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1、2008年沈阳市中等学校招生统一考试(英语)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l 5分)I. Thank you for the presents. They are so great!A. Please dont say so B. No, thanksC. Pm glad you like them D. No, they are not good enough2.Im just going to _market, mum. Do you want_?A. (不填); something B. the; everythingC. (不填); nothing D. the; anyt

2、hing3. The baby is- too young. You _give her big pieces of food.A. may B. must C. may not D. must not4. Computers, however, are actually _they were five years ago.A. so cheap as B. cheaper thanC. so expensive as D. much expensive than5. Pm not hungry because I _lunch already.A. have B. had C. am hav

3、ing D. have had6.Wheres Mrs. Li taking Polly and Mickey?Shes taking _across the street.A. them B. us C. you D. it7. This week, the weather _to change every day: One day is hot, the next is cold. A. seems B. looks C. sounds D. feels8.1 feared that the film would be boring _it turned out to be very ex

4、citing.A. and B. but C. so D. or9. At the end of the volleyball match, our school_ won by 3:1.A. members B. group C. team D. fans10. While we were watching the play, I _noticed a man with a funny look.A. usually B. suddenly C. quickly D. carefully11. The red suitcase costs more because it_ leather.A

5、. makes of B. made of C. is made of D. is making of12. There was an exciting moment in our class when a large bird flew _the room.A. from B. into C. onto D. with13. I _him in a way. Some of his ideas are right.A. speak to B. come to C. stay with D. agree with14. Ill park the car at Pacific Place, _t

6、he car park there is full.A. unless B. if C. when D. after15. Would you please tell me _next?Think it over. Youll find a good way.A. when to do B. how to doC. what to do D. where to do二、完形填空(共l 5小题;每小题l分,满分l 5分)My feelings about science have really changed. I never used to 16 science, but last year

7、I changed schools, and the science 17 at my new school are excellent. The science facilities (设备) are very 18 , with laboratories that have all the latest equipment. Our chemistry teacher, Mr Longford, takes us to 19 science lectures (讲座) about four times a term, and these are 20 very interesting, a

8、s the lecturers are people who have made real discoveries in 21 area of science. The fact is, Canada has 22 first-class scientists. In the last twenty years, seven Canadian scientists have 23 the Nobel Prize! The Nobel Prize is the highest scientific prize, so we should be very 24 of that.Im becomin

9、g more and more interested 25 physics, and have decided that I want to 26 it at university. Im going to try to go to 27 Montreal or Ottawa University, as both 28 supposed to have good Physics Departments. My parents are quite 29 . They always thought I would become an 30 teacher!16. A. hate B. learn

10、 C. finish D. enjoy17. A. helpers B. workers C. teachers D. students18. A. good B. different C. usual D. simple19. A. public B. new Cold D. little20. A. sometimes B. seldom C. hardly D. always21. A. our B. their C. your D. those22. A. few B. many C. no D. enough23. A. seen B. lost C. won D. dreamed2

11、4. A. afraid B. careful C. short D. proud25. A. in B. with C. at D. from26. A. make B. discover C. study D. keep27. A. neither B. either C. both D. only28. A. have B. has C. are D. is29. A. pleased B. angry C. excited D. surprised30. A. maths B. English C. chemistry D. Chinese三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30

12、分) ABorn In 1907Toru Mitsui was I00 in2007. He was born in a small village near Hiroshima in Japan. His parents were poor farmers. Today he lives with his son. Seiji. who is 76. Things were very different then. We were poor, and life was very difficult. Sometimes there wasnt much food, and sometimes

13、 we were hungry. There was no school in the villagewe worked on the farm. There were eleven children in our family. My younger brother, Jun, was my best friend, but when he was seven he died. I was very sad. Our house was very small; there were six boys in one bedroom! But its funny, we were usually

14、 happy. . my childhood was a happy time in my life. Estelle Dupontwas also 100 years old In 2007. She was born near Bordeaux In France, where her lather was a rich businessman. Today she lives In an old peoples home in Paris.My father was a rich businessman and we lived in a castle about ten kilomet

15、res from Bordeaux. Our home was very comfortable. The house was very bigthere were twenty bedrooms, beautiful gardens. . and lots of servants! But my childhood wasnt happy. I was an only child, and my mother was always ill. She died when I was eight, and my father died two years later when I was ten

16、it was a very bad time. I was a very unhappy child. . . life is better now!31. What do you think the text is mainly (主要) about?A. Real life about two 100-year-old people.B. How to spend 100 years in different countries.C. Happy childhood about two 100-year-old people.D. The secret of living 100 year

17、s happily.32. Toru Mitsui has ten brothers and sisters while Estelle Dupont has_.A. only one B. none C. eleven D. two33. When do you know Seiji was probably born?A. In 1907. B. In 1941. C. In 1932. D. In 1926.34. Dupont thinks her childhood wasnt happy because_.A. her house was very big B. her bedro

18、om was too smallC. she became a child without parentsD. she was born in a business familyBThere was heavy snow and windy weather in Chicago on Monday, and there was also heavy rain on the west coast of the United Statesespecially in and around the city of San Francisco.Things were no better on the o

19、ther side of the world in Australiathere was quite heavy rain in the state of Queensland, with 475 mm of rain falling in just five days.In south-west Europe, there was more hot, sunny weather with the town of Jerez de la Frontera in the south of Spain the hottest place. The .temperature was 30 degre

20、es, the warmest so far this year;It wasnt all good news in Europe, however. There was heavy snow in the Balkans, and parts of north-eastern Italy on Monday and Tuesday. Things are getting a little better in the city of Irkutsk, in eastern Siberia, however; the temperature went above zero degrees for

21、 the first time since last November.35. It is reported that most of the states and cities had bad weather except A. the south of Spain B. the north-east of ItalyC. San Francisco D. the parts of Australia36. Why does the report say that it wasnt all good news in Europe?A. The temperature was low in I

22、rkutsk.B. It snowed heavily in the Balkans.C. There was heavy rain in parts of Italy.D. It was quite cold in eastern Siberia.37. Which of the following places probably had the biggest amount of rain (雨量)?A. San Francisco. B. Queensland.C. Chicago. D. Jerez de la Frontera.38. What do you think the re

23、ading above is?A. Geography in the world. B. The world environment.C. The weather in Europe. D. The world weather report.CWhat is the saddest case (患者) you ever knew of? I asked a doctor in a hospital. She thought for a minute or two and then replied, it was a nurse I had, one of the most beautiful

24、girls I ever saw. But she had a car accident and her face was so disfigured (毁容) that she realized she would have to give up working at least until she had had many times of operations. She planned to marry but broke it off. The doctor shook her head, remembering, She was in such low spirit that I f

25、eared for her sanity (失去理智) , breaking into a smile. Then I had an. idea. I took her one day to the Blind Childrens Home, and that afternoon she played with the children and for the first time I saw her look happy. Just as we were leaving, a little blind girl put her arms round her neck and said, I

26、do like your voice and I know you must have a lovely face, too. The nurse cried all the way home in the car, but it was with happiness, for she had found her life work with the blind children who came to call her their lovely lady*. A sad case? Well, in a way. But what a joyful ending!39. Who do you

27、 know had a car accident and disfigured her face in the story? A nurse. . B. A doctor.C. A little blind girl. D. We dont know.40. What idea did the doctor have one day?A. She would go to play with the children.B. She wanted to visit the blind children.C. The Blind Childrens Home might be a help.D. B

28、reaking into a smile could be done.41. After hearing the little blind girls words, the nurse_.A. began to cry in the car B. decided to have an operationC. found the way home D. had courage to go on living42. The underlined (划线) part broke it off in the story means . A. started the plan B. ended the

29、planC. tried the plan D. made the planD There is an argument (争论) going on in many schools. DIt is about what language or languages are spoken in the classroom.Some people argue that because this is America, only English should be spoken in schools. Others argue that America is a melting pot (多元文化的移

30、民国家). And if students are able to speak more than one language, that should be accepted and celebrated in classrooms.We asked students in New York City what*they thought. Heres what they said.Should English be the only language spoken in American classrooms? YESPedro Rodriguez: Even though you may w

31、ant to speak your native language (本族语) ,you should learn and speak only English in school. Its very important. Its the most popular language in the world. If you live here, you should speak it.Gisell Mata: How can people expect to communicate in this country if they cant speak English? School is th

32、e best place to start. I think if you speak and write only English in school, you will learn it quicker and be able to speak it very well in a short time.Chemway Corley: I think all kids should speak only English in school. If you are living in the U. S. , you must know English. It is the main langu

33、age of the country. I think students should have to learn the language even if they take ten periods a week learning it. NOXiomarah Veras: I think people should learn English in school, but they shouldnt be required to speak only English. It should be up to students and teachers what they speak and

34、learn. For people just learning English, it can be easier if theyre allowed to speak their native language in class too.Patricia Morel: People shouldnt be forced to speak a language that they dont want to speak. It is up to you to decide what is best for you in school or at home. Nobody should be fo

35、rced to do anything shes not ready to do.Yessenia Ortiz: I think if English is introduced to people slowly, they will want to speak it more. If they are in this country, they will want to learn English. But if you tell them it is the only language they can speak in school, it will make them angry. 4

36、3. What does the writer try to tell us in the text?A. Two different ideas on speaking the same language.B. The reason why people must speak English.C. How to speak English very well in a short time.D. When and where English should be spoken.44. Who thinks school is the best place to start learning E

37、nglish? A. Pedro Rodriguez. B. Gisell Mata.C. Patricia Morel. D. Xiomarah Veras.45. From what Yessenia Ortiz says, we can know that she_.A. can speak many foreign languages very wellB. thinks many people dont want to learn EnglishC. must introduce English to people slowlyD. thinks the ability to cho

38、ose is important四、短文填空与补全对话(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分) A阅读短文,然后从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的单词。police also train is serious other on drive hour moneyDear Editor,Life in this city needs to be improved. For one thing, there are too many cars, and there 46 too much smog (烟雾) , especially at rush 47 . The air pollution is t

39、errible. This problem is really 48 downtown in the business area. Too many people 49 their cars to work.So what should we do about it? I think there should be more 50 officers at busy crossings. They could stop traffic jams. We 51 need fewer parking garages downtown. The city spends too much 52 buil

40、ding them. Its easy to park, so too many people drive to work. On the 53 hand, ,the city doesnt spend enough 54 public transportation (交通). There arent enough underground lines, and the 55 system (系统) needs a lot of improvement.46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._B在对话的空白处填人一个适晋的单词,使其内容完整

41、与正确A: When did you get back, Anne? B: Last night.A: (56)_was the flight (空中旅行)?B:Very boring. It was too (57)_. Fourteen hours!A: What were the hotels like?B: They were fine. And everywhere I went I had a nice big room. I liked that.A: What about the (58)_? B: Well, it wasnt good Im (59)_. It rained

42、 almost every day.A: Oh, thats a shame.B: But the people I met were very nice. (60.)_was very helpful.五、 回答问题(共l5小题;每小题2分满分30分) A谁在说What they said “Most peoples historical perspective begins with the day of their birth.” Rush Limbaugh American political commentatorEither they were going to give it t

43、o me sometime before I popped off or not at all. Doris Lessing winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize for LiteratureToo many people spend money they havent earned, to buy things they dont want, to impress people they dont like.Will Smith American Black singer61. Where is Rush Limbaugh from?62. When did Dori

44、s Lessing win the Nobel Prize for Literature?63. Who is Will Smith?BIn different countries around the world, people become adults (成年人) at different ages. Being an adult means having the right (权利) to do certain things such as get a part-time job, vote (选举权) ,get married, or get a licence to drive.In many countr


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