2、,本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢,第1页,Joanne Kathleen Rowling,J.k.Rowling was born in July 1965 in England.She was the first person ever to become a billionaire by writing books.,In 1991,Rollowing was on the train from London to Manchester.When she
3、saw a little boy who worn glasses smiled and waved at her.Then the idea of creating a little wizard occurred to her.Seven years later,she put the idea into reality.,so,Harry Potter was born.,第2页,Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by J.K.Rowling.Harry Potter and the Philosophers
4、 Stone,the first novel about the story was released in the 1997,which proved to be a big success.Then another six were released in the following 10 years.,第3页,Harry Potter is the name of a series of novels as well as the main character.In the novel,Harry is a boy who has the power to vanquish the da
5、rk Lord,Voldemort who have killed many wizards including Harrys parents.,When Harry was ten years old,he went to the Hogwarts which is known as the best magic school to learn magic.Where he has met Ron and Hermione who have become his two best friends later.,第4页,The novel focuses on his life in the
6、school.In Hogwarts,he has met many dangers and fights against,Voldemort.but once and once again,he all have won with his wisdom and courage together with many peoples help.At last,Harry and his friends has a happy life.,第5页,第6页,Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone,哈利波特与魔法石,第7页,Harry Potter and Ch
7、amber of Secrets,哈利波特与密室,第8页,Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban,哈利波特与阿兹卡班囚徒,第9页,Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire,哈利波特与火焰杯,第10页,Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix,哈利波特与凤凰社,第11页,Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince,哈利波特与混血王子,第12页,Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows,哈利波特与死亡圣器,第13页,Main R
8、oles,第14页,1989 Jul 23rd,Daniel Radcliffe(,丹尼尔 雷德克里夫),HARRY POTTER,第15页,The character of the story;a brave,strong and smart boy,loved by lots of people;Parents were killed by Lord Voldemort,a evil wizard who scares everybody in the world of wizardry.Lived with his aunt,s family when he was a child.A
9、Gryffindor student in hogwarts.,第16页,Harrys best friends,Rupert Grint,(,鲁伯特 格林特),1988 Aug 24th,Ron,Emma Watson,(,艾玛 沃特森),1990 Apr 15th,Hermione,第17页,Come from a wizard,family,Harrys best friend.A gentle boy who has red hair,humor,lovely and understanding very much.Sincere but indecisive sometimes.Ma
10、rried to Hermione at last.,第18页,Harrys good friend,,,a smart and beautiful girl but was Mud bloods,(泥巴种,),whose parents are muggle(,麻瓜,).Be good at study,called as Mrs.Know-All.Helpful,enthusiasm,but sometimes has Perfect socialist tendency.Married to Ron in the end of the story.,第19页,Harrys foe,The
11、 evil wizard,Lord Voldemprt,Draco Malfoy,第20页,Lord Voldemort,伏地魔,(Tom Riddle),(汤姆里德尔),Harrys perfect enemy,Killed Harrys Parents when Harry was still a little baby.Followed by a crowd of Death Eaters(,食死徒,).,Plan to kill Harry,but die of his own curse,carelessly at last.,第21页,Harrys special friend,T
12、he half blood,Prince,Severus Snape,Professor,Albus Dumbledore,The free homebred elfin,Dobby,第22页,Reasons:,When I was 10 years old,I read the book Harry Potterby chance.shortly afterwards,I became one of faithful fans of it.After the first part Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone has been on,I fo
13、und it is more interesting than I had imaged.And till now,I have watched all series,eight films totally.It can be regarded as a good friend during my teenager life.It teached me to be brave,strong and optimistic.At the same time,it told me about the important and power of family,friendship and love.I feel very grateful towards this series of film,Thanks it accompanies me to grow.,第23页,第24页,The endThank you,第25页,
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