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1、英语备课大师 【全免费】英语第六课时一. 找出每组单词中与其他三个发音不同的一个,将其编号填入括号里。 1. ( ) A. grape B. face C. flag D. date 2. ( ) A. apple B. van C. fax D. waste3. ( ) A. let B. head C. desk D. bed 4. ( ) A. eleven B. neck C. bed D. leg 5. ( ) A. live B. rise C. fine D. smile 6. ( ) A. top B. sorry C. nose D. mom 7. ( ) A. go B.

2、no C. home D. box8. ( ) A. put B. sun C. cup D. gum二选择正确的答案,将其编号填入括号里。 ( )1. Whos taller, _ ?A. Jacks or Kates B. Jack or Kate C. Jacks and Kates D. Jack and Kate ( )2. Whose dog is bigger, _?A. Jacks or Kates B. Jack or Kate C. Jacks and Kates D. Jack and Kate( )3. _ of my parents cant take care of

3、 my little sister, so I will stay at home to look after her. A. both B. all C. some D. none( )4. This is _ of this term?A. nineth B. the nineth C. ninth D. the ninth( )5. _ sun is much bigger than _ moon. A. /, / B. A, a C. the, the D. The, the( )6. Therere many _ on the farm. A. milk B. tree C. ric

4、e D. sheep( )7. Are they _ raincoats or _? A. their, ours B. their, our C. theirs, ours D. their, us ( )8. Help _ to some chicken, children. A. themselves B. them C. yourself D. yourselves( )9. Would you like _ wine? - No, thanks. A. some B. any C. no D. the( )10. There are _ eggs in the basket. I h

5、ave to buy _. A. no, little B. a little, little C. few, some D. a few, few( )11. Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B. will give C. is giving D. gives( )12. The day after tomorrow they _ a volleyball match. A. will wacthing B. watches C. is watching D. is going to watch三根据

6、短文内容,判断文后句子的正(T)误(F)。My name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to the bookstore by bus. Then Im going

7、to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend. ( ) 1. Amys mother is going to buy something for next week. ( ) 2.Amys father is going to visit his grandparents in t

8、he morning. ( ) 3.Amy is going to play computer games with his sister. ( ) 4. Tomorrow evening Amy is going to watch TV. ( ) 5.Tomorrow evening they are going to the cinema. 四完形填空。Electricity (电) is very _1_ in our daily life. Its a servant of mankind. Every day, we use electricity to do many _2_ fo

9、r us, from lighting our homes to our televisions and computers. We cant see electricity, but we can change it _3_ different forms of energy and then we can hear it or feel it. For example, we can _4_ light in a light bulb; we can hear songs from a CD player._5_ does electricity come to our home? Ele

10、ctricity is generated (产生)at a power station. It comes to your home _6_ wires. The wires are connected to the cable hidden inside the walls of your home or under the street.We need electricity in our life. Without electricity, we can neither watch TV, _7_ chat on line. Electricity is very important

11、in our daily life, however, it may bring you problem if you _8_ careful. So, when leaving home, remember to _9_ the electric equipment (电器), like the TV set; remember_10_ put wet things on them, like the electric fan when it is working; and never forget about the time when you are heating food in th

12、e microwave. Whenever we use electricity at home, we should be careful. ( ) 1. A. cheerful B. famous C. useful D. use( ) 2. A. work B. jobs C. task D. cleaning( ) 3. A. for B. with C. of D. into( ) 4. A. sees B. watch C. look D. sight( ) 5. A. What B. Where C. When D. How( ) 6. A. with B. through C.

13、 across D. to( ) 7. A. nor B. or C. not D. also( ) 8. A. are B. wont be C. arent D. will be( ) 9. A. turn on B. turn off C. put on D. put off( ) 10. A. to no B. dont C. not D. not to五根据短文内容选择正确答案,将序号填在题前括号内。( A )The students in Grade Six are going to face the biggest exams. They work very hard. Ever

14、yday they do a lot of exercises on Chinese, Maths and English. Also after school, they will do their homework until very late at night. Li Jun is a student in Class Two. He does very well in most of the subjects; only his Chinese is not so good. His mother asks him to read more Chinese books. So aft

15、er finishing all his homework, he has to do some reading for an hour. He would like to study at No. 1 Middle School. Li Yan is Li Juns cousin in Class Three. She likes singing and dancing very much. She took part in many singing and dancing contests and won some awards. Shes going to choose Jinxing

16、Art School. If she passes the exams, her parents will let her visit Paris as a present. ( ) 1. Li Jun is good at_. A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese C. Chinese and English D. Chinese, Maths and English ( ) 2. Li Jun must read Chinese for an hour everyday, because _.A. he likes reading books

17、B. he wants to do better in Chinese C. he doesnt like Maths and English D. he doesnt want to do his homework ( ) 3. Li Jun is Li Yans _. A. brother B. sister C. cousin D. classmate( ) 4. Li Yan will go to _ if she does a good job in the exams. A. the U.S.A. B. the U.K. C. Australia D. France ( ) 5.

18、“The biggest exams” means the exams are _. A. very big B. very difficult C. very important D. very different( B )Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, and the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular. But the Chinese dont

19、 call it soccer. We call it football. There are eleven players on a team. And the ball is round. Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands. The other players cant touch the ball with their hands.In American, soccer is not very popular. They like playing American football. It is very diff

20、erent. The ball is not round. It likes a big egg. There are also eleven players on a team. All the players can touch the ball with feet and hands.( ) 1. How many kinds of football games are there? A. One B. Two C.Three D. Four ( ) 2. Do the Chinese like playing soccer? A. Yes, they do. B. No. they d

21、ont. C. Yes, I do. D. I dont know. ( ) 3. What do the American people like very much? A. Watching TV. B. Playing soccer. C. Playing American football. D. Watching American football.( ) 4. How many players are there on a soccer team? A. Five. B. Eight. C. Eleven. D. Twenty-two. ( ) 5. Who can touch t

22、he ball with his hands in American football?A. Only the goalkeeper. B. Some of the players.C. The team leader. D. All the players.( C )A man was walking through a forest. He had a few caps in his hands. In the forest there were a lot of monkeys. The day was hot, so he decided (决定) to have a rest und

23、er a tree. He put one cap on his head and lay down to sleep.When he woke up (醒来), he couldnt find his caps. “Where are my caps?” he cried and looked up. He saw some monkeys in the trees. Each had a cap on its head. “Give me back my caps!” shouted the man to the monkeys. But the monkeys didnt underst

24、and him. They only jumped, laughed and danced.“How can I get back my caps?” he thought hard. In the end he had an idea. He took off his cap and threw (扔) it on the ground. The little animals did the same thing. Happily the man picked up all the caps and went on his way. ( ) 1.One day a man was going

25、 _. A. to the forest B. through the forest C. to a village D. through the city ( ) 2.The man decided to have a rest because _. A. he was hungryB. he was tired C. the day was hotD. he was ill ( ) 3.When the man woke up _. A. he found his caps were gone B. he saw a fox C. he had a fever D. he found ma

26、ny monkeys ( ) 4.The man wanted to get his caps back, and he shouted to the monkeys, but it didnt work. Why?A. Because the monkeys wanted to laugh at him.B. Because the monkeys wanted to wear the caps.C. Because the monkeys didnt understand him.D. Because the monkeys didnt hear what he shouted. ( ) 5.The man was _when he got all his caps back.A.angry B. surprised C. sad D. pleased 六作为一名学生,谈谈你在日常生活中是怎样遵守交通规则的。要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整; 2. 不少于50个单词。Im a student. I usually go to school _. I must pay attention to _“备课大师”全科【9门】:免注册,不收费!


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