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1、CET4句子翻译练习及答案资料仅供参考Exercise 11. _(要是妈妈知道了怎么办)? Do you think she will get angry?2. The size of the audience, _(如我们所预料的那样), was well over one thousand.3. Id like to _(利用这次机会) to thank you all for your cooperation.4. How many times have I told you _(不要在大街上踢球)?5. Please keep all medicines _(孩子够不着的地方).Ex

2、ercise 21. Millions of dollars in the city bank _ (据说被偷了) during the blackout yesterday.2. I would have come sooner but _(我不知道你在等).3. Certainly Ill come, but I am afraid I shall be _(晚几分钟).4. He had to _(丢下她的家人) when he went abroad to work.5. _(众所周知), too much stress can cause disease.Exercise 31. _

3、(吃的药越多), the worse I seem to feel.2. The car was repaired but _(不能令车主满意).3. The large vase in which he kept his umbrella for many years _(原来是) a valuable piece of Chinese pottery.4. _(直到1986年) that table tennis was accepted as a regular part of the Olympic Games.5. Do you know that something strange

4、 happened to that company _(一月五日晚上)?Exercise 41. _(在去纽约的路上), he called on his uncle in Chicago.2. I found it difficult _(改掉这个坏习惯).3. We _(堵了半小时) in the traffic and so we arrived late.4. _(如果她下午来), I should ask him to help solve this problem.5. Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _(紧随

5、其后).Exercise 51. Life shrinks or expands _(与成比例) ones courage.2. It was essential that the application forms _(在截止日期被送回).3. I decided to go to the library as soon as I _(忙完手头的工作).4. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was _(忙着准备考试).5. We regret to inform you that the m

6、aterials you ordered are _(没有存货).Exercise 6 1. Its high time that we _(采取坚决措施) to protect our environment.2. Joes father, along with his two uncles, _(要求她留下) in New York one more day.3. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she sud

7、denly _(转向另一个话题).4. Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work _(没完成), we declined the offer.5. Features such as height, weight, and skin color _(因人而异).Exercise 71. _(受一所美国大学的邀请), I finally flew to San Francisco on August 6, 1998.2. Students or teachers can participate in

8、excursions to lovely beaches around the island _(定期).3. The newcomers found it impossible to _(适应那里的气候) sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.4. She is going to spend the winter holidays in Hainan, _(那里她有一些亲戚).5. Hong Kong, _(1997年回归祖国), is one of the most important commercial and

9、financial centers in Asia.Exercise 81. He hoped the firm would _(把她调到巴黎分部).2. The manager _(高度赞扬) such virtues as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.3. Since the matter was _(非常紧急), we dealt with it immediately.4. I would sooner you _(对此事一无所知).5. He was a brilliant musician as

10、a boy, but he never _(实现自己的诺言).Exercise 91. _(依靠自己的努力), we overcame all the difficulties.2. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen _(戴着很舒服).3. Young people _(不满足于) stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.4. Most people would agree that only in except

11、ional circumstances _(医生能够隐藏事实) from the patient.5. _(有迹象表明) restaurants are becoming more popular with families.Exercise 101. Everyone should _(有资格享受) a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated.2. Apart from caring for her children, she has to _(承担繁重的家务活) as carrying water and fi

12、rewood.3. Now that I am working for my living, I _(不像以前那么有时间) to spend on my stamps.4. A series of pre-recorded tapes _(已经准备好了) for language laboratory use.5. Though he was born and brought up in America, he can _(说流利的汉语).答案:Exercise 11. What if mother knows about it (要是妈妈知道了怎么办)? Do you think she w

13、ill get angry?2. The size of the audience, as we had expected (如我们所预料的那样), was well over one thousand.3. Id like to take advantage of this opportunity (利用这次机会) to thank you all for your cooperation.4. How many times have I told you not to play football on the street (不要在大街上踢球)?5. Please keep all med

14、icines out of / beyond the reach of children (孩子够不着的地方).Exercise 21. Millions of dollars in the city bank is said to have been stolen (据说被偷了) during the blackout yesterday.2. I would have come sooner but I didnt know you were waiting (我不知道你在等).3. Certainly Ill come, but I am afraid I shall be a few

15、minutes late (晚几分钟).4. He had to leave his family behind (丢下她的家人) when he went abroad to work.5. As is known to all (众所周知), too much stress can cause disease.Exercise 31. The more medicine I take (吃的药越多), the worse I seem to feel.2. The car was repaired but not to the owners satisfaction (不能令车主满意).3

16、. The large vase in which he kept his umbrella for many years turned out to be (原来是) a valuable piece of Chinese pottery.4. It was not until 1986 (直到1986年) that table tennis was accepted as a regular part of the Olympic Games.5. Do you know that something strange happened to that company on the nigh

17、t of January 5 (一月五日晚上)?Exercise 41. On the way to New York (在去纽约的路上), he called on his uncle in Chicago.2. I found it difficult to get rid of this bad habit (改掉这个坏习惯).3. We were held up for half an hour (堵了半小时) in the traffic and so we arrived late.4. If he were to come this afternoon (如果她下午来), I s

18、hould ask him to help solve this problem.5. Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper following it closely (紧随其后).Exercise 51. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to (与成比例) ones courage.2. It was essential that the application forms (should) be sent back before the deadline (在截止日期被送回).3.

19、 I decided to go to the library as soon as I finished what I was doing (忙完手头的工作).4. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy preparing for the examination (忙着准备考试).5. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are out of stock (没有存货).Exercise 6 1. Its h

20、igh time that we took firm measures(采取坚决措施) to protect our environment.2. Joes father, along with his two uncles, demands that he (should) stay (要求她留下) in New York one more day.3. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly

21、switched to another subject/topic (转向另一个话题).4. Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work not being finished (没完成), we declined the offer.5. Features such as height, weight, and skin color vary from individual to individual (因人而异).Exercise 71. Having been invited by an Ame

22、rican university (受一所美国大学的邀请), I finally flew to San Francisco on August 6, 1998.2. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular intervals (定期).3. The newcomers found it impossible to adapt themselves to the climate (适应那里的气候) sufficiently to make

23、permanent homes in the new country.4. She is going to spend the winter holidays in Hainan, where she has some relatives (那里她有一些亲戚).5. Hong Kong, having returned to the motherland in 1997 (1997年回归祖国), is one of the most important commercial and financial centers in Asia.Exercise 81. He hoped the firm

24、 would transfer him to the Paris branch (把她调到巴黎分部).2. The manager spoke highly of (高度赞扬) such virtues as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.3. Since the matter was extremely urgent (非常紧急), we dealt with it immediately.4. I would sooner you knew nothing about it (对此事一无所知).5. He

25、was a brilliant musician as a boy, but he never fulfilled his promise (实现自己的诺言).Exercise 91. Relying on / Depending on our own efforts (依靠自己的努力), we overcame all the difficulties.2. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen wears comfortable (戴着很舒服).3. Young people are not content t

26、o (不满足于) stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.4. Most people would agree that only in exceptional circumstances should a doctor hide the fact (医生能够隐藏事实) from the patient.5. There are signs to show that (有迹象表明) restaurants are becoming more popular with families.Exerc

27、ise 101. Everyone should be entitled to (有资格享受) a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated.2. Apart from caring for her children, she has to take on such heavy housework (承担繁重的家务活) as carrying water and firewood.3. Now that I am working for my living, I do not have as much time as before (不像以前那么有时间) to spend on my stamps.4. A series of pre-recorded tapes has been prepared (已经准备好了) for language laboratory use.5. Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak fluent Chinese/ speak Chinese fluently (说流利的汉语).


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