1、关于超越自我的作文 篇一:超越自我(中学生作文) 超越自我 既然在这一刻走上了跑道,那一刻,就冲向了终点。 校运会在不经意间离我们越来越近,接着便总想起本人报的800米,内心就紧张起来。我借着中午的空闲时间和同学练起长跑,预料之中的慢使我的心中的压力更多了。 特别快,期盼已久的运动会到了,我参加的800米跑就要开场了,做完预备活动之后,站在起跑线上,我清明晰楚地听到了本人的心跳正在迅速加快,但是又感受特别轻松愉快。必须专心认真!我如此告诉本人。 秋日的风吹的特别慢,就像一只手,悄悄的抚摸着发丝。秋日的阳光照得特别轻,感受不到酷热,反倒更加清凉。而如今我的情无法与秋景相连,跑道上的汗水与紧张的气
2、氛快要将我吞噬。必须专心认真!我告诉本人的腿。 我的神经因那忽然的枪声而猛得抽动。抢到了内道是最先优势,稍稍放慢脚步,保存体力。双腿机械的摆动着,先前的秋景只是梦想吧?阳光太狠毒,一颗颗汗水从脸颊猛然划落,跑道在火热中升温。跑啊!跑啊!不到4分钟就能完毕了!我是懊悔了么?不!一定不是!最后的冲刺了,尽管双腿如注了铅一般,尽管汗水如泉一般淌下,一定要冲!我立即甩开大步向前跑,别人的喝彩声吞没了我气喘吁吁的声音。一步之跃,我在拼搏,那一刻,我一跃过终点。 我并未成功,但我跑完了800米。我打破了本人,超越了自己,正如迈上了一层新的台阶。汗水证明了实力,实力证明了我本人。正是那一刻,跃过了终点线的渴
3、望已成了我最美的现实。它成了一层台阶,我已站在上面,寻找着下一个拼搏着的本人。只是一瞬间的跨越,我看到了拼搏着的本人,正在风中磨炼本人的心灵。篇二:作文:战胜本人,超越自我 人们常说 “战胜本人, 超越自我”。请以 “I only compete with myself” 为题写一篇短文。 表达你生活或学习中的一件事, 说明只有战胜了本人, 超越了本人才有意义, 才是真正意义上的成功。 Sample I 1. Never will we understand what success really means until we finally become strong enough to c
4、hallenge our own limits. 2. (As a girl who hadnt entered for any kind of competition in sports before, I was virtually shocked to be asked to take part in a 3,000-metre race. When the race began, nervousness seized me since such a long distance seemed a mission impossible to me, especially in the la
5、st 1,000 metres. I can still recall that I was even unable to breathe. With my legs too heavy to move on, the idea of giving up occurred to me time and again. However, “Cheer up” suddenly flashed in my mind. Seeing runners ahead of me, I kept telling myself, “Come on, and you can make it. Dont give
6、up / surrender.” By keeping on running slowly yet steadily, I finally crossed the finishing line with the applause from the spectators.) 3. Until today I am still grateful to this experience for teaching me that competing with myself leads to real success, as is often the case. Life resembles climbi
7、ng mountains. Only those keeping slogging (困难行进; 努力苦干) through the hard times and eventually surpassing themselves can have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery from the top of the mountain. Sample II 4. Though I have many rivals in my life, the largest competitor is myself. If I am confid
8、ent enough to face any difficulty and believe in myself, then no matter how strong the rival is, I am always likely to win. I still remember I attended the Popular Science English Contest last November and ranked the top 40 in our city. However, before the result was out, I was not really sure how w
9、ell I performed in the contest. Before I attended it, I put emphasis on my weak points, especially listening. At the same time, I did not give up reading English novels so that I could keep strengthening my reading ability and enlarging my vocabulary. Also, I tried to translate some materials from A
10、dvanced Interpretation Test. I am clearly conscious that students who entered the second round of the contest are all good at English, but I still have confidence in myself and insist on improving my language ability. 5. To a degree, I only compete with myself in the process, competing with my weakn
11、ess. Steve Jobs once said, “Stay hungry; stay foolish.” I cant agree with his words more, for realizing our weak points and finally overcoming them is the key to success. Sample III 稻草人;假想的对手) to catch up with, while others just compete with themselves. As far as I am concerned, I am certainly in fa
12、vour of the latter. As a high school student, my main purpose is to get high marks and enter the dreamy university. I once looked on the number one student in our grade as my target. 6. But the result turned out to be far from satisfactory. Under greater and greater pressure, I just couldnt bend my
13、energy on studies and often made stupid mistakes. Hence, I stopped forcing myself and struggled to the very end just to be the best of me. What I required myself to achieve was not to be better than anyone else but to defeat the old me. And since then, I have performed better and made progress day b
14、y day. So its really useless setting uealistic goals, since there is always someone who is either prettier or smarter than us. We might have kept chasing others for a lifetime but finally found that we didnt achieve anything. 7. As the saying goes, God only saves the man who saves himself”, and simi
15、larly, we only need to compete with ourselves. The sun will illuminate (照亮) every corner of the land as long as we try to be the best of us. (8.No cross, no crown. 9. No pains, no gains.) Sample IV 10. (In the process / course of our growth, we may face numerous challenges both from peers and oursel
16、ves, but the way that we deal with / address them will always make a great difference in our lives. I am fully convinced that the biggest enemy is not someone else but myself. Only by competing with myself can I gain a real sense of achievement.) As a senior three student, I am always burdened with
17、homework and have to bear / shoulder the heavy burden from both parents expectation and academic performance just like other peers in China, fighting for the college entrance examination. Having experienced failure in math exams a few times, I almost lost heart / was almost discouraged / was almost
18、frustrated and even began to be afraid of math lessons. Left behind other classmates for a period of time, I came to realize that changes should be made to improve the depressing situation and the only thing I could do was to face the obstacles and conquer myself. Making progress little by little, I
19、 finally tasted the sweat of winning the match between me and my heart. 11. Just as the famous saying goes, “go to all lengths to fight against yourself and every time you conquer yourself, your own silver lining will emerge, giving you courage to go on / carry on. (12. Life is filled with / is full
20、 of ups and downs.) 13. (Relevant words: compete with oneself, beat / defeat / conquer myself, defeat the old me, surpass myself challenge my own limits / weak points / laziness / myself)篇三:高中谈论文范文-超越自我 高中谈论文范文: 超越自我 类别:谈论文 字数:800字作文 乐家两耳失聪,会承受多么难以想象的痛苦啊!但贝多芬决然接着音乐创作,凭借着确实实是他那坚韧的毅力和超越自我的决心。这一超越不仅是作品
21、的超越,更有他心灵上的、精神上的。 人成熟的标志是什么?有的说成熟的标志是能用理智战胜感情,有的说是遇事有主见,有的说是擅长给予爱,有的说是擅长否认自我-而我的看法是;成熟的标志是能超越自我。 同学们大都见过达;芬奇的蒙娜丽莎的微笑。蒙娜丽莎那诱人而带有丧子忧伤的微笑深深吸引了我。我不断不明白得一位母亲失去至爱的儿了如何还会微凳。但当蒙娜丽莎的微笑一次又一次浮如今我的脑海里时,我渐渐地感悟到了这位母亲的坚贞与不屈。她丧子,她痛苦,但她仍要微笑。她要把对本人儿女的爱超越为对世人儿女的爱,她要微笑着去接着生活。因此,在我的眼里,她的微笑是成熟的美。秋天是果实成熟的季节。秋叶也在这一时节悄悄地退隐江
22、湖,去寻找它们那宁静恬适的归宿的。风中摇曳的秋叶呀,我能够说你是成熟的吗?我想,你不会回绝。你颤抖着小小的身躯,投入大地的怀抱,你无怨无悔地将本人的整个身心都献给了泥土。你超越本人那小小的躯壳,你将你的生命与大地融为一体。落叶,也正是在不断超越自我中,重塑了自我。来年的绿树上确信还有一个新的位置,留给你。成熟对秋叶来说,是再好不过的总结了。 或许,这确实是人们常说的生命的成熟,在不断超越自我中,凤凰涅槃,更新更生,让每一个人都分享幸福和欢乐,把痛苦留给本人。这不确实是成熟的标志吗?贝多芬是世界知名的音乐家,他的命运交响曲田园交响曲等不断到如今仍被人们所喜欢。在我眼里,他的音乐才华是任何人也比不
23、上的。而确实是这一位制造出世界超一流音乐作品的艺术家,两耳失聪了。一位音乐家两耳失聪,会承受多么难以想象的痛苦啊!但贝多芬决然接着音乐创作,凭借着确实实是他那坚韧的毅力和超越自我的决心。这一超越不仅是作品的超越,更有他心灵上的、精神上的。成熟的标志是什么?我想我已找到了它的。 超越本人确实是成功 星期五的晚上,我来到了超级大酒店,参加我爱背唐的节目录制,以选手的名义登上了梦想的大舞台。 在此之前,我也参加了这个节目的录制,只不过是作为施可人同学的亲友团伙伴罢了。这次,我终于能够一展身手了。一上台确实是,我那别具特色、幽默幽默的吐风赢得了开门红、满堂彩!这使得我早早的融入这个气氛,相信下面的路确
24、信会越走越顺的。 第一个环节是“唐诗我来背”,这个可难不倒我。我“咏剡唐诗”早已背得滚瓜烂熟,只要不过度紧张,这关确信行。果然,我真是个半仙,能掐会算,主持人抽的2首唐诗,我全部特别流利地背出,同学们都为我喝彩!我有了更多的把握,下面的环节一定难不倒我了。 但是,俗话说:人算不如天算。哪里明白,这是我最后一个露脸的环节了。 让我落败确实实是“名句我来猜”的亲有互动了,大家啊最担忧的也是这个环节,由于假设俩人的默契不好,就会失败,猜不出诗句;一旦其中一个人过度紧张,那么也会失败。因此这一关就要两个人心有灵犀了。 只有1分钟,施可人作为我的伙伴,看起来十分轻松,还不断笑呵呵的。 “开场!”随着主持
25、人的一声令下,1分钟倒计时开场了。施可人看着题板,不断在喊“过”,我背对着题板,什么也看不见,看着她那迷茫的眼神,我的内心也只能干焦急 时间一分一秒地过去,我和施可人只配合了2句,人家都是5、6句的,哎,真不行了。1分钟过后,我和施可人的成绩是3句,我被淘汰了。 刚一下来,我觉得好不甘心,难道我注定要这么快被踢出这个舞台吗?不,我一定还会回去,而且我一旦上去,就不会再下来。 说实话,刚开场,我也有写责备施可人的方法,毕竟她之前去竞赛的时候,我尽了本人最大的努力,为她答对了7句。假设不是我,她可能也在第二关就淘汰出局。而如今,这差距也太大了。 后来,我又想了想,这也不能怪她,有些缘故也出在我身上。当我在台上讲失败感言时,我的余光瞄到了施可人,我看见她在哭,被郑教师训斥。刹那间,我觉得我不能够如此对她,她好委屈,她也在为我着想,她已经特别内疚了,何必再用盐撒她的伤口呢! 我相信,不管我被什么竞赛,什么环节,什么标题淘汰了,我永远都是收获的,没有失去什么,只是努力地挑战本人极限,超越本人的一切。 只要敢超越,谁敢说你不是成功的呢!
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