1、初中英语书面表达教学的有效性及中考复习备考建议写作能力是一个衡量英语学习者能力的重要标志,是英语新课程标准中提出的四种基本语言技能之一,因此书面表达是初中英语教学的重要组成部分,也是中考必考内容。学生能否运用已有的英语知识与技能进行书面交际在写作中可以得到充分的体现。所以教师应对自己的教学和学生对所学书面表达知识的掌握情况进行反思和总结,找出教学的盲点和弱点,并实施有效的解决策略。一、现状分析:(一)中考考题现状:纵观近几年的中考试卷,书面表达考题呈现这样一些特点:1. 题材内容丰富多样,注重对学生思想情感的渗透,具有一定的教育性和思想性;2. 涉及的素材是学生经历过或可能经历到的,给了学生自
2、由发挥的空间,有利于他们表达自己的真实感受;3. 命题贴近学生生活,体现人文关怀;4. 试题贴近当时的教育新闻和热点,有一定的实效性;5. 设计的问题情境真实自然,符合学生的年龄特点和生活实际;6. 控制性与开放性相结合,有放有收;7. 试题的体裁呈现复合性(议论与说明相结合);那么,学生的答题状况是怎样呢?(二)学生现状:1从中考阅卷情况开看,表现为1) 学生总体的语言质量不高,平均得分较平,高分作文不多;2)作文一项得0分或第五档分数的学生众多。中考书面表达中考生的主要问题是:(1)审题不仔细,在完成句子时不尊重原句的中文意思,改变了句意;(2)思路不清晰,东拉西扯,写不到点子上。(3)对
3、英语的基本句型掌握不熟练,受母语表达习惯影响,用英语表达的能力较差;语言的基本功不扎实,病句较多;词汇量有限,单词的拼写错误多;初中学生在写作训练中存在六大心理问题,我们不妨把它们称为六大误区:1.重视听说读,惧怕写;2.忽视审题,忽略格式;3.汉语倾向,生硬翻译;4.盲目落笔,一挥而就;5.拒绝修改,厌烦推敲;6.不讲规范,轻视书法。 (三) 写作教学现状在目前的初中英语教学中,尤其是在毕业年级中,老师和学生常大量的进行听和读的训练,写作教学比较容易受忽视,即使相对重视,教学操作手段也很单一乏味。主要教学手段是:老师选择作文题目和内容,让学生当堂或课下完成,然后收起由老师批阅或学生互批,最后
6、分。二、教师如何指导学生写出高分书面表达?换言之,学生应该有哪些写作能力?英语写作能力主要包括两种能力:一是用词造句,布局谋篇的能力,即语言表达能力;二是观察事物、分析事物的能力,即认识能力。写作水平是学生认识水平和英语表达能力的综合体现。它不仅要求学生在写作过程中要点齐全、格式正确、行文连贯,而且语言表达要地道,句子结构要合理,文章内容要通顺。写作水平就是学生综合运用语言的能力。新的课程标准中关于五级水平(即初中毕业要求达到的水平)的要求是: A.能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材; B.能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改; C.能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系; D.能简单描
7、述人物或事件; E.能根据所给的图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。根据新课程标准的要求,为使学生能写出高水平的书面表达,教师应做如下引导:(一)写作能力的引导1.学会使用较高级的词汇1)同义词法:英语中表达相同意义的词汇很多,有的比较常见,属于初级词汇;有的稍难,要通过大量阅读才会掌握,属于较高级词汇。写作时使用常见词汇的较高级同义词或近义词会让文章生色许多。例如、一般:My school is in the west of the city.高级:My school lies in the west of the school./ My school is located in the w
8、est of the city.2)反义词法:有时还可以用高级的反义词来替换初级词汇。例如、一般:You can easily remember these words if you use them every day. 高级:Youll have no trouble/difficulty remembering these words if you use them every day.3)构词法:英语中一个词往往属于一个家族,每个家族中的单词意义相关,但词性不同。例如,一般:My little sister is eight years old.高级:My little sister
9、is an eight-year-old girl.使用普通词汇的派生词或合成词,也可以让词汇变得更有色彩。例如、一般:The party is very successful. 高级:The party is a great success.4)同义结构替换法:英语中很多实用地道的短语,用在写作中可以让文章的味道更浓。比如,thanks to, turn out, in spite of, as a result, as for, on the other hand, make it等。另外英语中还常用分词结构或介词短语结构来替代一些状语从句。例如、一般:If the weather is
10、fine, well go hill climbing tomorrow. 高级:Weather permitting, well go hill climbing tomorrow.2.学写优美流畅的句子1)正确构建简单句:写好作文的第一步,要写正确的简单句。只有包含了主语、谓语动词等的句子才是完整的简单句,否则就是不完整的句子(祈使句、省略句和特殊句型除外)。简单句有五种基本类型:S(主语)+V(谓语)+其它,S+V+O(宾语)+其它,S+V+O+宾补,S+V+O+人+物+其它,S+系动词+表语。2)恰当使用复合句:如果一篇作文一律用简单句,犯错的几率会减小,但难免过于平淡。恰当正确地使用
11、少量复合句,可以增强文章的色彩。一篇100字左右的文章,应尽量使用3个左右的复合句。例如,简单句:A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.定语从句:The girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital.3)恰当使用分词结构:分词结构做状语比用状语从句或并列句简练,尤其用来表示伴随时,可以让描写更加生动活泼。读读下面的分词结构:Feeling tired, I went to bed early.(= Because I felt tired, I we
12、nt to bed early.)4)长短句结合:用单调的语调讲话会让听众感到乏味,写文章也是如此。在写作中注意长短句的结合,可增加文章的节奏感和韵味。5)尝试特殊句型:感叹句、强调句和倒装句可以传达强烈的思想情感,让文章增加色彩。例如,普通句:The bell is ringing now.倒装句:There goes the bell!6) 适当引用格言谚语:恰当地使用格言谚语会使文章更具说服力,并能形成个性,写出亮点,写出文采。3.学会写段落1)主题句(Topic sentence):写段落的第一步是确定主题句,也就是该段落的中心思想。主题句可以出现在段落开头、中间或结尾,也可以隐含于句
13、子中。一般来说,段落以主题句开头更便于读者了解大意。主题句分为两部分,包括主题和自己的看法。如:Smoking is bad for health.其中smoking 是主题(idea),is bad for health是自己的看法。2)支撑句(Supporting details):主题句写好以后,要使用恰当的细节或例子来支撑它。一般一个主题句应该使用2-3个例子来加以说明或证明。比如上文的主题句Smoking is bad for health,可以使用下列细节来支撑:Heavy smokers often suffer from lung diseases./Smoking gives
14、 people yellow teeth and bad breath./People get addicted to smoking.支撑细节务必要紧扣主题,不能随意发挥。比如:Smoking costs a lot of money就不能很好地支持Smoking is bad for health这个主题句。3)统一性和连贯性:在选择支撑信息时,要注意必须围绕主题句;同时要使用恰当的连接词汇,保持上下文的连贯性,如上面练习中用到的first of all, also等。4.学会构建篇章一篇文章的结构与段落类似,包括:主题段、支撑段和结尾段。主题段点明文章的中心思想,支撑段可能有1-3个,是
15、对中心思想的展开和讨论。结尾段可归纳全文,也可改变措辞,回顾主题,还可以提问,引发思考。5.学会使用好过渡词语要写好一篇文章,不但要把握好体裁、主题、时态和人称,写好每一个句子,还要用好过渡词语,使行文衔接自然。初中阶段学生可用的过渡词语有:并列与递进:and, also, as well as, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, whats more, etc.转折:but, however, although, though, nevertheless, after all, in spite of, etc.对比:or, other
16、wise, like, unlike, while, instead of, on the other hand, on the contrary, etc.因果:because, as, for, since, so, thus, therefore, as a result, because of, for this reason, etc.总结:in all, in brief, in a (one) word, in general, in short, on the whole, generally speaking, etc.时间顺序:and then, next, after t
17、hat, firstly, secondly, and finally, at once, immediately, shortly after that, two days later, at this point(二)写作过程与技巧的引导1.指导学生仔细审题,从而确定格式。要让学生弄清命题人让写什么样的题材及体裁,从而确定用什么格式,用什么人称。防止出现跑题现象。2分析信息,明确要求,列出要点。要让学生认真分析所提供的信息,把所给的要求弄清楚,把要表达的要点用简单的汉字写在草纸上,并编上序号。3根据所学知识确定句型。让学生写出要点后,再让学生分析一下要点的内含意义,想一下每个要点要用哪个动
19、否得体等,以便及时纠正。(三)文化意识引导 中国初中学生英语写作经常碰到的难题之一是母语文化的干扰。英语写作过程是学生用英语书面表达思想的过程,这个过程极易受到母语思维的影响,造成很多失误。请看下面的学生的中文式翻译:1. We have computer class one week a time.2. Go into my school, you can see many flowers.3. There have 100 books.4. I study there very happy.5. I usually swimming there.6. I forget said this,
20、 our school wall beside has many trees.7. Several hours after, he was surprised.8. He had to asked the other one.9. He thought he speak well.10. Mr. Li is come from Beijing .11. He was very hardly. He likes studying Chinese.12. This film is very good-looking .13. It is very good to family look.14. I
21、 think we cant live Internet.15. People use the net to send the mails has the most people.16. I have a future dream.17. It can help me to walk on my life road.18. I think everything must be change a lot.19. I just wonder what does my future like and what should I do.20. But I singing not very well.2
22、1. Toms mum didnt care him.22. Almost students use the computer not study.23. Send mail is most of people like to do in the net.24. When I was very small.因此,我们应让学生更多地了解英美文化,提高驾驭语言的能力,应注意英汉思维模式的差异及其在语言中的表现,熟知英语写作规律,学会运用英语思维组织材料,从而减少文章的汉式英语。为此,在教学中我们应多讲解英语国家的文化背景知识,比较英汉文化差异,导入英语思维内容,并与汉语思维进行对比,在对比中使学生
23、领会英汉两种语言在选词、造句、谋篇方面的差别;要习惯分析英美民族的思维活动方式、模式和观念原则,培养学生的跨文化意识,帮助其克服母语迁移心理,排除母语思维干扰,循序渐进地培养用英语思维的习惯和能力;要求学生多看文章,看地道的英语文章,同时多多储备优美的英语表达句子,这样才能做到拿起笔时,心中有数,肚里有货,才不会生硬翻译句子而弄出笑话了。六、中考复习备考建议1. 教师在复习时应注意以下六点:1) 教学方式应注意模式构建;2) 教学内容应注意基础知识;3) 课堂教学应注意有效容量;4) 总结归纳应注意形成系统;5) 试卷讲评应注意突出重点;6) 评价学生应注意个性差异;2.强调三种工作精神科学精
24、神中考是一门科学,是一个科研课题。营造研究氛围,做研究型教师。不让学生掉入题海,但是,要求老师先跳入题海。团队精神一损俱损,一荣俱荣;齐心协力,水到渠成。各负其责,精雕细刻,通力合作,志在必得。 奉献精神学校的整体氛围激励你去拼搏 繁重的教学任务需要你去拼搏 教学反馈之快督促你去拼搏 工作标准之高鞭策你去拼搏3.做好三个“研究”研究中考复习专题。研究复习课的复习模式(自主探究式、学案指导式)。研究例题的选择和作业的分层。七、个人体会:1)“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”,要全面提升初中学生书面表达的水平,写作的基石在七年级就要打,因为九年级学业负担重,没有过多时间。2)中考不仅考学生的基础知识、基本技能
26、要重视双赢思维,同年级教师间要真诚合作,共同探讨。希望大家能根据自身情况,把中考书面表达与本班学生实际结合起来考虑,找到一条更适合自己的中考书面表达复习之路来。祝在座的每位老师所教班级在今年中考书面表达上旗开得胜,在今年英语中考中马到成功。中考英语书面表达六类常见错误分析点击数:172 次录入时间:2010-10-18 15:26:00编辑:walter-75下一页 1 2 3 4 5 6 (一)文不达意要点领悟在英语书面表达的提示信息中,常有这样的语句“可适当增加细节”或“可适当发挥”,但所增加的内容应该与文章相关。如果所“发挥”的内容与文章无关,就是“画蛇添足”了。信息提示根据下面的4幅图
27、画用英语写一篇短文,要求故事包括所有图画的主要内容,可以适当增加细节,使意思连贯。词数在100以上。习作实况One day, an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand. She went to do some shopping. Just then a car came up and she was knocked down onto the ground. She was badly injured and couldnt move. But to everyones anger, the car ran a
28、way as quickly as it could. The old woman had to lie on the ground and cried (1)。 Luckily, a man, who was sweeping the street nearby, saw this. He ran quickly up to her and helped her stand up. He was angry with the driver (2)。 Then he took her to the nearest hospital. There a doctor examined her ca
29、refully and gave her some medical care. After that, the dustman took her home. When the old womans daughter knew what had happened to her mother, she was moved deeply and thanked him very much. After a while the dustman left and went to do his work. The daughter thanked him again ( (3)。精讲点拨(1)此句与图中提
30、示不相符,应删去。(2)此处加写这句属多余,也与图画内容不符。(3)文章写到“very much.”处已经很完整了,加上这一句使行文显得重复、累赘。精品范文One day, an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand. She went to do some shopping. Just then a car came up and she was knocked down onto the ground. She was badly injured and couldnt move a little. Luck
31、ily,a man,who was sweeping the street nearby, saw this. He ran quickly up to her and helped her stand up. Then he took her to the nearest hospital. There a doctor examined her carefully and gave her some medical care. After that, the dustman took her home. When the old womans daughter knew what had
32、happened to her mother,she was moved deeply and thanked him very much.(二)名词单复数要点领悟同学们在写作时,往往把重点放在文章的构思和句子结构上,有时忽略了名词的单复数。在中考作文中,如果名词的数使用混乱,也会导致较多的失分。信息提示假如你是吴强,去年春天和几位同学到东浦岛野餐,以“The happiest day”为题写一篇80-100词的作文。要求条理清晰、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点规范。习作实况The happiest day Last spring my classmate (1) and I went to Don
33、gpu Island to have a picnic. It was March 2. The weather was fine and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. We started early that morning. We all carried something nice to eat and drink. We sang happily on our ways (2) there. After about one and a half hour (3), we got to the island. The water in the
34、 lake was nice and clean and we could see flowers and grasses (4) all around us. How beautiful it was! After about twenty minutes (5) rest, we divided ourselves into four groups and cooked our lunch. Most of us did the cooking for the first time. After a while, everything was ready. We put all the f
35、ood on a big piece of paper. There was meat, fish, fruit and vegetable (6)。 How delicious they were! We enjoyed our lunch and there was a big smile on everyones faces (7)。精讲点拨(1)classmate在本句中看不出错误来,如果结合第二段的 four groups就可发现classmate要用复数形式。(2)在on ones way 结构中,way 没有复数形式。(3)这儿不是半个小时,而是一个半小时,所以hour要用复数。
36、(4)此处指普通的草,多用单数。(5)此处应将minutes改为minutes,即twenty minutes rest.(6)此处应用vegetable的复数形式vegetables.(7)这儿指的是每个人的脸上,应将faces改为face.精品范文The happiest day Last spring my classmates and I went to Dongpu Island to have a picnic. It was March 2. The weather was fine and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. We star
37、ted early that morning. We all carried something nice to eat and drink.We sang happily on the way there. After about one and a half hours,we got to the island. The water in the lake was nice and clean and we could see flowers and grass all around us. How beautiful it was!After about twenty minutes r
38、est, we divided ourselves into four groups and cooked our lunch. Most of us did the cooking for the first time. After a while, everything was ready. We put all the food on a big piece of paper. There was meat,fish,fruit and vegetables. How delicious they were!We enjoyed our lunch and there was a big
39、 smile on everyones face.(三)用词不当要点领悟文章构思新颖、结构严谨固然重要,但它只是文章的骨架。要充实内容,就得有一定的遣词造句的功力,在此基础知识就显得尤为重要了。信息提示李华平时总是忙于功课,很少做家务。母亲节这一天,她想帮妈妈做饭,却不小心切了手指,本想让妈妈在节日期间好好休息,却未能如愿。以“On Mothers Day”为题写一篇词数为80-100的短文。要求条理清晰、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。习作实况On Mothers Day Im usually busy with my studies and do few (1) housework when
40、 I come back from school. It was Mothers Day yesterday. I wanted Mum to have a good rest and I did all instead (2) her. I got up early yesterday morning and bought a lot of vegetables, fish and meat in the market. I washed them and then began to cook. I was sure I could do as well like (3) Mum. Bad
41、luck!I cut one of my fingers and cried out. Mum and Dad rushed into (4) and Mum asked Dad to take me to the hospital. When we came back, dinner (5) ready. I felt sorry and said,“Mum had a busy Mothers Day again!”精讲点拨(1)housework是不可数名词,应用little来修饰。(2)instead是副词,后不能接宾语,这儿应该用instead of.(3)like虽然可用作介词,意
42、为“像”,但这儿是as as结构,因此此处应改为as well as(4)into是介词,其后要接宾语,但句中无宾语,所以改为副词in.(5)ready是形容词,不能单独作谓语,所以其前要加was.精品范文On Mothers Day Im usually busy with my studies and do little housework when I come back from school. It was Mothers Day yesterday. I wanted Mum to have a good rest and I did all instead of her. I g
43、ot up early yesterday morning and bought a lot of vegetables,fish and meat in the market. I washed them and then began to cook. I was sure I could do as well as Mum. Bad luck!I cut one of my fingers and cried out. Mum and Dad rushed in and Mum asked Dad to take me to the hospital. When we came back,
44、 dinner was ready. I felt sorry and said,“Mum had a busy Mothers Day again!”(四)母语干扰要点领悟许多同学在用英语写作时很容易受汉语的影响而写错句子,即写所谓的Chinglish.这是书面表达中常见的错误之一。信息提示请你根据实际情况,以“My School Life”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文。习作实况My School Life Im a middle school student. Although our school is very usual (1), but (2) its beautiful in
45、 my heart. The school is covered with tall trees and beautiful flowers. The here (3) air is very fresh. In the morning, lots of schoolmates (4) early (5) go to school and do some exercises. Usually we have breakfast after our first class. All of the students take morning exercises on the playground
46、after two classes. After that, someone (6) are reading in the library, others are playing and talking on the playground. We have three classes in the afternoon and do some sports that we like after school and go home at about 6:00. Oh! How colorful my school life is!精讲点拨(1)作者显然想表达“学校很一般或普通”,此处最好用com
47、mon一词,而usual意思是“通常的”。(2)受汉语“虽然但是”的影响,作者将这一意思直接译成英语“althoughbut”,而在英语同一句子中只用这两个词的其中之一表示汉语的“虽然但是”。(3)here是副词,用来修饰名词时应位于被修饰词之后。(4)schoolmate指校友、同学,通常不包含自己在内,改为students好些,指全校学生。(5)“早早到校”的英语表达是go to school early, 副词early应位于句末。(6)someone意思是“某人”,要改为some students.精品范文My School Life Im a middle school student. Although our school is very common,its beautiful in my heart. The school is covered with tall trees and beautiful flowers. The air here is very fresh. In the morning,lots of students go to school early and do some exercises. Usually we have breakfast after ou
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