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1、参 考 资 料损坏检验中的一些常用英语THE WORDS & SENTENCESUSED INFOUND & RECOMMENDATION (SUPPLEMENT). FOUNDFOUND后面一般接动词过去分词,也可以接形容词或名词。found aged发现老化a little bit inclined有些倾斜abnormal不正常bent弯曲burnt烧坏beyond repair已无法修理black out (n.)(灯光)熄灭blocked堵塞broden破裂breakdown (n.)(主机)停车carbonized炭化coked结焦charred结炭chapped裂开choked堵塞

2、clogged(常指管子的堵塞)堵塞collapsed塌陷corroded腐蚀cracked裂开damaged损坏deformed变形destroyed毁坏dirty肮脏dented凹陷dropped脱落excessive wear过度磨损earthen接地fallen out脱落fractured破裂frosted结霜grooved划成沟greasy油污hardened硬化inclined倾斜inaccurate不准ineffective失效jammed卡住knocking敲击leaky, leaking泄露loose松,不紧melted熔化misaligned不对中misfire点不着火n

3、oisy噪声overheated过热out of function失去作用out of order不正常out of operation动作不灵oval 呈椭圆形pit 麻点ridged凸起scored划伤seized咬住scuffed拉痕squeezed挤压short circuited短路scaled积垢sticking咬住surging(增压器)喘振twisted扭曲vibration震动worn磨损wiped磨掉. RECOMMENDED表达方式:To be + (修理动作的动词过去分词)To be assembled组装disassembled拆卸closed, sealed盖合,封

4、闭connected连接covered盖上dismounted拆开disengaged (见engaged)脱开disconnected拆开drawn out拉出engaged(齿轮等)啮合fixed固定installed安装lifted out提出To be loosened, untightened松开opened up打开pulled out拉出packed组合,集合removed移开replaced更换returned, sent, transported送回rolled out, turned out转出shifted移动take取,拿tightened上紧unbolted, uns

5、crewed卸螺栓、螺丝withdrawn退出、抽出(尾轴)清洁 (cleaning) 动作To be blown吹清cleaned 清洁chemically cleaned化学清洗coated, painted涂,包,覆盖drained把(沉淀物)放掉filled充注flushed冲洗repainted重新上涂料washed洗检测 (checking, measuring) 动作To be adjusted校正Aligned对中,找平Checked检查,校对detected for (leakage)查(漏)examined仔细检查inspected检查measured测量To be ove

6、rhauled大检修rectified校正regulated调整reset重新设定修理 (Repairing) 动作To be cropped切割、剪切dipped, immersed浸,泡dried, baked烘,烤drilled钻孔euipped装备filed锉finished表面光洁fitted装设forged锻造ground研磨lathed车床加工machined(用机床)加工To be made制造metalled敷上金属moulded模制patched复补planed刨平polished磨光,擦光remetalled重新敷上金属remedied修补renewed换新rewound

7、重新绕scraped括slotted开槽soldered焊tapped攻螺纹tapered使成圆锥tempered回火,软火welded焊接THE DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGEI. General descriptions1.To be in good condition情况良好2.To be in fair condition情况尚可3.To be in poor condition 情况欠佳4.To be in bad condition情况不良5.To be in neglected condition缺乏保养6.To be not properly serviced未经正

8、常保养7.To be not properly cleaned未经正常清洁8.To be not properly protected未经正常保护9.To be not properly insulated未经正常隔热(或绝缘)10.To be not properly adjusted未经正常校正11.To be defective有缺陷的12.To be damaged损坏13.To be damaged beyond repair损坏后无法修理14.To be free of repair To be exempted from repair免于修理15.To be faired (in

9、 failure)失效16.To be without effect To be in vainTo be proved no avail无效17.To be out of order (in trouble)故障18.To be out of action停止工作(不是指故障)19.To be in disorder零乱20.To be inoperativeTo be unworkable不能工作21.In case of out of operation在不工作情况下22.To be out of function不能工作,失去作用23.To be unserviceable (usel

10、ess)不能使用(指必须换新)24.To be failed to start (could not be started)不能启动25.To be fitted incorrectly按装不正确(指小型的设备)26.To be installed incorrectly按装不正确(指大型的设备)27.To be accumulated of dangerous inflammable vapors积聚危险可燃气体28.It was obvious that this state had existed of a considerable time(损坏)状况是长期存在的29.To be un

11、der full loading condition在满载情况下30.To be under light loading condition 在轻载情况下31.To be under partial loading condition (Not more than 85% of full load)在减载情况下(减载15)32.To be in non-homogeneous condition在不均匀装载情况下II. Deficiencies1.To be not fittedTo be not provided未装2.To be not available未备有3.To be missin

12、g遗失4.To be incomplete不齐全5.To be deficient不足,缺少6.To be insufficient不足7.To be neglected遗漏8.To be omitted遗漏,省去9.To be removed称开,拆走10.To be washed overboard冲走11.To be dropped跌落12.To be fitted with wrong .错用(尺寸,材料,仪器)III. Tightness, Stains & Loss, etc.1.Leaking漏2.Infiltrating (seeping)渗漏3.Weeping泪滴4.Swea

13、ting汗滴5.Not watertight不水密6.Loss of watertightness失去水密性7.Loss of airtightness失去气密性8.Loss of oiltightness失去油密性9.Escaping of cool 逃冷10.Loss of lub. oil pressure滑油压力降低11.Loss of water pressure水压力降低12.Oil polluted油污13.Oil soaked油浸14.Water soaked水浸15.Water stained水渍16.Oil stained油渍17.Rust in patches锈斑18.V

14、erdigris in patches钢绿斑19.Water marks水渍IV. Dent, crack, score, break, etc.1.To be scuffed拉毛(活塞裙部,仅从反光上可观察到)2.To be chafed擦痕3.To be scored拉痕(较chafe深)4.To be scratched抓痕(硬拉过的痕)5.To be scraped刮痕(长期运行刮的痕)6.To be seized and scuffed咬毛(偏心轮)7.To be grooved槽痕(比pitting深)8.To be scared结疤Old scar老疤Fresh scar新疤9.

15、To be scaled结垢10.To be ridged起线,台肩(凸起雷治痕)11.To be cracked 裂缝Hair crack发裂Surface crack 表面裂缝Through crack穿透裂缝Non-through crack未穿透裂缝Oblique crack radiated above the horizontal向上放射的裂缝12.To be slitted长裂13.To be rumped摺痕14.To be notched缺口15.To be chapped龟裂16.To be fractured折裂17.To be broken破裂、破碎To be brok

16、en off破掉(破裂后跌落)18.To be holed洞穿19.To be holed & flooded洞穿浸水20.To be opened开口21.To be bent弯曲22.To be canted倾斜23.To be buckled皱折(指隔堵)To be buckled between frames瘦马型弯曲24.To be warped翔起25.To be indented (dented)凹陷(指船壳板在两肋位间的凹陷)26.To be set in凹陷(指船壳板较大面积的凹陷)27.To be waved波曲(船底受波浪或装载引起)28.To be curled卷曲(指

17、绳索)29.To be bulged凸出,鼓起30.To be collapsed倾陷,倾倒31.To be ruptured毁损32.To be torn off 撕破33.Wear & tear自然耗损34.To be pierced刺破35.To be peeled剥落(指油漆)To be blistered起泡(指油漆)To be porous多孔(指油漆)36.To be burst爆破(指高压管路)37.To be blown off吹脱38.To be distorted扭曲、歪扭39.To be smashed击碎40.To be laminated分层41.Engine br

18、eak-down因故障机器突然停车42.Latent defect潜在缺陷43.To be punctured电击穿V. Corrosion, seizing, choking, etc.1.To be corroded腐蚀2.To be wasted耗蚀3.To be deteriorated蚀薄4.To be thinned变薄5.To be pitted麻点6.To be eroded侵蚀7.To be rusted生锈8.To be rotted腐烂(指木,橡皮)9.To be decayed腐烂(指电缆等)10.To be perished腐烂(指橡胶,电缆等)11.To be ag

19、ed老化12.To be seized咬住To be seized by rust锈死13.To be stuck咬住(粘)14.To be rust-jammed锈轧15.To be fouled缠绕(无规则的卷)To be winded缠绕(有规则的卷)16.To be clogged堵塞(指管子)17.To be blocked阻塞18.To be gagged闭塞(指阀)19.To be blanked封没20.To be plugged闷塞21.To be choked卡住、阻塞VI. Wear, loose, clearance, etc.1.To be detached脱开,分开

20、2.To be loosened松动3.To be slacked疏松4.To be worn磨损To be worn out evenly均匀磨损To be worn out unevenly不均匀磨损To be worn on one side单边磨损To be worn out symmetrically对称磨损5.To be sprung扭歪(铆钉)6.Clearance to be exceeded间隙过大Backlash to be exceeded齿隙过大Vibration to be exceeded振动过大Noise level to be exceeded噪音过大7.To

21、loose engagement啮合太松8.To loose connection接头松动9.Tooth:齿To be worn out 齿磨损To be chopped off 齿崩缺To be fractured齿折断10.Knocking:敲击Knocking cylinder敲缸Knocking valve gear伐件敲击Knocking bearing轴承敲击11.Bearing metal :轴承合金To be detached轴承脱壳To be cracked轴承开裂To be wiped轴承铺铅To be melted轴承熔化12.To be out of roundness

22、失圆13.To be out of alignment中心线不直14.To be off centering偏心15.To be deflected偏钭16.To be twisted扭曲、扭转VII. Burning, heating, etc.1.Sparking火花2.Arcking(arcing)电弧3.Commutator:整流器To be scored拉痕To be burnt烧坏To be worn磨耗To be uneven不平To be sparked火花To be blackened发黑To be roughed粗糙4.To be scorched烤焦5.To be cha

23、rred结炭6.To be overheated过热7.To be broken down击穿8.To be short-circuited短路9.Setting incorrect整定值不正确10.Tripping incorrect脱扣不正常11.Brush set incorreectly炭刷安装不正确11.Battery : 电池To be completely discharged完全放光(电)To be undercharged未充满To be overcharged充电过量THE USE OF VERBSINRECOMMENDATIONS & REQUIREMENTSI. Rem

24、ove, crop, etc.1.To be removed拆下2.To be removed & replaced拆装3.To be removed, faired & replaced拆装拷平4.To be cropped & renewed割换(管子,板,栏杆)5.To be partly renewed部份换新6.To be partly cropped & renewed部份割换7.To be cut off割除8.To be faired拷平9.To be heated & faired in place就地红火校正10.To be straightened拷直,校直11.To b

25、e dismantled拆卸(某一部件)12.To be disassembled拆散(解体)13.To be withdrawn取下、抽出(尾轴)14.To be stripped拆除(某一部件)15.To be unshipped拆下16.To be disconnected断开(线,管接头)17.To be lifted抬升,举起18.To be jacked顶起,(用千斤顶顶起)19.To be replaced by (with)换用20.To be patched复补II. Fit, scrape, grind, etc.1.To be fitted & scraped拂刮2.To

26、 be fitted & ground拂磨3.To be scraped & ground刮磨4.To be made to fit拂合(装配好)5.To be filed锉平6.To be gouged铲平(裂缝)7.To be chipped铲平8.To be run to fit啮合(运动磨合)9.To be ground round磨圆10.To be ground smooth磨光11.To be bored round镗圆12.To be planed smooth刨光13.To be polished抛光14.To be machined光车15.To be skimmed光一刀

27、(表面)16.To be finished machined精加工17.To be rough machined粗加工III. Re-metal, adjust, check, etc.1.To be remetalled重浇白合金2.To be re-babbitted 重浇白合金(专指巴氏合金)3.To be pulled out 拉出4.To be drawn out 抽出5.To be taken off取出6.To be set调整7.To be adjusted校正,调整To be adjusted of alignment 校正中心线To be adjusted true校正中心

28、线To be adjusted for clearance校正间隙To be adjusted for centering校中To be adjusted for deflection 调整甩档8.To be checked检查To be checked for roundness检查圆度To be checked for insulation resistance检查绝缘电阻To be checked for alignment检查中心线To be checked for clearance检查间隙9.To be desiccated除垢10.To be wire-scrubbed用钢丝刷(

29、除锈)11.To be chipped & scraped拷铲(油漆12.To be logged (hourly)记录(小时)IV. Weld rived, wind, etc.1.To be repaired by welding电焊修理2.To be repaired by metalock波浪键修理3.To be welded焊补,焊接4.To be gas welded气焊5.To be flaming welded火焊6.To be plug welded塞焊7.To be butt welded对接焊8.To be lap welded搭接焊9.To be fillet weld

30、ed填角焊10.To be tack welded定位焊11.To be spot welded点焊12.To be built by welds堆焊13.To be welded on焊上14.To be chiselled out & rewelded铲去重焊15.To be bevelled坡口16.To be gouged out 坡槽17.To be riveted铆接18.To be rewound重绕19.To be re-varnished重浸绝缘漆20.To be brazed铜焊V. Heating1.To be heated 红火,加热2.To be preheated预

31、热3.To be heat-treated热处理4.To be annealed退火5.To be normalised正火6.To be tempered回火7.To be quenched淬火8.To be surface hardened表面淬硬THE USE OF VERBS IN TESTS1.To be hydraulically tested液压试验(对管子部分的水压试验)2.To be tested by water head压头试验3 To be tested by water pressure水压试验(对舱室及机械部分)4.To be tested by air press

32、ure气压试验5.To be tested for tightness密性试验6.To be tested for leakage试漏7.To be hose tested冲水试验8.To be flood tested灌水试验9.To be tested by soapy water肥皂水试验10.To be kerosene tested煤油试验11.To be tested for penetration渗透试验12.To be subjected to ultrasonic detection超声波试验13.To be subjected to radiographic examina

33、tionX光照相14.To be subjected to magnetic powder detection磁粉探伤15.To be subjected to metallographic structure examination金相组织检查16.To be subjected to inflammable gas detection测爆17.To be high voltage tested高压试验(电)18.To be break-load tested破断试验19.To be proof-load tested负荷试验20.To be static-load tested静负荷试验2

34、1.To be load-transferring tested转移负荷试验22.To be dynamic-load tested动负荷试验23.To be full working load tested全工作负荷试验24.To be blue oil tested试兰油(轴瓦,平面)25.To be drill tested钻孔试验26.To be subjected to cooling down test打冷试验27.To be subjected to refrigeration test制冷试验28.To be subjected to blowing through test吹

35、通试验29.To be subjected to dock trial码头试验30.To be subjected to sea trial航行试验31.To be subjected to mooring trial 系泊试验32.To be drop tested (percussive tested)投落试验33.To be hammer tested (acoustic tested)敲击试验34.To be impact tested冲击试验35.To be bend tested弯曲试验36.To be cold bend tested冷弯试验37.To be strain-agi

36、ng tested形变时效试验38.To be tensile tested拉伸试验39.To be hardness tested硬度试验40.To be flattening tested打平试验41.To be expand tested扩口试验42.To be dump tested墩粗试验43.To be sulphur print tested硫印试验44.To be subjected to chemical analysis化学分析45.To be subjected to mechanical test机械性能试验46.Elongation伸长率47.Yield point屈

37、服点48.Reduction of cross-sectional area断面收缩率SURVEY DATA LISTName of Ship :Flag:Port of registry:Gross Tonnage:Class:Last drydocking:At the request of :On behalf of :First date of survey :Surveyed at :Afloat and / or in drydock.Present at surveys (Name & Status):Alleged casualty(s) and date(s):Log boo

38、ks / extracts examined form / to:Vessel in loaded / ballast condition. On voyage from. to .Permanent repairs (part) effected / deferred. Temporary repairs (part) effected.Whether drydock necessary:Details of and other damage / Owners repairs effected concurrently:Owners repairs necessary for seawort

39、hiness?If so, estimate time required: Afloat In drydockDate of docking : Date of undocking:Date of commencement of repairs:Date of completion of repairs:Date of vessel leaving port:Agreed cost of repairs-each damage:Cost of drydocking:Overtime worked number of daysCost of general services:Saved: Afl

40、oat, In drydockExcess cost of overtime:Values of credits:Estimate cost : (Formal reports should not contain cost estimates).Is damage consistent with cause alleged?In addition to the above, the following data should be noted in cases of :I. COLLISION DAMAGEName of vessels :Time and Places of casualty:Course of vessels :Speeds of vessels :Draughts of vessels :Angle of blow (shown in sketch) :Avoiding action taken :Weather and visibility reported at time of collision:Efforts to extricate collided vessels:Photographs:Condition of :WhistleNavigation lightsSteering gear Bridge/engine room


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