1、Unit3 Letters from the pastTopic 1Section CThe main activity is1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Master some new words:tongue, state, speaker, communicate, conference2. Go on learning the present simple passive voice: Of all these languages, English is the most widely used. 3. Learn t
2、he importance of English. . Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板/世界地图/一些英语标识/召开国际会议的图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (教师出示一幅世界地图,复习各国人民使用的语言,导入本课主题:English around the World()。) T: We know English is widely used throughout the world. Its true that we ought to study English harde
3、r later on. Now lets listen to a beautiful English song. OK?Ss: OK. (放一首著名的英语歌曲,调节课堂气氛,激发学生学英语的热情,然后出示地图和学生对话。)T:Where is China?S1:Its here. T:Which language is spoken as the first language in China?S1:Chinese is spoken as the first language in China. T:Where is England?S2:Its here. T:Which language
4、 is spoken as mother tongue in England. S2:English is spoken(板书讲解并领读。)tongue mother tongue (以这样的方式尽量多地复习讲英语的国家,并在地图上用红粉笔画出来。) T:(指着红粉笔画的国家) Look, English is spoken in so many countries. It become an international language today. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. More and more Chinese p
5、eople are practising speaking English. 2. (教师出示一张召开国际会议的图片,图片中有发言人,有英文背景。师生互动,引入新单词。)T:Look at this picture. Can you tell me what they are doing?Ss:They are having a meeting. T:Yes. They are having an international conference.(教师领读并讲解。)T:(指着发言人)Which language is the speaker speaking? Can you guess?S
6、s:Yes. I think he is speaking English. (板书)speakspeaker T:Good! More and more people use English to communicate on the internet, phones and letters. Its a useful tool for the people from all over the world to communicate with each other. (教师领读并解释communicate。)T:Is English spoken by the largest number
7、 of people in the world?Ss:Yes. T:I dont agree with you. The answer is No. Chinese is spoken as the first language in China which has the largest population in the world and English is the most widely used in the world. (板书)Chinesethe largest populationEnglishthe most widely used(让学生重述这两句子,明了对应关系。)S
8、tep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (教师用小黑板出示下面的内容,要求学生听1a的录音填空。)Why is English very important? (1)( )people speak English as their mother tongue. ( )in the U.S.A. (2)( )people speak English as their second language. English is used (3)as a foreign language. (4)about ( )of the worlds scientists rea
9、d in English. (5)about ( )users of the Internet communicate in English. (1)(听录音一至二遍,要求学生在括号中填入数字,后核对答案,鼓励学生。)(2)(再读课文,要求学生用国家名称填写方框,回答文前问题,并找出其中心句。)(3)(根据上面图示,师生互动回答,复习被动语态。明确课文思路和内容。)T:You did very well. Now look at the form and answer my questions with passive voice. S1, how many people speak Engl
10、ish as their mother tongue?S1:English is spoken as their mother tongue by over 400 million people. T:In which countries English is spokenS2:In the U.S.A. T:S3:T:So English is the most widely used, isnt it?Ss:Yes, it is. 2. (学生完成1b,并核对答案。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (学生跟读课文,找出重难点,教师鼓励学生解释。
11、教师做补充讲解。)T:Boys and girls, if you have any problems, please hands up. Lets discuss and solve them together. S1.S1:S2:(板书并讲解。)the number of a number of two thirds of another+数词 more and more important2. (要求学生合上书本,根据Step 2图表,对课文进行复述。) (方案一)(复述课文。分组活动,每组56人,以接力赛的形式复述课文。最后选本组较好的23人把课文复述完整,看哪组做得最好。)(方案二)
12、(不采用接力复述的方式,而是采用两人对话的形式。假设其中的一个同学没有上这节课,他问另一个同学今天英语学了哪些内容。通过这一情况,两人对话,把所学主要内容反馈出来。)For example:S1:Hi, Li Tao. I didnt go to school today. Would you like to tell me what we learned in English class?S2:We learned English around the World. S1:Is it interesting? Can you tell me something about it?S2:OK,
13、 I know how important English is(S2把书中所学到的英语的重要性详细说给S1听。)S1:English is really very important. I must study English hard from now on. Thank you, Li Tao. T:You all did very well just now. Boys and girls, you are great!Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (听2的录音,完成2中的表格,训练学生听力。)T: Open your books. First,
14、look at the table of 2, then listen to the tape and fill out the table. (若学生有一些空没有填齐,应再放一、二遍,然后要求学生以问答的方式核对答案,训练学生口语。)S1:Where does Sally come from?S2:She comes from Australia. S1:Does she speak English?S2:Yes, she does. S1:Where is she taking a swimming course?S2:In the seaside. S1:2. (出示3的图片,和学生一起
15、谈论它们。)T:Since English is an international language, we can see many English signs around us. Look at the pictures. Can you guess where we can see them? Ss:We can see it in public places. T:What does it mean?Ss:It meansT:What can be seen on the back of this watch?Ss:Made in China. (板书)Made in China T
16、:Where else can we see it?Ss:My pen, my clothes, my bike (教师出示收集的一些英语标识,和学生进行对话。)3. (1)(学生分组讨论他们身边所能听到或看到的英语,然后把内容按下列表格填好。)WhereWhatMeaning(2)(方案一:学生分组汇报,比一比哪组列的更多。)For example:I can see “Keep Quiet” in the school library. It means(方案二:以互问互答的方式来展示内容,或猜出内容,学生抢答比赛。)S3:We can see it in public place.S4:
17、Is it “No Smoking”?S3:No, it means you must be careful and mustnt touch it. S5:Its “Danger”.S3:Youre right. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)1. (1)(学生分组活动,每组6人,讨论生活中存在的常用英语标识。) For example:Be Quiet. Dont Litter. No Photo. No Smoking (2)每组把收集到的所有英语标识整理出来,做成卡片。(3)每组向全班同学展示卡片,大家评选出字体写得最好、卡片做得最好的小组。(4)利
18、用卡片进行问答。例如:学生先展示一张表示No photo的卡片,然后利用卡片进行问答。S1:What does this sign mean?S2:It means you cant take photos there. S1:Where can this sign be put?S2:It is usually put in the museums. (学生做练习的时候老师给予适当指导。)2. Homework:Write your experience of studying English. 板书设计:English is widely used throughout the world. Section Cmother tongueAmong all of these languages, Englishthe number ofis the most widely used. a number ofThe English language is becomingtwo thirds ofmore and more important.
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