1、文件编号生效日期2015年5月10日页次共21页耳机PCBA检验规范版次第一版 1、目的本指导书旨在描述耳机PCBA的通用检验标准及产品验收相关要求,以作为我司及外协厂检验人员对耳机产品外观验收的依据,确保产品质量达到我司的质量要求。2、使用范围本检验指导书适用于耳机产品的整机外观检验,对有特殊工艺和特殊要求的产品,则依据具体的产品检验指导书检验。3、使用指引如有限度样,检验时优先考虑限度样,限度样包括整机上签署的限度样,以及物料上签署的限度样”4、检验工具直尺、游标卡尺、塞规、比对片、防静电手套或指套、防尘布、酒精、小刀,封箱胶布、透明胶带、5、检验条件视力:检验员视力要求不低于1.0(含矫
2、正视力);距离:人眼与被测手机表面的距离为300mm50mm;照明:冷白荧光灯(光源在检测者正上方),光照度为1000200Lux;温度:15-35;湿度:20%-75%;检视角度: 产品检视面与桌面成45度角,上下左右各转动45度(如下图);检视时间:105s(单一面),针对外观检验;最长检验时间15s。在15s检视,如果缺陷仍不可见,则此检视件可视为合格。6、耳机PCBA抽样计划检验项目抽样计划允收水准外观/结构(包括耳机外观、定制信息检查)GB2828.1-2003 正常一次抽样LEVEL II致命缺陷(CR):C=0严重缺陷(MA):AQL=0.65轻微缺陷(MI):AQL=1.07、
3、术语与定义7.1 缺陷严重程度定义Defect Classification 缺陷等级定义CR: Critical Defect 致命缺陷产品对人身安全造成伤害或存在安全隐患,对客户财产构成威胁的缺陷。MA: Major Defect严重缺陷产品存在使用异常的缺陷,主要有以下七种缺陷:1功能缺陷影响正常使用。2性能参数超出设计规格和国家标准。3混料4漏元件、配件及主要标识;5多出无关标识及其它可能影响产品性能的非关联物品。6包装存在可能影响产品形象的缺陷。7结构及外观方面让顾客难以接受的严重缺陷。MI: Minor Defect次要缺陷除CR、MA缺陷以外的其它不影响产品使用的缺陷。Acc:
4、Acceptable Defect可接受缺陷可以接受的缺陷或无缺陷,出厂检查时供参考。7.2 外观等级面定义特级面: 一级面: 二级面: 三级面:正常使用时看不到面,如电池盖的内表面。 说明:整机结构件内表面外观缺陷如不影响产品性能下降和整机组装则不作管控。若本标准存在任何与工程图有冲突之处,以工程图为准。8、SMT 组件(SMT component)8.1 焊点规格(Soldering spec.)8.1.1 Chip零件移位(Chip component shift)图 例判 定 标 准Side overhang (D) is greater than 25% component term
5、ination width (W) or 25% land width (P) whichever is less.-Defect零件上下平偏移 D25%W或D25%P 拒收(任何一个条件满足,可拒收)Side overhang (D) is greater than 25% component termination width (W) or 25% land width (P) whichever is less.-Defect零件旋转偏移 D25%W或D25%P 拒收(任何一个条件满足,可拒收)Termination overhangs land(B0)-Defect零件左右平偏移超出P
6、AD(B0) 拒收LlComponent overhangs 25% length of metallization terminal end (L) or less than 0.25mm -Defect零件水平偏移l25%L 或l0.25mm 拒收Component in reserved to lacquer to go to circuit to form a short circuit.-Defect零件偏移在有保护漆的线路上造成短路 拒收End joint width (C) is minimum 75% of component termination width (W) or
7、75% land width (P) ,whichever is less.- Acceptable零件偏移后焊点宽度 C75%W 或是C75%P 允收(任何一个条件满足,可允收)8.1.2 Chip零件多錫.少錫及錫不熔透(Chip component)图 例判 定 标 准Maximum fillet height (E) may overhang the land or extend onto the top of the end cap metallization, but not extend further onto the component body.-Acceptable锡多超
8、过金属端,但末端没有延伸至零件本体. 允收Solder fillet extends onto the component body.-Defect锡延伸到零件本体上 拒收圖1 圖2 1. Insufficient solder.-Defect 少锡. 拒收 (图1)2. Minimum fillet high(F) is less than 3/4 termination high(H) . -Defect上锡高度F25%W或A25%P 拒收(任何一个条件满足,可拒收) 备注 ( W : 零件直径 P: 铜箔宽度 )Any end overhang(B)-Defect零件偏移超出 PAD(B
9、0) 拒收End joint width (C) is minimum 75% of component diameter (W) or 75% land width (P), whichever is less.-Acceptable零件连接直径宽度 C75%W 或75%P 允收(任何一个条件满足,可允收)备注 ( W : 零件直径 P: 铜箔宽度 )8.2.8圆柱体零件多锡.少锡及锡不熔透(Cylindrical End Cap Termination)Side joint length(D) is minimum 75% length of component termination(T
10、) or land length(S),whichever is less.- Acceptable侧面焊点长度 D75%T或D75%S 允收 (任何一个条件满足,可允收)备注 ( T : 零件的焊接端的宽度 )Solder fillet extends onto the component body.-Defect锡延伸到零件本体上 拒收8.3 Leadless chip或IC chip移位.少锡.上锡不良.(Leadless or IC chip)Side overhang(A) exceeds 25% castellation width(W)-Defect侧面偏移 A25%W 拒收 E
11、nd joint width (C) is less than 75% castellation width (W)-Defect零件末端焊点宽度 C75%W 拒收Minimum side joint length (D) is less than 50% minimum fillet height(F) or land length external to package(S), whichever is less.- Defect 零件末端焊点长度 D50%F或50%S 拒收End side length (l) is greater than 50% lead length (L) is
12、 less.- Defect 零件lead根部移出焊盘l50%L 拒收8.4 扁平.L型和翼型引脚移位.少锡.上锡不良.(Flat Ribbon, L, and Gull Wing leads)Maximum overhang (A) is not greater than 25% lead width (W) -Acceptable侧面偏移 A25%W(组件脚宽度) 允收Side overhang (A) is greater than 75% lead width (W) -Defect零件侧面偏移 A75%W 拒收Minimum end joint width (C) is less 7
13、5% lead width (W)-Defect焊点宽度 C75%W 拒收Side joint length (D) is less than width (W) or 75% of lead length (L), whichever is less. -Defect焊点长度: D50%T+G 允收(上焊高度 (F) 50%+G 组件脚厚度(T) (G)为锡浆厚度 ) 允收8.5圆形或椭圆形引脚移位 少锡 上锡不良 (Round or Flattened (Coined) leads)Side overhang (A) is greater than 25% lead width/diame
14、ter (W).-Defect零件偏移 A25%W(组件脚宽度/直径) 拒收Minimum end joint width (C) is less 75% lead width/diameter (W)-Defect焊锡宽度 C75%W . 拒收Side joint length (D) is less than lead width/diameter-Defect焊锡长度:D小于引脚宽度/直径. 拒收(可参考 4.扁平.L型和翼型引脚移位.少锡.上锡不良中”焊点长度”标准内容)Solder touches the package or end seal.-Defect焊锡延伸至零件本体上或封
15、装末端. 拒收Minimum side joint height (Q) is less than solder thickness(G) plus 75% diameter (W) of round lead or 75% thickness of lead at joint side (T) for coined lead.-Defect焊锡高度 QG+75%W 或 Q25%W 拒收Minimum end joint width (C) is greater than75% lead width (W)-Acceptable焊锡宽度 C75%W 允收Side joint fillet (D
16、) less than 150% lead width-Defect焊锡宽度 (D)小于150%引脚宽度(W) 拒收Side joint fillet touches package body-Defect焊锡延伸到零件本体上 拒收8.7 I型引脚移位.少锡.上锡不良.(Butt/I Joints)Any toe overhang(B)-Defect零件侧边偏移超出PAD (B0) 拒收End joint width (C) is less than 75% lead width (W)-Defect焊锡宽度 C75% W 拒收Solder touches package body-Defec
17、t焊锡延伸至零件本体上 拒收Fillet height (F) is less than 0.5mm0.02in-Defect焊锡高度 F0.5mm 拒收8.8向内J型引脚移位.少锡.上锡不良.(Inward Formed L-Shaped Ribbon Leads) End joint width (C) is less than 75% lead width (W).-Defect焊锡宽度 C25%W 拒收Minimum fillet height (F) is less than 50%E.-Defect焊锡高度 F50% 拒收Acceptable-class1,2,3 - less t
18、han 25% overhang . (接收偏移水平50% )Solder bridge. 短路(锡桥)Dark spots in x-ray view that bridge between solder joints.在X-ray下之焊点间桥接Solder open. 假焊(锡散开) Missing solder. 漏焊Solder balls(S) that bridge more than 25% of the distance between the leads.-Defect 锡珠直径25%的焊点间距(两焊球之间距) 拒收.Fractured solder connection.-
19、Defect锡裂 拒收9.焊点异常(Soldering abnormal) 9.1 零件侧立(component mounted on side)图 例判 定 标 准Component mounted on side .- Defect零件侧立. 拒收 9.2 零件反面(component reverse) Element of chip component with exposed deposited electrical element is mounted toward board-Defect零件反面. 拒收 9.3 组件竖起(Tombstone)Chip components sta
20、nding on their terminal end (tombstoning).-Defect组件竖起(墓碑) 拒收9.4 共平面(组件翘起)(Coplanarity )One lead or series of leads on component is out alignment and fails to make proper contact with the land.-Defect组件的一个或多个脚变形,不能与PAD正常接触(造成假焊). 拒收9.5 锡不熔透(incomplete melting of solder )Incomplete melting of solder.-
21、Defect锡未完全熔化.(锡点表面粗糙,不光滑,或显颗粒状) 拒收9.6 假焊(open solder)Solder has not wetted to the land or termination.-Defect焊盘浸润不良造成组件金属端与焊盘脱落(假焊). 9.7 锡裂(Fractured solder)Fractured or cracked solder.-Defect焊锡断裂或破裂 拒收 9.8 锡孔(solder hole)Blowholes, pinholes, voids, etc.-Defect锡孔直径超0.2mm或孔深可见零件脚. 拒收9.9 锡渣(Solder spl
22、ash)Solder splashes .-Defect锡渣 拒收9.10 锡尖(Icicle solder)Icicle Solder is less than 0.5mm of the distance near by component -Defect焊点上有锡尖,长度靠近相邻近组件少于0.5mm 或影响高频特性不能按受的. 拒收9.11 锡桥(短路) (Solder bridge)1. A solder connection across conductors that should not be joined.-Defect锡桥(短路) 拒收2. A solder connectio
23、n across conductors that should be joined .but the conductors are the same that PAD.-Acceptable同PAD PIN 锡桥(短路) 允收3. On the same trace (visualable) but not same PAD, solder bridge (short) across conductors.-Acceptable目视同线路不同PAD短路 允收9.12 零件反向&极性错 (wrong polarity)PCB板上的向点方向点Wrong polarity - Defect零件反向&
24、极性错. 拒收 (IC等有极性的组件)9.13 漏料&多料(component missing &component in excess)多料漏料Component Missing &Component In Excess - Defect漏料&多料. 拒收9.14 连接器/排插(Connector)1. Will not mate when used in application due to angle. - Defect排插歪斜,组装时不能配合. 拒收.2. Component violates height requirements. -Defect 组装高度能超过产品最高要求. 拒收
25、3. Component required to be mounted above the board surface are not less than 0.5mm. - Defect零件底面距离PCB板距离 H0.5mm . 拒收9.15 零件不贴板(gap between component and PCB)HComponent required to be mounted above the board surface are not less than 0.3mm. - Defect零件底面距离PCB板距离 H0.3mm . 拒收9.16 锡珠(Solder ball)1. Sold
26、er ball dislodge-Defect不允许非附着性锡珠 拒收2. Entrapped or encapsulated solder balls that are exceed 0.125mm in diameter.-Defect附着性锡珠但锡珠直径大小为0.125mm(含) 以上 拒收3. Solder ball attached on high voltage side of transformer or around high voltage capacitor-Defect变压器高压端及高压电容旁有附着性锡珠 拒收4. More than 5 solder balls (di
27、ameter less than 0.125mm) per 25.4mm(length)&per 600mm2 -Defect锡珠直径大小为0.125mm以下,但锡珠数量多于5颗/600mm2(含) 或多于5颗/25.4mm 拒收PS:锡珠以静电毛刷刷不掉者,判为附着性锡珠.10.零件损坏(物料不良)(Component damage)10.1 裂缝与缺口(Gracks and chip-outs)Nicks or chip-outs not greater than dimension l25%L,w25%W,t0.15mm -Acceptable缺口的尺寸L25%L,w25%W,t0.15
28、mm 可接受1. Any nick or chip-out that exposes the electrodes. -Defect任何电极上的裂缝或缺口 拒收2. Cracks, nicks or any type of damage bodied components. -Defect玻璃组件本体上的裂缝刻痕或任何损伤 拒收3. Any chip-outs in resistive elements. -Defect任何电阻质的缺口 拒收Any cracks or stress fractures.-Defect任何裂缝或压痕 拒收10.2 金属镀层(Metallization)Maxim
29、um of 25% of metallization loss of top end area (for each terminal end )-Acceptable顶部金属镀层损失不大于25% 允收侧面金属镀层不得漏底材Metallization loss exceeds 25% of top area-Defect顶部金属镀层损失大于25% 拒收10.3 金属镀层剥落(metallization missing )1. Leaching of the terminal end face exposing ceramic镀层(上锡的金属端)剥落宽度,厚度超出25W或25T. 拒收2. Lea
30、ching exceeding 25% of component width (W) or component thickness (T)-Defect 端面露出零件的本体 拒收11.PCB异常(PCB abnormal) 11.1 PCB铜泊氧化(PCB Pad oxidization) PCB Pad oxidization - DefectPCB板铜泊氧化. 拒收 11.2 PCB 破损/刮伤(PCB broken/crack) AA1. 缺口已超过板边到导线间距所允许的50%,(不能伤及线路)或者 A2.54mm, 取两者的最小值. 拒收 2. 刮伤或伤及到线路以及露铜. 拒收11.3
31、 PCB 分层(PCB delamination) 1.A separation between any of the layers of the base material or between the base material and the metalcladding. - Defect1.分层为PCB基板层间或基材与导电箔之间的分离现象. 拒收2. 边缘分层产生的呈”泛白色区”超过规定边距的50% ,或者超出2.5mm .(如果对边距没有做规定的话). 拒收 11.4 PCB板变形 (PCB deform/distort) 1.Bow and twist after solderin
32、g exceed 0.7% length for PCB diagonal. length - Defect 板弯曲高度(把PCB放在平台,板与平台的高度)超过板面对角长的0.7% . 拒收2.Incoming material inspection: put PCB on flat type. fixed PCB three point of edge for PCB. Bow and twist clearance over PCB thickness - Defect 来料检查:将PCB边沿三点固定在平台上,变形大于PCB厚度 拒收11.5 PCB 起泡/通孔不良/插件孔等不良(PCB
33、Bubble/through hole NG )1. Any evidence of blistering/delamination between plated through holes or internal conductors. -Defect在导通孔或导电路之间,有任何明显的PCB板铜泊起泡或分层是不能接收的. 拒收2. Through hole NG -Defect 通孔不良. 拒收3. DIP hole NG - Defect插件孔不良 . 拒收11.6 PCB表面脏污(PCB surface dirty)1. All of dirty not come from PCB it
34、self (such as ink mark &dust etc. -DefectPCB表面脏污(如:不良油印,异物等) 拒收11.7 补绿油(Repaired with Green mask)1. PCB surface repair with green mask. -DefectPCB表面被绿油修补. 拒收11.8 PCB擦伤(PCB surface scratch)1. PCB surface electric road scratch. -DefectPCB表面电性线路擦伤. 拒收11.9 丝印不良(silk print abnormal )1. PCB surface silk p
35、rint abnormal (such as: not cleaning, shift etc.). -DefectPCB表面丝印不清 偏位等. 拒收11.10 Via孔堵塞(Via hole tamp )1. Via hole tamp-DefectVia 通孔堵塞. 拒收11.11 通孔/定位孔裂开(though hole/orientation hole broken )1. PCB though hole/orientation hole broken. -DefectPCB定位孔/通孔开裂. 拒收11.12 Via孔偏移(Via hole shift )1. Via hole shi
36、ft-DefectVia通孔偏位. 拒收11.13.露铜(exposed Cu )1. PCB edge side or PCB surface exposed Cu-DefectPCB侧边或PCB表面露铜. 拒收11.14 Via孔电镀不良(Via hole tinning NG )1. Via hole tinning NG-DefectVia通孔电镀不良. 拒收12、流程图 无13、支持性文件进料检验检验规范;PCBA进料检验指导书;14、附件附件一:IQC来料检验流程图附件二:IQC来料不合品处理流程图NG填写记录OK仓库物料待检区检验评审IQC粘贴不良标签NGOK物料来料检验规范来料检验报告物料特采单来料送检单供应商部门供应商送货单文件表单品质部、仓库IQC来料检验流程图(附件一)品质品质部仓库入库单来料入库退料品质部品质部NG安排相关人员挑选填写记录填写记录IQC粘贴特采标签特采OK物料来料检验规范来料检验报告物料特采单来料检验报告供应商部门送检单文件表单品质部IQC不良品处理流程(附件二)供应商品质部仓库退料单不良品入库挑选评审退料IQC检验来料检验报告填写记录、IQC粘贴挑选标签核准:审核制定: 日期:2015年5月4日东方酷音机密,未经许可不得扩散
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