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1、If you are happy and you know it,_.If youre happy and you know it,_.If youre happy and you know it never be afraid to show itIf youre happy and you know it _.If youre happy and you know it,_.If youre happy and you know it,_.If youre happy and you know it never be afraid to show itIf youre happy and

2、know it _.If youre happy and you know it,_.If youre happy and you know it,_.If youre happy and you know it never be afraid to show itIf youre happy and know it _.Step1 Reading the titleShowing our feelings?1.How to show our feelings?2.How many feelings can you list?fearangerinterest Read their feeli

3、ngsWhats body language?Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication.Many gestures and actions are universal.worldwide/generalStep2 Reading for the main idea Part 1(para1)Part2(para2-6)Part3(para7)Body language can be misread,but many gestures and actions are universal._ of differ

4、ent body languageexamplesWith so many cultural differences between people,it is great to have some similarities in body language.topicSupporting pointsconclusionsmileshow happinessput people at easeThe most universal facial expressionThe most universal facial expressionThe most universal facial expr

5、essionThe most universal facial expressionsometimes falseHide angerHide angerfearfearworryworrylose face lose face Unhappy or angerUnhappy or angerfrowningturning ones backmake a fist and shakeOther expressionsOther expressionsagreementdisagreementinteresteduninterested or boredStep3 Reading for the

6、 detailsBody languagefeelings happiness anger agreement/disagreement boredom respectsmiling frowning,turning back,making a fist and shaking itnodding the head up and down/shaking it from side to sidelooking away,yawning,rolling eyes and turning head awayno hugs to bosses and teachers,dont stand too

7、closeSmiling is to show good feelings._ smiling is to show good feelings._,of course,the smile-its function is to show happiness and put people at ease.The general purpose of The most universal facial expression is Step4 Reading for expressions.always means that is used for in most cases,make sb app

8、ear to beIf,people will thinkIf,I most likely do not believedifferent verbs to express ideasStep 5 Reading for writing1)This passage deals with.2)This article focuses on the topics of/that3)This article presents knowledge that4)This passage discusses.requirements1.Use your own words2.Cover all point

9、s of view3.Make use of the grammatical structure and expressions correctly4.Write the summary around 80 words.The passage focuses on the topic that body language is a good way to show our different feelings.Some are used for expressing happiness or anger,such as smiling or making fists,some for agre

10、ement or disagreement like nodding or shaking head.Besides,yawning or looking away from people means you are bored.And it is always a good idea to stand at a little distance to a boss or teacher.Body language,in general,is very universal and help people from different culture understand each other w

11、ell.1.最强有力的交际手段之一最强有力的交际手段之一one of the most powerful means of communication2.想让某人做想让某人做intend(for) do3.最普遍使用的面部表情最普遍使用的面部表情the most universal facial expression4.使某人无拘无束使某人无拘无束put sb at ease5.丢脸丢脸lose face6.背对某人背对某人/背弃诺言背弃诺言 turn ones back to sb/ones promise7.握紧拳头握紧拳头 make a fist8.点头点头 nod the h

12、ead up and down9.摇头摇头 shake the head from side to side10.把眼光从某人身上移开把眼光从某人身上移开 look away from people 11.在大多数情况下在大多数情况下in most cases 12.把头转向一边把头转向一边turn ones head away13.尊重某人尊重某人be respectful to peopleshow respect to/for sb14.根据每一种文化根据每一种文化be based on each culture15.拥抱某人拥抱某人give a hug to sb16.地位更高的人地位

13、更高的人someone of a higher rank17.站得有一定距离站得有一定距离stand at a little distance18.在身势语方面有一些相似之处在身势语方面有一些相似之处have some similarities in body language19.彼此误解彼此误解be wrong about each other ones feelings =express ones feelings 2.put ease 使某人无拘无束使某人无拘无束 feel at ease 感到心情放松感到心情放松 look at ease 看上去轻松看上去轻

14、松 He is at ease about the matter.他对这事很放心。他对这事很放心。ease (v.)使悠闲使悠闲,使安心使安心,减轻减轻,放松放松He bought some medicine to ease the pain.lose face:丢脸丢脸Hell lose face if he does not keep his promise.如果他不遵守诺言,他就会感到羞愧。如果他不遵守诺言,他就会感到羞愧。lose ones temperlose ones balancelose weightlose heart发脾气;失去耐性发脾气;失去耐性失去平衡失去平衡减轻体重减

15、轻体重失去信心失去信心3.turn ones back to sb./ones promise 转身背对某人转身背对某人/背弃诺言背弃诺言 turn ones back on sb./sth.对对.不理睬,拒绝帮助不理睬,拒绝帮助How can you turn your back on your own mother?你怎么能对自己的母亲撒手不管呢?你怎么能对自己的母亲撒手不管呢?4.look away from sb.把目光移开,不看,不注视把目光移开,不看,不注视 Dont look away from me when Im speaking to you.当我和你说话时看着我当我和你说话时看着我,不要看别处。不要看别处。 respectful to sb.=show respect for sb.=have respect for wrong about each other 彼此误解彼此误解 =misunderstand each other be similar to与与相似相似=the same as My opinions are similar to similar in在在方面相似方面相似These two pictures are similar indesign.have similarities in


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