1、你教了几年书? How long have you been teaching?I have been teaching for.有教小学的经验吗?Did you have any experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school?Yes, I did. or No, I didnt.你打算怎么样给小朋友上课?How are you going to give lessons to little kids?I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are avail
2、able like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles. 能否示范一下? Can you demonstrate one lesson?Sure. If I teach days of the week, I will teach children a song: Sunday, Monday.(用
3、twinkle twinkle little star 的tune) 你以为教小学生跟教中学生有什么不一样?What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children?well, when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient.He/she has to use lots of songs, games, body language to help student learn En
4、glish.The forms of each lesson should be different.Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammer. I can give them more written work and I can have more discussions with the children.怎样让小学生对英文感兴趣? How are you going to keep the students interested in learning
5、 English?怎样将你的课上得有趣?How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?这两道题的答案是同样的,只不过问的形式不一样样.I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes songs are all good for little kids. I will have them practice English as a w
6、hole class, group work, pair work or independent work.Whatever works out for the children I will do it. There is never one way to success.“你对工资和福利有什么期望?”我对工资没有硬性要求。我相信贵企业有一个薪酬标准,在处理我的问题上会友善合理。我重视的是找对工作机会,因此只要条件公平,我则不会计较太多。“为何要选择教师这个行业”、“你是怎么看教师这个工作的”读的就是师范类的专业,做教师符合自己的专业,并且目前企业之类的工作不够稳定,教师稳定性比较高,目前好
7、的学校对教师的培养很好,也能为教师提供很大的发展空间等。对孩子的爱心、耐心和责任心,更多了一份成熟和自信。教师这个职业是神圣而伟大的,他要讨教师不但要有丰富的知识,还要有高尚的情操。因此,在读师范时,我就十分重视自身的全面发展,广泛地培养自己的兴趣兴趣,并学有特长,做到除擅长绘画和书法外,还能会唱、会说、会讲。“学高仅能为师,身正方能为范”,在重视知识学习的同时我还注意培养自己高尚的道德情操,自觉遵纪守法,遵守社会公德,没有不良癖好和行为。我想这些都是一名教育工作者应当具备的最起码的素养。教师面试技巧一: 应聘教师要看自己的专业,我是一名大学教师,刚经历过面试因此还是有些经验的。 首先就是要在
8、试讲前做好充足的准备,把要讲的内容的有关背景等知识了解到位,并把课的内容和这些背景结合起来,重要是注意怎样让背景知识在吸引人的同时把人引导到课本的内容上来。 其次就是出发前的准备,一定要着装合体,不要穿着台前卫,毕竟教师这个职位还是要讲究矜持的。 在见到面试官时要体现的大方,不要太拘禁,也不要太嚣张,给人留下稳重的印象。 试讲时要首先把自己的试讲材料分发给各位考官。讲学时的音量尤其重要,并且要有板书,然后就是注意设计的跟学生互动的步骤。麻雀虽小但五脏俱全,因此板书就是你的教课大纲,是有始有终的,最后别忘了布置作业。试讲完成以后还会有提问基本上都是包括到怎样安排你所教的课程的,教学侧重点应当在哪
10、整,有条理,开头有内容简介,结尾有内容总结。不要急于擦黑板,试想下边坐的是学生,要给学生留出足够的记笔记的时间。口头体现要注意声音洪亮,语速适中,抑扬顿挫。要注意与台下学生的交流,讲课突出重点,突破难点。C形象 着装要正式、庄严,给人一副为人师表的感觉。3、做好心理准备和久远职业规划 =求职定位:求职定位要做到“知己知彼”。“知己”是要清楚自已喜欢做什么?能做什么?擅长做什么?“知彼”是要清楚市场需求,了解行业情况。“知己”和“知彼”是相辅相承,缺一不可的。当我们喜欢做的事情,我们适合做的事情、我们擅长做的事情和社会的需求相吻合的时候,我们离成功不远了。求职心态:1、时刻保持自信2、目标明确3
11、、积极尝试,不停调整Iwhat is your major? AMy major is Business Administration. I am especially interested inMarketing. (不但回答了问题,还顺带一句简介了自己较为感兴趣的方面,简明扼要。) IWhich university are you attending? AI am attendingUniversity. IHave you received any degrees? AYes. FirstI received my Bachelor degree in English Literatu
12、reand then an MBA degree. IWhat course did you like best? AProject Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think its very useful for my present work. IDo you feel that you have received a good general training? AYesI have studied in an English train-ing program a
13、nd a computer training program since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school. 简介工作经验:显露实力,防止炫耀 IHave you ever been employed? IYour resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghaimay I ask why you left? AI w
14、orked in a foreign rep.office for one year.HoweverI left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting. IHave you done any work in this field? IWhat qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?IWh
15、at have you learned from the jobs you have had? AI have learned a lot about business know how and basic office skills. In additionI learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues. IWhats you major weak point? AI havent been involved in international businessso I dont have any experi
16、encebut I have studied this course in the International Business Training Center of theCompany. IWhat are your greatest strengths?(实话实说好了,无须客气,但应注意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。) IPlease tell me about your working experience. IDoes your present employer know you are looking for another job? ANoI havent discussed m
17、y career plans with my present employerbut I am sure he will understand. 性格兴趣:体现积极、合作的一面 IHow do you spend your spare time? IAre you interested in sports? IDo you think you are introverted or extroverted? IWhat kind of personality do you think you have? AI always approach things very enthusiasticall
18、y. When I beg in somethingI dont like to leave it halfdone. I cant concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished. IWhat is the most important thing for you to be happy? ADifferent people have different ideas. I think the most important thing for me is having a good relationship with
19、 my family members and my friends. My family has always been very closeknitand my friend sand I spend a lot of time together. Without that I would be much less happy than I am. IWhat makes you angry? ADishonesty. Its unacceptable. IWhat are your personal weaknesses? AIm afraid Im a poor talker. Im n
20、ot comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for businessso I have been studying public speaking. IAre you more of a leader or a follower? AI dont try to lead people. Id rather cooperate with everybodyand get the job done by working together.
21、工作要求:我能胜任 IDo you think you can make yourself easily understood in English? AYesin most circumstances. IAre you available for travel? AYesI like traveling. I am youngand unmarried. Its no problem for me to travel frequently. IHow about overtime work? AOvertime work is very common in companies. I can
22、 work overtime if its necessarybut I dont think we will work overtime everyday. IHow long do you think we can depend on your working here? IDo you like regular work? ANoI dont like regular work. I am interested in different projects with new opport unities and new challengebut I can do regular work
23、if the company needs me to do so. IWhat salary do you expect? AShall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job. IDo you work well under pressure? AWorking under pressure is exciting and challenging. I dont mind working
24、 under pressure. I work well under the secircum stances. People canI Can. IDo you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration? ANonothing in particular. IHow soon can you begin working for us? AI need about two to three weeks for necessary formalities. I
25、 will quit then transfer to your company. 面试结束:礼貌道别 IAny questions? AWhen will I know your decision? IHow can we get in touch with you? IWe will notify you of our decision by mailis this convenient for you? IThank you for your interest in our company. AThank youMr.Smith. Goodbye.Thank you for your t
26、ime. IYou will be hearing from us very soon. Please send the next applicantin on your way out. AOK.Thank you very much. 另外,面试官还也许问及你的家庭情况,如家人对你的影响等,也应事先有所准备。 资料: 英语自我简介常用十句话 1. I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易企业。 2. I have been in the business f
27、or the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department. 本人在过去十年在商界担任人事部主任迄今。 3. I have had five years experience with a company as a salesman. 本人曾在某一企业担任推销员,前后有五年之久。 4. For the past three years, I have been in the office of the Brothers Trading Co., where I have been ad
28、still am an accountant. 本人曾经在弟兄贸易企业服务三年,担任会计工作,现仍在职中。 5. I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co., in teh general clerical work of the office. 我今年20岁,曾于绿林企业服务两年,担任一般文员工作。 6. I am 25 years of age, and have had two years experience in my present po
29、st, which I am leaving to better myself. 我今年25岁,已在目前的职位工作两年,兹为寻找更上一层楼,准备离开此职位。 7. I am nineteen years of age, female and have had two years experience in a companys delivery office. 我今年19岁,女性。曾在某家企业担任收发工作两年。 8. I am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age. 本人18岁,很快即可毕业。 9. I am twenty year
30、s of age, and am anxious to settle down to office work. 本人20岁,希望能找到一个企业,以便安定下来。 10. Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I have been employed in teh Green Hotel as a cashier. 两年前,自从离校后,在格兰酒店担任出纳员。 自我简介用语大全之问候类 1.Good morning everyone. 大家早上好。 2.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 先生们,
31、女士们下午好。 3.Good evening, teachers and fellow students. 老师们,同学们晚上好。 4.Its my great honor to introduce myself to you here. 很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我简介。 5.Its my pleasure to introduce myself to you here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我简介。 6.Im very happy to introduce myself to you here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我简介。 7.Im very glad to introduce my
32、self to you here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我简介。 8.I feel very honored to introduce myself to you here. 我感到很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我简介。 9.It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to you here. 我是如此的高兴在这儿向大家作自我简介。 10.It is a privilege to be speaking to you today. 今日能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。 11. I am very proud to be addressing you
33、 this evening. 今晚能在此应邀发言我深感荣幸。 个人简历中怎样用英语自我赞美 Mature,dynamic and honest思想成熟、精明能干、为人老实。 Excellent ability of systematical management有极强的系统管理能力。 Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。 A stable personality
34、 and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不一样文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 Ambitious attitude essential有雄心壮志。 Initiative,independent and good communication skill积极积极、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 Willing
35、 to work under pressure with leardership quality乐意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。 Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。 With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。 Strong determination to succee
36、d有取得成功的坚定决心。 Strong leadership skills有极强的领导艺术。 Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 Strong leadership skill while posse
37、ssing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。 Be highly organized and effecient工作很有条理,办事效率高。 Willing to learn and progress肯学习进取。 Good presentation skills.有良好的体现能力。 Positive active mind essential有积极、灵活的头脑。 Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。善于同各种人员打交道。 Have positive work attitude
38、and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。有积极的工作态度,乐意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。 Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。 Good people management and communication skills. Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。 Able to work under high pressure and time limit
39、ation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。 Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人性格好。 With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。 The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.重要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。 Having good and ex
40、tensive social connections.具备良好而广泛的社会关系。 Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。 With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力。转载请注明出自应届生求职招聘论坛 ,本贴地址:“What is your greatest weakness?”General Introduction I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong Universit
41、y, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program. Education background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) - widely considered one of the Chinas best engineering schools. Dur
42、ing the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission te
43、st. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies. At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I
44、became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and t
45、rying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis. Research experience and academic activity When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. In 1997, I participated in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in P
46、rof. Wangs lab. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. In 1998, I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my f
47、irst practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product. In 1999, I joined the distinguished Professor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Network flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research. Soon I was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design. My duty was to pick up the useful information among different kinds of gene matching format. Through the comparison and analysis for many heuristic algorithms, I introduced an improv
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