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本文(七年级英语上册《Unit 4 My Day》Grammar教案 (新版)牛津版-(新版)牛津版初中七年级上册英语教案.doc)为本站上传会员【s4****5z】主动上传,咨信网仅是提供信息存储空间和展示预览,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知咨信网(发送邮件至、拔打电话4008-655-100或【 微信客服】、【 QQ客服】),核实后会尽快下架及时删除,并可随时和客服了解处理情况,尊重保护知识产权我们共同努力。
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七年级英语上册《Unit 4 My Day》Grammar教案 (新版)牛津版-(新版)牛津版初中七年级上册英语教案.doc

1、My Day【板块要点】一、教学目标 1、用正确的介词来表达时间2、正确识别并使用频度副词二、教学重点、难点1、时间介词。2、频度副词。三、词汇、短语 1.would modal v (表示客气地建议或邀请)would like (=d like) 想、 愿意would like (sb) to do = 想让某人做某事2. life n(pl)_ 生活;生命3.roller skating n. 溜旱冰三、句型(语法) 1.时间介词: in: (1).在一天中的某个时间段,如:in the morning(afternoon, evening, night), in the middle o

2、f the day(2)较大的时间概念,星期,月份,季节,年份,世纪等。如:in January/ in summer/ in 1995/ in the 21st century on: 在具体某一天或某一天的某个时候或节日。on Wednesday (afternoon) on the morning of October 24, 2012 on October 24, 2012 on Childrens Dayat: 点钟,三餐,周末,没有day 的节日,年龄 at 6 oclock / at noon / at night / at lunch(time) at the weekend

3、(at weekends) at Christmas at 6 years old (at the age of 6)2.频度副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never,对它们进行提问时用how often,对表示频率的短语,如:twice a week,every day(week,)提问,也用how often. 但仅仅对次数提问,用how many times如:你每周去读书俱乐部几次啊?两次。_ _ do you go to the Reading Club ? Twice a week. _ _ _a week do you

4、 go to the Reading Club ? Twice.He sometimes goes swimming.(划线提问) _ _ _ he _ swimming?附:once一次 twice两次 three times 三次三次和三次以上用times表示。例如: four times 四次once a week ,twice a year,three times a day【课前导学】一预习书P47和P48内容,在文中找出下列短语1.在晚上_ 2.在三月份 _3.在冬季_ 4.在2022年 _5.在星期六 _ 6.在七月1号_7.在星期天早晨_ 8.在儿童节_9.在6岁时 _ 10.

5、感谢你的电子邮件_11.一切顺利_12.去溜旱冰_【课堂学习】1. Review :revise the days of the week ,the months of the year ,the seasons of the year2. Duty report: My day3. Lead-in,ask and answer in class。1When do you get up?2What do you often do on Sunday?3When do you usually have an English lesson?4When were you born?5When do

6、the trees turn yellow?6Do you get any presents at Christmas?7When is the Childrens Day?8When did you begin to write?9Do you read newspapers at breakfast?10.Was your mother born in March?4. Presentation Task1: Discuss in groups, then summarize the use of in/on/atTask2: Fill in the blanks with preposi

7、tions of time, then finish part ATask3: Talk about Toms diet to present the adverbs of frequencyTask4: Look at the graph on P48 and help Millie complete the sentences.Task5:Work in pairsAsk: How often do you? Answer: I always/usually/often/sometimes/seldom/never 5.Practice 对划线部分提问:1.I have meals thr

8、ee times a day . 2.Hobo walks to his pool many times a day.3.Im always hungry . 4.He walks to home once a week.5.They sometimes play football. 6.You are late six times a year.7.Simon often plays football after school 8. Sandy seldom plays badminton.9. Kitty always dances on Sunday. 10. Daniel never

9、plays tennis.11.The boys usually swim in the swimming pool. 12.Tom never goes swimming.13.I have some cakes for breakfast. 14.He likes doing his homework.15.She has English lessons twice a day. 16.She has English lessons twice a day.【课后拓展】一用适当的介词填空1. Children always have a good time _Childrens Day.2

10、. The boy began to learn drawing _53. She was born _a hot morning in 1990.4. We like going swimming in the river_summer.5. People usually have a big dinner_the evening of the spring Festival.6. My sister was born _2001.7. Tom wants to go to see the film _6p.m this evening.8. They always have a class

11、 meeting_Monday afternoon.9. We usually plant trees_March.二 根据表格用适当的频度副词填空。G0 to the parkVisit friendsRead booksWatch TVPlay footballGo shoppingDanielMillieLilySimonAlwaysUsually OftenSometimesSeldomNever1. Daniel _reads books at the weekend.2. Millie _watches TV at the weekend3. Lily _plays footbal

12、l at the weekend.4. Simon _visits his friends and watches TV at the weekend.5. Daniel _goes to the park at the weekend.三、单选:( )1Millie often after schoo1 Atake the bus Bclean the chairs Cflying the kite Dwatches football games( )2In his family three people.Ahave Bhas Cthere is Dthere are( )3Mrs Gree

13、n two hours a day reading Aspends Bhas Ctakes Duses( )4My birthday is August 8. A. on B. in C. at D. for( )5Do you know the answer the question? Ato Bof Cat Din( )6I love reading I want to learn more about the world. A、because B、so C、and D、or( )7. Each girl _a dress like yours.A. looks like B. likes

14、 C. like D. look like( )8. I like _. Would you like _ with me this afternoon? A. swimming; swimming B. to swim; to swimC. swimming; to swim D. to swim; swimming( )9The teacher says we shouldnt read comic books Amuch too Btoo much Cmany too Dtoo many( )10.Thank you meAfor help Bfor helping Cat helpin

15、g Dhelp( )11. On Thursday morning, we have an Art lesson_9:30 _11:00. A. betweenand B. from to C. at .to D. from. atto at( )12. We have _ to do every day. A. lots of homework B. lots of homeworks C. lot of homework D. many homeworks ( )13. Daniel spends ¥10 _this book. A. onB. at C. about D. for( )1

16、4 Amys mum _ every morning. A. wakes her up B. wake her up C. wakes up her D. wake up( )15.My parents often me about their past things.A. tellB. sayC. talkD. speak( )1 6.You look today? Why not stay in bed?A. wellB. goodC. ill D. badly四、短文缺词填空(写出完整的单词) Hello! I am Daniel. I love my school,No.1 Middl

17、e School. It is big and clean. I am in Class1,G_1_7. There are 45 students in my class. We a_2_listen to our teachers carefully in class. At lunchtime we often t_3_to each other under the trees in the playground. All my friends are really nice to me and I love t_4_.We have lessons in the morning and

18、 three in the afternoon. The first lesson b_5_at 8:00a.m. English and Maths are my f_6_subjects.I spend two hours d_7_my homework every day. I often go to the school l_8_to read newspapers, magazines and books. Sometimes I play football w_9_my friends. I like my school l_10_1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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