1、The most happiest 4 events in peoples lifewHave passed the examination wWedding nightw meet rain with the long drought w Run into an old friend in a Foreign land 金榜题名时洞房花烛夜 久旱逢甘露他乡遇故知wThe importance of getting married was far more than that a person found his better half,it also determined the prosp
2、erity(繁荣)and even the future fame of their family;wIn feudal society,a marriage would be decided not by a young couples love,but by their parents desires.Only after a matchmakers(媒人)introduction and when parents considered the two family wealth and social status were similar and then could be matche
3、d(门当户对).If a boys family was well-off(富裕的)or an official family,his parents would never permit him to marry a girl from a poor family.Chinese Wedding Customs w1、color-redwThe Chinese regard the color red as the symbol of happines,love,joy,prosperity,succes,luck and faith wChinese Wedding are always
4、filled with red things to bring auspicious(吉祥的)blessings and respects.wChinese Wedding Customs w2.六礼:是指由求亲到媒到迎娶,完婚的手续。分别为w“纳采纳采”俗称说媒,即男方家请媒人去女方家提亲,女方家应议婚后,男方家备礼前去求婚w“问名问名”俗称合八字,托媒人请问女方出生/年月日和姓名,准备合婚的仪式w“纳吉纳吉”即男方家卜得吉兆后,备礼通知女方家,婚事初步议定w“纳征纳征”又称过大礼,男方选定吉日到女方家举行订婚大礼w“请期请期”择吉日完婚,旧时选择吉日一般多为双月双日,不喜选三,六,十一月,
5、三有散音,不选六是因为不想新人只有半世姻缘,十一月隐含不尽之意。w“亲迎亲迎”婚礼当天,男方带迎书亲自到女方家迎娶新娘Chinese Wedding Customsw3、wedding gownwbridal gown phoenix fi:niks coronet and robes of rankw旧时富家女子出嫁时的装束,以示荣耀。也指古代贵族女子和受朝廷诰封的命妇的装束。w明朝皇后至九品文官妻皆可穿着,按地位等级高低在颜色、花纹、装饰和用料上有所不同w明朝庶人女子在结婚时也可穿着凤冠霞帔霞帔robes of rank顶带花翎,身着蟒袍玉带顶带花翎,身着蟒袍玉带又被称为“小登科”,不但允
6、许新郎没有功名却穿戴官服,就算遇上县太爷,他的官轿也得绕道而行,老南京常说:“百日为民,一日为官”就是由此而来的,普通百姓也可以在结婚这天过把官瘾,所以,新郎又叫新郎官。Groom costume-red jacketwChinese Wedding Customs w4.开脸开脸w中国古方美容法,是去除面部的汗毛,剪齐额发和鬓角的仪式。中国旧时女中国旧时女子嫁人的标志之一子嫁人的标志之一。开脸人须是父母子女双全的妇人。用具有新镊子、五色丝线或钱币等。w开脸要选择在背人眼的地方举行,坐的方向或坐南朝北,或坐北朝南,忌坐东西向。w先用粉涂在面部,尤其是头发边缘处涂擦。之后用红色双线,变化成有三个
8、喜你做新娘w束发结簪表示已为人妇,为少女生涯的完结,为之结束,这是“结束”一词的由来Chinese Wedding Customs 5、Combing Hair w一梳梳到头,富贵不用愁;w二梳梳到头,无病又无忧;w三梳梳到头,多子又多寿;w再梳梳到尾,举案又齐眉;w二梳梳到尾,比翼共双飞;w三梳梳到尾,永结同心佩。w 有头有尾,富富贵贵Chinese Wedding Customs6、foodwChinese dates wpeanut wlongan wchestnut Meaning:early birth of a healthy baby Chinese Wedding Custom
9、s 7、crying with mother Chinese Wedding Customs 8.shake the sedan chair中途颠轿:意在挡煞。9、kick the curtain of the sedan chairPurpose:to kicked off the brides pride撑红伞:迎亲的当天,姐妹或伴娘在新娘头顶撑开一把红伞,意为“开枝散叶”Procedures of the wedding ceremony wPurpose:To counteract evil force过火盆:象征日子红红火火过火盆:象征日子红红火火,去邪。去邪。跨马鞍:马鞍上放苹果,
10、寓跨马鞍:马鞍上放苹果,寓意平平安安意平平安安10、Stride the fire pan Procedures of the wedding ceremony 11、obeisance ubeisns three worships:the heavens and the earth the grooms ancestors and parents each otherthree worships:w the heavens and the earth the grooms ancestors and parents each otherwAuspicious wordsw一拜天地,一团和气一拜天地,一团和气 二拜高堂,金玉满堂二拜高堂,金玉满堂 夫妻对拜,相亲相爱夫妻对拜,相亲相爱12、stir up the red veil All in one and never to be separated 13、cross-cupped wine
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