1、精选资料Pre Labor Contract工作合同PARTY A (employer): 甲方(雇主):PARTY B (employee): 乙方(雇员):. wishes to engage the service of as employee. The two parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfil conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it._ _公司希望聘用作为员工。两方本
2、着和平友好的态度签订这份合同并承诺遵守所有规定的条款。Part 1: 第一部分The period of service will be one year, start from February 10th, 2014 to February 10th, 2015. The first six months are trial periods.工作合同期限为一年,正式工作之日日期为2014年2月10日至2015年2月10日之间。前六个月为见习期。Part 2: 第二部分As a Schematic Architect, the employee participate in architect
3、ure design. The employee must complete all assigned tasks that meet the employers requirement on time. The Employee cannot be involved in any part-time architect design in other firms without employers permission. Employees primary working place is Floor 9, Guoyang Bldg., 98 Guoquan Road. Depending
4、on the project, the employee might have business trip under employers arrangement.作为建筑方案设计师,雇员参与建筑设计。雇员必须按时保质保量完成雇主所布置的任务,未经甲方允许,雇员不得在其他单位兼职。乙方的主要工作地点为:上海市国权路98号国阳大厦9楼;如因项目需要,甲方会安排乙方出差。Job responsibilities:conceptual designer工作职责:建筑方案设计Part 3:第三部分Salary:Salary: Every months 8th is paying day. If the
5、 8th of the month is holiday, the payment will be given next Monday. If the account is away for meeting on 8th of the month, the payment will be given next week when the account is back. The salary of trail period is 5000 RMB per month.The every month salary of the employee is 5000 RMB.During trail
6、period,each party can dismiss the contract with 3 days notice.工资:每月8日为发薪日。如果8号为节假日,则顺延至下周一发薪。如果财务8日不在则顺延至下周财务在时发薪。员工见习期每月工资为5000元,转正后每月工资为5000元。见习期内双方可提前3天解除合同。 Weekends overtime and weekdays overtime which ends after 7:00PM provided 18 RMB each meal supplement. 工作日提供18元人民币的午餐补贴计。晚上加班19:00后及双休日加班提供每
7、顿18.00元人民币的餐补.Travel expenses:The employer will be provided free transportation and accommodation for business trip.旅行支出:如遇出差,雇主会为雇员提供免费住宿及交通。Working visa and insurance:Employee needs to pay for his own health insurance and application fee for the working visa. 工作签证及保险:员工本人承担保险以及工作签证成本。Working hours
8、:The employee is required to work at least 40 hoursper week. During weekdays (Monday to Friday) the working hour is 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. Lunch break is from 12:00 to 13:00. Depending on the requirement of the project, the employee will work for extra hours under the companys instruction. 工作小时数:雇员被要求必
9、须工作至少40个小时每周。雇员的工作时间为每天9:30点至18:00,(中午12:00-13:00为午餐休息时间)周一至周五。如项目需要,雇员应该服从公司的加班安排。Part 4: 第四部分The employee must comply with laws, prescriptions in China, and regulations of the company. Company Rule: 1. Employee can not do anything harm to the reputation and benefit of the company.2. Employee must
10、keep all technique and business-related information of the company secret. The employee cannot release company data to third party.3. Employee cannot take or release company client resources without permission.4. Fine will be charged for late for work or early leave without legitimate reasons. Withi
11、n 20 minutes Fine 20RMB 21-40 minutes Fine 40RMB 41-60 minutes Fine 60RMB5. Absence for work for half day will be deducted 50% of the daily salary. Absence for work of whole day will be deducted 100% of the daily salary.6. The employer has the right to fire the employee immediately if the employee i
12、s late for work, early for leave, or absent from work for multiple times, and after notices still does not improve. If the extra-time work ends later than 10:00 PM, employee can come later than the normal working hour next day but should not be later than 10:30 AM. 7. Any work-unrelated activity is
13、prohibited. No PC games. No movie watch. 8. If extra-hour work ends later than 9:00 PM, the employee can get reimbursement for taxi back home. 9. The employee needs to fill in the “employee basic info form,” provide emergency contact information and a copy of the passport to the company.雇员必须遵守中国法律法规
14、以及公司规定。公司纪律:1、雇员在工作期间不得做有损公司名誉及利益的事情;2、雇员有责任保守公司的技术及商业秘密,不得将公司技术等资料用于第三方;3、雇员不得私自占有或泄漏公司的客户资源。4. 迟到20分以内的按20元/次扣款扣除,迟到21-39分钟的按40元/次扣除,迟到40-59分钟的按60元/次扣除。5.旷工半天将扣除个人日薪的50,旷工一天将扣除个人当日日薪.6.迟到、早退、旷工情节严重,经提醒没有改进的,公司有采取开除的权利。加班超过晚22:00时,第二天上班可适当晚到,但需在10:30前到班;以不影响当天工作为限。7. 严禁在上班时间使用以下软件或进行与工作无关的相关活动:各类电脑
15、游戏软件;欣赏与工作无关的视频文件。8. 加班超过晚21:00时,可以申报单程出租车费(办公室至住所)。9. 雇员在报到第一天时应如实填写职工基本情况表,提供联络方式及紧急联系人。并提供护照复印件给公司.Part 5:第五部分Both parties cant terminate the contract in advance without legitimate reasons. If the employee/employer wants to terminate this contract, he/she must submit formal paper application to t
16、he employer/employee one month before leaving or get/pay one months salary as compensation. Both parties should obey the one-month notice policy. The company can end the contract without paying any compensation to the employee whenever any of the following situations applies: 1. During trial period,
17、 employees ability doesnt meet the requirement of the company. 2. The employee broke the law in China.3. The employee cannot provide passport or working visa during the probation period.4. The materials provided by the employee to the employer is fake. This includes, but is not limited to, fake pass
18、port information, mental disease that has existed before the interview. 5. The employee committed crime prohibited by laws in China.6. The employee has signed contract with other company.7. The employee takes over any company property that is over 1, 000 RMB without any permission. 8. Hide serious m
19、edical issue to the employer.9. The employee is absent from work for three days without any notice.The employer can terminate the working contract by either informing the employee one month in advance through paper work or paying one-month salary whenever one of the following situations applies:1. T
20、he employee gets diseases and cannot fulfil the work assignment after recovery. 2. The employee cannot meet the requirement of the job. 3. The employers firm is merged, purchased, or other adjustment happens, which causes the employees work position to be cancelled.4. Employers firm encounters serio
21、us financial problems.If the project the employee is involved is going on, the employee should first finish the project before leaving the company. Such extra period will be no longer than 2 months after notice.双方不能无故解除合同。如果雇主或雇员希望结束合同,必须在解除合同前1个月向对方出示正式的解除劳动合同通知或以支付对方一个月薪酬为补偿可以立即解除劳动合同。一个月的提前通知期对双方
22、适用。符合下列情况之一,甲方可立即解除合同且不承担任何赔偿责任:1. 见习期内雇员工作能力不符合录用条件;2. 违反中国法律法规的3. 因雇员未能在见习期内提供其被录用的护照及工作签证等相关资料,至使甲方无法办理录用;4. 雇员被查实在应聘时向甲方提供的其个人资料是虚假的,包括但不限于:身份证明等是虚假或伪造的;应聘前患有精神病.5. 雇员被依法追究刑事责任或者劳动教养;6. 劳动者同时与其它用人单位建立劳动关系.7. 未经许可,将价值超过1000.00元的公司财物占为己有。8. 隐瞒重大病史.9. 未请假连续旷工3日以上的.乙方有下列情形之一的甲方可以解除合同,辞退乙方,但应提前三十日以书面
23、形式通知乙方或以支付乙方一个月薪酬为补偿:1. 乙方患病或非因工负伤,医疗期满后不能从事原工作的.2. 乙方不能胜任本职工作.3. 甲方因兼并、分立、合资、转(改)制、企业转产、经营方式调整等客观情况发生重大变化或乙方的生产、工作岗位消失,致使合同无法履行的。4. 甲方的生产经营发生严重困难的。如果雇员被甲方指定完成某个正在进行的项目,雇员必须完成项目后才可离开公司。额外的工作期不得在提出解除合同的通知后超过2个月。Part 6: 第六部分Employee needs to provide hospital certificate to ask for sick leave. The mont
24、hly salary for the employee on sick leave is 5000 RMB. If the sick leave is more than one month, or the sick leave amounts to one month within two months, the employer can terminate the contract. If the employee is absence from work without legitimate reason, the salary of the days of leaving will b
25、e deducted. The employee needs to pay for the medical bills for the non-business related diseases. 雇员患病或非因工负伤不能上班连续休假一个月以内的其病假工资按5000元每个月计算,超过一个月的或连续两个月内累计壹个月以上因病无法工作的则解除合同,雇员需提供医生开具的证明。雇员如需请病假,需提供医生开具的证明。因事假请假,请假天数的工资按日扣除。雇员患病或非因工负伤的医疗费需自己承担。Part 7:第七部分The contract is valid from the employment date
26、. Either party who wants to prolong the employment period must inform the other party at least one month in advance. Both parties negotiate to extend the contract. This contract remains valid once the contract is extended. If either party does not offer to extend this contract, this contract becomes
27、 invalid after the expiration date. 合同自雇用之日开始生效。任何一方希望延长合同期必须至少在合同失效前一个月提出。双方协商延长合同,本合同所定之条款仍可沿用。如果双方不愿延长合同或一方不愿延长,合同在合同期满后自动失效。Part 8:第八部分Normal holiday is determined by the company. 普通节假日根据雇主政策决定。Holidays: legal holidays in China 节假日:中国法定节假日。Paid Annual leave: 5 days in Christmas and 7 days after
28、Spring Festival.带薪年假:圣诞节5天年假,春节后7天年假。Part 9: 第九部分Any dispute regarding this contract, both parties solve it through negotiation. 任何对本合同的异议,双方协商解决。The primary version of the contract is the Chinese version. 以下无正文Signature: Employer_ Employee_ Date: Date: THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考可修改编辑
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