1、每日商务英语(单词)今日单词:wack中文解释:难看的,土气的(形容词,俚语)英文释义:adjective, SLANG) Ugly, unfashionable, disappointing.例 句:EXAMPLE: My friends told me to stop wearing such wack old clothes and buy something more trendy. 我的朋友叫我别再穿这样土里土气的旧衣服,去买些时尚些的衣服穿。每日单词:stoked中文解释:高兴坏了(形容词,俚语)英文释义:(adjective, SLANG) Very excited and pl
2、eased in an energetic manner.例 句:EXAMPLE: When I heard that I might qualify for a promotion to a powerful new job with an enormous salary, I was really stoked!当我听说我有可能被提升担任一个薪水丰厚的要职的消息时,我高兴坏了。每日单词:snitch中文解释:告密者(名词,非正式用语)英文释义:(noun, INFORMAL) An informer, or untrustworthy person who reveals secrets
3、deceitfully. 例 句:EXAMPLE: When we were children, my little sister was such a snitch that I could never hide anything from our parents. 小时候,我的小妹妹特别喜欢告密,我有什么事都休想瞒过父母。每日单词:knickknack中文解释:小摆设(名词)英文释义:(noun) A small, useless but possibly beloved object; an ornamental trinket.例 句:EXAMPLE: My grandmother h
4、as dozens of knickknacks in her apartment.我祖母在她的公寓里有几十件小摆设。每日单词:exhort中文解释:规劝英文释义:(verb) To urge vigorously and earnestly.例 句:EXAMPLE: On their first day at work the company president met with a group of new employees, and exhorted them to be prompt, cooperative, and hardworking. 在一批新雇员上班的第一天,公司总裁与他
5、们见了面,规劝他们要行动迅速、善于协作并且工作勤奋。每日单词:bumpy中文解释:起伏不定的 崎岖的(形容词)英文释义:(adjective) Unsmooth, rough. (NOTE: often used figuratively)例 句:EXAMPLE: Sales of our new product were bumpy at first, since we would sell a lotone week and very little the next. 我们新产品的销量一开始起伏不定,某一周的销量会很大,接下来的一周销量又会很小。每日单词:blindside中文解释:使遭受
6、猝不及防的打击(动词)英文释义:(verb) To surprise with negative consequences; to catch off guard.例 句:EXAMPLE: Several leading manufacturers of fine cameras were blindsided by the rapid growth and popularity of digital photography, and lost business to more technology-minded competitors. 数码摄影的快速发展和普及,使传统高级相机制造行业的几个
7、佼佼者措手不及,生意都被更有技术头脑的竞争对手抢走了。每日单词:acoria中文解释:贪食(症)(名词,医学用语)英文释义:(noun, MEDICAL) A pathological, obsessive hunger that cannot be satisfied.例 句:EXAMPLE: The greedy executives acoria prevented him from enjoying his wealthor possessions. 这位贪婪高管的贪欲让他无法安享他已有的财富或资产。每日单词:recovery中文解释:经济恢复期(经济学名词)英文释义:(noun, E
8、CONOMICS) A time period in a business cycle when economic activity increases after a recession例 句:EXAMPLE: After a two-year recession the nations economy finally appears to be in a recovery. 该国经济在两年衰退后终于进入了恢复期。每日单词:grounding中文解释:背景,出身(名词)英文释义:(noun) A background, foundation, or previous period of tr
9、aining例句:EXAMPLE: The companys new president has a thorough grounding in accounting, having worked as an senior accountant for over ten years. 公司的新总裁有深厚的会计背景,曾担任高级会计师10年以上。每日单词:flounder中文解释:1.挣扎,慌乱(动词); 2. 比目鱼(名词)英文释义:1. (verb) To move in a clumsy manner; often, to have difficulty either speaking cl
10、early or accomplishing a complex task effectively. (NOTE: from the DUTCH flounderen meaning to flop about) 2. (noun) A large marine flat fish.例 句:EXAMPLE: This morning Im practicing the speech I will make at the meeting tonight because I will be embarrassed if I flounder. 我今天早上在练习要在今晚会议上做的演讲,因为到时候一旦
11、乱了方寸,我会觉得难堪。 EXAMPLE: We enjoyed a delicious steamed flounder at dinner last night. 昨天晚餐时,我们吃了美味的蒸比目鱼。每日单词:con中文解释:欺诈(动词)英文释义:(verb) To persuade people dishonestly in order to take their money.例 句:EXAMPLE: To get her money, the dishonest young man conned the rich old lady into believing that he was
12、starting a company that would become very successful soon. 这个爱骗人的青年为了得到那个有钱老妇人的钱,骗她相信他正在创办一家很快会取得成功的公司。每日单词:buzzword中文解释:流行词汇(动词)英文释义:(noun) A new, popular word or phrase connected with a particular activity (NOTE: often used falsely to imply knowledge of that activity).例 句:EXAMPLE: When I interview
13、ed him, the young man used a lot of buzzwords to try to impress me, but I dont think he really understood the meaning of them. 当我采访这位年轻人时,他为了打动我,用了好多时下的流行词,但我觉得他实际上不理解这些词的含义。每日单词:buyback中文解释:回购股票(名词,非正式用语)英文释义:(noun, INFORMAL) A companys repurchase of shares of its own publicly traded stock.例 句:EXAM
14、PLE: The troubled company attempted a major buyback last month in an effort to increase the price of its shares. 这家陷入麻烦的公司上月尝试回购股票,力图提高本公司股价。每日单词:breakthrough中文解释: 突破(名词)英文释义:(noun) A moment of sudden discovery after which what had been difficult orimpossible previously now becomes feasible.例 句:EXAM
15、PLE: After years of trying to cure malaria, the medical researchers finally hada breakthrough last week. 经过数年治疗疟疾的尝试,这位医学研究人员最终在上周取得了突破。每日单词:moocher中文解释:吃白食者,占便宜者(名词,非正式用语)英文释义:(noun, INFORMAL) A person who obtains things for free by taking unfair advantage of the hospitality of others. 例 句:EXAMPLE:
16、 My brother-in-law is a moocher who always tries to get other people topay for his meals, taxi rides, movie tickets, and other personal expenses. 我的妻舅爱占便宜,总想让别人替他支付饭费、打的费、电影票钱等个人开支。每日单词:leak中文解释:泄露(动词)英文释义:(verb) To reveal confidential information without authorization.例 句:EXAMPLE: We did not want a
17、nyone in our company to leak our design plans before our new products were made. 在新产品制成以前,我们不想让公司的任何人泄露我们的设计图。每日单词:incapacitate中文解释:使失去能力(及物动词)英文释义:(transitive verb) To disable; to take away ones strength or ability to act例 句:EXAMPLE: A stroke incapacitated the companys elderly president last month,
18、 and his son is now in charge. 上月,公司的老总裁因一次中风失去了工作能力,现在由他的儿子担任主管。每日单词:folderol中文解释:华而不实的小玩艺(名词)英文释义:(noun) Elaborate but useless trinkets, procedures, or speech (NOTE: also falderal) 例 句:EXAMPLE: My grandfather hates dressing formally and considers silk ties and cufflinks to be a lot of annoying fol
19、derol. 我祖父讨厌穿正装,觉得丝绸领带和袖扣都是些讨厌且华而不实的东西。每日单词:dive中文解释:1. 急降(不及物动词,非正式用语); 2. 低级酒馆(名词,俚语)英文释义:1. (intransitive verb, INFORMAL) To decline sharply. 2. (noun, SLANG) A cheap and shabby restaurant or tavern.例 句:EXAMPLE: Stock prices can dive immediately when the market hears bad news. 在市场听到坏消息之后,股价立即大跌。E
20、XAMPLE: My brother bought a little dive by the harbor that he wants to convert into a nice place for tourists. 我兄弟买下港口边的一个小酒馆,想把它变成旅游者的好去处。每日单词:confer中文解释:1. 授予(动词,非正式用语); 2. 商量(不及物动词)英文释义:1. (transitive verb, FORMAL) To give; to bestow an honor. 2. (intransitive verb) To discuss in a serious manner
21、, usually among experts; to consult. (NOTE: usually followed by the preposition with)例 句:EXAMPLE: The university president will confer a special title to thedistinguished professor. 大学校长将给这位杰出教授授予一个特殊称号。EXAMPLE: Before making any major business decisions, the cautious company owner always confers wi
22、th his managers and his accountant. 这位谨慎的公司老板在做出任何商业决策前,总要与他的经理和会计商量。每日单词:wack中文解释:难看的,土气的(形容词,俚语)英文释义:(adjective, SLANG) Ugly, unfashionable, disappointing.例 句:EXAMPLE: My friends told me to stop wearing such wack old clothes and buy something more trendy.我的朋友叫我别再穿这样土里土气的旧衣服,去买些时尚些的衣服穿。每日单词:wrangle
23、r中文解释:1. 牧马人,牛仔(名词,美语); 2. 活动管理协调人(名词,非正式用语)英文释义:1. (noun, AMERICAN) Handler of a large number of horses or other animals.2. (noun, INFORMAL) Anyone charged with the responsibility of managing a large number of people gathered for an event.例 句:EXAMPLE: My brother is a skilled wrangler who can keep a
24、 dozen horses calm during a storm. 我的兄弟是个技术高超的牛仔,在风暴到来时能让几十匹马保持平静。 EXAMPLE: The movie company hired an experienced wrangler who coordinated people who appeared briefly in the background of the film. 这家电影公司雇用了一位有经验的活动管理人,负责协调群众演员。每日单词:briefing中文解释:1. 情况通报会(名词); 2. 简报(名词)英文释义:1. (noun) A meeting at wh
25、ich detailed instructions or preparatory information is provided.2. (noun) Preparatory information presented at a meeting that prepares participants for future action.例 句:EXAMPLE: This morning our department manager conducted a briefing on new company policies. 今天早上,我们的部门经理就公司新政策举行了一次情况通报会。 EXAMPLE:
26、 To help us in determining our future plans, the company president asked her advisors to prepare a briefing on new technological changes in our industry. 为了帮助我们确定未来计划,公司总裁请她的顾问准备一份关于本行业技术新变化的简报。每日单词:geocode中文解释:地理编码(名词,营销用语)英文释义:(noun, MARKETING) Quantitative, de script ive profile of a particular n
27、eighborhood or geographic region based on such statistics as the average income, educational level, or age of its inhabitants.例 句:EXAMPLE: Our marketing department knew the geocode of each neighborhood in the capital, and used this information to target our advertising activities appropriately. 我们的营
28、销部门知道首都每个小区的地理编码,并利用此信息制定相应的广告营销活动。每日单词:ken中文解释:知识面,理解范围(名词)英文释义:(noun) Knowledge; range of understanding.例 句:EXAMPLE: Some aspects of tax accounting are beyond my ken, so when complicated tax questions arise I always hire a consultant who specializes in that field. 有关税务会计的一些内容超出了我的理解范围,所以,出现复杂税务问题时
29、,我总要聘用一位有该领域专长的顾问。每日单词:bloated中文解释:臃肿的(形容词)英文释义:(adjective) Abnormally swollen or distended larger than what is desired.例句:EXAMPLE: The corporations staff has become bloated by hiring manymoreemployees than necessary.这家公司因雇用数量远远超出需要的员工而变得人员臃肿。每日单词:confab中文解释:1. 闲谈(名词); 2. 会议或贸易会展(名词,当代商业俚语)英文释义:1. (
30、noun) A casual conversation (NOTE: clipping of the more formalterm confabulation) 2.( noun, CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS SLANG) A conference or trade show.例 句:EXAMPLE: My colleagues at the office and I usually have a little confab for a few minutes every morning.我和办公室的同事通常每天早上都要闲谈几分钟。EXAMPLE: I attended a
31、big industrial confab last week and had a lot of useful conversations with potential new customers.我上周参加了一个大型产业会议,与潜在新客户进行了很多有益的交谈。每日单词:credible中文解释:可信的(形容词)英文释义:(adjective) Believable.例 句:EXAMPLE: The statements that appear in a well-designed advertisement should be credible if they are to be persu
32、asive.精心设计的广告中的表述若是具有说服力,那么它应当是可信的。每日单词:encroach中文解释:侵占(动词)英文释义:(verb) To advance or expand improperly beyond previous boundaries.例 句:EXAMPLE: Farmers are complaining that the new residential suburbs are starting to encroach into traditional agricultural zones.农民们抱怨说,新开发的城效居民区已开始侵占传统农业区。每日单词:graze中文
33、解释:随便吃点(动词,俚语)英文释义:(verb, SLANG) To eat small amounts of food from a large buffet. 例 句:EXAMPLE: Rather than eat a large meal at a business event, I prefer to graze.参加商务活动时,我不喜欢吃大餐,总是随便吃一点就行。每日单词:hornswoggle中文解释:蒙骗(及物动词,美语)英文释义:(transitive verb, AMERICAN) To deceive by trickery (NOTE: mildly humorous
34、).例 句:EXAMPLE: I dont trust the landlord and I think he may try to hornswoggle me with extra expenses in addition to the rent.我不信任房东,觉得他可能想蒙骗我在房租之外再支付些额外的费用。每日单词:hotbed中文解释:1.(助长坏事的)温床(名词); 2.(保护幼苗的)温箱(名词)英文释义:1. (noun) A place that encourages and protects the rapid growth of something bad. 2. (noun
35、) A low, glass-covered box filled with soil that is kept warm to germinate seeds or to protect young plants.例 句:EXAMPLE: The filthy and crowded old neighborhood had become a hotbed for crime and disease, and so nearby residents were glad to see it replaced by clean new buildings.这片肮脏拥挤的旧街区已经成为犯罪和疾病的
36、温床,所以,附近居民很高兴看到它被整洁的新楼房所替代。EXAMPLE: The farmer grows healthy vegetables in the spring by starting them in a hotbed he keeps heated during the last months of winter.这位农民冬末在保持一定温度的温箱里育苗,到了春天,他的蔬菜长得非常好。每日单词:antsy中文解释:焦虑的(形容词,非正式用语)英文释义:(adjective, INFORMAL) Anxious; uncomfortable; moving about in a ner
37、vous manner. 例 句:EXAMPLE: I get antsy when I dont have customers in my shop, so I find little things to clean up or repair.店里没有顾客的时候我会变得焦虑不安,于是我就去清理、修补一些小东西。每日单词:braggadocious中文解释:爱说大话的(形容词,诙谐语)英文释义:(adjective, HUMOROUS) Boastful; vain in a loud, extravagant, and careless manner. 例 句:EXAMPLE: My bra
38、ggadocious old uncle always bores us with grand stories about how much money he made.我那位爱说大话的老伯总是给我们讲他赚了多少多少钱的辉煌故事,很让人乏味。每日单词:gawk中文解释:呆视(不及物动词,非正式用语)英文释义:(intransitive verb, INFORMAL) To stare in a wordless, stupid manner. 例 句:EXAMPLE: We were hoping that visitors to our shop would buy our new prod
39、ucts, but they seemed content merely to gawk and leave without making any purchases.我们希望来我们店的客人能买我们的产品,但他们似乎仅满足于毫无表情地看两眼,然后什么也不买就离开。每日单词:lick中文解释:打败(动词,俚语)英文释义:(verb, SLANG) Defeat.例 句:EXAMPLE: Our new products are so good that all of us are confident we will lick our competitors this year.我们的新产品质量非
40、常好,所以我们大家都有信心能在今年打败我们的竞争对手。每日单词:minion中文解释:奴才,爱奉承的下属(名词)英文释义:(noun) An unimportant and servile subordinate, especially one who tries to win favor by flattery.例 句:EXAMPLE: The pompous old man liked to be surrounded by minions who never dared to question his foolish decisions.这个自负的老头儿乐于身边有一群从不敢质疑其愚蠢决定
41、的奴才下属。每日单词:mondo中文解释:巨大的(形容词,当代俚语)英文释义:(adjective, CONTEMPORARY SLANG) Enormous. 例 句:EXAMPLE: I was so hungry today that I ate a mondo bowl of delicious noodles for lunch.今天我太饿了,所以午饭时吃了一海碗美味的面条。每日单词:nutso中文解释:疯狂的,邪门的(形容词,俚语)英文释义:(adjective, SLANG) Crazy; unconventional in a negative, unpleasant way.
42、例 句:EXAMPLE: The other engineers at the factory thought their colleagues nutso new invention would never work.厂里其他工程师认为这位同事的邪门发明不会取得成功。每日单词:picturesque中文解释:风景如画的(形容词)英文释义:(adjective) Visually dramatic in an unusual but attractive manner.例 句:EXAMPLE: The picturesque old town attracted many tourists.这
43、座风景如画的老城吸引了很多旅游者。每日单词:bolt中文解释:赶快离开(动词,俚语)英文释义:(verb, SLANG) To leave suddenly and run far away.例 句:EXAMPLE: The manager spoke quickly at his meeting in the late afternoon before the big holiday because he knew his staff wanted to bolt.这位经理在这一重大节日之前的午后会议上讲话速度很快,因为他知道下属们都恨不得赶紧脱身。每日单词:bungle中文解释:把搞砸(动
44、词)英文释义:(verb) To do something poorly in a very clumsy manner.例 句:EXAMPLE: Because my name is difficult for them to pronounce, foreigners often bungle it.外国人经常把我的名字念得面目全非,因为我的名字的发音对他们来说很难。每日单词:eyesore中文解释:刺眼的东西(名词)英文释义:(noun) Something that is quite unpleasant to look at.例 句:EXAMPLE: The ugly old building was an eyesore that most neighbors wanted it destroyed.这幢难看的旧楼很扎眼,附近大多数居民都希望拆了它。每日单词:firewater中文解释:劣质烈酒(名词,传统俚语)(现常用来谑指所有酒精含量高的烈性饮料)英文释义:(noun,
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