1、你学习英语的做法下面是人们常用的一些学习策略, ,请大家根据数字1、2、3、4、5所代表的意思, 选择其中一个并将该数字划圈, 所选的数字一定要如实描述你自己的学习情况. 请记住, 要根据自己的实际做法而不是你的想法或其他人的做法。 1 = 这个句子完全或几乎完全不适合我的情况2 = 这个句子通常不适合我的情况 3 = 这个句子有时适合我的情况4 = 这个句子通常适合我的情况 5 = 这个句子完全或几乎完全适合我的情况1. 除了老师布置得作业外, 我有自己的英语学习计划。 12 3452. 为了使自己有足够的时间学习英语,我很好地安排自己的学习日程。123453. 我对改进自己的英语学习有明确
2、的要求。123454. 我评价自己学习英语进步的情况,从而找出薄弱环节和改进的措施。123455. 我评价自己的学习策略,从而找出存在的问题和解决的方法。123456. 我根据学习任务的特点,选择不同的学习策略。123457. 我选择适合自己英语水平的材料来学习。123458. 我研究自己的个性特点,做到扬长避短。123459. 我有意识地选择策略来调节自己的学习情绪。 12345 10. 我评估自己调节情绪策略的成效。1234511. 当考试成绩不理想时,我总是暗暗鼓励自己千万不能泄气。1234512. 我有意识地训练自己的毅力。1234513 情绪紧张时,我用深呼吸的方式调整情绪。1234
3、514. 遇到困难时,我自己安慰自己:别人也会感到困难。1234515. 当阅读英语材料时, 我争取弄懂文章里的每一处。1234516. 我在课外阅读英文报纸、杂志或小说。1234517. 为了帮助对英文的理解, 我把句子译成中文。1234518. 我反复朗读英文课文。1234519. 在阅读英语材料中碰到生字时, 我从上下文中猜意思。1234520. 读英文文章时, 我先通读全篇课文了解文章的概要,然后再理解每个句子的意思。1234521. 当我不懂句子意思时, 我分析句子的语法结构。1234522. 我背诵英语短文或课文段落。1 234523. 我记英语课文中出现的生字和短语。123452
4、4. 我记课外阅读材料中出现的生字和短语。1234525. 我跟别人用英语交谈时,我尽量听别人讲。1234526. 为了提高自己的听力理解能力,课外我主动听各种录音。1234527. 我课外听英语广播。1234528. 当听英语材料时,我争取听懂每一句话的意思。1234529. 听英语时碰到生字, 我会跳过生字继续听下去。1234530. 听英语时碰到生字, 我会尽量记住生字的发音, 然后根据发音在字典上查找该词。1234531. 听英语时,我用中文记住所听的内容。1234532. 听英语时,我只注意所听材料的意思。1234533. 在听英语时,我注意说话人所用的词语。1234534. 在英语
5、课上,我尽量主动地争取回答问题。1234535. 跟别人用英语交谈时,我尽量主动多说话。1234536. 我课外看英语电视和电影。1234537. 当老师叫其他人回答问题时,我就小声地自己对自己说。1234538. 我尽量抓住机会,用英语与别人交际。1234539. 我常自己对自己说英语。1234540. 我说英语时,首先用中文组织意思,再翻译成英语。1234541. 我主动用英语记笔记、留言、写信或日记。1234542. 我用英语写作文时,先用中文组织意思,再翻译成英语。1234543. 当我查字典时,我看一个词的各种意思及所给的例句。1234544. 当在字典上查到某个生词时,我只找出与课
6、文内容有关的意思。1234545. 为了改进自己的语音语调, 我反复听外国人灌制的录音磁带。1234546. 我用重复多遍的方法来记生词。1234547. 遇到不懂得单词,我就查字典。1234548. 遇到不懂得句子,我就问同学或老师。1234549. 遇到不会用英语表达的内容,我就回避。1234550. 遇到不会用英语表达的内容,我就问老师或同学。1234551. 听到对方说的英语不明白时,我会向对方询问。1234552. 当听不懂对方说的英语时,我装着听懂了。1234553. 没有把握说对的,我就不说。 123451.Sex*male female 请选择Sex2.Whsts your l
7、evel of English proficiency?*CET 4 CET 6 better than CET 6 请选择Whsts your level of English proficiency?3.I make connection between what I already know and new things I learn in English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择I make connection between what I already know and new things I
8、learn in English4.I use new English words in a sentence so I can remember them*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择I use new English words in a sentence so I can remember them5. I use flashcards to remember new English words *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I u
9、se flashcards to remember new English words 6. I review English lessons often *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I review English lessons often 7. I watch TV or movies spoken in English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I watch TV or movies spoken in English8.
10、 I first skim an English passage then go back and read carefully *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I first skim an English passage then go back and read carefully 9. I try to find patterns (grammar) in English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I try to find p
11、atterns (grammar) in English10. I make summaries of information that I hear or read in English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I make summaries of information that I hear or read in English11. I guess the meaning of unfamiliar English words*never almost never sometimes almost a
12、lways always 请选择 I guess the meaning of unfamiliar English words12. When I cannot think of a word during a conversation, I use gestures*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 When I cannot think of a word during a conversation, I use gestures13. I make up new words if I do not know th
13、e right ones *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I make up new words if I do not know the right ones 14. I read English without looking up every new word *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I read English without looking up every new word 15. I try to find as ma
14、ny ways as I can to use my English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I try to find as many ways as I can to use my English16. I pay attention when someone is speaking English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I pay attention when someone is speaking English17.
15、 I plan my schedule to have time to study*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I plan my schedule to have time to study18. I have clear goals for improving my English skills*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I have clear goals for improving my English skills19. I
16、 think about my progress in learning English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I think about my progress in learning English20. I try to relax whenever I feel afraid of using English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I try to relax whenever I feel afraid of us
17、ing English21. I encourage myself to speak English even when I am afraid of making a mistake*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I encourage myself to speak English even when I am afraid of making a mistake22. I give myself a reward or treat when I do well in English*never almost n
18、ever sometimes almost always always 请选择 I give myself a reward or treat when I do well in English23. I write down my feelings in a language learning diary *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I write down my feelings in a language learning diary 24.If I do not understand something
19、in English, I ask the other person to slow down or say it again*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择If I do not understand something in English, I ask the other person to slow down or say it again25. I ask English speakers to correct me when I talk*never almost never sometimes almos
20、t always always 请选择 I ask English speakers to correct me when I talk26. I practice English with other students *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I practice English with other students 27. I try to learn about the culture of English speakers*never almost never sometimes almost al
21、ways always 请选择 I try to learn about the culture of English speakers1.Sex*male female 请选择Sex2.Whsts your level of English proficiency?*CET 4 CET 6 better than CET 6 请选择Whsts your level of English proficiency?3.I make connection between what I already know and new things I learn in English*never almo
22、st never sometimes almost always always 请选择I make connection between what I already know and new things I learn in English4.I use new English words in a sentence so I can remember them*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择I use new English words in a sentence so I can remember them5.
23、 I use flashcards to remember new English words *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I use flashcards to remember new English words 6. I review English lessons often *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I review English lessons often 7. I watch TV or movies spoken
24、 in English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I watch TV or movies spoken in English8. I first skim an English passage then go back and read carefully *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I first skim an English passage then go back and read carefully 9. I try t
25、o find patterns (grammar) in English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I try to find patterns (grammar) in English10. I make summaries of information that I hear or read in English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I make summaries of information that I hear o
26、r read in English11. I guess the meaning of unfamiliar English words*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I guess the meaning of unfamiliar English words12. When I cannot think of a word during a conversation, I use gestures*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 When
27、 I cannot think of a word during a conversation, I use gestures13. I make up new words if I do not know the right ones *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I make up new words if I do not know the right ones 14. I read English without looking up every new word *never almost never s
28、ometimes almost always always 请选择 I read English without looking up every new word 15. I try to find as many ways as I can to use my English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I try to find as many ways as I can to use my English16. I pay attention when someone is speaking English
29、*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I pay attention when someone is speaking English17. I plan my schedule to have time to study*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I plan my schedule to have time to study18. I have clear goals for improving my English skills*nev
30、er almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I have clear goals for improving my English skills19. I think about my progress in learning English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I think about my progress in learning English20. I try to relax whenever I feel afraid of using
31、 English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I try to relax whenever I feel afraid of using English21. I encourage myself to speak English even when I am afraid of making a mistake*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I encourage myself to speak English even when I
32、 am afraid of making a mistake22. I give myself a reward or treat when I do well in English*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I give myself a reward or treat when I do well in English23. I write down my feelings in a language learning diary *never almost never sometimes almost al
33、ways always 请选择 I write down my feelings in a language learning diary 24.If I do not understand something in English, I ask the other person to slow down or say it again*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择If I do not understand something in English, I ask the other person to slow d
34、own or say it again25. I ask English speakers to correct me when I talk*never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I ask English speakers to correct me when I talk26. I practice English with other students *never almost never sometimes almost always always 请选择 I practice English with othe
35、r students 27. I try to learn about the culture of English speakers*never almost never sometimes almost always always 为了了解瓯海二高高二学生在英语学习方面是否采取科学的学习方法、学习策略及其英语学习的现状,笔者特别设计了这份调查问卷,以期通过这一问卷找出瓯海二高高二学生目前在英语学习策略中存在的一些问题,从而相应地寻求解决的办法,尽可能地帮助他们改善英语学习状况,请选择 I try to learn about the culture of English speakers1
36、. 我学习英语生词时,联想旧词。A从不 26.9% B偶尔63.9% C经常8.2% D总是 1%2. 我记忆生词时,同时记忆音标。A从不 28.9% B偶尔 40.2% C经常 21.6% D总是9.3%3. 我记单词的效果:A不好 22.7% B一般 57.7% C好 15.5% D很好4.1%4. 别人说英语时,我注意听。A从不8.2% B偶尔 54.6% C经常32.0% D总是5.2%听不懂对方的英语时,我会主动请求对方放慢语速。A从不25.8% B偶尔52.6% C经常17.5% D总是4.1%8. 我用学过的英语和同学打招呼。A从不 24.7% B偶尔 63.9% C经常10.3
37、% D总是1.0%9. 说英语时怕不怕犯错误:A怕 55.7% B不怕 44.3% 10. 阅读英语时,先略读了解大意,再从头细读。A从不22.7% B偶尔 58.8% C经常14.4% D总是4.1%11. 连贯阅读时,我不是每个生词都查字典,而是猜词义。A从不 7.2 % B偶尔 47.4% C经常30.9% D总是 14.4%12. 对所学习内容能不能主动复习并加以整理和归纳:A能26.8% B不能 73.2% 13. 是否主动与他人交流英语学习经验,采用有效的学习方法:A从不43.3% B偶尔52.5% C经常 3.1% D总是1.0%14. 是否留心自己的英语错误,并进行适当纠正。A从不12.4% B偶尔 61.9% C经常 21.6% D总是4.1%15. 是否主动寻找机会学习英语(如:收看英语节目,阅读英文报刊杂志或听英文歌曲等)A从不21.6% B偶尔63.9% C经常10.3% D总是4.1%
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