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1、6.7.2011I EN IOfficial Journal of the E uropean UnionL 178/1II(Non-legislative acts)REGULATIONSCOMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION(EU)No 626/2011 of 4 May 2011 supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to energy labelling of air conditionersTHE EUROPEAN

2、 COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the E uropean Union,Directive 2002/31/E C should be repealed and new provisions should be laid down by this Regulation in order to ensure that the energy label provides dynamic incentives for manufacturers to further improve the energy ef

3、ficiency of air conditioners and to accelerate the market transformation towards energy-efficient technologies.Having regard to Directive 2010/30/E U of 19 May 2010 of the E uropean Parliament and of the Council on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of en

4、ergy and other resources energy-related products(1),and in particular Article 10 thereof,The provisions of this Regulation should apply to air-to-air air conditioners up to 12 kW cooling power output(or heating power output,if only heating function is provided).Whereas:(6)(1)Directive 2010/30/E U re

5、quires the Commission to adopt delegated acts as regards the labelling of energy-related products representing significant potential for energy savings and having a wide disparity in performance levels with equivalent functionality.(2)Provisions for the energy labelling of air conditioners were esta

6、blished by Commission Directive 2002/31/E C of 22 March 2002 implementing Council Directive 92/75/E E C with regard to energy labelling of household air-conditioners(1 2).The implementing Directive establishes different labelling scales for air conditioners using different technologies and the deter

7、mination of energy efficiency is based on full load operation only.(1)OJ L 153,18.6.2010,p.1.(2)OJ L 86,3.4,2002,p.26.(3)The electricity used by air conditioners accounts for a significant part of total household and commercial electricity demand in the Union.In addition to the energy efficiency imp

8、rovements already achieved,the scope for further reducing the energy consumption of air conditioners is substantial.Technological developments in the energy efficiency improvement of air conditioners have been very rapid in recent years.This has allowed several third-countries to introduce stringent

9、 minimum energy efficiency requirements and led to a process of introducing new energy labelling schemes based on seasonal performance.Todays appliances,excluding single and double duct air conditioners,that achieve the highest efficiency levels have largely surpassed the A efficiency levels establi

10、shed by Directive 2002/31/E C.This Regulation introduces two energy efficiency scales based on the primary function and on specific aspects important to consumer.G iven that air conditioners are used mainly in part-load conditions,the efficiency testing should be changed to a seasonal efficiency mea

11、surement method,except for single and double duct air conditioners.The seasonal measurement method takes better into account the benefits of the inverter driven technology and the conditions in which these appliances are used.The new efficiency calculation method with an E codesign implementing meas

12、ure setting minimum energy efficiency requirements higher than the current A level,will lead to a reclassification of these appliances.Consequently,split,window and wall air conditioners should have a new A-G energy efficiency class scale with a+added on the top of the scale every two years until th

13、e A+class has been reached.L 178/2I EN IOfficial Journal of the E uropean Union6.7.2011(8)For double duct and single duct air conditioners,steadystate energy efficiency performance indicators should continue to be applied,as there are currently no inverter units on the market.As no reclassification

14、of these appliances is appropriate,single and double duct air conditioners should have an A+-D scale.While these,inherently less efficient than split appliances,can go only up to an A+energy efficiency class in a scale of A+-D,the more efficient split appliances can reach up to the A+energy efficien

15、cy class.(9)This Regulation should ensure that consumers get more accurate comparative information about the performance of air conditioners.(10)The combined effect of energy labeling set out in this Regulation and of Regulation implementing Directive 2009/125/E C of the E uropean Parliament and of

16、the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for air conditioners(】)is expected to result in annual electricity savings of 11 TWh by 2020,compared to the situation if no measures are taken.(11)The noise level of an air conditioner could be an important aspect for end-users.In order to enable th

17、em to make an informed decision,information on noise emissions should be included on the label of air conditioners.(12)The information provided on the label should be obtained through reliable,accurate and reproducible measurement procedures,which take into account the recognised state of the art me

18、asurement methods including,where available,harmonised standards adopted by the E uropean standardisation bodies,as listed in Annex I to Directive 98/34/E C of the E uropean Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technic

19、al standards and regulations().2(13)This Regulation should specify a uniform design and requirements as to the content of labels for air conditioners.(14)In addition,this Regulation should specify requirements as to the technical documentation and the fiche for air conditioners.(15)Moreover,this Reg

20、ulation should specify requirements as to the information to be provided for any form of distance selling,advertisements and technical promotional material of air conditioners.(16)It is appropriate to provide for a review of the provisions of this Regulation taking into account technological progres

21、s.(3)OJ L 153,18.06,2010,p.1.(17)In order to facilitate the transition from Directive 2002/31/E C to this Regulation,air conditioners labelled in accordance with this Regulation should be considered compliant with Directive 2002/31/E C.(18)Suppliers wishing to place on the market air conditioners th

22、at can meet the requirements for higher energy efficiency classes should be allowed to provide labels showing those classes in advance of the date for mandatory display of such classes.(19)Directive 2002/31/E C should therefore be repealed,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:Article 1Subject matter and scop

23、e1.This Regulation establishes requirements for the labelling and the provision of supplementary product information for electric mains-operated air conditioners with a rated capacity of 8,50SCOP 5,10A+6,10 SEER 8,504,60 SCOP 5,10A+5,60 SEER 6,104,00 SCOP 4,60A5,10 SEER 5,603,40 SCOP 4,00B4,60 SEER

24、5,103,10 SCOP 3,40C4,10 SEER 4,602,80 SCOP 3,10D3,60 SEER 4,102,50 SCOP 2,80E3,10 SEER 3,602,20 SCOP 2,50F2,60 SEER 3,101,90 SCOP 2,20GSEER 2,60SCOP 4,10 4,60 4,10 3,60A+3,60 EER 4,104,10 COP 4,603,60 EER 4,103,10 COP 3,60A+3,10 EER 3,603,60 COP 4,103,10 EER 3,602,60 COP 3,10A2,60 EER 3,103,10 COP 3

25、,602,60 EER 3,102,30 COP 2,60B2,40 EER 2,602,60 COP 3,102,40 EER 2,602,00 COP 2,30C2,10 EER 2,402,40 COP 2,602,10 EER 2,401,80 COP 2,00D1,80 EER 2,102,00 COP 2,401,80 EER 2,101,60 COP 1,80E1,60 EER 1,801,80 COP 2,001,60 EER 1,801,40 COP 1,60F1,40 EER 1,601,60 COP 1,801,40 EER 1,601,20 COP 1,40G 1,40

26、 1,60 1,40 1,20L 178/10Official Journal of the E uropean Union6.7.2011ANNEX IIIThe label1.LABEL OF AIR CONDITIONERS,EXCEPT SINGLE DUCT AND DOUBLE DUCT AIR CONDITIONERS1.1.Reversible air conditioners classified in energy efficiency classes A to GI II IIIIVV VI VII vinIXxXI6.7.2011I EN IOfficial Journ

27、al of the E uropean UnionL 178/11(a)Th e f o llo win g in f o rmat io n sh all be in c luded in t h e label:I.suppliers n ame o r t rade mark;II.suppliers mo del iden t if ier;III.t ext SEER an d SCOP f o r c o o lin g an d h eat in g,wit h a blue f an an d air wave in dic at io n f o r SEER an d re

28、d f an an d air wave in dic at io n f o r SCOP;IV.t h e en ergy ef f ic ien c y;t h e h ead o f t h e arro w c o n t ain in g t h e en ergy ef f ic ien c y c lass o f t h e applian c e sh all be plac ed at t h e same h eigh t as t h e h ead o f t h e arro w o f t h e relevan t en ergy ef f ic ien c

29、y c lass.En ergy ef f ic ien c ymust be in dic at ed f o r c o o lin g an d h eat in g.Fo r h eat in g,en ergy ef f ic ien c y f o r Average h eat in g seaso n isman dat o ry.In dic at io n o f ef f ic ien c y f o r Wan n er an d Co lder seaso n s is o pt io n al;V.f o r c o o lin g mo de:design loa

30、d in k W,ro un ded up t o o n e dec imal;VI.f o r h eat in g mo de:design load in k W,f o r up t o 3 h eat in g seaso n s ro un ded up t o o n e dec imal.Values f o rh eat in g seaso n s f o r wh ic h t h e design load is n o t pro vided sh all be in dic at ed as X;VII.f o r c o o lin g mo de:seaso

31、n al en ergy ef f ic ien c y rat io(SEER value),ro un ded up t o o n e dec imal;VIII.f o r h eat in g mo de:seaso n al c o ef f ic ien t o f perf o rman c e(SCOP value),f o r up t o 3 h eat in g seaso n s ro un ded up t o o n e dec imal.Values f o r h eat in g seaso n s f o r wh ic h SCOP is n o t p

32、ro vided sh all be in dic at ed as X; n ual en ergy c o n sumpt io n in k Wh per year,f o r c o o lin g an d h eat in g,ro un ded up t o t h e n earest in t eger.Values f o r c limat e pro f iles f o r wh ic h an n ual en ergy c o n sumpt io n is n o t pro vided sh all be in dic at ed as X;

33、 un d po wer levels f o r in do o r an d o ut do o r un it s expressed in dB(A)rel pW,ro un ded t o t h e n earest in t eger;XI Euro pean map wit h a display o f t h ree in dic at ive h eat in g seaso n s an d c o rrespo n din g c o lo ur squares.All t h e request ed values sh all be det ermin ed in

34、 ac c o rdan c e wit h An n ex VII.(b)Th e design o f t h e label sh all be in ac c o rdan c e wit h po in t 1.5.By way o f dero gat io n,wh ere a mo del h as been gran t ed an EU ec o-labeF un der Regulat io n(EC)No 66/2010 o f t h e Euro pean Parliamen t an d o f t h e Co un c il(J),a c o py o f t

35、 h e EU ec o-label may be added.()OJ L 27,30.1.2010,p.1.L 178/12I EN IOfficial Journal of the E uropean Union6.7.20111.2.Reversible air conditioners classified in energy efficiency classes A+to FI II IIIIVV VI VII vinIXxXI(a)Th e in f o rmat io n list ed in po in t 1.1 sh all be in c luded in t h e

36、label.(b)Th e design aspec t s o f t h e label sh all be in ac c o rdan c e wit h po in t EN IOfficial Journal of the E uropean UnionL 178/131.3.Reversible air conditioners classified in energy efficiency classes A+to EI II 111IVV VI VII VIIIIXXXI(a)Th e in f o rmat io n list ed in po

37、in t 1.1 sh all be in c luded in t h e label.(b)Th e design aspec t s o f t h e label sh all be in ac c o rdan c e wit h po in t 1.5.L 178/14I EN IOfficial Journal of the E uropean Union6.7.20111.4.Reversible air conditioners classified in energy efficiency classes A+to D11 IIIIVV VI vn VIIIIXXXI(a)

38、Th e in f o rmat io n list ed in po in t 1.1 sh all be in c luded in t h e label.(b)Th e design aspec t s o f t h e label sh all be in ac c o rdan c e wit h po in t EN IOfficial Journal of the E uropean UnionL 178/151.5.Label design5 mm5 mmfE o5 mm-120 mm5 mmTL 178/16I EN IOfficial Jou

39、rnal of the E uropean Union6.7.2011Wh ereby:(i)Th e label sh all be at least 120 mm wide an d 210 mm h igh.Wh ere t h e label is prin t ed in a larger f o rmat,it s c o n t en t sh all n evert h eless remain pro po rt io n at e t o t h e spec if ic at io n s abo ve.(ii)Th e bac k gro un d sh all be

40、wh it e.(iii)Co lo urs are c o ded as CMYK c yan,magen t a,yello w an d blac k,f o llo win g t h is example:00-70-X-00:0%c yan,70%magen t a,100%yello w,0%blac k.(iv)Th e label sh all f ulf il all o f t h e f o llo win g requiremen t s(n umbers ref er t o t h e f igure abo ve):EU label border:st ro k

41、 e 5 pt-c o lo u亡 c yan 100%-ro un d c o rn ers:3,5 mm.EU logo:Co lo urs:X-80-00-00 an d 00-00-X-00.Energy label:Co lo ur:X-00-00-00.Pic t o gram as depic t ed:EU lo go+en ergy label:widt h:102 mm,h eigh t:20 mm.Sub-logos border 1 pt-c o lo ur:c yan 100%-len gt h:103,6 mm.SEER and SCOP indication:Bo

42、rder:2 pt-c o lo ur:c yan 100%-ro un d c o rn ers:3,5 mm.Text:Calibri regular 10 pt,c apit als,100%blac k.A-G scale:一Arrow:h eigh t:7 mm,gap:1 mm-c o lo urs:High est c lass:X-00-X-00Sec o n d c lass:70-00-X-00,Th ird c lass:30-00-X-00,Fo urt h c lass:00-00-X-00,Fif t h c lass:00-30-X-00,Sixt h c las

43、s:00-70-X-00,Last c lass(es):00-X-X-00.一Text:Calibri bo ld 16 pt,c apit als,wh it e.Energy efficiency class(es):Arrow:widt h:11 mm,h eigh t:10 mm,100%blac k;一Text:Calibri bo ld 18 pt,c apit als,wh it e.Energy Text:Calibri regular 9 pt,c apit als,100%blac k.Rated capacity for cooling and heating in k

44、W:Text*kW*:Calibri regular 10 pt,100%blac k.一 Value XY,Z:Calibri bo ld 11 pt,100%blac k.(J)SCOP and SEER values,rounded up to one decimal:一 Text SEER74SCOP,:Calibri regular 10 pt,c apit als,100%blac k.Value X,Y:Calibri bo ld 11 pt,100%blac k.6.7.2011I EN IOfficial Journal of the E uropean UnionL 178

45、/17(DAnnual energy consumption in kWh/annum:一 Text kWh/annum,:Calibri regular 10 pt,100%blac k.Value XY:Calibri bo ld 11 pt,100%blac k.Noise emissions:一 Border:2 pt-c o lo ur:c yan 100%-ro un d c o rn ers:3,5 mm.一 Value:Calibri bo ld 15 pt,100%blac k;Calibri regular 12 pt,100%blac k.European map and

46、 colour squares:一 Colours:Oran ge:00-46-46-00.Green:59-00-47-00.Blue:54-08-00-00.Suppliers name or trademark.Suppliers model identifier:Th e suppliers*n ame o r t rade mark an d mo del iden t if ier sh o uld f it in a spac e o f 102 x 13 mm.Reference period:一 Text:Calibri bo ld 10 pt.L 178/18I EN IO

47、fficial Journal of the E uropean Union6.7.20112.LABEL OF AIR CONDITIONERS,EXCEPT SINGLE DUCT AND DOUBLE DUCT AIR CONDITIONERS2.1.Cooling-only air conditioners classified in energy efficiency classes A to G1 II IIIIVV VI VIIVIII6.7.2011I EN IOfficial Journal of the E uropean UnionL 178/19(a)Th e f o

48、llo win g in f o rmat io n sh all be in c luded in t h e label:I.suppliers n ame o r t rade mark;II.suppliers mo del iden t if ier;III.t ext SEER,wit h a blue f an an d air wave in dic at io n;IV.t h e en ergy ef f ic ien c y;t h e h ead o f t h e arro w c o n t ain in g t h e en ergy ef f ic ien c

49、y c lass o f t h e applian c e sh all be plac ed at t h e same h eigh t as t h e h ead o f t h e arro w o f t h e relevan t en ergy ef f ic ien c y c lass; lo ad f o r c o o lin g in k W,ro un ded up t o o n e dec imal;VI.seaso n al en ergy ef f ic ien c y rat io(SEER value),ro un ded up t o

50、 o n e dec imal; n ual en ergy c o n sumpt io n in k Wh per year,ro un ded up t o t h e n earest in t eger; un d po wer levels f o r in do o r an d o ut do o r un it s expressed in dB(A)rel pW,ro un ded t o t h e n earest in t eger.All t h e request ed values sh all be det ermin ed in a


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