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1、Human Relationsand Interpersonal SkillsUnit 1 Warm-up01 Listening and Speaking02 Viewing and Speaking03CONTENTS Project041Warm-upWarm-up1 Work in groups to make a list of various kinds of interpersonal relationships in our lives.Then choose a word in the following box to describe the relationships.Y

2、ou may use your own word if its not included.journey garden seed nutrient fruit tree filmshow dance song dream party game weatherwind sunshine star fire spice book dictionarysmartphone chemical paint piano keyWarm-upReference answers-My relationship with my boyfriend is like a journey.It has twists

3、and turns,ups and downs.Sometimes the road is smooth,sometimes it is rough,and sometimes there are even accidents on the road.But we have made it here all the way and I believe it has been a worthy journey.-My relationship with my friends is like a book.It takes a long time to write,but only a minut

4、e to tear up.Warm-up2 Work in pairs on the following activities.Student A turns to Page 123.Student B turns to Page 124.Student A describes Picture A to Student B,and the latter draws the picture without asking any questions.Student A does not correct Student B even if he/she makes mistakes.Student

5、B describes Picture B to Student A and Student A draws the picture.There will be constant communication between you to make the drawing match the original picture as much as possible.Step 1Step 2Step 3Warm-up2 Work in pairs on the following activities.Discuss with your partner about the processes of

6、 drawing.Which way of communication,one-way for Picture A,or two-way for Picture B,is more effective?Do you think this is the same to our interpersonal relationships?Step 42 Listening and SpeakingTopic One How to apologize1 Sometimes,we do things that require an apology.But oftentimes it is not easy

7、 to open the mouth.Now you are going to hear some advice on how to apologize from an etiquette expert.Listen to a talk and note down the seven steps of apologizing.ListeningandSpeakingHow to apologizeListening and understandingReference answersStep 1:Prepare.Step 2:Approach.Step 3:Lower your voice.S

8、tep 4:Make eye contact.Step 5:Give the apology.Step 6:Take the wrap.Step 7:Finish on a positive.How to apologizeListening and understandingListeningandSpeaking2 Listen to the talk again and fill in the blanks with the phrases and expressions you hear.Then work in pairs and explain them in the contex

9、t of the talk.How to apologizeListening and understandingListeningandSpeaking1 We all do things that require an apology from time to time.But _ _ is a skill in itself.2 How could you _ for what youve done?3 Ask if you could _ with the person,and then take them to one side.4 Lower your voice.You shou

10、ld not be _.5 If you look away at the key moments,or refuse to meet their gaze at all,they may think you are _.eating humble piemake amendshave a wordlooking for an argumentholding something back2 Listen to the talk again and fill in the blanks with the phrases and expressions you hear.Then work in

11、pairs and explain them in the context of the talk.How to apologizeListening and understandingListeningandSpeaking6 Is there anything I can do to _ you?7 The other person may still be angry with you.And in order to_,they might need to communicate this.If so,you need to _.8 OK,so can we just put it be

12、hind us and _,yeah?9 Dont let the conversation linger as this could provide an opportunity for _.make it up toclear the airface the musicmove onold wounds to resurfaceReference answers1 eating humble pie(eat humble pie:admit that you were wrong,especially in an embarrassing situation)2 make amends(t

13、ry to make a situation better after you have done sth.wrong)3 have a word(have a short conversation or discussion,usually without other people listening)4 looking for an argument(look for an argument:behave in a way that looks like you expect to argue with sb.)5 holding something back(hold sth.back:

14、keep sth.secret)How to apologizeListening and understandingListeningandSpeakingReference answers6 make it up to(make it up to sb.:do sth.good for have upset,in order to become friends with them again)7 clear the air(discuss a problem or difficult situation with order to make it better);

15、face the music(accept criticism or punishment for have done wrong)8 move on(finish or stop one activity and start doing sth.different)9 old wounds to resurface(old wounds resurface:sb.remembers an unpleasant event or situation that happened in the past)How to apologizeListening and understan

16、dingListeningandSpeaking3 When you broke a promise,or were misunderstood by your friend,an apology is in order.Work in pairs and role-play the following situations.Remember to include as many of the seven steps of apologizing as possible.How to apologizeThinking and speakingListeningandSpeakingHow t

17、o apologizeThinking and speakingUseful expressions for making and accepting an apology:Making an apologyAccepting an apology Im so/awfully/terribly sorry about that.I apologize.My apologies.Thats all right.Thats OK.Never mind.I owe you an apology.I hope you will forgive me.Its all my fault.I really

18、feel bad about it.I honestly didnt mean it.I wish I could take it back.Its not your fault.It really doesnt matter at all.Dont worry about it.Think no more of it.No problem.We all make mistakes.ListeningandSpeakingSituation 1:You said you would bring your laptop to class for the group presentation,bu

19、t you forgot.The other group members do not have backups.Reference answersA:Hey,guys,I made a terrible mistake.I hope you will excuse me.B:Whats wrong?A:I forgot to bring my laptop for the presentation!How to apologizeThinking and speakingListeningandSpeakingB:Jesus!You promised that you would!A:Its

20、 all my fault.I was in such a hurry this morning.B:Have you made backups or something?A:No,it never occurred to me to do that.Well,is there anything we can do at present?B:You have no time to return to your dorm to get it.The class begins in five minutes.Maybe we have to apologize to the teacher and

21、 tell her that we have to postpone it till the next class.How to apologizeThinking and speakingListeningandSpeakingA:It seems that there is no other choice.I will explain it to the teacher.Its all my fault.I really feel bad about it.B:Maybe in the future we all need to be prepared for such an emerge

22、ncy.For example,each of us will have a copy of it and store it on our own memory sticks.A:You are right.We have all learned a lesson from this.How to apologizeThinking and speakingListeningandSpeakingHow to apologizeThinking and speakingSituation 2:You used your classmates USB device to copy a teach

23、ers courseware,but deleted a document in the device by mistake.Reference answersA:Hey,Li Ming,Im awfully sorry!B:What happened?A:Im afraid I accidentally deleted a file on your memory stick!B:Oh,no!Which file?ListeningandSpeakingHow to apologizeThinking and speakingA:Er,the one on Biology 201.I hope

24、 its not some information that is valuable to you!B:Oh,Biology 201.No,no,never mind.Its not that important.I dont think Ill need that.If I do,I can copy it from my classmate.A:Oh,are you sure?B:Yes,dont worry about that.I wont need it for the course.A:Anyway,I apologize for my mistake.I will be more

25、 careful in the future.ListeningandSpeakingHow to apologizeThinking and speakingSituation 3:You found that Mary was trying hard to make friends.On one occasion,you commented that Mary was trying to be“popular”.But when it finally reached Marys ears,it sounded like she was a girl who was always tryin

26、g to attract others attention.She was really hurt.ListeningandSpeakingHow to apologizeThinking and speakingReference answersA:Hi,Mary,may I have a word with you?B:Yes,sure.A:Shall we go outside?I want to talk to you alone.I hope you will excuse me.I owe you an apology.B:What for?A:I was talking with

27、 my friends about your popularity that day,and I said that you really tried hard to be popular.B:Im afraid I dont know what you mean by“try hard to be popular”.ListeningandSpeakingHow to apologizeThinking and speakingA:Well,I meant that you are quite an optimistic girl and want to make friends with

28、more people.B:Isnt it what we all do,being nice to others and making more friends?A:Yes,but maybe people misunderstood me when I said that you sent gifts to people you dont know so well.They might take it as implying that you are giving them petty favors.B:Oh,I heard that.That was really hurtful.I c

29、ouldnt believe you would say such words about me!ListeningandSpeakingHow to apologizeThinking and speakingA:I wish I could take them back.Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?B:Well,think no more about it.Next time,youd better talk to me before you make a judgment.A:Thank you for your pat

30、ience with me.You are very understanding.I hope we can still be good friends.B:Thats all right.We all make mistakes.ListeningandSpeakingTopic Two Making new friends1 Is it possible to forge an intimate friendship quickly?Listen to a talk and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear.M

31、aking new friendsListening and understandingListeningandSpeaking1 Which is one of the reasons why it was so difficult for Ms.Madrigal to make new friends?2 Where did Ms.Madrigal meet Susan Hanover?3 When did Susan Hanover visit Ms.Madrigals house?4 What is the name of the experiment on making friend

32、s?5 What were the subjects in the experiment supposed to do?6 Which of the following is the most personal question in the experiment?Making new friendsListening and understandingListeningandSpeakingBAABDC2 Listen to the talk again and answer the questions.1 How did Carla Madrigal feel when she found

33、 she had no friends in Seattle?2 What activities did Ms.Madrigal attend in Seattle in order to meet people?3 What did the woman Ms.Madrigal met in a store say to her?4 What did Ms.Madrigal and the woman have in common?5 What did Ms.Madrigal risk doing after she discovered their common interests?Maki

34、ng new friendsListening and understandingListeningandSpeaking2 Listen to the talk again and answer the questions.6 What is the purpose of the experiment on friendship?7 According to Professor Arthur Aron who developed the protocol,how should we disclose personal information to establish intimacy?8 W

35、hat did Ms.Madrigal and Ms.Hanover talk about in their house besides art and their creative projects?Making new friendsListening and understandingListeningandSpeaking1 How did Carla Madrigal feel when she found she had no friends in Seattle?She felt anonymous and it was a devastating feeling.2 What

36、activities did Ms.Madrigal attend in Seattle in order to meet people?She joined a gym and a community garden,took yoga classes and visited a teahouse.3 What did the woman Ms.Madrigal met in a store say to her?She complimented her hair.4 What did Ms.Madrigal and the woman have in common?They both lik

37、ed to work with textiles and to write.Making new friendsListening and understandingListeningandSpeaking5 What did Ms.Madrigal risk doing after she discovered their common interests?She invited the woman to her house for coffee.6 What is the purpose of the experiment on friendship?To find out whether

38、 it is possible to forge an intimate friendship quickly.7 According to Professor Arthur Aron who developed the protocol,how should we disclose personal information to establish intimacy?In a slow and reciprocal way.If we disclose too much too fast,we put someone off.Making new friendsListening and u

39、nderstandingListeningandSpeaking8 What did Ms.Madrigal and Ms.Hanover talk about in their house besides art and their creative projects?Ms.Hanover hinted about a sad time in her own life and Ms.Madrigal shared a story about the end of her first marriage and how she had to rebuild her life afterward.

40、Making new friendsListening and understandingListeningandSpeaking3 Work in groups and discuss the questions.1 If you are in a new city and have no friends there,will you start making new friends?If so,how?If no,why?Making new friendsThinking and speakingListeningandSpeakingReference answers Yes.(mai

41、n points:make friends with my workmates who I get along with;join a community or a club;have something in common;make friends with a total stranger;attend gatherings;make one or two acquaintances first;circulate in larger social groups;strike up conversations;hang out,play ball games,visit places,go

42、 to a restaurant to try some special dishes;a slow process;make it happen,not just sit and wait)Making new friendsThinking and speakingListeningandSpeakingReference answers No.(main points:a shy person;not easy for me;dont know what I can talk about with someone whom I dont know very well;Would they

43、 like who I am;Would they be interested in what I say;if I invite someone out,but he or she refuses me,thats a very bad experience)Making new friendsThinking and speakingListeningandSpeaking2 Would you disclose your intimate details to people to make an initial connection?Why or why not?(main points

44、:disclose intimate details to a trustworthy friend;But if it is a stranger,I wont know what he or she may think of me.What will he or she do with my intimate details?They dont need to empathize with me,whether the details are about happy feelings or sad feelings;wont reveal intimate details to a str

45、anger)Making new friendsThinking and speakingListeningandSpeaking3 Do you find it easier to make new friends in real life or in the virtual world?Why?virtual world(main points:shy about meeting people;find it very difficult to initiate a talk;dont know what to say and how to keep the conversation go

46、ing;virtual world is a great place to meet people who share my interests;In the real world,it is not so easy to find so many people with similar interests and passions;open up more possibilities;it has changed the way I interact and maintain friendship)Making new friendsThinking and speakingListenin

47、gandSpeaking basically the same(main points:same requirement have something in common,want to maintain the relationship,be honest,helpful and tolerant;in real life,get to know somebody in study,at work,or in neighborhood;makes me feel safer to know that the person has a certain true identity;makes t

48、he relationship stronger;in the virtual world,the information you get may be all fake;easier to have problems or break up)Making new friendsThinking and speakingListeningandSpeakingTopic ThreeFamily relationship1)ran into2)reply3)watching for4)still5)barked at6)little heart broken7)harshlyFamily rel

49、ationshipListening and understanding8)calm9)spoil10)knelt11)picked12)napkin13)whispered14)huggedListeningandSpeaking1 Listen to a poem on family relationship and fill in the blanks with what you hear.2 If you read the poem in Exercise 1 carefully,you will find rhyming words in the lines.Underline as

50、 many rhyming words as you can.Check your answers and read them aloud.Then work in pairs to compose a 3-5-line short poem of your own based on your descriptions of relationships in the Warm-up exercise.Try to rhyme your poem.Family relationshipThinking and speakingListeningandSpeakingReference answe


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