4、,但请您相信,您的选择不会错!希望贵校能给我一次展现自我的时机,能成为贵校一员,我三生有幸!祝贵校事业蒸蒸日上!xxxxxxx年xx月xx日英语专业自荐信范例 2018英语自荐信(2) 同时,我也利用课余时间加强对本人实践才能的培养,积极参加各种社团活动,全方位充实本人。四年中,我不断在elic工作,通过和他们的语言交流,拓宽了本人的文化视野,提高了本人的英语运用才能。我在东北师大附中实习期间,落落大方的教态,明晰明晰的讲解,认真负责的态度获得了指导老师和学生们的一致好评。 天行健,君子当自强不息。我坚信我会一步一个脚印走得更好!但我也明白本人的平凡,明白本人在各方面还需要进一步提高。或许在贵
5、校的求职者中我并不是最优秀的,但我相信本人的综合实力,更相信您的慧眼。 大学之道,止于至善。恳切希望您详考、慎虑,使我与贵校共同开展,求至善、创辉煌! 英语系本科生自荐信范文 2018英语自荐信(3) distinguished leadership: you! thank for taking time to visit my cover letter! dalian university of technology i am a foreign language college, english department, one of 05 students, to be completed
6、 in june next year undergraduate studies. the chinese network of excellence is given such a good opportunity for overseas training, i hope to be able to strive for in order to truly enter the community as a solid bridge. university, i most solemnly told his sentence is: life is always flooded, more
7、than fighting. school pass their professional, use it to pave the way for my life. i english as the direction of technology, first lay a solid foundation to focus on, from listening, speaking, reading and writing basic skills training in several aspects, to achieve ease in use of english on the basi
8、s of the overview i covered the anglo-american, english and american literature, linguistics and other related expertise. at the same time, i have a minor in business management and information systems professional, these efforts not only to the professional standards i have increased every year, an
9、d the expansion of the horizons, enrich the mind and in my sophomore year when a good performance through the english four professional examinations in march this year, will also participate in professional test 8. well aware of the importance of the role of verbal communication, i especially pay at
10、tention to apply what they have learned. in addition to actively and selectively participate in hospital, school activities, i also from time to time to participate in english corner, guides to the foreign mission, chinese and foreign companies to participate in the negotiation meetings, the transla
11、tion of some information, such as english tutor. this gives me an opportunity to make a lot of friends, has enriched the experience, and enrich their daily lives. i am good at organization and leadership, has served as minister of the department of organization, organization, and many award-winning
12、large-scale activities. i took over the matter, i will pay 100% of the energy to do a good job. since this time, overseas internship, i would like to regard their language skills there will be some advantages, is able to use their professional knowledge. i think the significance of attachment is mor
13、e to learn from others to learn from colleagues overseas, so communication is very important, and this area is my strength怡怡. thanks again for the leadership of the concerns and look forward to your good news! sincerely, salute! 商贸英语专业的自荐信样文 2018英语自荐信(4) 商贸英语专业的自荐信样文,关键词是自荐信,商贸英语专业, 尊敬的领导:您好!我是xx师大外
14、国语学院商贸英语专业学生。在人生的又一个重要转机点上,感激您给予我的这份关注踏入师大校门之际,我便决心在“我想做什么”与“我能做什么”之间建立一个合理的平衡点。通过大学四年的充实与提高,我更加明确了本人想做什么,也特别骄傲本人能做得更多。学习方面,快速探究出一套适宜本人的学习方法后,在听、说、读、写、译等根本技能上下功夫,以坚实的根底开场英美文学、英美概况、语言学等高层次专业课的学习。连年获得专业奖学金,成绩良好,并在大二时顺利通过 英语 专业四级 考试 。学习之余,热心投入到班级、院系及各种社会实践活动中。在担任班团支书期间,带着本班支部成为院先进团支部,被评为校优秀团员。为在各个方面充实、
15、完善本人,参加吉大atc办公自动化微机辅导课程,成绩优良。经常参加口语角,进展材料 翻译 等工作。特别喜爱体育运动如篮球、乒乓球等,健康情况良好。带着对老师这一职业的喜爱与好奇,四年里我全身心投入到成为一名老师的预备工作中。教法课上认真考虑,课下在不同教学实践活动如家教及做课外辅导班兼职老师等活动中细心揣摩,把课堂上学习到的理论与真实教学活动做认真比照与考虑,试讲得到老师及同学确实信与好评。在教育实习期间,教学实习与班主任工作实习两手抓,做到教学内容丰富、教法灵敏、教态大方,获得实习院校老师、同学及本校带队老师的一致确信。实习成绩优秀。做事踏实、投入,但不盲目,这是我工作、学习和生活的一个重要准那么。在充满机遇与挑战的今天,在面临选择与被选择的这一时刻,真诚地希望可以有时机投入到我喜爱的教育事业中,在贵校的领导与协助下,为这一事业尽我个人的一份力量!期盼着来自贵校的好音讯!此致敬礼xxxxxxx年xx月xx日
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