1、购买电脑商务谈判方案(优质文档,可直接使用,可编辑,欢迎下载)关于购买联想电脑的洽谈方案一 谈判主题 :通过此次谈判能够和联想公司合作,购买到品质好且价格优惠的电脑最终实现共赢,并建立起长久合作的关系二、谈判团队人员组成主谈 -顾成飞副谈张平德,段家奇决策人:负责重大问题的决策顾成飞技术顾问:负责技术问题-段家奇专业顾问:负责电脑问题-张平德法律顾问:负责法律问题-刘佳君记录员:负责谈判记录-段生泽三、双方利益及优劣势分析我方核心利益:1、以优惠的价格购买优质联想电脑,取得售后服务2、保持双方合作关系对方利益:1、用最高的价格销售,增加利润2、促成双方长期合作关系我方优势:1、有多方的电脑公司
3、成感情上的共鸣,把对方引入较融洽的谈判气氛中,创造互利共营的模式.方案二:采取进攻式开局策略:营造低调谈判气氛,明确指出有多家供应商竞争,开出3000元的报价,以制造心理优势,使我方处于主动地位.2、中期阶段:(1)红脸白脸策略:由两名谈判成员其中一名充当红脸,一名充当白脸辅助协议的谈成,把握住谈判的节奏和进程,从而占据主动.(2)层层推进,步步为营的策略:有技巧地提出我方预期利益,先易后难,步步为营地争取利益.(3)把握让步原则:明确我方核心利益所在,实行以退为进策略,退一步进两步,做到迂回补偿,充分利用手中筹码.(4)突出优势: 以资料作支撑,以理服人,强调与我方协议成功给对方带来的利益,
4、同时软硬兼施,暗示对方若与我方协议失败,我方将立即与其它的电脑供应公司谈判。(5) 打破僵局: 合理利用暂停,首先冷静分析僵局原因,再可运用把握肯定对方行式,否定方实质的方法解除僵局,适时用声东击西策略,打破僵局.3、休局阶段:如有必要,根据实际情况对原有方案进行调整4、最后谈判阶段: (1)把握底线,:适时运用折中调和策略,把握严格最后让步的幅度,在适宜的时机提出最终报价,使用最后通牒策略。(2)埋下契机:在谈判中形成一体化谈判,以期建立长期合作关系(3)达成协议:明确最终谈判结果,出示会议记录和合同范本,请对方确认,并确定正式签订合同时间。六、准备谈判资料相关法律资料:中华人民共和国合同法
6、免没必要的解释,可转移话题,必要时可指出对方的策略本质,并声明,对方的策略影响谈判进程. 七、谈判地点 联想电脑商会议室宿州学院谈判小组20214-10目录一 、谈判主题二、 谈判团队人员组成三、双方利益及优劣势分析四、 谈判目标五、程序及具体策略六、制定应急预案七、谈判地点商务谈判计划书商品贸易订购合同甲方(买方):地 址:电 话: 联 系 人: 乙方(卖方):地 址:电 话: 联 系 人:甲乙双方根据平等互利,协商一致原则,同意签订本合同,共同信守。 1货物名称、型号规格、基本配置、单位、数量、单价、金额及合同价见表1:号序货物名称型号规格单位数量单价金额(元)123合计:人民币(大写)2
7、技术资料 乙方应随货物以书面形式提供下列资料: 产品简介、使用手册 、产品合格证、产品保修卡给甲方。 3付款方式31本合同以(币种),(现金或银行转账)方式付款,并预付定金。32货物经验收合格后,在第个工作日开始付款,分别付款。4付货方式:分次付货,分别付货。5交货地点_ _ .6运输方式为,由甲方承担,乙方承担费用。7货物验收 71 本合同的货物验收期为货物正式运至交货地点七天内. 72货物检验比例为,由甲方承担,乙方承担费用。73货物检验方为。8质量保证:包换,包退,包修。9贸易保险:投保险种,由甲方承担,乙方承担费用;若发生事故,险金利益分配甲方占,乙方占。10合同生效 101 本合同在
8、甲、乙双方法定代表人或授权代表签字盖章后生效. 102 本合同一式两份,以中文书就,甲、乙双方各执一份。11双方需要说明的其他事项 -签约方: 签约方:甲方单位(盖章): 乙方单位 (盖章): 甲方法定代表人(签章): 乙方法定代表人(签章): 年 月 日 年 月 日 长沙民政职业技术学院商务英语专业质量目标测试试题(试卷一)考试模块:商务英语谈判 考试时量:90分钟一、注意事项1、所有考试项目均为机上操作。2、开考后,考生必须在K盘上新建一个文件夹,命名为:考生号(即考生当日抽考号码)+BUSINESS ENGLISH,考试结束前将答卷另存入该文件夹,否则答卷无效.3、考试期间如果遇到问题请
9、及时找监考老师,不得私自更换电脑。4、考试过程中以及考试结束后,考生不得随意关闭电脑或重启电脑,否则造成数据丢失由考生本人负责。二、考试要求(一)国际商务信息检索 1、阅读并理解所给信息; 2、检索并筛选有效信息; 3、填写并翻译所需信息.(二)外贸英语函电撰写1、理解命题要求,确定函电性质;2、函电格式正确,字数达标;3、表达流畅,文字通顺,逻辑合理。(三)商务谈判案例分析 1、阅读并理解所给案例; 2、熟悉进出口业务流程,并运用跨文化交际技巧分析案例; 3、借鉴国际贸易惯例,解决所给案例问题。三、考试资料(一)出口方基本情况CompanyBROAD Air Quality Technolo
10、gy Group Url :/www。broad /Office AddressYuanda Town Yuanda 3rdroad, Changsha, Hunan, ChinaZip code410138Phone086-0731-84086688Fax0860731-84552000Emailcss(二)进口方基本情况CompanyGalaxy Refrigeration Private Limited Co. Url :/ galaxyintl。com/Office AddressNo。 D-8, Shanti Kunj, Near Church, Vasant Kunj New De
11、lhi, IndiaPhone+(91)-(11)26130435Fax+(91)(11)26130436E-mailchanderkumarhotmail。com ,(三)出口方信息BROAD Air Quality Technology Group is an enterprise based on the vision of unique technologies and philosophy of preserving life。 All BROAD products and services have essentiallyoptimized human life and the e
12、nvironment of the earth, BROAD Air Conditioning Equipment Co。Ltd supplies no-electric central air conditioning powered by natural gas and waste heat as well as packaged water distribution system.BROAD Energy Utilization Co。Ltd provides energy management contract service, district cooling-heating-pow
13、er system(CHP) investment, building and operation.BROAD Sustainable Building Technology Co.Ltd provides factory-made sustainable building with level 9 earthquake resistance, with 6 times material less, 5 time energy efficient, and 20 times air purification。BROAD Air Quality Technology Group headquar
14、tered in Changsha, China has already exported products to more than 70 countries. Company Development PathOn June 5, 1988, using USD 3,000 the company was registered in Chenzhou, Hunan to develop heating equipment。In 1992, the company relocated to Changsha to start producing large scale nonelectric
15、central air conditioning chillers and equipmentIn 1998 the companys non-electric air conditioners entered the international marketIn 1999 the company began producing packaged central air conditioning systemsIn 2005 the company began producing air quality products, which are now sold in more than 60
16、countries around the world。ProductsThe Complete Set of Central Air Conditioning Equipment (Including hot water, to automate a building)ServicesAfter Sales Service, Trusteeship Service, EMC, Engineering Design ConsultingValueHealthy, Energy Efficient, Cost SavingComments from Premier Wen JiabaoBROAD
17、nonelectric air conditioning is the Circular EconomyBROAD is not a common company. You have made a special contribution to the country.四、测试试题Section I国际商务信息检索(本题共45分)Directions:Read the following brief introduction toGalaxy Refrigeration Private Limited Co。 from the official website of the company。
18、A Brief Introduction toGalaxy Refrigeration Private Limited Co。Established in the year 2003, we, Galaxy Refrigeration Private Limited Co。 are engaged in the sphere of importing and supplying a wide range of white westing house chillers, white westinghouse dishwasher, white westinghouse dryers and wh
19、ite westinghouse microwaves。 These are procured from one of the most reliable home appliances company, White Westinghouse of USA。 Apart from this company, we are also associated with various other original manufacturers such as Sony, Compaq, Yamaha, JVC, Sanyo, IBM, HP, Canon, Samsung, Nokia, Bosch,
20、 and Olympus, from where we procure these products and supply to our clients spread all over the world.The entire range is manufactured at advanced laboratories that are equipped with latest equipment ensuring optimum performance of the refrigerators, ventilation systems, commercial ventilation syst
21、ems, chilling units, commercial chilling units and others units。 Already checked at manufacturers end, we also check the quality of these White westinghouse Refrigerators, White westing house Freezer, White westinghouse Microwave, White westing house Air Care and White westing house Washer & Dryer a
22、t our end and provide defect free products to our clients.(11)Being a client centric organization, we ensure trouble free functioning of these products and hence, we provide prompt after sale service to them。 Under the able guidance of our owner, Mr. Naresh Kapoor and Mr。 Chandar Kumar, who have bee
23、n in this business for 20 years, we have touched new heights of success in the industry.Our AssociateWe take pride in being associated with White Westinghouse that is one of the leading home appliances companies of USA. The company was formed by the acquisition of the Westinghouse Electric Corporati
24、ons Appliance Unit by white consolidated industries in 1975。 Later on the company entered into the Appliance Industry and acquired COPEMAN Electric Stove Company In 1917。 It started manufacturing electric products that included automatic washing machines, frost-free refrigeration and other that have
25、 been appreciated all over the world by global clients for low power consumption and low maintenance。 (12)These products are engineered with superior technology by using quality raw material and components that ensure durable performance & high functionality。 We are a prominent importer of various e
26、lectronic items from different companies such as: Sony Compaq Yamaha JVC Sanyo IBM HP Canon Samsung Nokia Bosch Olympus White Westinghouse Quality AssuranceWe are a quality conscious organization and ensure that our electric appliances such as ventilation systems, commercial ventilation systems, chi
27、lling units, commercial chilling units, automatic washing machines, stainless steel refrigerators, commercial washing machines, etc, are up to the mark and provide great level of satisfaction to our clients。 (13)Even being a supplier, we ensure that the entire range of products, we procure from reno
28、wned vendors and manufacturers are tested on various quality parameters so that our clients face no trouble in using these products。 With an aim towards offering maximum client satisfaction, we test our Refrigerators, Chilling Units & Ventilation and Washer & Dryer rigidly and follow stringent quali
29、ty measures. We test our cooling and refrigeration solutions on the following parameters:Noise level Temperature and corrosion resistance Functionality Robust constructionWarehousingIn our unit we have a large warehousing facility to store our Refrigerators, Chilling Units Ventilation and Washer Dry
30、er。 (14)The unit is managed by expert and efficient warehousing professionals, who manage proper inventory and helps us in storing the above mentioned range systematically。 The warehouse is segregated into various sections, so that we can store the products separately ensuring fast retrieval of the
31、same, when needed. Further, the products are stored after proper labeling and packaging。 We use high quality of packaging material to protect our products from dust, water and heat. Our warehousing professionals maintain a proper inventory to ensure systematic arrangements of every consignment。Wide
32、Distribution NetworkOver the period of time, we have developed a wide distribution network all over the country that has helped us in creating large clientele。 (15)Our distributors have rich industrial experience and market knowledge that assist us in serving our clients in best possible manner. The
33、y understand the market dynamics that enable us to procure desired products from our associates and fulfill the requirements of the clients within committed time frame. Further, due to our expert procurement agents, we have been able to source reliable ventilation systems, commercial ventilation sys
34、tems, chilling units, commercial chilling units, automatic washing machines, stainless steel refrigerators, commercial washing machines, refrigerators, chilling units & ventilation and washer & dryer for our valued clients. Further, we have also tied up with various CF Agents, who assists us in ensu
35、ring quick delivery。Task 1: Search for useful information in the passage and complete the summary below. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. (15分)Galaxy Refrigeration Private Limited Co. ProfileFounded in 1, Galaxy Refrigeration Private Limited Co。 specializes in 2 of White Westinghous
36、e Appliances, which are 3 from one of the most reliable US4 company, White Westinghouse. The company also procures from various other 5and supplies to the clients spread all over the world。 With an aim towards offering 6, the company teststhe products rigidly and follows stringent 7.The company has
37、a 8 to store the products.It has developed a wide 9network all over the country that helpsto 10。Task 2: Translate the underlined sentences in the passage into Chinese.(30分)11. Being a client centric organization, we ensure trouble free functioning of these products and hence, we provide prompt after
38、 sale service to them。12。 These products are engineered with superior technology by using quality raw material and components that ensure durable performance high functionality.13。 Even being a supplier, we ensure that the entire range of products, we procure from renowned vendors and manufacturers
39、are tested on various quality parameters so that our clients face no trouble in using these products。14。 The unit is managed by expert and efficient warehousing professionals, who manage proper inventory and helps us in storing the above mentioned range systematically。15。 Our distributors have rich
40、industrial experience and market knowledge that assist us in serving our clients in best possible manner。Section II外贸英语函电撰写(本题共35分)Directions: You are required to write a letter based on the following situation with at least 150 words. (Note: Your letter should adopt the modifiedblock style.)Situati
41、on:As a sales representative of BROAD Air Quality Technology Group, you are going to write to a client ofGalaxy Refrigeration Private Limited Co。 to discuss the insurance terms for X Vacuum Boiler。 (For more information about the two parties, please refer to the background information given above。)T
42、he following aspects should be included in the letter:Indicate the inside addresses of the sender, the receiver, the date, the complimentary close and the signature;Indicate the L/C No。, value and issuing bank;Request for covering TPND and SRCC in addition to FPA and War Risk;Emphasize that the addi
43、tional insurance terms were not agreed upon by both parties;State the usual practice of the seller for the nature of the contracted goods and explain the reason;Agree to cover the excessive risks at the buyers cost;Suggest amending the L/C to cover the extra premium。SectionIII商务谈判案例分析(本题共20分)Directi
44、ons: Read the following case and analyze the problem with at least 100 words。 Case: BROAD Air Quality Technology Group established a CIF contract withGalaxy Refrigeration Private Limited Co. in India, selling 1500 units Broad Fresh air machine (1,000 units of TB100; 200 units of DC3.6 and 300 units
45、of DC5。4). BROAD had issued against all risks, from Chinese warehouse in Shanghai to the warehouse of the importer in Mumbai. Later, when the goods were being shipped from warehouse to shipping terminals, the losses within the scope of the risk of underwriting occurred. Bearinginsurance policy and the certificate for the damaged goods, the importer asked for compensation from the insurance company, while the insurance company refused to compensate it, saying that the importer at that time did not have insurance benefits to the goods。
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