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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、-Why do you speak in _ a loud voice?-Because I want to make myself _ clearly.Asuch; hear Bso; hea

2、rd Csuch; heard Dso; hear2、Neither Amy nor her parents _ to Australia, but _ of them know Australian customs very well.Ahave been, allBhave been, bothChas been, neitherDhas been, none3、We must make full use of our valuable time to review lessons in the following days. It is important to study in the

3、 right ways. We should avoid_. listening to teachers carelessly having a rest as often as possible sleeping in class writing down the important points and review them after class practicing more with our teachers or classmatesA B C 4、Remember to write the key words here. _.AWith pleasureBThats right

4、CNot at allDSure, I will5、In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the others?A agreeB alienCahead6、-May I come in, Doctor?-Sorry, its not your turn yet. Please wait on the chair over there until you _.AcallBhave calledCare calledDwill be called7、 Dont worry! Im sur

5、e your son will arrive safely. - But if he _, what can I do? Its getting dark and its going to rain.Awont come Bdoesnt come Cisnt coming Dwouldnt come8、The teacher told us _.Awhen will the English class beginBif she can come to the partyCthe students were having a listening examDwhere could we find

6、the lost things9、- Look! The man at the school gate _ be our headmaster. - No, it _ be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now.Amust; mustntBmust; cantCcan; neednt10、一Do you like movie Dangal?一Yes. Its educational movie. I like it very much.Athe; anBa; anCa; theDthe; a. 完形填空11、 Mr.Black was a

7、 single(单身的) father, living with a 7-year-old boy. He was often worried about his sons growing up with no 1 to look after him. One day, he went to another city, leaving the child at 2 . He worried about the child all day, so he called him many times. But his child 3 told him not to worry. The father

8、 went back late in the evening. When he opened the door of their bedroom, he found it was quiet and his child was 4 . He was so tired out that he went to bed at once. To his surprise, he touched an overturned(翻倒) bowl of 5 under the quilt. He woke up his son angrily. Then he hit(击) him. “Why are you

9、 so 6 , leaving the food in bed? Who will wash it?” He never wanted to see his boy cry. It was the 7 time that he had hit his boy after his wife died. “Sorry, but.” the child replied with tears(眼泪) in his eyes. “This is 8 dinner, Daddy.”To let his father eat something hot when he got home, the child

10、 9 two bowls of noodles: one for himself, the other for his father. After eating his noodles, he was afraid that his fathers noodles would get 10 ,so he placed them under the quilt. When he heard this, the father put his arms around his son without saying a word.1AfatherBmotherCfriendDteacher2Aoffic

11、eBschoolChotelDhome3AalwaysBsometimesChardlyDnever4AcookingBeatingCsleepingDreading5AriceBsoupCdumplingsDnoodles6AhungryBcarelessCcreativeDsurprised7AfirstBsecondCthirdDlast8AmyByourCourDtheir9AcookedBtouchedCateDfound10AdirtyBwetCbadDcold. 语法填空12、阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。Spring, s

12、ummer, autumn and winter make a year. We clearly know each season is important. If I 1(ask) which season is the most beautiful, Id like to say all of them are beautiful.Spring 2(show) a wonderful picture with the blue sky and white clouds, green trees and clear air, shining sun and warm wind. Nature

13、 has woken up. Where is spring? It shines 3 the eyes of children, it dances among peoples gestures(姿态)and expressions. The sunshine is making everything wake up. People will have a new4(begin) in spring which is the 5(good) time to start the whole years work.Summer is 6 active season. We can go boat

14、ing and have fun in the water. What I like best in this season is the lotus(莲花).Whenever I am sad, it encourages me to try my best to make my dream come true.I was born in autumn. It has seen my growth, happiness and sadness. 7 the past months are sometimes bad, I own a new beginning. It brings love

15、, hope and enjoyment into 8 life.I love winter because I have fun with friends 9(play) in the snow, making a snowman, enjoying the white world with the song Edelweiss(雪绒花). Winter is a season with hope. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? I love 10(season). All seasons are great. 阅读理解A13、For

16、ChildrenMuseum: Childrens Museum, Sundays, 89 North Street,67641235Story time: Childrens Library, 106 Green Street, Wednesdaysduring 9:30a.m5:00p.m. 66599624Sports: Football Club, Tuesdays and Thursdays,16 Yangtze Road, 96725643Basketball Club, Wednesdays and Fridays, 79071632Cinema: New films for c

17、hildren,99 Brick Road, 69001354Useful Phone NumbersFast Food Restaurant: 66387901Hospital: 68787451Visitor Information Center: 800-120-9847Taxi: 79210583Visitor Hotel(宾馆) Information: 800-739-73021Its Friday afternoon, you can go to_.Avisit the museumBplay footballCplay basketballDread childrens sto

18、ries2If children want to watch new films, they should go to_.A16 Yangtze RoadB89 North Main StreetC106 Green StreetD99 Brick Road3If you call 66387901, you can _.Aask for some hotel informationBdo some shoppingChave a good story timeDget fast food in a restaurant4Lilys father is ill, she should dial

19、_.A800-120-9847B79210583C68787451D967256435You can not get any information about_ from the posterAlooking for a hotelBdoing eye exercisesCeating fast foodDtaking a taxiB14、I was twenty years old, and my parents were looking forward to the day when I would be earning my own living. Unfortunately, I h

20、ad absolutely no idea what I wanted my future occupation to be. The only thing I did know was that I did not want to spend the next 45 years teaching, being a nurse or sitting in an office. But that was before the postman delivered a catalogue (目录) of courses that were being offered at the local col

21、lege. As I looked through it, I was attracted by a page that talked about the difficulties faced by deaf people in their everyday lives and how students could help by learning sign language. It went on to say that graduates of the course usually find work in different organizations, such as law comp

22、anies, the Stock Exchange, insurance companies and banks. Then I saw something that really caught my eye: “Singer” are also needed for sporting events, concerts, theatrical performances and, believe it or not, circuses! By the time I got to the bottom of the page, I knew I had found the perfect occu

23、pation.I enrolled (注册) on the course, which to my parents great delight was free of charge. The course was brilliant. My favourite part was the final lesson, when our teacher asked us to sign our favourite song. It was really difficult because not only did we have to sign the words, but we also had

24、to find a way of showing whether the song was happy or sad and whether the beat was slow or fast. It was the hardest thing I have ever donebut also the most rewarding.1The only thing the writer knew that she .Awas too old to find a job as a teacherBwanted to work as a nurse in a hospitalChad never l

25、iked being in a teachers officeDwould not get a job until she was at least 452According to the catalogue the writer read, when students finish a sign language course, they .Ado not have to work with deaf peopleBcan work in many types of different placesCmay not always find a job in their chosen fiel

26、dDalmost always start their career in a law company3The part of the course the writer enjoyed the most was when .Ashe should sing a song with a fast beatBshe should sign a song for the last lessonCher teacher sang a very sad song to the classDshe realized that her parents didnt have to pay4Which of

27、the following best describes the writer?AA young woman who has found her ideal career.BA young deaf woman who wants to help the deaf.CA young woman who wants to be a businesswoman.DA young woman who wants to write songs for the deaf.C15、阅读下面的图表,做两个小题。1On which day does this event end?AMarch 14th.BMa

28、rch 23rd.CMarch 24th.2This event is about _.Aplanting more trees and flowersBmaking the world green and cleanCflower and garden artD16、In the eyes of many Westerners, Chinese are the best hosts (主人) but the worst guests in the world. This is probably because the guest-host relationship in China is m

29、uch different from that in some Western countries.In China, guests are almost like gods. Whenever I enter a Chinese persons home, there is always fruit on the table for me, and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water. In the West, things are different. Acting according to the hosts way of

30、 doing things is usual behavior for a guest.And there are lots of things Westerners find difficult to adapt to. For example, my mother-in-law doesnt smoke. So when I see some of her guests smoking in her house. As a non-smoker, I feel unhappy. Usually I want to stop them directly. But I must realize

31、 that, to be a good host in China, she mustnt do that. However, in most North American homes, you should not smoke in the same case. You could ask, “Is it OK if I smoke?” But dont be surprised if you get a “no”. In our culture, its not considered rude at all.In China, you probably wont need to chang

32、e the guest-host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host, and Chinese are naturally very good hosts. But if western hosts invite you to their house, try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you have expected.1Many Westerners think Chinese are t

33、he worst guests because _.AChinese act like gods in their home Bthey dont expect gifts from ChineseCthere are cultural differences DChinese are heavy smokers2When a Western guest visits a Chinese family, he often _ .Abuys some fruit Bfeels like a godCwants some gifts Dtakes a cup of tea3If the write

34、rs guests want to smoke in his house, he will probably say “_”AIts OK. Go ahead. BWould you like a cigarette (香烟)?CSmoking is a bad habit. DSorry, please dont smoke here.4In the passage, the underlined phrase “adapt to” probably means “_”.Athink back to Bget used toClook forward to Dkeep close to5Wh

35、en it comes to the guest-host relationship, the writer thinks _.Aforeigners should learn from ChineseBhosts must do things in the guests wayCWestern hosts are always nice to guestsDpeople should understand cultural differencesE17、Most visited museums in the worldThe British Museum, London, UKIt is o

36、ne of the worlds greatest museums of human history and culture. It was opened on Jan 15, 1759. And now it has about 8 million things, from the stone tools of early men to 20thcentury inventions. Some famous inventions are on show there, such as the bicycle, the telephone, the television and so on.Mu

37、see du Louvre, Paris, FranceIt was first built in 1204, but as a museum, it was opened in 1793. Once a palace that was homes to kings of France, the Louvre is now the worlds most famous museums. Millions of visitors go to the museum every year. Its famous for some of the best pieces of art in the wo

38、rld.The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USThe museum is one of the worlds largest museums. It was opened in 1872. There are over 2 million things of art. You can see many interesting things from Africa and the Middle East. Of course, it has a great collection of American art. If you are intere

39、sted in American history, dont miss it.1How many things are there in the British Museum now ?A2 millionB8 millionC5 millionD7 million2When was Musee du Louvre opened as a museum?A1759B1204C1793D18723In the passage, we know the Metropolitan Museum of Art is _.Ain New YorkBonce a palaceCnot interestin

40、gDfamous for scienceF18、I had never really liked reading and thought it was a waste of time. But once my teacher told our class to go to the library and find our favorite books. I love basketball, so I picked out a basketball book. It was called “Hoops” by Water Dean Myers. It is a good novel, and s

41、uitable for basketball lovers.This story is about a high school ball player named Lonnie. Lonnie lives in a poor family in Harlem, New York. He is a good basketball player and dreams of playing basketball in college, and of course in the NBAWhen Cal, his new coach, walks into his life, he just wants

42、 to keep away from him. But at last they become friends and face many challenges together.I am now reading more of Walter Dean Myers books. A lot of his books are about growing up in Harlem, just like he did. However, I like “Hoops” best. From Lonnie, you will learn that the people around you really

43、 affect who you are, and how much it helps to have the support of family and friends in your life.This book also makes me think about how hard it would be to grow up in a rough(艰难的) neighborhood. I have realized that we must believe in ourselves when life gets hard. I have learned a lot from this bo

44、ok, and I think anyone will learn much after reading it.It is a good story, and I really suggest that everyone read it. I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I do.1The writer picked out a _ in the library.Ahistory book Bfashion magazineCnewspaper Dnovel2According to the story, Lonnie _.Ahas a v

45、ery rich familyBhates to play in the NBACmay get some help from his familyDlikes his coach from the beginning3“Hoops” is a book about _.Athe NBA Bcollege lifeCgrowing up Dhaving a hobby4According to the passage, what do we know about Walter Dean Myers?A“Hoops” is his most popular book.BHe was once a

46、 basketball coach.CHe believes in himself.DHe grew up in Harlem.5The writer wrote the passage to _.Ashow his interest in readingBteach readers how to play basketballCsuggest readers read the book “Hoops”Dtell something about Walter Dean Myers.书面表达19、 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 Jack 给你写邮件表达了想参加你校暑期为外国学生举办的汉语夏令营的愿望,希望你告知活动举办的具体时间地点,活动安排以及你的建议。提示词语: Chinese classes, learn, attend, cult


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