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1、九年级上册九年级上册1.Listen to the tape and complete the tasks.A.Listen to the tape and check()the problems Li Fei mentioned in the conversation.()(1)I cant sleep well at night.()(2)Im always in a bad mood.()(3)The heavy traffic makes too much noise.()(4)The water is very dirty.()(5)There are too many people

2、.()(6)The sky is gray.B.Listen carefully again and complete the following sentences.(7)Li Fei said that he well at night and he was always in a .(8)Wei Hua asked him he these problems.(9)Li Fei said population problems,pollution and pollution were the main reasons why he was uncomfortable.(10)Wei Hu

3、a advised him the club,“Greener China”.couldnt sleepbad moodwhyhadnoiseairto join2.Complete the sentences with the words youve learned.The first letters are given.(1)The main p of the activity is to raise money for children in poor areas.(2)Our country provides good m treatment for homeless people.(

4、3)China has developed r in recent years.(4)A the sun was shining,it wasnt very warm.(5)I am c changing my job because Im tired of it.urposeedicalapidlylthoughonsidering(6)What is the i of television on children?(7)Congratulations!You were e in the English competition.(8)Someone s my bicycle while I

5、was shopping yesterday.(9)The opposite of possible is i .(10)In Sweden,it is against the l to hit a child.2.Complete the sentences with the words youve learned.The first letters are given.nfluencexcellenttolempossibleaw3.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.(1)Some people thin

6、k it is (polite)to ask someones age.(2)He showed his (agree)to the plan by nodding his head.(3)I regret to tell you that you didnt pass the exam because of (care).(4)Every day he goes home (direct)after work.(5)Lisa watched until the train (appear)from view.impoliteagreementcarelessnessdirectlydisap

7、peared4.Match the questions in Columm I with the answers in Column ll.(1)Do you want me to clean the room?(2)How about a picnic this Sunday?(3)How long have you been ill?(4)Would you mind my opening the window?(5)Would you like me to help you?(6)May I invite you to dinner?a.I have been ill since las

8、t Monday night.b.No,thinks.I can manage.c.No.I only want you to make your bed.d.Id love to,but Im afraid I have no time.e.Thats a good idea.f.It doesnt matter to me.You may open it.5.When Mr.Li was 20 years old,he wrote a list of things he wanted to do in his life.Now he is 50.Ask and answer in pair

9、s using the present perfect tense acording to the list.What he wanted to do When he did it What he hasnt donelearn to skijoin the Party23 years oldown his house 30 years oldvisit Hong Kongbuy a car 35 years oldtravel in spaceExample:(1)A:Has Mr.Li learned to ski?B:No,he hasnt.(2)A:Has Mr.Li joined t

10、he Party?B:Yes,he has.A:How long has he been a Party member?B:For 27 years./Since he was twenty-three years old.6.Fill in the balnks with and,but,or,while or although.(1)Tom is very good at chemistry his brother does well in history.(2)He is poor,he is happy.(3)I am weak in English,I never give up.(

11、4)Hurry up,youll be late.(5)I often help him he often helps me.whilebutAlthoughorand7.Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.somebody nobody none somewhere anybody something anything anywhere nothing everybody(1)I think should care for animals.(2)of us likes loud noise.(3)My neighbor is sure

12、that has just stolen the new garbage can.(4)I have never heard about light pollution.(5)We shouldnt allow to cheat in the exams.everybodyNonesomebodyanythinganybody(6)Don spit in public or youll be punished.(7)The government is doing useful to protect the environment.(8)If litters,our world will be

13、more beautiful.(9)Kangkang has gone warm for his holidays.(10)is difficult if your mind on it.7.Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.somebody nobody none somewhere anybody something anything anywhere nothing everybodyanywheresomethingnobodysomewhereNothing8.Complete the following sentences,

14、using indirect speech or direct speech.(1)The teacher said to Mr.Smith,“Your son has many strange questions.”The teacher told to Mr.Smith that (2)The policeman asked the boys if they could tell him something about the murder.The policeman asked the boys,“?”(3)My friend asked me,“Do you have the book

15、 named The Wolf and the Lamb?”My friend asked me ifstrange questions.something about the murderThe Wolf and the Lamb.his son had manyCan you tell meI had the book named(4)My mother told me that the doctor was performing an operation on my father.My mother said to me,“.”(5)Mr.Brown told me not to mak

16、e any noise in the reading room.Mr.Brown said to me,“.”(6)The girl asked her mother,“Whats the meaning of this word?”The girl asked her mother 8.Complete the following sentences,using indirect speech or direct speech.an operation on your fatherThe doctor is performingin the reading room.Dont make an

17、y noisewhat the meaning of that word was.9.Complete the following passage,using the proper forms of the given verbs.Doctor Smith took over a medical practice(诊所诊所)in Toronto.One day,he (visit)a 74-year-old woman.Mrs.Wilson,in her home in the village nearby.She had stayed in bed for 40 years.The doct

18、or (examine)her but couldnt find anything wrong.He (ask)her daughter why she was in bed.To his surprise,40 years ago a village doctor asked Mrs.Wilson to stay in bed because of a bad cold.He (tell)her not to get up until he (return).The village doctor never (return),so she (be)in bed ever since.Her

19、daughter (look)after her up to now.The daughter has never married.She has never (have)any job except to take care of her mother.Now Mrs.Wilsons muscles(肌肉肌肉)(be)weak.And she (put)on a lot of weight.She may never walk again.visitedexaminedaskedtoldreturnedhas beenhas lookedhadhave beenhas putreturned

20、10.Read the passage and answer the questions.In North America,many students help their schools reduce pollution,they join environmental clubs.People in an environmental club work together to make the environment clean.Here are some things the students in North America do.No-garbage lunches How much

21、garbage do you throw away after lunch?Environmental clubs encourage students to bring their lunches in reusable bags and dishes.No-car day On a no-car day,nobody comes to school in a car-neither the students nor the teachers!Cars pollute the air,so remember:Use your legs!No leaking water Do you know

22、 that a leaking(渗漏的渗漏的)toilet can waste twenty to forth liters(升升)of water an hour?In a year,that would fill a bag swimming pool!Students from environmental clubs fix leaking toilets.Could you do some of these things in your school?(1)What do the students in North America do to reduce pollution?(2)W

23、hat do environmental clubs encourage students to do about school lunches?(3)What is a no-car day?(4)How much water can a leaking toilet waste in an hour?(5)What can you do at school to reduce pollution?They join environmental clubs.Environmental clubs encourage students to bring their lunches in reu

24、sable bags and dishes.On a no-car day,nobody comes to school in a car.A leaking toilet can waste twenty to forth liters of water an hour.11.Written work.Do you want to be a greener person?If so,what should you do?What you done?Write a passage.To be a greener person,I think we should do some of these

25、 things:we should help spread the environment or writing letters to the newspaper.We shouldnt cut down many trees because cutting trees has already affected the climate.When we find factories pouring waste water directly into the river or the lake,we must write letters to the newspaper or the govern

26、ment.We should remember the three Rs reduce,reuse and recycle.In my daily life,I dont litter.I dont pick flowers.I often collect waste paper,soft drink cans,plastic bags and bottles.I sort them so that they can be recycled.I turn off the lights when I leave a room.Doing such things isnt enough.Ill try to do as many things as I can to protect our environment.

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