1、最新资料推荐MA高级英语教学大纲(行政班)课程代码:课程名称:高级英语英文名称:ublic Manageetand Amintratn: An truti课程性质:学分学时:Creit:3;2 Hors授课对象:(说明专业年级)MPA 行政班课程简介:This cure povides n introdcto to, andsssent f, th theoriesand principes of puicmanageent, articuarl the pbsctr rforsasocte wih the moement os onrefrred to as ”he nepbc maaeet
2、 and copare ndcontratsthsewth thtraitiona el ofplc aminitro先修课程:NA选用教材:公共管理导论(ubi anagement an Adinistraton:An Introdution)考核方式与成绩评定:考试方式:论文; 出勤10%、平时0、期末成绩60主讲教师:吴爱华所属院系:公共管理学院第一章 An Eaf Chnge教学目标和要求: Paradigm and Praim ift: public dmintraion and publicmangement教学时数:4hours教学方式:dele a discsion准备知识:e
3、wpuli anaget教学内容:(otents)1. themerency f anew radgnthe lic sector;2. fundmentl principles f tdionl puic administration;3. dinisraton and manageent;4. imprativeso hange作业与思考题:Wat sa new adim?whatareipratives of chag?第二章 the Trditon Model o publc Adinistratin教学目标和要求: o esad te traditional me ofpu dini
4、staton; to unersd problem with theraitimodl教学时数:hours教学方式:delivry ad dicusion准备知识:Wilson, Tylor an Weber theorie 教学内容:(contents)1. th evoutionof pbli admiistrton;2. te eomopublcadmintratin n the inteen entu;3. tepobem o poitcl ontro4. thepoble of oe betway;5. te rblem f bureaucacy;6. the publ choice
5、 crtiqe作业与思考题:hat are the poblem wtraditioalmodef bic dmnistraion?第三章 Pulic Maagemt教学目标和要求: to udersad agementndManagemet aproac;tounderan maagalimubli secto教学时数:hours教学方式:dele and iscussion准备知识:managementand fncts fgeneral mangeent教学内容:(cntent)1. he eanng of managmen;2. th Maagement Aproach;3. the
6、puli mnagemet refoms;4. thoretcl base ofanemen;5. critcims ofmnagerialism作业与思考题:Wha imanagalsm ndmanagril approach?第四章 he Rl o Govrmen教学目标和要求: tounesand he role of ovenmnt;to undertd intruent of to udestandbasic fntins f rnmen教学时数:4hours教学方式:deivey nd iscsin准备知识:governme an itsfutons教学内容:(contents)1
7、. te need fr ulc secto;2. are ailure s bsis frpblicliy;3. instrument o governent;4. sc functionsf govenmn5. te size of gornmen ebe作业与思考题:at ae the insrnts o goernmen? whare thbic fnctis of governmn?第五章 Pulic Plcy andPlcyAnalysi教学目标和要求: to understadpbl poiy n policy analsis;to underan two poaches of
8、blcpolicy;to undestnd te reltionsetweepbic oliy andaministration an managemet教学时数:4 hor教学方式:every d duio准备知识:emricalmethoolog;inive an ductiv me 教学内容:(cntets)1. pbli plicy,adminitation and managet;2. plicyanlss;3. empirica methds4. pc rocess model5. limitations of te ly alysispoac6. polcal pbic poic
9、作业与思考题:What is ic plic anolicy alysis?hatrethe topublic policy approaches? Howi a poicy pcssd?第六章ui nagement DeepinCounrie教学目标和要求: to undsan wheher aageialism is applicble in developing cnties, to nderstn te tradiial mdel n veln counies;tounderstnd tepublicanagemntrefos n deeloig untes教学时数:4 hours教学
10、方式:deivery an iscui准备知识:he pubc ainistrtionidevelping contis教学内容:(cntents)1. the tradionalulic adnitrain odlin dvopin ountrie;2. prblemsof headministtive mde;3. h pulic mnaement rfrmsi dvopin conri4. prblms oftemanagrimodel in eveloping counre作业与思考题:Is manageralism appliable idevloping counres?第七章 A
11、ccuntaility教学目标和要求: tounersand the eang of accuability;to unrstad antabiliy i both pic ad priat scor; to udestan a manageial modl facontabliyanditsproblems教学时数:4 hurs教学方式:elery an dicussio准备知识:anageral acuntiity 教学内容:(contents)1. ccotabli it rivae ector;2. acountbity the publicsetor;3. acontability
12、in thetraditon mdel;4. a magei moel o countabliy;5. acountabityprolms of taagriamde作业与思考题:Wa arete accntbi pobms te managrial oel?第八章 A Ne Praig for Plic Managmen教学目标和要求: to dersa thepubli Managme pardig;t unestan an inatinl movment inpblic Manageent;tounertant iolgial bsiof anarilism; to netand pl
13、anageet as n aemcdcilie教学时数: hurs教学方式:delivery anddisussion准备知识:pbicmanaemt as an acamic iciplie 教学内容:(contents)1. a paadigm hif or not;2. An international moement;3. the ideolgil bss of maaerialism;4. the impct f democry;5. publi manamen a an acadeic isciplin作业与思考题:n aditioal pblc aminstrain nd pulimanemet e oniereaadig?5 / 5
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