣传资料,以支持乙方的推广

25、工作。3. 乙方应按照甲方的要求积极推广保健品产品,提升产品市场认知度和销售业绩。4. 双方约定合作期限为_年,若需要终止合作,需提前一个月书面通知对方。5. 本合同于双方签字盖章之日起生效,并于约定期限届满后自动终止。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文版:Article 1. Party A: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Address: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Party B: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Address

26、: _Phone: _Legal Representative: _Article 2. In accordance with Party As commission, Party B, as the promotional agent for health products, the two parties have reached an agreement on product promotion as follows:1. Party B is responsible for carrying out sales and promotional activities for Party

27、As health products in the designated area to ensure the smooth progress of the promotion work.2. Party A shall provide Party B with the latest product information, market data, and promotional materials to support Party Bs promotion work.3. Party B shall actively promote the health products in accor

28、dance with Party As requirements, enhancing the market visibility and sales performance of the products.4. The cooperation period between the two parties is _ years. If it is necessary to terminate the cooperation, a one-month advance written notice shall be given to the other party.5. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing and

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