1、英 语 课 堂 游 戏 教 学Play,play,for your locks will grow grey.一、运用游戏进行英语课堂教学的可能性二、英语课堂游戏教学的理论基础三、在英语课堂游戏中要处理好的几个重要关系四、英语课堂教学游戏的方式一、运用游戏进行英语课堂教学的可能性游戏作为一种学习形式,远远早于课堂教学制度事实上,在许多文盲众多的国家里,儿童掌握语言,在很大程度上是靠游戏获得的游戏是儿童所喜爱的活动之一生理发育的需要交际的需要认识事物、认识世界的需要自我表现的需要二、英语课堂游戏教学的理论基础儿童喜欢教学游戏Teacher:Pupil:1 boys.One plus two is
2、 three.2 boys.How many boys in all?3 boys in all.1 girl.One plus five is six.5 boys.How many children in all?6 children in all.游戏能创造接近现实的生活情景游戏创造语言情景,语言情景提供语言交际的场所Leader:Are you English?Tom:No,I am not.Leader:Are you Japanese?Tom:No,I am not.Leader:Are you Chinese?Tom:Yes,I am.Leader:Are you a pupil
3、?Tom:Yes,I am.Leader:Which grade are you in?Tom:I am in Grade one.Leader:Which class are you in?Tom:I am in Class Two.Leader:Who is your neighbour on the right?Tom:Anna.Leader:who is your neighbour on the right?Tom:Jack.Leader:Are you Tom?Tom:Yes,I am.教学游戏能培养学生的上进心教学游戏 能充分地发展每个学生的智力外语教学游戏能充分发挥每个学生学习
4、外语的潜在能力外语课堂教学游戏能使学生学得生动活泼,学得轻松愉快Pupils:I took a bag.I took a book to read.I took an apple.I took a food basket.I took a coat.I took an umbrella.I took a ball.Teacher:Very good.But I know very well that it was the only thing you took.Yes,dont be surprised.That was a very unusual trip.Tom:I want to as
5、k,what did you eat?Remember that you took only one thing with you.Anna:I ate an apple.Tom:Rose,what did you eat?Rose:I ate an orange.Tom:Jack,what did you eat?Jack:I ate a book.外语教学游戏能培养和发展学生猎取科学文化知识的能力外语课堂教学游戏是向学生进行道德品质教育的重要手段外语课堂教学游戏能激发起学生学习外语的兴趣三、在英语课堂游戏中要处理好的几个重要的关系处理好师生之间的关系处理好教学游戏与教材之间的关系处理好外语
7、-see in a Picture当教师走进教室,师生问候之后,他说:“Let us play hide-and-seek today!”Tom:I want to be a leader.Teacher:Lets count out当选举出Leader之后,全班同学都准备躲藏起来,但这种躲藏不是真实的,而是设想的.全班同学按照图画上的物体“躲藏”在某一个地方.每人将自己躲藏的地方写在一张纸条上,然后交给老师.(续)在这种游戏开始之前,先向全班朗读英国儿童做这种游戏的短序:Bushel of wheat,bushel of clover;All not hid,cant hide over.A
8、ll eyes open!Here I come.Anna:Are you behind the door?Leader:No,I am not.Tom:Are you under the bed?Leader:No,I am not.Jim:Are you in the wardrobe?Leader:No,I am not.Mary:Are you behind the curtain?Leader:Yes,I am.Mary获得一分,并获权“躲藏”,让大家猜问.此游戏除训练语言的交际能力之外,还可向学生揭示语言知识和语言结构.例2 谁来当老师?“What is this?”“This i
9、s a pen.”是学生在学习英语 中最早接触的语言之一.在教这两句话时,教师一连问几次“What is this?”,表现出疲劳似地坐到椅子上说:“Oh,Im so tired.Who can help me?Who wants to be a teacher?”Mary:May I?Teacher:Yes,you may.Tom:May I?Rose:May I?随即要求当老师的学生分成两组,一为“老师”组,一为“学生”组.游戏如下:Teachers PupilsJane:What is this?Mary:This is a pen.Rose:What is this?Jim:This
10、is a pencil.John:What is this?Anna:This is a book.然后,两组互易角色,继续进行.进而将What are these?That is that?What are those?等句型结构进行这种课堂教学游戏活动.例3How many apples in all?名词由单数变复数,是我国学生处学英语难点之一.可以通过直观和游戏,让学生把所学的名词用于实践.将学生分成两组,A组示图,B组编题,A组回答.游戏一段时间,两组互易角色.示图所表示的名词,按英语字母顺序出现.每编的一个题中,必须包括该名词的单数和复数两种形式.如:1.Apple1 apple.
11、2 apples.How many apples in all?2.Banana 1 banana.2 bananas.How many bananas in all?3.Car 1 car.2 cars.How many cars in all?4.Duck1 duck.2 ducks.How many ducks in all?词汇教学游戏词汇教学游戏所追求的目的是:1.训练学生将所学的词汇运用到接近自然交际的语言情景中去;2.激发学生的言语积极思维活动;3.培养和发展学生的言语反应能力;4.使学生多认识些词,词组极其用法例4Number Snatch老师把各种颜色的铅笔,钢笔,粉笔,书,
12、纸张等摆在桌上,但每种物只能有一个.Teacher:Children,look at these things.Do you like them?You get them if you are quick and attentive.Lets play a team game.Team“A”against team“B”两队对阵,中间要有一定的距离.各队的每个队员都有一个号码,1号没队有一个,其他2,3,4,号,依次类推,但每队的人数均等.摆实物的桌子置于两队之间,距两队的距离等同.游戏的Leader(老师学生均可),用英语讲某种事物的名称,如red pencil,声音刚落,两队中的1号都到桌
13、子跟前认辩与那去.最后哪个队抢多者则为胜者,抢少者为败者.如果实物不能置于桌上,则可以图片代之.这样一切名词,乃至其他词类的词,皆可作为游戏的资料.各种词也可按题材分类进行教学游戏例5This is my nose当某一个人说错一句话或做错一个动作,同学们都会笑的.老师可用这种现象做游戏.他伸出一只手说:“Oh,oh,something is wrong with my foot.”Anna订正说“with your hand.”老师也不去理会,继续进行游戏,一边摸着耳朵,一边说“I cant hear.Something is wrong with my nose.”同学们都会哈哈大笑.在游
14、戏时,参加游戏者站成一个横队,Leader站在前面,面对大家.Leader 摸着自己的脚掌说:“This is my nose.”要求回答的同学却作出相反的动作,指着自己的鼻子说:“This is my foot.”这样回答的同学就有权成Leader.这种游戏可使大家捧腹大笑.语音教学游戏语音教学游戏所追求的目的是:1.训练学生对英语音素正确地发音;2.培养学生洪亮,准确地朗读诗歌的能力;3.教会学生背诵这些诗歌,并能在表演中复现出来.例6Somebody asked me,a man in brown,Which is the way to London Town?One foot up,t
15、he other foot down,That is the way to London Town.例7Playing Airplane以下游戏是训练学生发/v/音Teacher:Did you ever try to imitate a flying plane?I think you stretched your arms apart,inclined your body a little,and here you areflying.And how about English children?They say/v/.Try and do the way the English chil
16、dren of your age do.The plane is travelling up in the sky,vvv-vvv-vvvMoving so fast,and ever so high,vvv-vvv-vvvOver the land,and over the sea,vvv-vvv-vvvBut we always come back in time for tea,vvv-vvv-vvv正字法游戏教学游戏目的:训练学生正确地书写外语单词例8The Alphabet老师准备好两套字母卡片,一班同学分成两队,每队各持一套字母卡片.两队各排成一队,离黑板等距离.当老师讲出某一个英
17、语词后,如讲好“pencil”这个词后,各队持相应的字母到黑板前,各自把“pencil”排好,根据该词字母的数量得分,如排“pencil”一词,可得6分.词所包含的字母多,则得分多,词所包含的字母少,则得分少例9 A Letter Ladder老师在黑板上写个单音节词,让同学们填词,所填的词比上一个词多一个字母,除第一个字母不能改变外,其他字母皆可变换.例如:heredmeherreadmanherereadymoonhere readermonthheartreceivemotherremembermorning听能教学游戏教学目的:1.训练学生听过一次后理解所听内容意思的能力;2.训练学生
18、 抓住所听材料主要意思的能力;3.发展学生的听觉记忆能力;4.发展学生的听觉反应能力例10Listen and Draw Children,take sheets of paper and colored pencils and listen to my commands:Draw a small house in the middle.Colour the house brown,colour the roof red.The house has two windows and one door.You can see flowers in one of the window.Draw a
19、tree to the right of the house.Draw a bird flying over the house.Sign your name.Give the pictures to me.例11Simon says老师的简单命令,大家早已听熟了.老师边讲“Sit down”,边坐下,向同学们演示.老师有边讲“Stand up”,边站起来,这样同学们都渐渐听懂了,而且不需要看也能完成动作.然而这种早期的兴趣会逐渐地淡下去.因此,老师想出一种游戏.一天,老师手里拿着一个逗人发笑的小人,名叫“Simon”.Teacher:Children,look at this man.His
20、 name is Simon.And he is a teacher now.you must obey only his commands.Simon says,“Stand up!”Good!Simon says,“Hand up!”Good!Sit down!Sit down!Why did you sit down?Simon did not say“Sit down!”Remember,Simon is a teacher.例12综合性教学游戏/mouth/n/nose/r/right/l/letter/v/rest/ship/back banana flowers she students apple green/box love farm the speak he English/bus are likes clean you yellow is/ai/time they good books hates teacher I/au/town food we open a sports many Thank You!
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