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1、选修6Module 1Small Talk.话题延读Informal conversation is an important part of any business relationship.Before you start a discussion, however, make sure you understand which topics are suitable and which are considered taboos (禁忌) in a particular culture.Latin Americans enjoy sharing information about th

2、eir local history, art, and customs.They expect questions about their family and are sure to show pictures of their children.You may feel free to ask similar questions of your Latin American friends.The French think of conversation as an art form, and they enjoy the value of lively discussions as we

3、ll as disagreements.For them, arguments can be interestingand they can cover pretty much or any topicas long as they occur in a respectful and intelligent (智慧的) manner.In the United States, business people like to discuss a wide range of topics, including opinions about work, family, hobbies, and po

4、litics.In Japan, China and Korea, however, people are much more private.They do not share much about their thoughts, feelings, or emotions because they feel that doing so might take away from the harmonious(和谐的) business relationship theyre trying to build.Middle Easterners are also private about th

5、eir personal lives and family matters.It is considered rude, for example, to ask a businessman from Saudi Arabia about his wife or children.As a general rule, its best not to talk about politics or religion(宗教) with your business friends.This can get you into trouble, even in the United States, wher

6、e people hold different views.In addition, discussing ones salary is usually considered unsuitable.Sports are typically a friendly subject in most parts of the world, although be careful not to criticize a national sport.Instead, be friendly and praise your hosts team.1.The author considers politics

7、 and religion .A.cheerful topics B.taboos C.rude topics D.too serious2.We typically talk about in a friendly way in most places according to the author.A.sports B.childrenC.personal feelings D.families3.Why are people from Asia more private in their conversation with others?A.They dont want to talk

8、with others much.B.They dont want to have their good relationship with others harmed by informal conversation.C.They are afraid to argue with their colleagues.D.They want to keep their feelings to themselves.4.In which country may it be suitable to talk about the family with your business friends?A.

9、In France. B.In Saudi Arabia. C.In Korea. D.In the USA.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了不同国家非正式谈话的常见话题和一些禁忌。答案及剖析:1.B细节理解题。从最后一段第一句话可知答案选B。2.A细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Sports are typically a friendly subject in most parts of the world.”可知答案选A。3.B推理判断题。从第二段第三句话可以推知,日本人、中国人、韩国人不分享他们的思想、感受及情感,是因为他们认为这样会破坏和谐的商业关系。4.D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“In

10、the United States, business people . including opinions about work, family.”可知答案为D。.七选五(2018云南昆明调研)How to Say No RespectfullyLike most people, your natural instinct is probably to help others when you can.1. Whether youre declining an invitation to a party or turning down a new project at work, you

11、can say no while still being respectful. Whatever the situation is, be clear, polite and firm when saying no.Express your thanks.2. If you have to turn someone down, express your thanks that they thought of you in the first place. You could say something like,“Thanks for considering me responsible e

12、nough to watch your kids. Im sorry that Im busy that evening.”Think before you speak. If you say no immediately, it might seem like you didnt even consider the request.In order to be respectful,take a moment to think about your answereven if you already know what it is going to be.3.Give a clear ans

13、wer. Saying no respectfully shows that youre honest and direct.4. If you cant help, say so. If someone is asking you on a date and you dont want to go,make that clear.5. You can say no without completely turning down the request. By setting boundaries, you can make it clear exactly what you can do a

14、nd what you are willing to do. For example, you could say,“Im not free for dinner,but I would be coming for a quick drink after work.”A.Find a way to compromise.B.Take a pause, and then kindly say no.C.But sometimes, you just need to say no.D.Its strange to feel guilty for turning someone down.E.Mak

15、e it clear that you sincerely appreciate being asked.F.If you feel it necessary, you can also provide a reason for your answer.G.Do not give people false hope that you will be able to satisfy their request.答案:1-5CEBGA.完形填空(2018石家庄第二中学高三仿真模拟)When Mrs.Green told her pupils to draw a picture of somethi

16、ng for which they were thankful, she thought how little these children in a(an) 1 neighborhood, had to be 2 for.Most of the 3 would draw pictures of turkeys (火鸡) or of Thanksgiving tables full of everything 4 to eat.That was what they believed was 5 them.What made Mrs.Green 6 was Davids picture.Davi

17、d was so disappointed and likely to be 7 close in his shadow as they went outside for breaks.Davids drawing was 8 this:A hand, whose hand? The class was strongly attracted by his image.“I think it must be the 9 of God 10 us food,” said one student.“A 11,” said another, “because they 12 the turkeys.”

18、“It looks more like a policeman, and they 13 us.” “I think,” Lucy said 14, “that it is 15 to be all the hands that help us, but David could only draw one of them.”Mrs.Green had almost forgotten David in her 16 at finding the class so responsive(共鸣的).Having the others working on another project, she

19、bent over his 17 and asked whose hand it was.David whispered, “Its yours, Teacher.”Then Mrs.Green 18 she had taken David by the hand from time to time; she often did that with the children.But that it should have 19 so much to David .Perhaps, she thought this was her Thanksgiving, and everybodys Tha

20、nksgivingnot the things given to us, but the small 20 that we give something to others.1.A.bettering B.developingC.interestingD.worsening2.A.eager B.thankful C.ready D.greedy3.A.class B.school C.group D.boys4.A.rare B.delicious C.expensive D.fit5.A.convinced ofB.informed ofC.warned of D.expected of6

21、.A.satisfied B.touched C.amazed D.encouraged7.A.found B.shut C.hidden D.stuck8.A.only B.simply C.clearly D.exactly9.A.head B.arm C.hand D.foot10.A.fetching B.earning C.sending D.bringing11.A.worker B.carpenter C.farmer D.banker12.A.raise B.milk C.have D.grow13.A.bring B.protect C.watch D.guard14.A.s

22、eriously B.rudely C.naughtily D.noisily15.A.proved B.known C.said D.supposed16.A.surprise B.pride C.pleasure D.wonder17.A.picture B.book C.schoolbag D.desk18.A.realized B.wished C.rememberedD.believed19.A.sensed B.meant C.accounted D.affected20.A.ways B.chances C.abilities D.hopes语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。在贫困地区

23、任教的格林老师在感恩节上课时,让同学们画出自己最感激的东西,使格林老师感到惊讶的是大卫画了一只手;那么他画的是谁的手呢?孩子们给出了不同的答案。大卫说:画的是格林老师的手。此时老师记起时常手牵手地呵护大卫和孩子们。老师没想到这对于大卫来说竟然十分重要。由此老师感悟到:感恩并非只是回馈的实物,而是给予启迪的感恩方式。答案及剖析:1.D考查形容词词义辨析。bettering更好的;developing发展中的;interesting有趣的;worsening逐渐变坏的。根据该句中的how little these children . had to be for 几乎没有可感激的可知,该地区是逐渐

24、变坏的。2.B考查形容词词义辨析。eager 热切的;thankful感激的;ready准备好的;greedy贪婪的。根据第一句中的When Mrs.Green told her pupils to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful提示可知,此处用thankful与之相互呼应。3.A考查名词词义辨析。class班级;school学校;group团体;boys男孩。根据下文出现的class提示可知,这里指班级里大多数同学。4.B考查形容词词义辨析。rare少有;delicious美味的;expensive贵的;fit

25、合适的。根据孩子们的心理和上文的turkey可知,这里指关于感恩节餐桌上好吃的东西。5.D考查动词短语词义辨析。convinced of信服;informed of告知;warned of警告;expected of期盼。 they believe在此处是插入语,可忽略不计。这里指他们认为那是老师对他们所期待的。6.C考查形容词词义辨析。satisfied满意的;touched感动的;amazed惊讶的;encouraged鼓励的。根据上下文可知,老师以为学生会画火鸡等美味,但使她感到惊讶的是大卫与众不同画了一只手。7.A考查动词词义辨析。found发现;shut关闭;hidden隐藏;stu

26、ck坚持。根据上下文可知,下课后,人们发现大卫处于自己的世界里(在他人看来大卫由于失望而变得自闭)。8.B考查副词词义辨析。only仅有;simply简单;clearly清晰地;exactly确切地。simply常用来引出解释,用在此处符合语境(大卫画的仅仅是这样)。9.C考查名词词义辨析。head头;arm臂膀 ;hand手;foot脚。根据上文多次提到hand可以得出答案。它一定是上帝之手。10.D考查动词词义辨析。fetching取来;earning获得;sending送;bringing带来。God给我们“带来”食物,“ bring”带来。11.C考查名词词义辨析。农场养火鸡,因此应该

27、是农场主 farmer。12.A考查动词词义辨析。raise饲养;milk挤奶;have有;grow生长。raise在这里指“饲养”之意。根据语境可知指饲养火鸡。13.B考查动词词义辨析。bring带来;protect保护;watch观看;guard看守。警察的职责是保护(protect)民众的,看守(guard)用在此处不合适。14.A考查副词词义辨析。seriously认真地;rudely粗鲁地;naughtily调皮地;noisily吵闹地。根据it is to be all the hands that help us, but David could only draw one of

28、 them.“画的应该是所有给予我们帮助的手,但大卫可能只画了其中一只”可知,Lucy 做出了严谨的答案,因此使用A 项“seriously严肃认真地”符合语境。15.D考查动词词义辨析。proved证明;known知道;said说;supposed假设。此处是表达推断的语境,D 项“is supposed to be 应该是”表达了说话人推断的意思。16.C考查名词词义辨析。surprise惊讶;pride自豪;pleasure快乐;wonder惊奇。该句的意思是:老师沉浸于该话题引起孩子们共鸣的喜悦中而几乎忘记了大卫。pride 不与at 连用而与of 连用。17.D考查名词词义辨析。 p

29、icture图画;book书;schoolbag书包;desk课桌。这里指课堂上,老师俯身于书桌前询问大卫。18.C考查动词词义辨析。realized意识到;wished希望;remembered记得;believed相信。根据该空白后的时态和句意可知:听到大卫的回答“是您的手,老师”后,格林老师想起/记起其他三个选项不能表达“格林老师曾手牵手呵护学生”的事实。19.B考查动词词义辨析。sensed感觉到;meant意味着;accounted解释;affected影响。格林老师对所有学生都手牵手呵护,但这对大卫来说意义重大(mean so much to him),因为他比较自闭、孤僻。20.A考查名词词义辨析。ways方式;chances机会;abilities能力;hopes希望。最后格林老师感悟到:感恩时,重要的不是回馈的实物,而是给予启迪的感恩方式(ways)。

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