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1、12 四月 2024Safety Induction Program for ALEC Safety Induction Program for ALEC Building SitesBuilding SitesALECALEC建筑工地建筑工地入场安全培训入场安全培训12 四月 2024Purpose 培训目的培训目的lTo provide workers with occupational safety and health skills and knowledge applicable to working safely on site.lTo elevate awareness of s

2、afety and health issues on site.l使工人获得适用于现场安全作业的职业安全和健康技使工人获得适用于现场安全作业的职业安全和健康技能和知识。能和知识。l提高对发生于现场的安全和健康问题的认识。提高对发生于现场的安全和健康问题的认识。Project OverviewKey Facts:项目主要实况:项目主要实况:lDuration=18 months lApproximately 75,000m Resort Hotell289 luxury apartments including several suites&presidential rooms,and 11 v

3、illas.lBeach House Fish Restaurant.lAn external kids clublExternal works comprising various recreation facilities,pools,fountains,tennis courts,walkways and soft landscapingl持续施工持续施工18个月。个月。l约约75,000平方米的度假酒店平方米的度假酒店289套豪华公寓,包括数间套房及总套豪华公寓,包括数间套房及总 统统客客 房,房,11 栋别墅。栋别墅。l海滨别墅鱼餐馆。海滨别墅鱼餐馆。l室外儿童俱乐部。室外儿童俱乐部

4、。l室外工程包括各种康乐设施、游泳池、喷泉、网球场、走道以及室外工程包括各种康乐设施、游泳池、喷泉、网球场、走道以及园景花木。园景花木。Project OverviewKey Facts:项目主要实况:项目主要实况:AppointmentslEvery Supervisor working on the project must sign their H&S Appointment before accessing the site.lThis appointment delegates duties and responsibilities according to the UAE Labo

5、r Law,Federal Law no.8 of 1980 as amended by Federal Law No.8 of 2007.l每位在项目上工作的主管在进入现场前,必须在其每位在项目上工作的主管在进入现场前,必须在其H&S任命任命书上签字。书上签字。l该任命书表示按照阿联酋劳动法和该任命书表示按照阿联酋劳动法和1980年第八号联邦法律年第八号联邦法律(2007年第八号联邦法律修正版)来应履行职责和责任。年第八号联邦法律修正版)来应履行职责和责任。No Induction=No Access No Appointment=No Access 未经入场培训未经入场培训=不得进入现场不

6、得进入现场 未经任命未经任命=不得进入现场不得进入现场12 四月 2024Duties of Employees 员工职责员工职责lEmployees must take reasonable care of their own safety and health at work and avoid harming the safety and health of others.lFollow safety and health instructions.lUse personal protective equipment.lTaking good care of all equipment.

7、lReporting hazards.lReporting of work related injuries and accidents.lCo-operate with employers.l员工在工作中必须合理关注自我安全和健康,并员工在工作中必须合理关注自我安全和健康,并避免伤害他人安全和健康避免伤害他人安全和健康l遵守安全和健康指示遵守安全和健康指示 l佩戴个人防护装备佩戴个人防护装备l爱护所有设备爱护所有设备l报告报告危害危害-危险情况。危险情况。l报告工伤和事故报告工伤和事故l与业主合作与业主合作如果不安全,如果不安全,拆除(去除)!拆除(去除)!更换(替代)!更换(替代)!报告!

8、报告!12 四月 2024Duties of Employers 业主职责业主职责lEmployers must as far as is practicable,provide and maintain a working environment where employees are not exposed to hazards.lGeneral duties:Safe systems at work Safe plant and substances Information,instruction,training and supervision Consultation and co-

9、operation Provision of personal protective clothing Reporting of accidentsl只要切合实际,业主必须提供并保持工作环境安全,只要切合实际,业主必须提供并保持工作环境安全,不使人员置于危险之中。不使人员置于危险之中。l一般职责:一般职责:施工安全体系施工安全体系 装置安全和物品安全装置安全和物品安全 信息沟通、指导、培训和监督信息沟通、指导、培训和监督 协商和合作协商和合作 配备个人防护服配备个人防护服 报告意外事故报告意外事故 思考安全思考安全人人有责人人有责12 四月 2024Rules 守则守则lAlways obey

10、 the standards and procedures of the company.lAlways obey the instructions from the safety personnel and your supervision.lAlways think of safety first before you start your work.lOnly the security access my be used on site.l始终遵守公司的标准和程序。始终遵守公司的标准和程序。l始终遵守安全人员和主管指示。始终遵守安全人员和主管指示。l施工开始前,始终考虑安全第一。施工开始

11、前,始终考虑安全第一。l只许经由安全通道进入现场。只许经由安全通道进入现场。12 四月 2024Consultative Structure 协商构架协商构架lAll employees have the right to refuse tasks that they believe are a risk to their lives.lThese must be referred to a supervisor and all efforts made to resolve the problem.lIf problems cannot be rectified immediately,th

12、e employee must accept reasonable alternative duties.l所有员工都有权拒绝他们认为有生命危险的施工任务。所有员工都有权拒绝他们认为有生命危险的施工任务。l必须向主管指出,并尽全力解决问题。必须向主管指出,并尽全力解决问题。l如果问题不能立即予以纠正,员工必须接受合理的可选任务。如果问题不能立即予以纠正,员工必须接受合理的可选任务。12 四月 2024Resolution of Issues 解决问题方案解决问题方案lAn obligation is placed upon employers to attempt to resolve saf

13、ety issues as soon as they arise.lIf no resolution of issues procedure exists,then the default process from the Act must be followed.lAny refusal by an employee to work unsafely must be treated as an issue for resolution.l业主的职责是,一旦出现安全问题,就试图立刻解决。业主的职责是,一旦出现安全问题,就试图立刻解决。l若无解决问题方案,则必须遵循法令中不履行职责的处理条款。若

14、无解决问题方案,则必须遵循法令中不履行职责的处理条款。l员工拒绝危险施工,应必须被视为解决问题的方案。员工拒绝危险施工,应必须被视为解决问题的方案。12 四月 2024Hazards 危险灾害危险灾害A hazard can be anything that has the potential to cause harm or loss.危险是能够导致伤害或危险是能够导致伤害或损失的任何险情。损失的任何险情。lIf you can rectify the hazard without putting yourself or others at risk,then do so!lIf you c

15、annot rectify the hazard,then report it immediately to the supervisor.lReport all hazards to your supervisor.l如果你能纠正险情而不危及自身安全和他人安全,就这样做!如果你能纠正险情而不危及自身安全和他人安全,就这样做!l如果你不能纠正险情,就立即报告主管。如果你不能纠正险情,就立即报告主管。l向你的主管报告所有危险。向你的主管报告所有危险。12 四月 2024Hazards(cont)危险灾害(续)危险灾害(续)lOne of the best indicators of a pote

16、ntial accident about to happen is the“Near Miss”.l未遂事件是反映事故隐患的最好征兆之一。未遂事件是反映事故隐患的最好征兆之一。Report all“NEAR MISS”incidents the next one may kill you!报告所有报告所有“未遂未遂”事件事件,否则,否则 再出事再出事就可能使你丧命!就可能使你丧命!12 四月 2024Risk 风险风险A risk is the degree or likelihood that a hazard will cause harm or damage to a person,pr

17、operty or equipment,or the environment.风险是说明危险造成人员伤害或财产风险是说明危险造成人员伤害或财产/设备损坏的程度或可能性。设备损坏的程度或可能性。Unsafe Act 危险行为危险行为Unsafe Condition 危险情况危险情况Near Miss 未遂事件未遂事件Property Damaged 财产损坏财产损坏Accident(LTI)事故(损失工时伤害)事故(损失工时伤害)12 四月 2024Emergency Procedure 应急程序应急程序lIn case of an emergency,evacuate the area by

18、means of the nearest exit.lAssemble at the assembly point at the exit gates on site.lWait for further instructions from management.l在危急情况下,从最近的出口撤离该区域。在危急情况下,从最近的出口撤离该区域。l在现场出口大门集结点集合。在现场出口大门集结点集合。l等待管理层下达最新指示。等待管理层下达最新指示。12 四月 2024Fire Safety防火安全防火安全lNo smoking in the workplace is permitted.lCorrec

19、t storage of flammable liquids and materials.lGood housekeeping practice.lFire extinguishers must be in good working order.lDo not tamper with fire fighting equipment.l工作场所严禁吸烟工作场所严禁吸烟l正确储存易燃液体和材料正确储存易燃液体和材料l遵守场地清理的(文明施工)良好做法遵守场地清理的(文明施工)良好做法l灭火器须保持良好工作状态灭火器须保持良好工作状态l不要乱动消防设备不要乱动消防设备12 四月 2024Fire P

20、rocedure 防火程序防火程序lWarn persons in the area.lNotify the fire brigade and evacuate the area to the nearest assembly point.lIf trained and if you are not at risk,extinguish the fire.lNever use water or foam on electrical fires.l向该区域内人员发出报警向该区域内人员发出报警l通知消防队,从该区域撤出到最近的集结点通知消防队,从该区域撤出到最近的集结点l若受过灭火训练,且确保不会

21、身置险境,那么就扑救火灾若受过灭火训练,且确保不会身置险境,那么就扑救火灾l若发生电气火灾,切勿用水或泡沫灭火若发生电气火灾,切勿用水或泡沫灭火12 四月 2024Fire Extinguishers 灭火器灭火器lABC Red All types of fireslABC干粉灭火器(红色):干粉灭火器(红色):适用于所有适用于所有 类型火灾灭火。类型火灾灭火。lCO2 Black Electrical Firesl二氧化碳灭火器(黑色):二氧化碳灭火器(黑色):适用于电气火灾灭火。适用于电气火灾灭火。Site Emergency Assembly Points 现场应急集结点现场应急集结点

22、12 四月 2024AssemblyPointsAssemblyPointsAssemblypoints集结点集结点集结点集结点集结点集结点现有大门现有大门12 四月 2024Chemical Safety 化学品安全化学品安全You should not use or handle any chemical until training has been provided!未经训练,禁止使用或未经训练,禁止使用或搬运任何化学品!搬运任何化学品!lThere are 3 rules:Know the product in use Use the correct PPE Know the pro

23、cedure for use of the chemicallThis information is available from the Material Safety Data Sheet.(MSDS)l3条守则:条守则:了解在用产品了解在用产品 使用合适的个人防护装备使用合适的个人防护装备 熟知化学品使用程序熟知化学品使用程序l可从可从“材料安全数据表材料安全数据表(MSDS)”中获得此信息中获得此信息12 四月 2024Electrical Safety 电气安全电气安全Electricity can Kill!电能使人致命!电能使人致命!lWater and electricity

24、do not mix.lNever wet any electrical equipment.lEnsure that all electrical cables are in good order.lPlace electrical cords out of the way from plant and pedestrian traffic.l水和电禁止混放水和电禁止混放l决不弄湿任何电气设备决不弄湿任何电气设备l确保所有电缆状况良好确保所有电缆状况良好l电线敷设路径应避开从装置到行人道的道路电线敷设路径应避开从装置到行人道的道路12 四月 2024Electrical Safety(con

25、t)电气安全(续)电气安全(续)lDo not overload power boards.lOnly a qualified electrician may work on distribution boards.lKeep the areas around DBs clean and tidy at all times.lOnly industrial plugs may be used on site.lNo joints are allowed in cables.l电源板不许超载电源板不许超载l只许合格电工安装操作配电盘只许合格电工安装操作配电盘l配电盘要始终保持干净整洁配电盘要始终

26、保持干净整洁l现场只许用工业插头现场只许用工业插头l电缆不许有接头电缆不许有接头12 四月 2024Electrical Safety(cont)电气安全(续)电气安全(续)X12 四月 2024Electrical Safety(cont)电气安全(续)电气安全(续)x12 四月 2024Electrical Safety(cont)电气安全(续)电气安全(续)x12 四月 2024Manual Handling 人工搬运人工搬运lWhen lifting,keep your back straight and use your legs to lift the weight.lDo not

27、 twist your body while moving heavy objects.lHold the item as close to your body before lifting it.lUse the correct protective equipment.l搬举重物时,背部保持挺直,借用腿力,搬起重物搬举重物时,背部保持挺直,借用腿力,搬起重物l搬运重物时,切勿扭身搬运重物时,切勿扭身l尽量靠近身体,握紧物体,然后搬举尽量靠近身体,握紧物体,然后搬举l使用正确的防护装备使用正确的防护装备12 四月 2024PPE 个人防护装备个人防护装备lUse personal prote

28、ctive clothing only for the purpose intended.lDo not misuse any PPE provided to you.lIf you are not sure how to use PPE,ask your supervisor for assistance.lEx.Hard hats,glasses,respirator,coverall,gloves,steel cap shoes etc.l身着指定用途的个人防护服身着指定用途的个人防护服l不要错用提供给你的任何个人防护装备不要错用提供给你的任何个人防护装备l如果不熟知个人防护装备用法,求

29、助主管如果不熟知个人防护装备用法,求助主管l穿戴超硬安全帽、眼镜、防毒面具、连体工作服、手套,安全鞋等穿戴超硬安全帽、眼镜、防毒面具、连体工作服、手套,安全鞋等12 四月 2024Alcohol and Drugs 酗酒和服用违禁药物酗酒和服用违禁药物 lNo alcohol or illegal drugs will be allowed on site.and has a zero tolerance policy.lNo Smoking.lAlcohol and drugs which includes cigarette smoking within the workplace.l不得

30、在现场酗酒和服用违禁药品,对此采取零容忍政策不得在现场酗酒和服用违禁药品,对此采取零容忍政策l严禁抽烟严禁抽烟 l不许在工作场所酗酒和和服用违禁药品,包括严禁吸烟不许在工作场所酗酒和和服用违禁药品,包括严禁吸烟12 四月 2024Portable Electrical Equipment 便携式电气设备便携式电气设备lInspect all equipment for safe use.lDo not remove any safety devices from equipment.lUse the correct PPE for equipment being used.lDo not us

31、e naked wires.lReturn all equipment to the store after the shift.lAll equipment must be tagedl检查所有设备是否安全使用。检查所有设备是否安全使用。l禁止从设备上拆除任何安全装置。禁止从设备上拆除任何安全装置。l针对在用设备,使用适合的正确的个人防护装备。针对在用设备,使用适合的正确的个人防护装备。l禁止使用裸线。禁止使用裸线。l下班后,将所有设备退回到仓库。下班后,将所有设备退回到仓库。l所有设备须系标签。所有设备须系标签。12 四月 2024Portable Electrical Equipment

32、 便携式电气设备便携式电气设备x12 四月 2024Compressed Gas Cylinders 压缩气体钢瓶压缩气体钢瓶 lDo not roll cylinders.lAll cylinders must be standing in a trolley when in use or not in use.lCylinders may not lay down on their side.lSingle empty or full cylinders must be stored in the appropriate stores or removed from site.lAll f

33、ittings and connections must be correct.l禁止滚动钢瓶禁止滚动钢瓶l所有气瓶无论是否在用,均须立在手推车内所有气瓶无论是否在用,均须立在手推车内l钢瓶禁止侧体平放钢瓶禁止侧体平放l空瓶或满瓶须存放在合适仓库,或运出现场空瓶或满瓶须存放在合适仓库,或运出现场l所有接头和连接件型号须正确所有接头和连接件型号须正确12 四月 2024Compressed Gas Cylinders 压缩气体钢瓶压缩气体钢瓶 x12 四月 2024Compressed Gas Cylinders 压缩气体钢瓶压缩气体钢瓶 x12 四月 2024Ladder Safety 安全用

34、梯安全用梯All work carried out in an elevated position shall be performed with the adequate support of a ladder,scaffold or a safe stairway/walkway.The use of home made ladders are prohibited.所有高空作业必须在牢固支撑的梯子、脚手架所有高空作业必须在牢固支撑的梯子、脚手架或安全梯或安全梯/安全通道上进行。禁用自制梯子。安全通道上进行。禁用自制梯子。lAll ladders must extend at least

35、one metre above the access point.lNo more than one person at a time is permitted to be on a ladder.lIt is unsafe for personnel to carry tools and equipment on ladders.l所有梯子须至少伸出入口处一米所有梯子须至少伸出入口处一米l蹬梯作业一次仅限一人蹬梯作业一次仅限一人l携带工具和设备蹬梯作业是危险行为携带工具和设备蹬梯作业是危险行为12 四月 2024Ladder Safety(cont)用梯安全(续)用梯安全(续)x12 四月

36、202412 四月 2024Scaffolding 脚手架脚手架 Only trained personnel under skilled supervision shall erect scaffolding,taking into account the purpose for which the scaffold is intended and the expected loads imposed on the framework and platforms.Particular attention shall be paid to the bracing and support of

37、the decking,to the provision of adequate handrails and toe-boards,and to the quality of the timber used for platform floor decking.只准许经过培训的人员,在有技能的主管监督只准许经过培训的人员,在有技能的主管监督下来搭建脚手架,要考虑脚手架的期望预期用途、下来搭建脚手架,要考虑脚手架的期望预期用途、框架和平台上的期望载荷。应特别关注到甲板的框架和平台上的期望载荷。应特别关注到甲板的斜支撑和支撑、提供充足的扶手和踢脚板以及平斜支撑和支撑、提供充足的扶手和踢脚板以及平台

38、底板平台所用木材的质量。台底板平台所用木材的质量。12 四月 2024Scaffolding(cont)脚手架(续)脚手架(续)lOnly qualified and competent scaffolders working under supervision,are permitted to erect,extend,maintain or modify scaffolds or platforms.lScaffolds must be approved using a visible tagging system.Red tag:May not be used Green tag:May

39、 be used No tag:May not be used Yellow tag:Scaffolders onlyl只准许有胜任能力的合格脚手架工在监督下搭设、延长、维护只准许有胜任能力的合格脚手架工在监督下搭设、延长、维护或调整脚手架或平台。或调整脚手架或平台。l采用醒目标签体系来验收脚手架:采用醒目标签体系来验收脚手架:红色标签:红色标签:禁用禁用 绿色标签:绿色标签:可用可用 无标签:无标签:禁用禁用 黄色标签:黄色标签:仅供脚手架工用仅供脚手架工用12 四月 2024Scaffolding(cont)脚手架(续)脚手架(续)lDo not overload scaffold pla

40、tforms with material,this could also cause tripping hazards.lNo rails,boards or tags are allowed to be removed.lOnly provided ladders may be used for safe access to platforms.The side of scaffolds may not be used to reach the platform.l平台不得因堆放过多材料而超载,还可能因此而引发绊倒事平台不得因堆放过多材料而超载,还可能因此而引发绊倒事故。故。l不准许拆除任何

41、栏杆和脚手架板或标签。不准许拆除任何栏杆和脚手架板或标签。l只准使用所供梯子来安全进出平台,禁止利用脚手架达到此只准使用所供梯子来安全进出平台,禁止利用脚手架达到此目的。目的。12 四月 2024Scaffolding(cont)脚手架(续)脚手架(续)No materials may be thrown from upper levels of scaffold structures.Report any deviations immediately to you supervisor.No persons may stand on mobile scaffolds while being

42、moved.Inspect scaffolds every day.禁止从脚手架结构上层往下投掷任何材料。禁止从脚手架结构上层往下投掷任何材料。若有任何违章行为,立即报告主管。若有任何违章行为,立即报告主管。移动活动式脚手架时,脚手架上禁止站人。移动活动式脚手架时,脚手架上禁止站人。每天检查脚手架状况。每天检查脚手架状况。12 四月 2024Scaffolding(cont)脚手架(续)脚手架(续)x12 四月 202412 四月 2024Scaffolding(cont)脚手架(续)脚手架(续)x12 四月 202412 四月 2024Scaffolding(cont)脚手架(续)脚手架(续

43、)12 四月 2024Scaffolding(cont)脚手架(续)脚手架(续)x12 四月 2024Tower Crane Safety 塔式起重机安全作业塔式起重机安全作业lNo persons except the signal-man is allowed to give hand signals to the crane operator.lDo not stand underneath loads being lifted.lAll lifting equipment being used must be inspected for safety.lNo person may be

44、 hoisted by the crane.l除信号工外,不许任何人向起重机操作员发出手势信号除信号工外,不许任何人向起重机操作员发出手势信号l禁止站在吊载物下方禁止站在吊载物下方l所有在用起重设备均须接受安全检查所有在用起重设备均须接受安全检查l不得用起重机吊载任何人员不得用起重机吊载任何人员12 四月 202412 四月 2024Plant&Machinery 施工装置和机器施工装置和机器lNo unauthorized persons may work or operate machinery if not trained or certified.lNo persons may han

45、g onto moving plant or equipment while in motion.lPlant and machinery has the right of way from pedestrians on site.l任何未经训练或认证的人员,未经授权禁止检修或任何未经训练或认证的人员,未经授权禁止检修或操纵施工设备操纵施工设备l移动式施工装置或设备在行驶期间,禁止悬载任何移动式施工装置或设备在行驶期间,禁止悬载任何人员人员l移动式施工装置和设备禁止在现场人行道上行驶移动式施工装置和设备禁止在现场人行道上行驶 12 四月 202412 四月 2024Plant&Machiner

46、y 施工设备和机器施工设备和机器XClean all plant after use!所有施工装置所有施工装置用后须清理!用后须清理!12 四月 2024Excavations 挖掘作业挖掘作业 lAll excavations must be barricaded 1m away from the edge.lAll excavations deeper than 4 feet must be shored.lNo plant or machinery are allowed near the excavation while persons are working inside.l实施各种

47、开挖作业时,须在离边缘实施各种开挖作业时,须在离边缘1米处设置围挡物米处设置围挡物l凡深度超过凡深度超过4英尺的开挖作业,必须设置支撑英尺的开挖作业,必须设置支撑l开挖坑内有人施工时,施工装置或机械禁止靠近作业开挖坑内有人施工时,施工装置或机械禁止靠近作业12 四月 2024Hand Tools 手工工具手工工具lNo home made tools may be used on site.lOnly use safe equipment issued by the store.lClean all equipment and tools after use.lAlways return al

48、l equipment back to the store at the end of the shift.l现场不可使用自制工具现场不可使用自制工具l仅用从库房领取的安全设备仅用从库房领取的安全设备l所有工具用后须清洁干净所有工具用后须清洁干净l下班后,始终将所有工具务必退还仓库下班后,始终将所有工具务必退还仓库 12 四月 2024First Aid 急急 救救lIMPORTANT Do not move the the person from the place of the accident.Do not pick him up!lInform the safety departmen

49、t immediately of any serious accident that occurred on site that will need medical assistance.lReport all accidents to your supervisor.l要点:不要将伤者挪出事故发生地。不要轻易搀扶伤者!要点:不要将伤者挪出事故发生地。不要轻易搀扶伤者!l现场发生严重事故需要医疗援助时,立即通知安全部门现场发生严重事故需要医疗援助时,立即通知安全部门l向你的主管报告所有意外事件向你的主管报告所有意外事件12 四月 2024General Safety 一般安全规定一般安全规定

50、lWhen coming and leaving site,you must wear all your PPE.(Hard hat,coverall and safety shoes)lAlways have your ID card with you when coming to and leaving site.lDo not punch other persons cards.lStop other persons from working unsafely.l进、出现场时,必须穿戴全套个人防护装备(安全帽、工作服和进、出现场时,必须穿戴全套个人防护装备(安全帽、工作服和安全鞋)安全鞋

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