1、Unit1. Our New House教材依据: 本节教学是依据陕旅版三年级起点四年级下册Unit1.My New House第一课时的词汇教学设计的.【说课】:说教学内容:本节课以PartA中Lets learn 部分的词汇教学为主。内容围绕介绍、描述房屋的基本状况展开。在以前的学习的基础之上,学习有关住所的表达。说教学目标:学习“四会单词”:house , study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dinning room, bathroom.通过多媒体教学手段的辅助使学生们能快速的掌握所学的词汇. 通过与住所有关的词汇的学习,培养学生对家的热爱,鼓励学
2、生大胆设想各自未来的家.说教学重点:能听懂,会写,会读,会说:house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom.说教学难点:通过学习能够用英语表达住所名称.说教学方法:情景教学法,游戏教学法说教学过程:1. 歌曲导入,用唱的方法与同学们轻松愉快的打招呼,使课堂气氛活跃起来同时也调动起学生们上课的积极性与注意力。2. 在进入新课的同时,先用提前设计好的PPT图片抓住学生们的眼球,然后让学生们带着任务观看图片,同时初步了解本节课的内容是什么。3. 接下来在利用实物及PPT图片带领同学们学习新单词,初步学习有关住所名
3、称的表达,即直观又有趣,也便于记忆理解。4. 在操练这个环节,我设置了多种不同的游戏,是同学们在玩的同时更能快速记住所学单词。同时也从听、说、读、写方面进行训练。5. 作业布置更是新颖有趣,让小学生们根据今天所学的单词,发挥想象力,画出自己未来的家,并给每个房间标上英文名称。这样一方面锻炼了学生的想象力和动手能力,一方面也能加深对所学词汇的记忆与理解。【评课议课】:李娜:本节课在导入环节设计的比较好,用唱的方法和学生们打招呼使课堂气氛瞬间变得活跃,可以一下子让学生们注意力高度集中,便于接下来的教学顺利进行。王育苗:在本节课单词的教学上有点枯燥,应该在变换些方法,因为用同样的方法学习不同的单词,
4、学生会产生厌烦及不好的情绪,注意力很难集中。所以建议在单词的教学上多设计不同教授单词的方法。【教学过程】:I. Leading in (课程导入) i. 课前热身. 教师先与学生们运用学过的知识轻松愉快地打招呼,初步使课堂气氛活跃起来. T:Hello boys, Hello girls. How are you? How are you? Ss: Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you. How are you? How are you? T:Im very well, today. Lets begin our class, OK? Ss:OK. ii
5、. 新课导入. 1. 教师首先出示PPT中的图片,左边依次是:flowers, tree, water. 右边依次是:bird, butterfly, fish. 先让学生们回忆这些图片的英文表达,然后提问:Whose home is it? 引导学生们给这些小东西找到自己的家. 接下来再根据上面的活动进行如下对话:T:Hello, everybody. Where does the bird live?T/Ss: It lives in the tree.T:Where does the fish live?T/Ss: It lives in the water.T: What about
6、butterflies?T/Ss: They live in the flowers.2. 教师总结上面的活动内容,进而又提出一个新问题让学生们思考.T: Yes, the bird lives in the tree, the fish lives in the water and the butterflies live in the flowers. But I have a question: Where do we live? 让学生们猜猜:我们住在哪里? 给学生们展示一张半遮着的图片让他们猜,直到说出正确答案,引出今天的关键词:house.T: Today, I have a fr
7、iend come to our class; can you guess who is it? Ss: A dog? A cat? .T: It is a house. We live in the house, right?T/Ss: Yes, we live in the house.II. Presentation (新课展示) i. 老师先拿出来两只铅笔并询问同学们:T: What are they?T: Yes, they are two pencils. But can you tell me the difference between the two pencils?学生仔细
8、观察给出答案,一支铅笔是新的,另外一支是旧的.T: Yes, a pencil is New, a pencil is old.初步学习今天的第二个新单词:new (新的). ii. 接下来老师向孩子们展示一张房子的图片,并进行如下对话:T:Look, this is a new house. The house is very big, right?Ss: Yes.T: There are many rooms in it. How many rooms are there in the house? Lets count together.T/Ss: One, two, three, fo
9、ur, five, six. There are six rooms in the house.引导学生认识house与room的区别. iii. 教师通过图片引导学生学习其它有关住所名称的英文表达. 1. 教师首先拿出看电视的图片问学生们:Where do you watch TV? 让学生们自己想一想,学生可能会说出客厅的中文,教师再加以引导.T: Yes, we often watch TV in the living room.在借助三年级学过的句型继续进行提问、并引导学生回答.T: What is in the living room?T/Ss: There is a TV, a s
10、ofa in the living room.教师边读边板书living room在四线三格中的写法.2. 向学生展示一张吃饭的图片,并进行如下对话:T:What is she doing?T/Ss:Have breakfast.T: Yes, have breakfast. But, where does she have breakfast?学生可能会说出餐厅的中文.T: Well, she has breakfast in the dinning room. Can you see, what is in the dining room?T/Ss: There is a table an
11、d some chairs in the dining room.教师边读边板书dining room.3. 教师做睡觉的动作并提问:T: I am tired now. I want to go to bed. But where do I go to bed?当学生说出卧室时,教师再引导学生一起说出:T/Ss: I go to bed in the bedroom. And there is a bed in the living room.在这里注意矫正学生对bedroom的发音,双写“oo”的发音.边引导学生读边板书bedroom.4. 教师做刷牙的动作并提问:T: I brush m
12、y teeth. Where am I?教师边展示图片边给出单词:T: Well, I brush my teeth in the bathroom.边读边板书新单词bathroom.5. 教师出示study的图片并提问: T:Look at this room. What is in the room? T/Ss:There is a desk and many books. T: Yes, it is a study. You can do your homework in the study. 板书并让学生跟读study. 6. 教师出示kitchen的图片并介绍. T: Look at
13、 the picture, your mother often cook breakfast, lunch, dinner in the room. It is a kitchen. 教师领读并板书kitchen.III. Practice Activities (操练活动). 1. Competition. 将所有学生分成三组,一组一组来读刚学过的单词,看哪一组读的又整齐又准确.给最好的一组同学以鼓励. Group A: Group B: Group C: 2. Say the right words. 教师每次挑选一个新学的单词作为目标单词.当教师指到任何一个单词时全体学生都将它看成是目标
14、单词读出来,当教师真正指到目标单词时,全体学生立刻站起来大声读出该单词. 3. Finding Home.教师依次给出图片:冰箱,电视,镜子,床,餐桌,电脑. 然后让学生们根据所学的单词给这些东西找到自己的家. 随机叫几个同学把这些图片贴到黑板上正确单词的旁边,看看同学们是否区分清楚了各个住所的英文名称. 4. Lets talk.在学习了新单词之后,让同学们将所学的单词应用到对话中,正确表达住所名称,并练习对话:Li Shan: I have a new house.Alice: Whats in your new house?Li Shan: There are two bedrooms,
15、 a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.Li Shan: Welcome to my home, Alice!Alice: Thank you.Li Shan: My house is not very big.Alice: But its beautiful. 5. Passing the word cards. 音乐想起,教师们让学生生开始传递单词卡片,当音乐停止时,谁拿到单词卡片,就正确地读出卡片上的单词. IV. Summary (总结). 本节课主要学习了有关房子中各个住所的英文名称( house, room, kitchen, bathroom, study, bedroom, dining room, living room. )希望同学们在本节课的学习中能听,说,读,写这些住所的英文名称.V. Homework. 每位同学在学习了这节课之后,构思并画出各自心目中未来的家,并为每个房间标上英文名称,在下一节上课前让同学们展示自己的作品,并且经过评比选出最佳设计.板书设计:Unit1. Our New Housestudy bedroomnewkitchen house bathroomliving room dining room
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