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1、2020年宁夏中考英语试卷一、听力(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)、听对话选出正确的图画(共5小题:每小题 1分,满分5分)1(1分)2(1分)3(1分)4(1分)5(1分)、听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)6(1分)AEvery dayBTwice a weekCOnce a week7(1分)AA teacherBA policemanCA doctor8(1分)A The Great WallB Tiananmen SquareC The Palace Museum9(1分)AHe has a headacheBHe has a feverCHe

2、 has a sore throat10(1分)A In a parkB At schoolCIn a shop、听对话选择正确答案(共2小题;每小题2分,满分5分)好11(2分)听下面一段对话,回答小题(1)Where is the post office?A At the first crossingB On Green StreetC Next to the bookstore(2)How will the woman get there?A On footB By busC By train12(3分)听下面一段对话,回答小题(1)Whats Tonys favourite music

3、?A Pop musicB Rock musicC Country music(2)What will they do this afternoon?A Go to a parkB Go to a concertC Go to a cinema(3)When will they meet at the gate of the music hall?A At 3:15 PMB At 3:45 PMC At 4:15 PM、听力(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)听短文,然后根据表格提示和所听内容完成下列各小题(每空一词)13(5分)Volunteer ActivitiesDateOn(1) 2nd

4、PlaceThe old peoples homeTransportation(交通工具)By(2) ActivitiesRead a (3) to themClean their clothes and make(4) Telephone number(5) 二、完形填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从复文后各通所给的A.政C和D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项”14(10分)Everybody, it s time for our group project Lets get to work! says MsWhite Amy is the leader of

5、one group She is not (1) forward to working with her group because a boy named Ray is always absent from the group meetingsHe doesnt follow the rules ,and he(2) to do any workThis slows the whole group down Amy considers telling MsWhite about these problems, but she doesnt want to get Ray in trouble

6、(3) , she decides to talk to him and find out what the(4) is She says,Everyone is working hard on our project But so far, you havent done anything Is there something wrong? Ray thinks(5) for a few seconds, and finally says, It s not that I dont want to be in the (6) Sometimes, I don t really underst

7、and the things we re learning I know it s not fair, but I dont want to say something stupid, so I do(7) Now Amy understands Ray isnt (8) he just needs help! From now on, she says,I will do my best to help you feel more confident (自信的) Then you can do your share, and it will be (9) for everyoneThank

8、you! Ill try hard to do my part says Ray Amy feels happy She realizes that(10) about problems is better than keeping them as secrets(1)A puttingB lookingC carryingD taking(2)A likesB wantsC agreesD refuses(3)AInsteadB AlsoC AlthoughD And(4)A adviceB purposeC problemD suggestion(5)A quietlyB happilyC

9、 strangelyD surprisingly(6)A classB groupC schoolD work(7)A everythingB somethingC nothingD anything(8)AfriendlyB honestC braveDlazy(9)AfairB unfairC luckyD unlucky(10)A caringB talkingC thinkingD dealing三、阅读理解(共5小题;每小题8分,满分40分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A B.C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选15(8分)HE Karin, Thanks so much for your

10、support this weekThings have been really difficult with all the revision and everything! Really appreciate(感激)all your helpLets get together after the exams!Yours,JohnDear grandma, Thank you very much for the bag you sent me for my birthdayIt was really nice of you Im going on holiday next month, so

11、 Im planning to take it while Im away! I hope youre wellLove,CindyDear Mr Green, I am writing to say thank you for letting us stay in your house in Australia last monthWe were very happy with everything and we thought the house was beautiful We had a lovey holiday in Sydney We really enjoyed explori

12、ng (探索) the town and the local areaWe will use the Love A Flat website again to find a house to live in when we plan our next holiday Thank you again!Yours,Costa(1)Which note above is for a friend? A Johns noteB Cindys noteC Costas noteD MrGreens note(2)Who has sent a bag to Cindy for her birthday?

13、A Her fatherB Her motherC Her grandmaD Her grandpa(3)What did Costa think of MrGreens house? A BadB LargeC SmallD Good(4)Costa used the to find MrGreen s house according to the passageA telephoneB emailC websiteD TV16(8分)When I was in the middle school, I seldom raised my hands to answer questions i

14、n class And I found lots of my classmates were just like me When the teacher asked a question, I always lowered my head because I was afraid that the teacher saw me One day, in a foreign language class, Mr Black gave us a lesson He wanted us to be active in class, so he asked us some questions,but n

15、o one answeredAt the beginning of the class, let me tell you a story He said When I came to the United States to study, the university often invited famous people to make speeches Before the beginning of every speech, I found an interesting thing The students around me always took a cardboard folded

16、 (折叠) in half,wrote their names in bold (粗体) with the most eyecatching color,and then placed the cardboard on the seatSo when the speaker needed the answers from the students,he could see and call a listener s name directly I couldnt understand that My classmates told me the speakers were all top pe

17、ople who meant chances When your answer was to their surprise, it meant they might give you more chancesIn fact,I really saw a few students got great chances because of that After listening to the story,I understood that the chance will not find you itself You must show yourself all the time so that

18、 you can find a chance and then catch it(1)When the writers classmates were asked questions, most of them A raised their handsB shook their headsC closed their eyesD lowered their heads(2)Why did Mr Black tell his students a story at the beginning of his foreign language class? A Because he wanted t

19、he students to do homeworkB Because he wanted the students to take notes carefullyC Because he wanted the students to be active in classD Because he wanted the students to be quiet in class(3)A speaker at the university got to know the students names from A the computerB the cardboards on the studen

20、ts seatsC Mr BlackD the name list on the teacher s desk(4)What can we learn from this passage? A Being active in class is interestingB Doing as others do is necessaryC Answering questions bravely is easyD Showing yourself bravely can win chances17(8分)Every Saturday evening, many people come to an op

21、en square in a small town in Xi an They want to watch Chen Kun and his friends put on a play During the play, the audience (观众) can hear them, but they can not see them That is because they are putting on a shadow puppet play (皮影戏) Shadow puppets are made of hard leather (皮革) The leather is cut out

22、in the shape of a person,an animal or an object Each puppet is painted in bright colours and put on a stick Some puppets have movable arms and legs During a shadow puppet play, Chen stands behind a white screen with lights behind it The audience sit in front of the screen Chen and his friends hold t

23、he puppets very close to the screen so the audience can see the puppets shadows clearly Then they move the puppets around and do the voices of the different characters Shadow puppet plays are a traditional Chinese art Now with TV and films, shadow puppet plays are not as popular as before To encoura

24、ge more young people to learn the skills of shadow puppet plays,Chen provides training courses for students to teach them how to make shadow puppets Chen and his friends often work very hard for little money, but they do not mind They want to keep this traditional art form alive(1)Why cannot the aud

25、ience see Chen Kun and his friends during the play? A Because there is no light in front of the screenB Because the audience sit too far to see themC Because Chen Kun and his friends are watching a playD Because Chen Kun and his friends are putting on a shadow puppet play behind the screen(2)Accordi

26、ng to the passage, what are shadow puppets made of ? A LeatherB SticksC PlasticD Paper(3)The underlined word it refers to (指) in the passageA a white screenB a lightC a shadow puppetD Chen Kun(4)Chen Kun and his friends put on shadow puppet plays because A they want to enjoy themselvesB they want to

27、 make as much money as they canC they want to keep this traditional art form aliveD shadow puppet plays are more popular than before18(8分)Amy wanted a mobile phone as her birthday gift, because most of her classmates had one, but she knew her parents couldnt afford it One day, when she woke up, she

28、found a new mobile phone on her desk How excited she was! This was the phone that had appeared in fashion magazines She played with the phone on the way to school And the teacher was already there when she arrived at school Amy was very embarrassed (尴尬的) She looked at her new mobile phone and whispe

29、red (低语),I didnt want to be late Everything changed with her thought She went to school on time with her new mobile phone She was surprised at that She turned on the phone and found there was a sentence on the screen,Every dream will come true Since then, she always asks the phone for help As a resu

30、lt, she has become lazier and lazier Her teachers and parents were very disappointed with her and her classmates didnt like her any more When the term exams came, Amy asked the mobile phone for help again,but things turned bad She got the lowest mark in the class She wanted to throw it away, but whe

31、n she did, the phone would come back into her hand Amy was so scared (恐惧的)that she cried out,I dont want the mobile phone any more She woke up to find that the terrible experience had been just a dream(1)What was Amys dream before her birthday? A To pass the examB To have a mobile phoneC To be prais

32、ed by her teacherD To be popular with her classmates(2)In the exams,why did Amy get the lowest mark in the class? ABecause she stayed up late to play the mobile phoneBBecause she was always late for schoolC Because it took her too much time to read fashion magazinesD Because she always asked the mob

33、ile phone for help(3)From the passage we can infer (推断) that A Amy got mobile phone at lastB Amys parents were rich enough to buy her a mobile phoneC Amy didnt want the mobile phone any more after the dreamD Amy became better and better with the help of the mobile phone(4)The Best title of this pass

34、age may be A A Birthday GiftB An Embarrassing ExperienceC A Useful Mobile PhoneD A Terrible Dream about a Mobile Phone19(8分)Mostly, inventions happen because someone works to solve a problem Kids are natural inventorsThey often create amazing thing from simple ideasHere are a few examples that might

35、 make you wonder,Why didnt think of that? Popsicles Popsicles were invented by 11year old Frank Epperson in 1905 He forgot a drink of juice and left it with a stir(搅拌) stick in it outside on a cold night The next day it was ice Because of this he couldnt drink it any more, but he could eat it It tas

36、ted good! These ice sticks became popular among kids at school in summer because they were delicious and helped them stay cool More than a hundred years later, popsicles are still one of the best summer treats! Crayon Holdans When 11 year old Cssidss Coldstein needed crayons for a school project,she

37、 had a hard time because,there were so many small or broken onesShe found some small clear plastic tubes(管子)at homeAlthough the tiny tube were usually filled with water to keep flowers fresh, she found that they fit tightly (紧紧地) around the crayons She was now able to hold them easilyThis is how she

38、 invented Caryon Holders Wristies When snow gets in kids gloves and their hands get wet, they feel uncomfortable. 10yearold Kathryn Gregoary decided to do something about itShe created the wristies as she wanted to keep her wrists(手腕)warm and dry Wristies are long gloves with no fingers and they are

39、 worn under your coat They help you when you work in the cold because your hands stay warm while you use your fingers With her parents help, Kathryn also opened a small shop where she sold her wristie And she still runs it today All these inventions have one thing in commonthe kids were trying to so

40、lve problems in their lives When you meet problems, what would you do? If the kids can do it ,you can do it, too!(1)Popsicles became popular among kids at school in summer because A they could not only drink them but also eat themB they tasted good and helped them stay coolC the stir sticks were use

41、ful in popsiclesD it was easy to make them(2)The underlined word runs in the passage means in ChineseA经营B跑步C行驶D竞赛(3)Where do you think the passage is from? A A novelBA guidebookC A science magazineD A poster(4)What s the main idea of this passage? A Let us run a shop like KathrynB Everyone can becom

42、e an inventor by accidentC Kids are so clever that they can invent thingsD When you meet problems, never give up and you can solve them well五、语法填空(共1小题;每小题10分;满分10分)合阅读下面短文,在空白处填人适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空一词)公20(10分)Li Wen is a 15yearold boy He works hard and(1) (do) well in school, It is hard to believe,

43、that he used to have (2) (difficulty) in school When he was a little boy, he seldom caused any problems, and his family(3) (spend) a lot of time together (4) ,things began to change a few years ago His parents moved to the city to work,and they could not be at home to look (5) him So he became less

44、interested in (6) (study) and was absent from classesThen his parents were so worried(7) they decided to send him to a boarding school He found life there difficult One day he told his teacher that he wanted to leave the school His teacher advised his parents to talk with (8) (they) son in person Th

45、is conversation changed his life He realized that his parents would always love him,and they would be (9) (pride) of everything good that he did Now he is much (10) (happy) and more outgoing than he used to be六、单词拼写 (共1小题,每小题5分,满分5分).根据下列短文,写出与各小题所给汉语相对应的英语单词的正确形式(每空一词)21(5分)It is useful to learn how to make small talkIt is an important social skillIt helps to make people feel(1) (放松的) and start a conversation when they meet for the(2) (第一) time


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