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1、20142015学年高二月考试卷90分钟 100分单项选择(从所给的选项中选出最佳答案填入空白处15分)1. The policemans( )traffic directions made all the drivers quite ( ).A confused; confused B confusing; confusingC confused; confusing D confusing; confused2. They had ( ) to become the first to climb Everest without oxygen tanks and in the end, th

2、ey make it.A managed B attempted C succeeded D predicted3. The secretary suggested ( ) the plan, but the expression on the managers face suggested he ( ) accept his idea. A giving up; wouldnt B give up; should C gave up; couldnt D should give up; couldnt 4. Though plastic bags really brought conveni

3、ence to us, they also ( ) many problems for the environment.A led to B turned to C came to D appealed to 5. Teachers words and deeds always ( ) a great effect ( ) their students.A have; on B give; to C make; in D take; to6. When ( ) a job, you should show your experience and skills.A applying to B a

4、pplied to C applying for D applied for7. The young man owes his success to many people, his parents ( ).A after all B by chance C on purpose D in particular8. She is a (an)( )teacher and every student respects and likes her.A essential B qualified C profound D sensitive9. Dont ( ) for granted that h

5、e will keep his promise.A Take that B take it C make it D make what 10. We found a little boy ( ) on the ground with both hands ( ) up with a rope.A lying; tying B lay; tied C lying; tied D laid; tying11. The Kennedy brothers ( ) each other a lot in appearance, so I cant ( ) them apart.A compare; as

6、k B resemble; compare C match; tell D correspond; ask12. -Did you hear the noise ( ) the flash of light last night? -Yes, I ( ) TV.A following; watched B following; was watching C followed; had watched D followed; was watching13. Mike ( ) have stolen the money from the bank, ( ) he appeared to rich

7、overnight.A cant; for B might; for C might; since D cant; since14. The bathroom looks lovely. Did you decorate it yourself of have someone ( ) it ?A be doing B done C do D to do 15. He is considering ( ) the girl for she is considered ( ) a very good girl.A to marry; to be B to marry; being C marryi

8、ng; being D marrying; to be 完形填空 (30分) There are more and more cars on the road now. Many families have their own cars. Some families have two or even ( ). Why do they have cars? Because cars are very convenient. For example, cars are used for ( ). Some people have their companies and the companies

9、maybe in different places. So they have to drive to ( ) parts of the city, because they need to carry their products. Some workers have no their ways to get to their work places so they drive cars to their offices or factories. Farmers sometimes also have to drive into the city so that they can get

10、home when its late. People think cars have been a(n) ( ) parts of life. Other cars are used for taking small children to ( ). In some cities only the children who live far from the school are allowed to take school buses. When the children are ( ) young to walk far, their parents have to drive them

11、to school. Thats ( ) more and more cars are running on the road. In recent years, people are asked to live a low-carbon life. That ( ) we should waste less and try to save more energy. In some countries, people have ( ) new ways to us fewer cars. Mothers take turns to drive children to school. One (

12、 ) drives on Mondays, taking their children and the neighbors children, ( ) mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays, and so on. This is ( ) a car pool. Men also use car pools. Three of four men take turns to drive one car to the place where ( ) work. To put fewer cars on the road, more car

13、pools should be formed. ( ), thats not enough. We need to do something else to deal ( ) the use of cares. Because too many cars cause a lot of problems. Parking has been a serous one. 1.A fewer B much C more 2. A business B show C fun 3. A busy B quiet C different 4. A boring B necessary C different

14、 5. A hospital B school C park 6. A quite B so C too7. A when B where C why 8. A makes B means C stops9. A come out of B come over C come up with 10. A mother B child C neighbor11. A Another B Other C Others12. A called B asked C answered 13. A he B she C they14. A Ever B Hardly C However15. A for B

15、 with C about 阅读理解(20分)AWhy is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys? The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences. To the Egyptians, green was a color that represented the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims, it means heaven. Red is a sym

16、bol of good luck in many cultures. In China, children are given money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year. For many nations, blue is a symbol of protection and religious beliefs. Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against evils(灾祸)。 Peoples choic

17、e of colors is also influenced by their bodies reactions(反应) toward them. Green is said to be the most restful color. It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally and physically. People who work in green environments have been found to have fewer stomach aches. Red can cause a pe

18、rsons blood pressure to rise and increase peoples appetites. Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant. Similarly, may commercial websites will have s red “Buy Now” button because red is a color that easily catches a persons eye. Blue is another calming color. Unlike red

19、, blue can cause people to lose appetite. So if you want to eat less, some suggest that eating from blue plates can help. The next time you are deciding on what to wear or what color to decorate your room, think about the color carefully.1. Muslims regard green as a symbol of heaven mainly because o

20、f their ( ).A cultural values B commercial purposes C personal experiences D physical reactions to the color2. Why will many commercial websites have a red “Buy Now” button?A. To relax people physically. B. To increase peoples appetites.C. To encourage people to make a purchase. D. To cause a person

21、s blood pressure to rise.3. What color might help lose weight according to the test?A. Red B. Green C. Blue D. Purple4. Which of the following would be the most proper title for the text?A. Colors and Human Beings B. The Cultural Meaning of ColorC. Colors and personal Experiences D. The Meaning and

22、Function of ColorBSchools and parents in Shenzhen City have been asked to take better care of childrens eyesight as 45 percent of them, were found to be shortsighted. Too much reading, poor lighting and to much TV are blamed . Of the citys high school graduates, who applied to attend college this su

23、mmer, two-thirds had to have their choices limited because of poor eyesight, Shenzhen Special Zone(特区)Daily said.5. This piece of news was reported by ( ).A. Peoples Daily B. Shenzhen Special Zone DailyC. School in Shenzhen City D. Parents in Shenzhen City6. The purpose of this passage is to ( ).A.

24、criticize children who are shortsighted B. blame parents and school s for childrens being shortsighted C. ask the high school graduates to pay attention to their eyesight D. draw peoples special attention to eye hygiene(卫生).7. Only ( ) of the children in Shenzhen City have good eyesight.A.45% B. les

25、s than half C.55% D. two-thirds8. Generally speaking, high school students have ( ) eyesight than primary school students.A. poorer B. still better C. poor D. brighter9. Because of being shortsighted many school graduates ( ).A. werent allowed to enter college B. couldnt graduate from high school C.

26、 couldnt choose to study what they liked best D. lost their limited time10. In order to protect their eyes, children shouldnt ( ).A. read books B. wear glasses C. make their eyes too tired D. see things far away 阅读表达(10分) Many Americans youngsters earn their allowance by doing temporary jobs for the

27、ir neighbors. Babysitting is one of the common of these jobs. Most couples do not have maids or relatives living with them, and they need have someone watch the children if they want to go out. Another way is by mowing lawn in summer and clearing snow from side-walks and driveways in winter. Many pe

28、ople mow their own lawns, but often people prefer to give the job to a neighbors child. In winter, snow clearing from streets and highways is the governments responsibility. Homeowners, tenants or owner, must clear side-walks and driveways. Since clearing snow is very tiring, many people prefer to h

29、ire teenagers for this job rather than do to themselves. Besides, many American teenagers usually work two or three hours after school and all day on Saturday or Sunday at supermarket. They work as cashiers or stockroom clerks. Or they help customers carry their goods to their cars. Other favorite j

30、obs are waiting on tables in restaurants or working part-time at stores or gas stations. By earning their own allowance(零花钱,津贴),teenagers acquire a feeling of in dependence and a sense of responsibility which prepares them for a productive life in society.1. What does babysit mean in paragraph 1?2.

31、How do American youngsters earn their allowance?3. When it comes to clearing snow, what do many people like to do?4. What is the advantages of youngsters earning allowance?5. Who will clear the snow on the streets?词汇题一 单词拼写(10分)1. What the students need is not only the(智力) education.2. I always had

32、my hair cut at the (理发师).3. We want some (志愿者)to help paint the house.4.I used to take a (深刻的)interest in the study of the history of Tang Dynasty.5. He was sent to Washington on a diplomatic(外交的) (使命)6.They are all (临时的)workers from the rural areas.7. I had a frightening (偶遇)with a poisonous snake8

33、.Im under (合约)to teach here for one year.9. What is your (固定的) address?10.The company managed to satisfy the workers (要求)for ore money.二翻译句子(15分)1.一周又一周,Timoteo 每天早上都会在弯道处指导交通。And so every morning, , , , Timoteo his place on the bend and the traffic.2.虽然车辆部多但是平均每两周都会有一辆车掉下山崖。Although there is not a

34、lot of traffic, , one vehicles the road every two weeks.3.我想当然的认为你会跟我们一起去,所以给你买了一张票。I took that you would go with us, so I you a ticket.4.当他听了这个令人激动的消息时,高兴地跳起来了。 the exciting news, he jumped .5.他坐出租车去了机场,结果却发现飞机已经起飞了。He to the airport, that the plane had 6. 李先生买的二手房状况不太好.The second-hand house Mr. Li has bought is .


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