1、摘要词汇是语言最基本的构成要素之一,词汇教学是高中英语教学的重要组成部 分,它直接影响学生英语学习能力的发展。然而,当前高中英语词汇教学的现状 不容乐观。因此,如何通过有效的词汇教学,提高高中学生灵活运用词汇的能力,从而提高学生的综合语言运用能力就成为当务之急。针对目前高中英语词汇教学的重要性及教学现状,本研究试图将主题式内容 依托教学(CBI 应用于高中英语词汇教学,以内容为本,将学科话题内容和语 言形式相结合,改变传统词汇教学中重语言形式而轻语言意义的现象。主要围绕 以下三个研究问题进行探讨:第一,高中英语词汇教学的现状如何?第二,在高 中英语词汇教学中采用CBI能取得什么应用效果?第三,
2、基于CBI的词汇教学 对高中英语词汇教学有哪些启示?在可理解性输入理论和建构主义学习理论的指导下,本研究以天水市第一中 学高一(1 班57名学生为研究对象,进行了为期一学期的教学实践。在教学实 践前期,通过问卷、测试等研究方法分析学生英语词汇学习中存在的主要问题以 及词汇学习的水平。在教学实践过程中,以CBI教学理念为指导,精心设计教 学案例和课堂教学活动,让学生学会在特定话题中使用词汇。一段时间后通过访 谈及时发现问题、分析问题、并作出相应的调整,继续进行基于CBI的高中英 语词汇教学以提高词汇教学的效果。在教学实践结束后,通过调查问卷、测试、访谈等研究方法对教学实践前后所收集的数据进行对比
3、分析,探究CBI在高中 英语词汇教学中的有效性。研究结果表明,基于CBI的高中英语词汇教学有助于提高学生词汇学习的 兴趣和动机,进而提高学生的词汇学习能力和学习效果。同时,在高中英语教学 中,教师必须重视词汇教学,坚持以学生为本,根据学生的兴趣和需要,围绕特 定话题,设计课堂教学活动,加强学习能力指导,帮助学生在语言产出活动中积 极主动地运用所学词汇,从而提高词汇学习的效率。关键词:内容依托教学;英语词汇教学;教学效果HI(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,htt
4、p:/ContentsAbstract.I摘要.HIContents.VList of Tables.VIIIList of Abbreviations.IX1.Introduction.11.1 Research Background.11.2 Research Purpose and Significance.21.3 Framework of the Thesis.32.Literature Review.52.1 Previous Studies of CBI.52.1.1 Previous Studies of CBI Abroad.52.1.2 Previous Studies o
5、f CBI at Home.72.2 Previous Studies on Vocabulary Teaching.92.2.1 Previous Studies on Vocabulary Teaching Abroad.92.2.2 Previous Studies on Vocabulary Teaching at Home.112.3 Summary.123.Theoretical Basis.153.1 Krashen,s Comprehensible Input Hypothesis.153.2 Constructivism Learning Theory.163.3 Summa
6、ry.184.Research Design.194.1 Research Questions.194.2 Research Subjects.194.3 Research methods.204.3.1 Pre-questionnaire.204.3.2 Post-questionaire.214.3.3 Pre-test.21v(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/4.3.4 Post-test.224.3.5 Interview.224.4 Res
7、earch Procedure.224.5 Instructional Design.244.5.1 Teaching Materials.244.5.2 Teaching Schedule.264.5.3 A Case of Instructional Design.284.6 Data Collection and Analysis.334.6.1 Data Collection.334.6.2 Data Analysis.345.Results and Discussion.355.1 Results of the Research.355.1.1 Results of the Pre-
8、questionnaire.355.1.2 Results of the Tests.415.1.3 Comparative Analysis between the Pre-test and the Post-test.435.1.4 Results of the Post-questionnaire.455.1.5 Results of the Interviews.495.2 Discussion of the Research.545.2.1 Existing Problems of English Vocabulary Teaching.545.2.2 The Application
9、 Effect of CBI to English Vocabulary Teaching.565.2.3 Implications for English Vocabulary Teaching.585.3 Summary.596.Conclusion.616.1 Major Findings.616.2 Limitations of the Research.626.3 Suggestions fbr Future Research.62References.64Appendix I Pre-test.68Appendix II Post-test.72Appendix III Pre-q
10、uestionnaire.76Appendix IV Post-questionnaire.78Appendix V Interview 1.80(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/Appendix VI Interview 2.81Appendix VII Teaching Material.82Appendix VIII The Original Data of the Two Questionnaires.83Appendix IX Scores
11、 of Tests.85学位论文数据集.87Acknowledgements.88VI(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/List of TablesTable 4.1 Teaching Material.25Table 4.2 Schedule of Teaching.26Table 5.1 Students5 Interest and Expectation for English Vocabulary Learning.36Table 5.2 S
12、tudents5 Attitudes and Strategies fbr English Vocabulary Learning.37Table 5.3 Students Problems and Present Situation of English VocabularyLearning.39Table 5.4 Results of the Pretest and the Post-test.41Table 5.5 Description Statistics fbr the Pretest and the Posttest.43Table 5.6 Detection of Normal
13、 Distribution fbrthe Pretest and the Post-test.43Table 5.7 Paired Statistics of Test Result in the Pre-test and the Post-test.44Table 5.8 Paired Sample Test fbr the Pretest and the Post-test.44Table 5.9 Results of Students9 Learning Interest.45Table 5.10 Results of Students5 Attitude Towards Vocabul
14、ary Learning.47Table 5.11 Results of Students9 Vocabulary Learning Effectiveness.48VIII(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/List of AbbreviationsCBIContent-Based InstructionELTEnglish Language TeachingLSPLanguage for Specific Purposes6TTheme,Text,
15、Topic,Thread,Task,Thread,TransitionPEPPeoples Education PressSPSSS-DStatistic Package for Social Science Standard DeviationIX(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/Introduction1.IntroductionVocabulary is one of the basic elements of language in seco
16、nd language learning.The famous British linguist Wilkins(1967)states that Without grammar,people can express very few things;without vocabulary,people can,t express anything:Therefore,it is indispensable to master an adequate amount of vocabulary fbr learners to acquire a language successfully.In or
17、der to help students master vocabulary effectively,teachers have to guide students to learn vocabulary through a variety of efficient strategies,which means that the guidance of teachers and learning strategies about learning vocabulary are quite significant fbr language learners.1.1 Research Backgr
18、oundThe English Curriculum Standard for senior high schools(2017)propose that English vocabulary teaching in senior high schools has to cultivate students9 lexical awareness in context.Lexical awareness can help students expand their vocabulary through extensive reading and can help them improve the
19、 ability to understand vocabulary so as to express meaning accurately.From the perspective of students,vocabulary learning is not simply memorizing words and expressions,but it is a comprehensive language practice activity combining thematic content with specific context.Students get across the mean
20、ing of related topics through listening,speaking,reading,writing and viewing.Meanwhile,they also use words to transfer information and express meaning of related topics.As fbr teachers,in specific teaching,teachers should guide students to understand vocabulary meaning by the structure of words and
21、context of text.In daily teaching activities,teachers should continually present related vocabulary combing with thematic context(including classroom expressions of teachers;dialogue;group work).1(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/M.Ed Thesis of
22、 Tianshui Normal UniversityHowever,the present situation of vocabulary teaching is not optimistic as it is expected.Plenty of existing problems related to English vocabulary teaching can be found in the process of practical teaching.Firstly,from the perspective of teachers,they often teach words in
23、isolation by word-list rather than by designing some effective classroom activities.They often dont integrate language form with language content and neglect vocabulary usage in context.Therefore,they should build the bridge between practical teaching and requirements by The English Curriculum Stand
24、ards for Senior High Schools(2017).For students,they learn words by reciting words-list rather than by acquiring vocabulary in context,only focusing on mechanical language input but not participating in special content and context so that vocabulary teaching is time-consuming and inefficient(Wang De
25、xiu,2010).CBI is a teaching philosophy,which integrates language teaching into thematic content to accelerate students to improve the target language in authentic context.CBI classes should take students9 precious language experience and present knowledge into account,and should guide students to un
26、derstand vocabulary in sentences and discourses.Therefore,this paper attempts to construct classroom instructional design based on theme-based model in the light of CBI.And then,CBI is applied to vocabulary teaching to check its application effect so as to acquire some teaching implication on how to
27、 apply theme-based model of CBI to English vocabulary teaching in senior high schools.To achieve the research objectives above,the following questions are explored:l)The present situation of English vocabulary teaching in senior high schools;2)The application effect of English vocabulary teaching ba
28、sed on CBI in senior high schools;3)Some implications on how to apply CBI to English vocabulary teaching in senior high schools.1.2 Research Purpose and SignificanceAs it is previously mentioned,vocabulary is one of the most crucial parts in English learning,but there are many issues that give rise
29、to students9 negative attitude in English learning.There is no doubt that it is very vital to solve present problems in English vocabulary by an effective teaching method.This research applies2(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/Introductiontheme
30、-based model of CBI to vocabulary teaching in order to exploit the application effect in English vocabulary teaching and how to make students more interested and motivated in English vocabulary learning.The second one is to check whether CBI can help students improve their vocabulary proficiency.And
31、 the last one is to provide some useful implication fbr teachers in the course of English vocabulary teaching.In present research,CBI is an effective teaching philosophy and it possesses the practical significance in English vocabulary teaching.First and foremost,CBI can help teachers develop awaren
32、ess to construct student-centered class from the perspective of integrating relevant topics content into English vocabulary teaching and it can offer some reference fbr English teachers in the course of English teaching.In the second place,this research shows that teachers can help students improve
33、their vocabulary learning proficiency by applying CBI to English vocabulary teaching.Besides,CBI can help students arouse their learning interest together with motivation and establish their self-confidence in English vocabulary learning.In CBI vocabulary classes,English learners can participate in
34、various classroom activities and learn relevant words in a relatively pleasant and relaxing atmosphere.Last but not least,CBI can help students9 promote their autonomous learning ability.In CBI vocabulary classes,various classroom activities are designed by listening,speaking,reading,writing to impr
35、ove students9 comprehensive language application.In this research,CBI is to be applied to English vocabulary teaching in senior high schools,which can make students learn vocabulary in a real context and fully grasp vocabulary by understanding meaning and content of language.It can help students cor
36、rectly express their thoughts,viewpoints and achieve the purpose of successful communication so as to improve students5 comprehensive language application.1.3 Framework of the ThesisThe thesis is made up of six parts altogether:Part one is the introduction of the thesis.Firstly,the research backgrou
37、nd is presented in this part.And then it explains the purpose and significance of the thesis.3(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/M.Ed Thesis of Tianshui Normal UniversityLastly,it gives the framework of the research.Part two is the related liter
38、ature review of CBI and English vocabulary teaching.In this part,it mainly shows some related research abroad and at home.Part three is the theoretical basis.In this part,it makes a brief explanation about theory fbundation(Krashen5s comprehensive input hypothesis;constuctivism Learning theory).And
39、then this part demonstrates how each theory guides this research.Part four mainly includes research design.In this part,it presents the following contents:research questions,research subjects,research methods and instruments,research procedure and an instructional design case of vocabulary teaching
40、and procedures of implementation based on CBI,and data collection along with analysis.Part five is the description of results and discussion.In this part,the application and test results obtained from practical teaching prove that constructing a teaching model based on CBI is very effective in impro
41、ving students9 vocabulary understanding and motivating students9 interest of vocabulary learning.Part six is the conclusion of this thesis,which offers the implication about applying CBI to English vocabulary teaching and presents some limitation and suggestions of the research.4(C)1994-2019 China A
42、cademic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/Literature Review2.Literature ReviewAs it is presented in part one,the aim of this research is to explore the effect of applying CBI to English vocabulary teaching.This research aims at constructing a mode based on CBI in English
43、vocabulary teaching.In this part,previous researches about CBI and English vocabulary teaching are presented.The purpose of these literature reviews is to find a research gap between previous researches and current research,which is preparation fbr the next research.2.1 Previous Studies of CBIThe CB
44、I philosophy is originated from Canada.Since the 1960s,educators have been exploring how to combine meaningful subject content with language learning for the sake of learners9 learning interest.In 1965,St.Lambert(Lambert&Tueker,1972)organizes an immersive education teaching experiment class.In the t
45、eaching experiment,teachers explain some knowledge of natural science,mathematics,history and other disciplines through learning French so that students can have a better mastery of French and improve their language application ability based on the subjects content(Dai Qingning,Lv Ye,2004).Later,the
46、se kinds of similar experiments are carried out in Western countries such as Canada and the United States.And then CBI is introduced into China by linguists and it has been received widely in language teaching.2.1.1 Previous Studies of CBI AbroadCBI refers to content-based instruction.It undergoes a
47、 perennial progress from language form to language content.CBI has been generally understood as an integrative approach focusing on language and content.However,a diversity of definitions of CBI have been proposed by researchers and educators from different aspects.5(C)1994-2019 China Academic Journ
48、al Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved,http:/M.Ed Thesis of Tianshui Normal UniversityWiddowson(1968,1978)is the first man who puts forward a view that both language and content should be integrated into English Language Teaching(ELT),and that foreign language can be acquired through oth
49、er subjects.Krashen(1982)considers that students can acquire content(culture,custom,religion etc.)and can develop their language skills with the support of comprehensible input.Besides,content material can be anything that students are interested in.Briton(1989:7)defines CBI as the concurrent study
50、of language and subject matter with the form and sequence of language presentation dictated by content material(Guo Yanling,2012).In other words,the effective teaching method is to put the language learning into a specific content.CBI refers to an approach to acquire second language by content study
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