1、英语调教活动 教师:梁可欣活动名称Do a somersault、Stand on one leg.活动目标1. 能了解Do a somersault、Stand on one leg.的意思,并做出正确的动作。2. 增加幼儿对体育运动的兴趣和竞赛意识。3.熟悉歌摇的旋律。活动准备头饰、闪卡、牛奶、垫子、奶牛罐、律动CD.活动过程一 打招呼Greeting: T:Goodmorning,Children. T:How are you? T:Look at the sky.Whats the weather like today? T:What day it is today?Very good
2、. T:Show me your hands ,hands up,hands down. T:Hands on your knees.二 复习Review:T:Look at the card ,whats this?( lets Play house )T:very good.hey hey wouderful .三 热身Warm up:T:lets sing a song and dance ,ok?四 呈现 Presentation:1. Do a somersault:T:(教师戴头饰进行情景表演)T:hello,everybody,I am cubby,today is nice d
3、ay,T:Lets do exercises,ok?K:ok!(教师进行翻跟斗的游戏)T: I can do a somersault.T:who can cry?T:follow me .do a somersault.2. stand on one leg.(利用牛奶罐或平衡木进行)T:look at me,whats this?T:leg.T:Stand on one leg.(挠痒痒Tickle)T:who can try?五 练习Practice: game 1:(接力赛) T:Lets play a game ,ok? T:who can try? T:when i say ready go,you Do a somersault and Stand on one leg.take turns 、ok? K:OK六 歌曲Song:T:Let,s sing a song and dance ,ok?七 小结Closure:3. T:今天我们学习了什么呢? (Do a somersault、stand on one leg.出示闪卡巩固。)是什么意思呢?原来小朋友都是热爱运动的好孩子,那我们先一起上个厕所,再一起出去外面做运动,好不好? 2