1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。,硕士英语精读教程,(,第三版,上,),中国人民大学出版社,1/158,Unit Six,Two Truths to
2、Live By,1.Text,2.Exercises,3.Supplementary Reading,2/158,Two Truths to Live By,Hold fast,and let go:,understand this paradox,*,and you stand,at the very gate of wisdom,Alexander M.Schindler,paradox n.statement that seems to say sth.opposite to common sense or the truth,but which may contain a truth,
3、似非而是可能隽语,反论,Menu,Translation,3/158,enjoin v.give an order for;urge;command,命令;催促;吩咐,cling to(sth.)hold tight to;together,抓住,粘住,坚持,ordain v.(of God,law,authority)decide;destine(,指上帝,法律,当局作,),决定;注定,relinquishment n.,relinquish v.give up(hope,a habit,belief,plan,etc.);let go(ones hold of sth.),放弃,(,希望,
4、习惯,信仰,计划等,),;松手放开,Menu,1 The,art,of living is to know when to hold,fast,and when,to let go,.For life is a,paradox,:it,enjoins,*,us,to cling to,*,its many gifts even while it,ordains,*,their eventual,relinquishment,*,.,4/158,The rabbis,*,of old put it this way:A man comes to this world with his fist,
5、clenched,*,but when he dies,his hand is open.,rabbi n.teacher of the Jewish law,犹太法学教授,犹太学者,clench v.press firmly together,紧握,捏紧,Menu,Translation,5/158,2 Surely we ought to hold fast to life,for it is wondrous,*,and full of a beauty that,breaks through,*,every,pore,*,of Gods own earth.We know that t
6、his is so,but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what it was and then suddenly realize that it is no more.,wondrous adj.(=wonderful),break through make a way through,突破,透过,pore,n.tiny opening(esp.in the skin of an animal body)through which fluids(e.g.s
7、weat)may pass,小孔,,(,尤指动物身体上,),毛孔,Menu,Translation,6/158,3 We remember a beauty that,faded,a love that,waned,*,.But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered,that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered.,wane v.become less or weaker,降低,减弱,衰弱,Transl
8、ation,Menu,7/158,4 A recent experience re-taught me this truth.I was,hospitalized,*,following a severe heart attack and had been in intensive care for several days.It was not a pleasant place.,5 One morning,I had to have some additional tests.The required machines were located in a building at the o
9、pposite end of the hospital,so I had to be wheeled across the courtyard on a gurney,*,.,hospitalize v.send to,admit into hospital,送入医院;允许住院,gurney n.a wheeled cot or stretcher,有轮子小床或躺椅,Menu,Translation,8/158,6 As we emerged from our unit,the sunlight hit me.Thats all there was to my experience.Just
10、the light of the sun.And yet how beautiful it was-how warming,how,sparkling,*,how brilliant!,7 I looked to see whether anyone else relished,*,the suns golden glow,but everyone was hurrying to and fro,most with eyes fixed on the ground.,sparkling,adj.,sparkle,v.send out flashes of light,闪闪发光;闪耀,闪烁,re
11、lish v.enjoy;get pleasure out of,享受;兴趣;喜好,Menu,9/158,Then I remembered how often I,too,had been indifferent to,*,the,grandeur,*,of each day,too,preoccupied,*,with petty,*,and sometimes even mean,concerns,to respond to the splendor,*,of it all.,be indifferent to(sth.)having no interest in;neither for
12、 nor against,对,不感兴趣;漠不关心,grandeur n.greatness;magnificence,大;壮丽;华丽,preoccupy v.take all the attention of(sb.,his mind)so that attention is not given to other matters,使全神贯注;盘据,(,心头,),;迷住,petty,adj.small;unimportant,细小;次要,splendor n.magnificence;brightness,华丽,壮丽,光亮,Menu,Translation,10/158,8 The insigh
13、t,*,gleaned,*,from that experience is really as commonplace,*,as was the experience itself:lifes gifts are precious-but we,are too heedless,*,of,them.,insight,n.understanding power of seeing into sth.with the mind,洞察力;看法,glean v.pick up(grain)left in a(harvest)field by the workers;(fig)gather(news,f
14、acts)in small quantities,拾,(,遗穗,),;,(,喻,),一点点地搜集,(,消息,事实,),monplace adj.,n.ordinary or usual,日常;平庸;日常话;平凡事,4.,heedless adj.not attending to,不注意,掉以轻心,be heedless of pay no attention to,不留心,不注意;不顾,Translation,Menu,11/158,9 Here then is the first pole of lifes paradoxical demands on us:,Never too busy
15、for the wonder and the,awe,*,of life.,Be,reverent,*,before each dawning day.Embrace each hour.Seize each golden minute.,awe,n.respect combined with fear and reverence,敬畏,reverent,adj.feeling or showing reverence(deep respect;feeling of wonder and awe),尊敬,虔诚,谦恭,Menu,Translation,12/158,10 Hold fast to
16、 life.but not so fast that you cannot let go.This is the second side of lifes coin,the opposite pole of its paradox:we must accept our losses,and learn how to let go.,Translation,Menu,13/158,11 This is not an easy lesson to learn,especially when we are young and think that the world is ours to comma
17、nd,that whatever we desire with the full force of our,passionate,*,being,can,nay,will,be ours.But then life moves along to confront,*,us with realities,and slowly but surely this second truth,dawns upon,*,us.,passionate,adj.easily moved by passion;filled with,showing passion,易动情;热情,confront,v.,confr
18、ont.with.,become or bring face to face with,面对;面临,dawn on/upon(sb.)begin to appear;grow clear(to the mind),开始现出;变得,(,为人所,),明白,Menu,Translation,14/158,12 At every stage of life we,sustain,losses-and grow in the process.We begin our independent lives only when we emerge from the womb,*,and lose its pr
19、otective shelter.We enter a progression,*,of schools,then we leave our mothers and fathers and our childhood homes.We get married and have children and then have to let them go.,womb n.organ in a female mammal in which offspring is carried and nourished while developing before birth,子宫,2.progression
20、 n.progress;moving forward,进步;前进;进行,Menu,15/158,We confront the death of our parents and our spouses,*,.We face the gradual or not so gradual waning of our own strength.And ultimately,as the parable,*,of the open and closed hand suggests,we must confront the inevitability of our own demise,*,losing
21、ourselves,as it were,all that we were or dreamed to be.,spouse n.husband or wife,配偶,parable n.story designed to teach a moral lesson,寓言;比喻,3.,demise n.death(,法律,),死亡,Menu,Translation,16/158,13 But why should we be reconciled,*,to lifes contradictory,*,demands?Why,fashion,things of beauty when beauty
22、 is evanescent,*,?Why give our heart in love when those we love will ultimately be torn from our grasp?,reconcile,v.be reconciled to:overcome ones objections to;resign oneslf to,克服,(,对,),反对;顺从,(,于,),;听从,(,于,),contradictory,adj.contradicting,相互矛盾,evanescent adj.quickly fading;soon going from the memo
23、ry,快速凋谢;很快便被遗忘,Translation,Menu,17/158,14 In order to resolve this paradox,we must seek a wider perspective,viewing our lives as through windows that open on eternity,*,.Once we do that,we realize that though our lives are,finite,our deeds on earth,weave,a timeless pattern.,15 Life is never just bei
24、ng.It is a becoming,a,relentless,*,flowing on.,eternity,n.time without end;the future life,永恒;来世,relentless adj.without pity,无慈悲;不怜悯,Menu,18/158,Our parents live on through us,and we will live on through our children.The institutions we build endure,and we will endure through them.The beauty we fash
25、ion cannot be dimmed by death.Our flesh may perish,*,our hands will wither,*,but that which they create in beauty and goodness and truth lives on for all time to come.,perish v.be destroyed;come to an end;die,毁灭;死亡,wither,v.(cause to)become dry;faded;or dead(,使,),枯萎;凋谢,Translation,Menu,19/158,16 Don
26、t spend and waste your lives accumulating objects that will only turn to dust and ashes.,Pursue not so much the material as the ideal,for ideals alone,invest life with,meaning and are of enduring worth.,Menu,Translation,20/158,17,Add love to a house and you have a home.,Add righteousness,*,to a city
27、 and you have a community.Add truth to a pile of red brick and you have a school.Add religion to the humblest of edifices,*,and you have a sanctuary,*,.,righteousness n.,righteous adj.doing what is morally right;obeying the law,正当,edifice n.building(esp.a large one),大厦,sanctuary n.holy or sacred pla
28、ce,esp.a church or temple,圣堂;神殿;教会;寺院,Menu,21/158,Add justice to the far-flung,*,round of human endeavor,*,and you have civilization.Put them all together,exalt,*,them above their present imperfections,add to them the vision of humankind redeemed,*,forever free of need and strife,*,and you have a fu
29、ture lighted with the radiant,*,colors of hope.,far-flung adj.widely extended,广泛,漫长,辽阔,endeavor,n.attempt,努力,尽力,力图,exalt,v.make high(er)in rank;great(er)in power or dignity,高举;抬高,(,地位等,),;提升,(,权力等,),redeem v.set free by payment;rescue,赎救,拯救,strife n.quarrelling;state of conflict,争吵;冲突;敌对,radiant,adj
30、.sending out rays of light;shining,放射光线;闪烁明亮,Menu,Translation,22/158,Exercises,.Comprehension,.Vocabulary,.Cloze,.Translation(English to Chinese),.Translation(Chinese to English),.Writing,Menu,23/158,.Comprehension,Answer the following questions or complete the following statements by choosing the b
31、est alternative A,B,C or D under each.You are allowed 2 minutes 30 seconds for this part.,Wisdom in the subheading means _.,knowing how to enjoy good health and longevity,knowing what use to make of life to the fullest,understanding that the laws of nature are inevitable,knowing that life is full of
32、 wonder and beauty,Menu,Answers,24/158,.Comprehension,2.Which of the following is an example of a paradox?,To be believed,make the truth unbelievable.,Men are not hanged for stealing horses,but that horses may not be stolen.,It is healthy to be sick once in a while.,In expanding the field of knowled
33、ge we but increase the horizon of ignorance.,Answers,Menu,25/158,3.Which of these ideas is true about the phrase“hold fast to life”?,Enjoy life as fast as one can.,Enjoy life with abandon.,Enjoy lifes rewards gradually.,Lead a fast life.,.Comprehension,Menu,Answers,26/158,4.Life is a paradox in the
34、sense that life _.,A.is full of contradictions,B.can be absolutely different for different people,C.is a process of life to death,D.is full of happiness and sorrow,.Comprehension,Answers,Menu,27/158,Why didnt the author appreciate the beauty of the sunlight until one day he was in hospital?,He took
35、no interest in it since it is too commonplace.,The suns glow was too commonplace for him to respond to it.,He was too busy to enjoy the beauty of the suns golden glow.,He was too busy to notice the light of the sun.,.Comprehension,Menu,Answers,28/158,6.The second truth to live by is _.,to learn to d
36、eal with the losses we suffer in life,to learn that death is unavoidable,to learn to face a variety of deaths,to learn to get accustomed to the pattern of life,departure and death,.Comprehension,Answers,Menu,29/158,7.Which of the following statements is true?,Invest your time and energy in pursuance
37、 of ideal.,We grow old by deserting our ideals.,One should strive for truth and justice.,One must set out to live life.,.Comprehension,Menu,Answers,30/158,Which of the following conclusions does the passage support?,An ounce of wisdom is worth a million tons of books.,Death makes a contract with eve
38、ryone,but no one can break it.,Look on all that appears commonplace as something hard to come by,and well all the more treasure it.,Own ones life and know how to treasure it,and this is a happy and beautiful life.,.Comprehension,Answers,Menu,31/158,The author appears to encourage people to _.,seek m
39、aterial enjoyment,make best use of their lives for their health and well-being,make endeavor for the well-being of mankind.,treasure both happiness and pains,for they mark the existence of life,.Comprehension,Menu,Answers,32/158,10.The author develops his main idea by _.,summarising the journey of h
40、is own life,teaching people the proper way to live,explaining the origin of the parable of the open and closed hand,giving an account of his personal experience.,.Comprehension,Answers,Menu,33/158,.Vocabulary,A.,Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlin
41、ed word or phrase.,1.The patient,clenched,the arms of the dentists chair.,A.grasped B.touched,C.placed onD.pressed,2.The retiring professor was,exalted,by his colleague.,A.criticizedB.honored,C.driven out D.examined,Menu,Answers,34/158,.Vocabulary,A.,Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which
42、 would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.,3.All the tourists were impressed by the amazing,grandeur,of Niagara Falls.,A.power B.splendor C.speed D.height,4.We stared in,awe,at the president himself.,A.respect B.concern C.satisfaction D.envy,Answers,Menu,35/158,.Vocabulary,A.,Identify
43、 one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.,5.The term“paper”is a little misleading when you consider the strength and,endurance,of the construction material.,A.lasting quality B.unique,C.element D.current status,6.When the moon,wanes,it changes
44、 from the full to the new phase.,A.becomes smaller B.transforms,C.eclipses D.vanishes,Menu,Answers,36/158,.Vocabulary,A.,Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.,7.Edward,relinquished,his throne to marry Mrs.Simpson.,A.took over B.yie
45、lded C.disregarded D.vanished,8.The teacher had unusual,insight,into childrens emotions and knew clearly how to treat them.,A.perception B.ignorance,C.creation D.comprehension,Answers,Menu,37/158,.Vocabulary,A.,Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underline
46、d word or phrase.,9.Have you seen the new,edifice,of Elm Street?,A.department store B.building,C.school D.theatre,10.Property on which money has been lent is,redeemed,when the loan is paid back.,A.recovered B.repurchased,C.rescued D.discharged,Menu,Answers,38/158,.Vocabulary,B.,Choose the correct an
47、swer.Only one answer is correct.,11.She practiced the speech until her delivery and timing were completely _.,A.faulty B.imperfect C.incorrect D.faultless,12.He is an honest person.His actions are always _ his words.,A.contradictory toB.contradicted by,C.agreed with D.consistent with,Answers,Menu,39
48、/158,.Vocabulary,B.,Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.,13.They called for immediate,absolute,_ separation from the North and elected their own president,Jefferson Davis.,friendly B.lifelongC.eternal D.lasting,14.Charles _ to the rope his would-be rescuers had thrown to him.,A.held
49、 B.graspedC.gripped D.clung,Menu,Answers,40/158,.Vocabulary,B.,Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.,15.This revived all my _ love of science,A.wondrous B.passionate,C.intensive D.enthusiastic,16.He is doing an _ course in physics.,A.intense B.internal,C.instant D.intensive,Menu,Answers,41/158,.Vocabulary,B.,Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.,17.I dont care what you do about your job;its no _ of mine.,A.importance B.matter,C.concern D.subject,18.He was disappointed by his result,but he is now _ to having to retake the exam.,A.composed B.submitted,C.recon
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