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1、新疆乌鲁木齐市2018年中考英语真题试题注意事项:1本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共 8 页。2答题前,考生须将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号填写在指定的位置上。3. 选择题的每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。非选择题须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在答题卡上的答题区域内作答。在草稿纸、本问卷上答题无效。4. 开考 30 分钟后放听力录音,只播放一次。5考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第 I 卷 ( 选择题 共 105 分 )听力部分 ( 共 30 分 )I. 图片理解(共 5 小题;每

2、小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听录音,从图中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出与所听到内容相符的图片。(读两遍) 情景反应(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听句子,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳应答。(读两遍)6A. He is young.B. He has a stomachache.C. He wears a coat.7A. Yes, she was.B. No, she didnt.C. She was exercising.8A. Two days ago.B. In six years.C. For three weeks.9

3、A. Watch out!B. What a pity!C. Help yourself!10. A. Yes, I do.B. No, I dont.C. No, thanks.III. 对话理解(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)听下面 5 段对话,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(读两遍)11. What size of T-shirt would the man like?A. Size S.B. Size L.C. Size XL.12. Whats the weather like now?A. It s sunny.B. It s raining

4、.C. It s snowing.13. When will they meet at the school gate?A. At 6:40.B. At 7:40.C. At 7:20.14. What does Eric want to be when he grows up?A. A pilot.B. A teacher.C. A writer.15. Why did Ted stay up late last night?A. He studied for a test.B. He played computer games.C. He prepared for the talent s

5、how.IV. 短文理解(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)听短文,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(读两遍)16. Who sent a birthday gift to Miki?A. His uncle.B. His aunt.C. His mother.17. Did the soap smell good?A. We dont know.B. No, it didnt.C. Yes, it did.18. What place did Miki jump into when the bees( 蜜蜂) followed him?A. The lake

6、.B. The swimming pool.C. The river.19. When did Miki say sorry to his neighbor?A. That morning.B. That afternoon.C. That night.20. Will Miki use the soap anymore?A. Yes, he will.B. No, he wont.C. Yes, sometimes.语言知识运用部分(共 75 分)V. 单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。2

7、1. Steve lives in European country, and he teaches in university there.A. an; aB. an; theC. a; aD. a; an22. Most of the villagers took part in the Dragon Boat races 9:00 a.m. the morning of June 18.A. at; inB. at; onC. on; inD. on; on23. -Did you watch the first match of the Russian World Cup?-Of co

8、urse! We were so to watch the match.A. exciting; excitedB. excited; excitedC. exciting; excitingD. excited; exciting24. people prefer HUAWEI phones, and about of them are adults.A. The number of; four-fifthsB. A number of; four-fifthC. A number of; four-fifthsD. The number of; four-five25. -Id like

9、to buy a new oven.-The ones over there sell well. You can one by one to have a try.A. turn on itB. turn it onC. turn on themD. turn them on26. My bike is broken. I will have it tomorrow morning.A. fix upB. fixed upC. repairingD. to repair27. Cathy checked her paper so that she could get good grades

10、this time.A. careful enoughB. enough carefulC. enough carefullyD. carefully enough28. -Can you go to the movies with me tonight?-I have to ask my mum. If I , I will go with you.A. allowB. allowedC. am allowedD. was allowed29. -The temperature is only 10 today.-Yes.strange the weather is in Urumqi th

11、is year!A. HowB. How aC. WhatD. What a30. While NickCCTV News, someone knocked at the door.A. watchedB. was watchingC. watchD. watches31. There a folk music concert in Xinjiang Opera Theater next month.A. is going to haveB. will haveC. isD. is going to be32. My friends new restaurant in Wanda Plaza(

12、 万达广场 ) two years ago, but I there so far.A. has opened; havent beenB. was open; havent beenC. opened; havent goneD. has been open; havent gone33. -Look! Is the young lady wearing a blue dress Grace?-No, it be her. She is picking up my sister at the airport.A. cantB. mustntC. canD. must34. The teach

13、er I like best often encourages me my dream.A. who; fight forB. that; to fight forC. which; to fight forD. which; fight for35. John told his little daughter the earth from the west to the east.A. movedB. movingC. movesD. moveVI. 情景交际(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 从 B 栏中找出与 A 栏相对应的答语。AB36. Its windy outsid

14、e. Lets fly a kite in the yard!A. Some fruit salad.37. The hat looks nice on you.B. Sure. Here you are.38. What does Tracy usually have for dinner?C. Sounds good!39. Can I borrow your dictionary?D. Not bad.40. How is everything going?E. Thank you.VII. 完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读短文,从 41-50 各题所给的

15、A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I am crazy about traveling abroad. Last year, I took a trip to Toronto 41 . Those nights, I stayed in a youth hostel( 青 年 旅 社 ). For me, hostels are places 42 I can meet and talk to different people. Its a great fun for me. During the stay in the hostel, I met two girl

16、s, one from Brazil and 43 from Slovakia. We three had very relaxing talks together. We shared our personal travel experiences andthe interesting people we met with one another. The girl from Brazil was a lawyer( 律 师 ) who helped people 44 their family problems. She was taking a trip to Canada all by

17、 herself. The girl from Slovakia had great interest 45 photography. As I was a photography fan 46 , we ended up talkingabout how to take perfect photos by using a camera.The best part is that they both became my close friends. Up till now, sometimes we still talk with each other online. Last month,

18、I got some photos from the Brazilian girl. To my 47 , she already had a baby daughter! In the photos their big smiles made them look like 48 people in the world. I was so glad for her. And its such a great thing to know that there are people 49 you from far away. Though you may just meet each other

19、for 50 of hours, you have someone caring about you in the other side of the world. And I think thats the fantastic part of traveling.41. A. lonely42. A. that43. A. the other44. A. discussB. aloneB. whichB. the othersB. shareC. oneC. whenC. anotherC. solveD. yourselfD. whereD. otherD. find45. A. abou

20、tB. inC. toD. with46. A. tooB. eitherC. neitherD. as well47. A. surprisedB. surprisingC. surpriseD. surprises48. A. beautifulB. more beautifulC. most beautifulD. the most beautiful49. A. rememberingB. to rememberC. rememberedD. remember50. A. a fewB. a bitC. a coupleD. a littleVIII. 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题

21、 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列语言材料,根据要求作答。A根据文章内容,判断文后句子的正确(T)与错误(F)。One day, little Roy was ill. So his mother took him to the clinic( 诊 所 ). A doctor examined him and said, “Well, boy, there is something wrong with you. Im afraid you need to get injections( 输 液 ) twice a day. Then you will feel better soon. A

22、 nurse will give you the injection later.” Roy thought it would hurt so he was afraid.His mother wanted to comfort him, “Sweetie, dont be nervous. Im here. If youre brave, Ill take you to the zoo on weekends. I promise!”“Great! Mum, I love animals!” said Roy.Just then a young nurse came and said to

23、him with a smile, “I am going to give you the injection now, Roy. Where do you want it? Left arm or right arm?”But Roy got scared again. He thought for a while and asked, “Nobody has let me choose that before. Must I choose now?”“Yes, Roy,” the nurse replied, “Where do you want it?”“Well, ” Roy answ

24、ered in a low voice, “I want it in your left arm, please.”51. Roys mother took him to the clinic because of his illness.52. The doctor told Roy he needed to get injections twice a day.53. Roy thought the doctor would hurt him so he was afraid.54. His mother promised to take him to the zoo on weekday

25、s.55. Finally, the nurse gave the injection on her left arm.B阅读下面短文,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Clothes Donation( 捐赠 ) BoxHave you ever put your old clothes into the donation box in your neighborhood? If not, you can do it right now because the clothes donation is becoming a trend( 趋势 ) in Urumqi.“Fr

26、om time to time, my mother clears out the clothes which I no longer wear. You know, weteenagers are growing fast. I think its a good way to help others. ” Lin Tao, a junior student says.“I often pick out some of my clothes which are out of style after going shopping. Then Ill put them into the donat

27、ion box. ” Miss Li, a pretty young lady says.“That seems like a good idea. Some clothes in the box are quite new. People can either wear them or use them to make things such as handbags and pencil cases.” Mrs. Wang, an old woman says, “Sometimes I also look through the box for some nice clothes.”How

28、ever, there are some problems along with the popularity of clothes donation. Recently, a UTV reporter from Focus on the City has made a survey. Here are the results: The box is full of clothes in a short time. There is no more room for people to give away clothes. Some people sell the clothes in the

29、 donation box for making money instead of wearing them. Some communities set the box in unsuitable places. So there are few clothes in it. Many clothes are too old and shabby( 破烂的 ).“Whats worse,” one of the staff in a community added, “We qutie often see people throw rubbishinto the box when they p

30、ass by. Weve tried to stop them several times but failed. It has been the most serious problem since we set the box.”In order to make the donation box work in an efficient( 有 效 的 ) way, our government is taking action. Clothes donation will be better-organized and itll be more convenient for people

31、in need to take the clothes away.56. Miss Li gives away her clothes because .A. her clothes are out of styleB. her mother clears out her clothesC. she is growing too fastD. she wants to make something57. The reporter from UTV has collected .A. 4 problemsB. 5 problemsC. 6 problemsD. 7 problems58. All

32、 the problems about the donation box are included EXCEPT .A. theres no more room for people to donate clothesB. people choose unsuitable places to set the boxC. sometimes the box is broken by someoneD. the clothes in the box are too old and shabby59. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 4 means .

33、A. the clothes donation boxesB. the old peopleC. handbags and pencil casesD. some clothes in the box60. We can infer( 推断 ) from the passage that .A. the clothes donation will be better-organized to help donators and people in needB. the clothes donation becomes less popular than before because of se

34、rious problemsC. the clothes donation can prevent some girls from wearing clothes that are out of styleD. the clothes donation gives the traders a good idea to sell old clothes for making moneyC阅读下面短文,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。A young girl named Malala, born in 1997 in the northwest of Pakistan, is

35、 famous for supporting children and women to get education.In 2012, she was shot and seriously injured when she returned home on the school bus. Luckily, she was sent to the hospital in time and saved. After that, she went back to school and began tostrive( 奋斗 ) for children and women to receive edu

36、cation.On October 10, 2014, the Nobel Prize for peace was awarded ( 授 予 ) to Malala. She became the youngest winner in the history of Nobel Prize. However, Malala missed the most important event of being announced to be the winner of the prize. At the very moment, she was taking chemistry lessonsin

37、the classroom! After hearing the news, Malala chose to take her history and physics lessons as usual. She said calmly to the reporter, “Im proud of getting this prize. Although the unforgettable date itself means something to me, its more important to finish the rest lessons today. After all, its a

38、normal school day.”One year later, Amy Mainzer, an astronomical scientist of NASA, found a new planet. She named it “Malala”. When Amy Mainzer was interviewed by Times, she explained, “I think Malala has set an example for us. She is fearless and sticks to helping children and women get the right of

39、 being educated. Nothing can stop her.”Last year, Malala passed the entrance examination of Oxford University through her hard work.Before she finished her high school, she had written a book I am Malala. She said, “I hope the readers around the world have chances to read my book. My dream is that m

40、ore and more people will realize it is extremely difficult for children and women in some areas to get education. Actually, my story is also the story of 61 million children. Every boy and every girl should have the right to go to school. ”61. How old was Malala when she won the Nobel Prize for peac

41、e?A. 17.B. 16.C. 15.D. 14.62. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “astronomical” in Chinese?A. 航天的B. 天文的C. 地理的D. 生物的63. Whats the name of the new planet?A. Amy Mainzer.B. NASA.C. Oxford.D. Malala.64. What is the correct order of the following events? Malala became a student of Oxford. A planet

42、was named for Malala. The Nobel Prize was awarded to Malala. Malala wrote a book called I am Malala. A. B. C. D. 65. Which of the following about Malala is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. She strives for helping children and women to go to school.B. She is the youngest winner in the history of

43、Nobel Prize.C. She was taking chemistry lessons when she was awarded.D. She wrote a book about herself and 6.1 million children.D阅读下面短文,从文后方框内所给的 A、B、C、D、E 中,选出恰当的一项还原到文中合适的位置,使文章内容完整且符合逻辑。In some science-fictions, we can see non-driver buses on the road. In the past, we could hardlyimagine to take

44、this kind of bus to go everywhere. But we did make that come true on December 2, 2017. 66 . The name of the non-driver buses is Alphaba. They have been put into use in Guangdong province. The most attractive news about Alphaba is that its driving system is developed independently by Chinese designer

45、s and engineers. 67 . The bus can go to different directions exactly with the help of GPS. The GPS on the bus is connected with the traffic-control center. 68 . They help the bus to deal with complex( 复 杂 的 ) road conditions. Alphaba can judge( 判 断 ) rapidly if it needs to stop when there are traffi

46、c lights or any dangers 100 meters ahead of it. It will park itself in the right place at the station. 69. They find no driver and the steering wheel( 方 向 盘 ) turning slowly itself. Its amazing! Besides, the bus provides the most comfortable seats and the best service for the passengers. 70.Next tim

47、e, when you travel to Guangdong, why not consider trying the non-driver buses?A. It makes them feel at home during the rideB. The highest speed of Alphaba is 40km/hC. There are several electronic cameras around the busD. China is the only country to invent non-driver busesE. The passengers are very shocked after getting on the bus第 II 卷 (非选择题共 45 分)I. 词汇(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)afford;holes;progress;thousan


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