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1、-最新资料推荐- 大学英语四级快速阅读技巧 首先是时间的掌握。 快速阅读部分解题时间 15 分钟, 阅读理解部分三篇文章共 25 分钟,每篇文章平均不能超过 8 分钟, 占据过长的时间会影响后面题目的解答。 四级的快速阅读和六级快速阅读的形式、 比例、 分值、 包括解题方法都很像。 请记住, 涂卡时间也是算在这答题的时间之内的。 做题时我们可以采取以下原则: 倒看原则: 先看题目, 再按图索骥回到原文中去; 标记原则: 数据、 年代、 地名、 人名、 组织名、 大写名称等等经常在题目和原文中互相照应; 注意标题: 小标题会成为很多题目 层次的分界线, 今后的考试中要特别注意。 快速阅读要求考生

2、在 1 5 分钟内完成一篇 1 200 字左右的文章和后面的 1 0 道题。 前面 7 个 题是判断正误(包括 NOT GI VEN), 后 3 个是填空题(答案基本都是原文中出现的原词)。 从文章的篇幅和题目的设置都让我们感觉到, 考生在复习阶段必须有意识地培养快速阅读能 力, 以便有效地应对这个部分的测试。 一、 逻辑关系在快速阅读中的运用 快速阅读理解能力的提高是有一定方法可循的, 为此我们首先提示考生应该尤其注意文章逻辑关系在快速阅读中的运用。 逻辑关系散布在文章的句子内部、 句句之间、 以及段落之间。 最基本的逻辑关系有以下几种: 1 、 因果关系: as a result , th

3、erefore, hence, consequently, because, for, due to, hence, consequently 等等。 2、 并列、 递进关系: and, or, then, in addition, besides, in other words, m oreover等等 3、 转折关系: however, but, yet, in fact 等等。 这些我们其实已经很熟悉的逻辑提示词在文章中起的效果, 并非仅仅是衔接文章的句子, 从阅读的角度来看, 其实同时在给我们某种提示, 告诉我们哪些句子是有效信息, 相对重要的信息, 哪些信息是相对不重要的信息, 因为

4、我们在处理文章的时候, 有一条清晰的思路, 你不是为了完整翻译文章而进行阅读, 而是为了获取主旨来阅读。 例如: You have just finished your m eal at a fast food restaurant and you throw your uneaten food, food wrappers, drink cups, utensils and napkins into the trash can. You dont think about that waste again. On trash pickup day in your neighborhood, y

5、ou push your can out to the curb, and workers dum p the contents into a big truck and haul it away. You dont have to think about that waste again, either. But m aybe you have wondered, as you watch the trash truck pull away, just where that garbage ends up. 我们注意到, 在该段尾部出现了 But。 这里的But, 说明作者陈述的内容的逻辑主

6、旨发生了变化, 因此, 转折逻辑词之前的信息就变得不重要了, 简单的处理方法是可以仅保留阅读转折词之后的信息。 相应地, 并列、 递进关系词, 意味着它们前后衔接的信息从主旨的体现上没有发生变化, 而更多的表现为前后句子主旨 的相似性, 所以我们选择其中的一半进行阅 读。 这样, 在保证了阅读质量的基础上, 也极大地提高了阅读速度。 如: Along the site, there are drop-off stations for m aterials that are not wanted or legally banned by the landfill. A m ulti-m ater

7、ial drop-off station is used for tires, motor oil, lead-acid batteries. Som e of these m aterials can be recycled. I n addition, there is a household hazardous waste drop-off station for chem icals (paints, pesticides, other chem icals) that are banned from the landfill. These chem icals are dispose

8、d of by private com panies. 注意到I n addition, 该词的出现意味着其后内容和上一段信息主旨基本一致, 可以放弃本句的阅读。 二、 标点符号在快速阅读中的运用 可以运用标点符号(破折号、 小括号、 冒号) 了解不认识的词汇或句子的含义。 因为这些标点符号的出现就是为了更进一步地其前的信息。 但同时, 由于快速阅读用 词相对比较简单,很容易理解和把握标点前的被解释信息, 所以, 可以将这些标点符号后面的信息删除, 从而更加快速地把握文章的主旨。 例如: n Dum pan open hole in the ground where trash is buri

9、ed and that is full of various anim als (rats, m ice, birds). (This is m ost peoples idea of a landfill!) n Landfillcarefully designed structure built into or on top of the ground in which trash is isolated from the surrounding environm ent (groundwater, air, rain). This isolation is accom plished w

10、ith a bottom liner and daily covering of soil. Sanitary landfillland fill that uses a clay liner to isolate the trash from the environm ent Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfilllandfill that uses a synthetic (plastic) liner to isolate the trash from the environm ent 注意到在Dum p、 Landfill之后分别有一个破折号, 如果我

11、们已经明白该标点的意义就在于后面的信息对前者进一步进行解释, 那么就可以在明白这些单词基本含义的基础 上,放弃其后信息的阅读, 因为, 阅读理解, 我们更强调的是对文章主旨信息的把握, 而不是具体的细节信息。 三、 特殊信息点在快速阅读中的运用 所谓特殊信息点是指那些很容易在文章中识别的词汇, 诸如, 时间, 数字, 大写字母等形式的语言点。 这些形式的表达一方面很容易识别出来, 另一方面, 这些 信息点的表现的一般都是文章的琐碎信息, 对于主旨的理解和把握而言, 不过是更进一步论证而已。 因此, 可以忽略这些信息的阅读。 如果后面测试的题点中确实涉 及到了, 再回来细读也无妨, 毕竟它们的表

12、现形式非常利于查找和定位判断。 例如: Of the 21 0 m illion tons of trash, or solid waste, generated in the United States annually, about 56 m illion tons, or 27 percent, is either recycled (glass, paper products, plastic, m etals) or com posted (做成堆肥) (yard waste). 再如: The trash production in the United States has al

13、m ost tripled since 1 960. This trash is handled in various ways. About 27 percent of the trash is recycled or com posted, 1 6 percent is burned and 57 percent is buried in landfills. The am ount of trash buried in landfills has doubled since 1 960. 我们注意到上面的描述中充斥了大量的数字性的词汇, 可以判断该部分信息为具体的描述,在处理的时候, 可

14、以放弃阅读。 四、 寻读在快速阅读中的运用 寻读的目的主要是有目 标地去找出文中某些特定的信息, 也就是说, 在对文章有所了解(即略读)后, 在文章中查找与某一问题、 某一观点或某一单词有关的信息, 寻找解题的可靠依据。 寻读时, 要以很快的速度扫视文章, 确定所查询的信息范围。 值得庆幸的是, 在四级快速阅读的测试文章中, 已经有了明确的小标题, 这就能 够帮助我们很快地锁定解题范围。 同时, 还应该注意题目中体现出的所查信息的特点。 如: 问题或填空的句子中涉及到人名、地名, 则主要寻找首字母大写的单词; 有关日期、 数目 的问题, 则主要查找具体数字; 有关某个事件、 某种观点等, 就需

15、要寻找与此相关的关键词, 而与所查信息无关的内容可一掠而过。 例如: I n the United States the building of landfills is the job of both federal and local governm ents. 在判断时, 一些特殊的用词, United States, building of landfills都提示我们顺利找到原文的I n the United States, taking care of trash and building landfills are local governm ent responsibiliti

16、es.来判断正误。 再如: To dispose of a ton of trash in a landfill, custom ers have to pay a tipping fee of . 则可以通过custom ers 、 tipping fee 找到原文Custom ers are charged tipping fees for using the site. The tipping fees vary from $1 0 to $40 per ton.来填写空格。 总的来说, 快速阅读理解部分由于其篇幅长, 题目 灵活, 会让考生感觉无从下手。 但是, 对于该题型我们有一个清

17、晰的概念, 那就是快速阅读测试的重点就是考生在短时间内获取篇章主旨和特定信息的能力, 因此, 它更强调了 正确的阅读方法和技巧的贯彻。 只要我们掌握一定的方法, 培养好的阅读习惯, 还是很容易在一段时间内取得满意的成绩。 试 题 Does contagious yawning mean youre nice? Youre in a conversation with another person and he casually yawns. As you wonder whether hes bored with the discussion, you find that youre yawn

18、ing, too. A man walking by, sees you yawn, and pretty soon he yawns. Its carried on and on, passing from one person to another in a domino effect. Science is still investigating exactly what makes us yawn, but its a well-known and little-studied fact: Yawning is contagious. We know that much of yawn

19、ing is due to suggestibilityits infectious. You dont need to actually see a person yawn to involuntarily yawn yourself; hearing someone yawn or even reading about yawning can cause the same reaction. Chances are youll yawn at least once while reading this article. But contagious yawning goes beyond

20、mere suggestibility. Recent studies show that the phenomenon is also related to our predisposition toward empathy-the ability to understand and connect with others emotional states. It sounds strange, but whether or not youre susceptible to contagious yawning may actually be related to how much empa

21、thy you feel for others. Empathy is an important part of cognitive development. We learn from an early age to value ourselves based on the amount and type of empathy our parents display, and developmental psychologists have furred that people who werent shown empathy by their parents struggle later

22、on in life. A lack of early empathy has been shown to lead to the development of sociopathic behavior in adults. So empathy is important, sure, but how could it possibly be related to contagious yawning? Leave it up to psychologists at Leeds University in England to answer that. In their study, rese

23、archers selected 40 psychology students and 40 engineering students. Each student was made to wait individually in a waiting room, along with an undercover assistant who yawned 10 times in as many minutes. The students were then administered an emotional quotient test: Students were shown 40 images

24、of eyes and asked what emotion each one displayed. The results of the test support the idea that contagious yawning is linked to empathy. The psychology students whose future profession requires them to focus on others yawned contagiously an average of 5.5 times in the waiting room and scored 28 out

25、 of 40 on the emotional test. The engineering students-who tend to focus on things like numbers and systemsyawned an average of 1.5 times and scored 25.5 out of 40 on the following test. The difference doesnt sound like much, but researchers consider it significant. Strangely, women, who are general

26、ly considered more emotionally attuned, didnt score any higher than men. These findings support what neurologists found through brain imaging: Contagious yawning is associated with the same parts of the brain that deal with empathy. These regions, the precuneus and posterior temporal gyrus, are loca

27、ted in the back of the brain. And although the link between contagious yawning and empathy has been established, explanations for the link are still being investigated. Researchers are looking into the world of development disorders and at higher.primates for answers to this riddle. Primate Yawing,

28、Autism and Contagious Yawning Yawning may serve a number of functions, and these functions might be different for different animals. Humans arent the only animals that yawn-even fish do. But only humans and chimpanzees, our closest relative in the animal kingdom, have shown definite contagious yawni

29、ng. One study, conducted in Kyoto, Japan, observed six chimps in captivity. Chimps were shown videos of other chimps yawning, along with chimps that opened their mouths but did not yawn. Of the six, two chimps yawned contagiously a number of times. Even more interesting, like their human counterpart

30、s under age 5, the three chimp infants showed no susceptibility to contagious yawning. This may be related to the fact that empathy is taught and learned. If contagious yawning is the result of empathy, then contagious yawning wouldnt exist until the ability to empathize was learned. But what if emp

31、athy is never developed? Another study, led by cognitive researcher Atsushi Senju, sought to answer that question. People with autism spectrum disorder are considered to be developmentally impaired emotionally. Autistics have trouble connecting with others and find it difficult to feel empathy. Sinc

32、e autistics have difficulty feeling empathy, then they shouldnt be susceptible to contagious yawning. TO find out, Senju and his colleagues placed 48 kids aged 7 to 15 in a room with a television. Twenty-four of the test subjects had been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, the other half were

33、non-autistic kids. Like the Kyoto chimp study, the test subjects were shown short clips of people yawning as well as clips of people opening their mouths but not yawning. While the kids with autism had the same lack of reaction to both kinds of clips, the non-autistic kids yawned more after the clip

34、s of people yawning. But there could be another interpretation to Senjus findings. Autistics tend to focus on the mouths of people with whom they interact. But contagious yawning is thought to be cued-not by movements in the mouth area-but by changes to the area around the yawning persons eyes. This

35、 could explain why autistics are less susceptible to contagious yawning perhaps theyre just missing the cues. However, that notion is undermined by another study. Conducted by researchers at Yale University, this study examined the reactions of autistic adults while they watched emotionally charged

36、scenes from the movie, Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Researchers found that those autistics who watched the eyes of the characters didnt register any more emotional reaction than those who focused on the mouth. This indicates that contagious yawning amounts to more than just cues; the autistics who

37、 watched the eyes received little information from the cues they found there. Its become pretty clear that contagious yawning is linked to empathy. But why?Perhaps the best explanation for why we yawn, as well as why yawning is contagious, can be found around the watering hole on the savannah tens o

38、f thousands of years ago. Some scientists believe that yawning is an involuntary response to a stressful situation: When we yawn, we increase the blood flow to the brain, thus making us more alert. Contagious yawning may be a method of quiet communication by which our ancestors spread the word that

39、a hungry lion was nearby. Fear is an emotion with which we can empathize, and yawning may serve as a cue by which we spread that fear. 注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答; 8-10 题在答题卡 1 上。 1. Whether or not youre easily influenced by contagious yawning may be linked to _ Athe personality of the person you are talki

40、ng to B how much empathy you feel for others C your reaction when you see someone yawning D the ability to avoid others influence 2. Early empathy is important for us in that _ A parents first show their empathy to us B it is related to contagious yawning Cits an important part of cognitive developm

41、ent D it affects our later life a lot 3. The results of the Leeds Universitys test show that _ A the less a man focuses on others, the higher he scores B men didnt score any higher than women C contagious yawning and empathy are related to the same parts of the brain D it explained the link between

42、contagious yawning and empathy 4. Contagious yawning wouldnt exist unless _ A the ability of yawning is taught B the abilitv to emnathize is learned C empathy is never developed D vawning is controlled well 5. Why autistics are less susceptible to contagious yawning? A Autistics have difficulty feel

43、ing empathy. B Autistics cant communicate with others. C Autistics are not able to learn yawning. D Autistics focus much on peoples eyes. 6. Another interpretation to Senjus findings is that contagious yawning is thought to be cued by _ A movements in the yawning persons mouth area B yawning persons

44、 appearance C changes on emotion reaction D changes around the yawning persons eyes 7. According to the Yale Universitys study, why autistics arent susceptible to contagious yawning? A They didnt register any emotional reaction. B They didnt understand the movie. C They received little information f

45、rom the cues around peoples eyes. D They didnt understand what people say just by seeing movement of mouths. 8. The reason why contagious yawning is linked to empathy was_ 9. Some scientists believe that yawning is just to make us_ 10. Yawning may be considered as a cue by which people spread an emo

46、tion, and with the emotion_ 答 案 本文主要议论了对打哈欠会传染这一事实的原因的多种猜测。 有些科学家认为打哈欠会传染可能与移情有关, 也有科学家认为打哈欠可能是对其他人的一种静态提示。 最终对打哈欠会传染产生的原因依然没有定论。 1 B 根据题干中的信息词 Whether or not youre easily influenced by contagious yawning定位到第三段末句 It sounds strange, but whether or not youre susceptible to contagious yawning may actua

47、lly be related to how much empathvyoufeelforothers, 即: 你是否容易受到打哈欠的传染, 与你对别人的移情程度有关, 故选 B。 2 D 根据题干信息词 early empathy 定位到原文第四段末句 A lack of early empathy has been shown to lead to the development of sociopathic behavior in adults 可知, 如果缺少了早期的移情长大后就会发展成反社会的行为, 这就说明早期的移情很重要, 因为它会影响人日后的发展, 故选 D。 3 C 根据题干信息词 the results of the Leeds Universitys test 定位到原文第五、 六、 七段。 题干问的是利兹大学的试验结果表明了什么。 根据第六段中 The psychology students-whose future profession requires them to focus on others 一scored 28 0ut of 40 0n

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