1、沁园春长沙一九二五年独立寒秋湘江北去橘子洲头看万山红遍层林尽染漫江碧透百舸争流鹰击长空鱼翔浅底万类霜天竞自由怅寥廓问苍茫大地谁主沉浮携来百侣曾游忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠恰同学少年风华正茂书生意气挥斥方遒指点江山激扬文字粪土当年万户侯曾记否到中流击水浪遏飞舟CHANGSHA-to the tune of Chin Yuan Chun1925Alone I stand in the autumn coldOn the tip of Orange Island,The Hsiang flowing northward;I see a thousand hills crimsoned throughBy th
2、eir serried woods deep-dyed,And a hundred barges vyingOver crystal blue waters.Eagles cleave the air,Fish glide in the limpid deep;Under freezing skies a million creatures contend in freedom.Brooding over this immensity,I ask, on this boundless landWho rules over mans destiny?I was here with a thron
3、g of companions,Vivid yet those crowded months and years.Young we were, schoolmates,At lifes full flowering;Filled with student enthusiasmBoldly we cast all restraints aside.Pointing to our mountains and rivers,Setting people afire with our words,We counted the mighty no more than muck.Remember stillHow, venturing midstream, we struck the watersAnd waves stayed the speeding boats?