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软件工程师求职英文简历模板 .doc

1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。软件工程师求职英文简历模板软件工程师一般指从事软件开发职业的人。下面为大家提供软件工程师求职英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!软件工程师求职英文简历模板一software package engineerresponsibilities and achievements:t-systems*script centerperiod: 9/XX;presentreceiving software packages from t-systems* script center.repackage the applications

2、followed the customers’ requesting.add customized settings in repackaged environment: wise package studio and vmware esx.t-systems china internal itperiod: 8/XX;presentlandesk management suit 8.7 senior administratoros deployment1. design an image-originated os deployment pro

3、cess.2. integrated vnc into win pe make easier for remote control and troubleshooting.3. create a hardware independent image to fit all model laptop and desktop.4. this image integrated all standard applications and settings.5. all deployment process user distribution1. push appl

4、ications to clients remotely.2. all applications repackaged into msi files.asset inventoryinventory hardware and software asset via license monitoring1. track product license.2. deny restricted software.remote control reportinggenerate a wide variety of specialized reports that prov

5、ide critical information about the devices.t-mobile shenzhen office it servicedeploy clients os by using t-systems standard image remotely.manage shenzhen clients via landesk.repackage shenzhen software applications (exe,msi) to standard msi and mst file.t-systems taicang medium enterprise project s

6、upport engineer.deploy windows os (windows xp, windows 7, windows server XX and windows server XX) based microsoft free deployment platform image deploy via mdtXXresolve hal issue while deploy windows imagemodify mdtXX deployment script to fit users’ reqirementinternal it encrypti

7、on projectperiod: 4/XX-11/XXencrypt users’ data using professional software named finally secure enterprise edition.main role: project managertechnical knowledge transfer and delivery to all onsite engineers. training for service desk agents who involved in this project.internal it daily maint

8、enanceperiod: 9/XX;presentit room device maintenancewrite power shell script to manage it relatedwork1. transfer user’s account from administrators group to power users group remotely.2. backup server’s data periodicity.3. retrieve users’ domain information.4. remote add printer.XX

9、.7-XX.9 *volume supportresponsibilities and achievements:hardware technical support for * proliant server, blade server, storage works and tape libraries.implement remote deployment pack for blade server os deployment.provide on-site troubleshoot service where necessary .case log system support and

10、maintenance.temporary field support for other projects .软件工程师求职英文简历模板二Name:Sex: Male Age: 21National: Han origin: Handan in HebeiDate of birth: September 10,Address are: Beijing HuilongguanEducation: high school professional: a computerGraduate institutions: high school WU School of Handan in HebeiM

11、obile phone: 15888*E-mail: XXX.comSo far the working hours: 2 yearsJob:Position: J2EE Software Engineer (Java / WEB)Individual professional skills:1. Familiar with the Java-based language, html, JavaScript;2. Familiar with J2EE, as well as the core of Jsp, Servlet, JavaBean, xml, ajax, for I have so

12、me knowledge about css;3. Be able to use the database Oracle, MySql, SqlServler management and configuration data and the use of PowerDesigner modeling tool;4. Familiar with the JDBC database connectivity;5. Familiar with the WEB server Jboss, Tomcat, WebLogic, such as the installation and configura

13、tion;http:/www.jianli-6. Familiar with Eclipse, Jbuilder, and other development tools;7. MVC have layered software design and hierarchical design, skilled use of Struts, Spring, Hibernate, and other lightweight framework;8. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design System.9. Understanding of SOAProject experience:Handan Kairui company service hotline NetworkTime: September 2020 -07 in MarchDevelopment Environment: Win2000, tomcat, SqlServer, JDK1.4.2_10;Tools: Eclipse 3.2


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