1、Unit 4 What would you do?Reading: What would you do if ?The Seventh PeriodTeaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabularychallenge, non-contact sport, hoop balcony, divide, blackboard and so forth.2Ability ObjectsTrain students ability of reading for special information.Train students abil
2、ity of understanding words in context.Train students, writing skill.3Moral ObjectBasketball is popular among people all over the world. Not only does it build our body, but it also brings us entertainment. Thank the inventor, James Naismith.Teaching Key PointsKey vocabularyRead the text for special
3、information.Read the text to understand words in context.Make a list of good things and difficult things about being a basketball player.Teaching Difficult Point:Train students reading skill.Teaching MethodsUp-down reading method Pairwork GroupworkTeaching Aid:A projectorTeaching ProceduresStep Key
4、VocabularyThis activity introduces the key vocabulary words.Have students repeat again and again until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.Step Part 1This activity is designed to activate students background knowledge before attempting the reading.Read the title The history of basketball
5、 to the class. Ask, What do you think the article is about?Read the instructions to the class.Point to the four questions in the box. Say, Please discuss the questions with your partner to see how much you know about basketball. But dont look at the reading. Instead, use your background knowledge.Ge
6、t students to complete the task in pairs. As the pairs work together, walk around the room. Ensure that they are discussing the questions in English.When most students are finished, invite pairs of students to report their results, Dont say yes or no to their answers.Step Part 2This activity provide
7、s practice in scanning for specific information. Look at the picture. Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture.Read the instructions and draw students attention to the chart. Get a student to say the sample answer using a complete sentence, e. g. Basketballs inventor was born in 186
8、1.Say, Please read through the article silently. Find information for the years in the chart. Remember to skim for the key ideas rather than read slowly.Get students to work on their own. As they are doing this, move around the classroom answering questions they may have and offering language suppor
9、t as needed.Check the answers.Step Part 3This activity encourages students to use the strategy of reading in context.Ask students to read the article once.Say, Pay attention to the bold words and expressions. And note any other word or sentence you dont understand. Read in context, guessing their me
10、anings from the other words around them.A few minutes later, ask different students to say the meanings of the words and expressions indicated in bold by guess. Dont give them the correct answers.Let students look at the words and expressions and their meanings in the box. Point out the sample answe
11、rs. Then ask students to match the correct meanings with the correct words and expressions. Allow them one or two minutes to do this.Get students to make sentences with the words and expressions. Remind them to look at the article again for extra help. Answers to this activity will vary. Ask a stude
12、nt to write his/her answers on the blackboard.Step Part 4This activity helps students read for specific information.Ask students to read the five questions on their own. Try to remember or guess the answers before looking at the reading.Say, Please read the article again and find the answers to thes
13、e questions.Get students to do the activity individually or in pairs. Walk around the classroom checking their progress and offering language support as needed.Step Part 5This activity helps students work in a group and think critically about what they have read.Read the instructions to the class.Fo
14、cus attention on the chart. Invite different students to read the sample answers. Ask another one or two students for good and difficult things about being a basketball player.S1: You can win honor for your motherland.S2: You have to spend less time with your family.Say, You are to make a list of go
15、od things and difficult things in the chart.Get students to work in groups of four. As the groups work together, walk around the room checking their work.Check the answers and ask students to vote on best and worst parts of being a basketball player.Optional activityGet students to think of as many
16、rules of basketball as they can and explain the rules as well as the reason for each rule.Culture noteEveryone wants to support his/her team, but it should not be at the expense of the other team. Some so-called fans often behave badly by booing or even throwing garbage at them. This is not sportsma
17、n like behavior and its far better to cheer more loudly for your team than criticize the team they play with. A game is not only a “game”.Step SummarySay, This class provides us a lot of reading as well as writing practice. It trains students ability of scanning for specific information and using wh
18、at you know.Step Step IX Blackboard DesignReading: The history of basketballThe Seventh PeriodSample answers to Activity 31He challenged me to try again.2A non-contact sport will do you less injury.3Basketball hoops are made of metal.4The audience in the balcony are cheering the victory.5Divided into two teams, we began to play the game.6Backboards can more or less prevent balls from hitting against the audience.
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