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1、2016年湖南省湘潭市中考英语试卷(教师版)一、知识运用(两部分,共15小题,计25分)第1节语法填空1(1分)The right pronunciation of the wordcompetitionis _()A/kmptain/B/kmptin/C/kmptin/【考点】22:语音【分析】competition这个单词的正确发音是哪一个?【解答】答案:C根据给出的单词是competition,这个词的意思是竞赛音标是kmptin,与C项的音标一致,因此可知这句话的意思是competition这个单词的发音是哪一个?综上所述,故选C【点评】首先要掌握这个单词的发音,然后结合具体的题目,就

2、可以确定正确答案2(1分)Giving and receivinghongbaoon WeChat(微信)is _ new way to express thanks,love and friendship()AaBanCthe【考点】52:不定冠词(a,an)【分析】在微信收发红包是一种新的表达感谢、爱和友谊的方式【解答】答案:A根据题意在微信收发红包是一种新的表达感谢、爱和友谊的方式,可知此处表示泛指,new发音以元音音素开头,用冠词a,故选A【点评】熟悉冠词的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案3(1分)These are my sunglasses_ are over there()AYouB

3、YoursCYour【考点】62:物主代词【分析】这是我的太阳镜,你的在那边【解答】答案:B根据题意这是我的太阳镜,你的在那边,可知考查物主代词,空格后没有名词,所以要填名词性物主代词,故选B【点评】熟悉物主代词的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案4(1分)Can I help you?Yes,pleaseI need some _ and drinks()ApotatoBappleCbeef【考点】48:名词的词义辨析【分析】我能帮你吗?是的,我需要一些牛肉和饮料【解答】答案:C首先明确选项中每个单词或短语的意思,A:土豆;B:苹果;C:牛肉; 根据题干结合前面的some(修饰可数名词复数形式或不

4、可数名词)推测设空处句子的句意是我能帮你吗?是的,我需要一些牛肉和饮料,由此判断句子中缺少牛肉(不可数名词)一词,故答案为C【点评】了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,还要从句意着手,根据句意作出解答;所以,平时的学习中要多进行积累词汇,才能很好的完成5(1分)Tara and Tina are both smart,but Tina is _ than Tara()AhardworkingBmore hardworkingCthe most hardworking【考点】81:形容词的比较级和最高级【分析】Tara和Tina都很聪明,但是Tina比Tara更加勤奋【解答】答案:B根据th

5、an Tara,推测题意但是Tina比Tara更加勤奋,可知是比较级,结合选项,A是原级 B是比较级 C是最高级,故选B【点评】熟悉形容词比较等级的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案6(1分)How do you learn English?_ listening to tapes()AByBWithCFor【考点】7B:常用介词的辨析【分析】你怎样学习英语?通过听录音带来学习英语【解答】答案:A结合语境可以推断这句话表达的意思是你怎样学习英语?通过听录音带来学习英语,所以设空处的介词短语表达的意思是通过听录音带,应该用介词by表方式,故选A【点评】英语介词的一个特点是一词多义,并且介词间语义交叉现

6、象很多,习惯用法也很多,有时很难从词义上区分开来故学习中要注意不断总结,熟记一些介词和动词的固定搭配用法及习惯用法,是完成此类问题的捷径7(1分)Going hiking with a group of people makes me _()ArelaxingBto relaxCrelax【考点】I5:主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语【分析】跟一群人徒步旅行让我放松【解答】答案:C 根据关键词 makes me 结合选项中的动词relax,可知此处应用固定用法make sb do sth,make为使役动词,指使某人做某事;所以此处应该用动词原形relax故选C【点评】此题抓住关键词联系其固定

7、用法即可做出正确答案8(1分)Look!The man _ be MrBlackHes always standing there at this time every day()AmustBcantCmustnt【考点】DB:情态动词【分析】看!那个人一定是布莱克先生每天在这个时候,他总是站在那里【解答】答案:Amust一定;cant不可能;mustnt不可以根据Hes always standing there at this time every day,可知每天在这个时候,他总是站在那里所以一定是布莱克先生这里用must故选A【点评】对待此类考查情态动词的题目,首先要认真审题,结合所给

8、出的语境,正确把握说话者的语气、情感、态度、观点等其次要认真思考所给选项中情态动词的基本特征和用法,并结合语境推敲答案9(1分)Marcus is our foreign teacherHe _ in our school for two years()AwasBwill beChas been【考点】F5:现在完成时【分析】Marcus是我们的外文老师,他来我们学校两年了【解答】答案:C结合可知动作发生在过去,持续了一段时间,故用现在完成时have/has+过去分词,主语he,故has,故选C【点评】现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果或表示过去的动作或状态持续到现在它的构成是

9、:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词10(1分)The telephone _ by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876()Awas inventedBis inventedCinvented【考点】GA:语态的辨析【分析】1876年Alexander Graham Bell 发明了电话【解答】答案:A主语the telephone是invent的承受者,结合 in 1876用一般过去时的被动语态was/were+过去分词,主语单数,故was、故选A【点评】被动语态由助动词be+及物动词的过去分词构成被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变疑问式和否定式

10、的变化也如此11(1分)We will visit the history Museum if it _ tomorrow()Awont rainBdoesnt rainCwasnt raining【考点】IE:否定句【分析】如果明天不下雨,我们就会去历史博物馆【解答】答案:Bif引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现的规则,从句主语it,故借助于does构成否定,故答案是B【点评】if 条件句不一般,几个要点记心间;条件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间条件句表可能,主句多用将来时;条件句表事实,主句常用现在时12(1分)I prefer friends _ are different from me()

11、AwhichBwhoseCwho【考点】67:关系代词【分析】我更喜欢和我不一样的朋友【解答】答案:Cwhich意思是哪一个指物;whose意思是谁的可以指人,也可以指物;who意思是谁主格,指人,在定语从句中作主语根据先行词friends朋友,是指人的词语,又根据_ are different from me空格处缺少一个可以作主语的引导词,所以这句话的意思是我更喜欢和我不一样的朋友综上所述,故选C【点评】首先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案13(1分)There _ a sports meeting in our school next month()Awill b

12、eBwill haveCis going to have【考点】I6:there be 句型【分析】下个月我们学校将举行运动会【解答】答案:A考查there be句型句意:下个月我们学校将举行运动会There be句型的将来时态为there will be或there is going to be;there和have不可以同时出现在一个句子中根据题干There _ a sports meeting in our school next month可知next month下个月,句子是一般将来时,应说下个月我们学校将举行运动会故选A【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,根据具体内容作答14(1分)_ i

13、s from your home to school?Five kilometers()AHow longBHow farCHow soon【考点】LD:距离(how far)【分析】你家到学校多远?五公里【解答】答案:B,how long多长时间,how far多远,how soon多久之后,结合Five kilometers表示距离,故选B【点评】要考查特殊疑问句的疑问词组,做此类题目,一定注意答语的句意,根据答语推测所要问的内容,然后选出所需要的疑问词或疑问词组15(1分)_ visitors come to Shaoshan to celebrate Chairman Maos bir

14、thday on December 26th every year()AThousand ofBThousands ofCThousand【考点】A9:数词的用法【分析】数以千计的游客在每年的12月26日来到韶山来庆祝毛主席的生日【解答】答案:B 根据空前没有具体的数词,结合选项,推测意思是数以千计的游客在每年的12月26日来到韶山来庆祝毛主席的生日,即这里表示虚指,用Thousands of,后接可数名词复数,故选B【点评】解答此类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和逻辑关系,区分选项的细微差别二、词语填空16(10分)In the tenth grade,I began volunteeri

15、ng at an animal hospitalI wanted to get experience for my future job(36)C,that particular(特别的) Saturday morning taught me something more importantThe(37)A was in the middle of a poorer section of the cityOne Saturday morning a man and his young(38)C,who was about seven years old,walked in with a sma

16、ll cat in a boxI (39)Bthe cat had an eye problem,but the man could not (40)B the cost of the medicineWhen he asked where the nearest animal shelter(庇护所) was,his son(41)A and started to argue with his fatherJust then,an old lady in the waiting room walked up to themShe said that she could pay for the

17、 costThe man(42)C her and the son got to keep a healthy catI had (43)A thought it was the right thing to help out a person in need,but it was only seen on TV or in moviesThe woman taught me that these things do(44)Ain real life,and should happen more oftenWhen I cant decide whether to help someone i

18、n need or not,I will remember that woman,and have the (45)B to do it36AAnywayBBesidesCHowever37AhospitalBschoolCstore38AwifeBdaughterCson39ApromisedBrememberedCimagined40Atake upBpay forCgive away41AcriedBsmiledCcheered42ArefusedBstoppedCthanked43AalwaysBhardlyCnever44AhappenBhaveCchange45AtimeBcour

19、ageCadvantage【考点】N1:记叙文【分析】这篇短文讲述了作者在兽医医院实习期间,遇到的一件事一个老人无偿的替一对贫穷的父子支付了他们小猫的治疗费用,从而让作者受到了教育,这个老妇人会永远鼓励着作者的行动【解答】36C考查连词,AAnyway 无论如何BBesides另外 CHowever然而,根据that particular(特别的) Saturday morning taught me something more important那个特别的星期六的早晨,教会我更重要的东西,可知这根前面是转折关系,故选C37A考查名词,Ahospital医院 Bschool 学校Cstore

20、商店,根据前文说到I began volunteering at an animal hospital我开始在一家动物医院做志愿工作,可知此处指的是医院,故选A38C考查名词,Awife妻子 Bdaughter女儿 Cson 儿子,根据后文his son(41),可知是他和儿子一起,故选C39B考查动词,Apromised许诺 Bremembered记得 Cimagined 想象,根据the cat had an eye problem这只猫眼睛有问题,结合语境,可知这是我的回忆,故选B40B考查动词,Atake up拿起 Bpay for付款 Cgive away分发,根据the cost

21、of the medicine医药费用,可知是支付不起医药费,故选B41A考查动词,Acried哭 Bsmiled笑 Ccheered欢呼,根据started to argue with his father他的儿子跟他争吵起来,可知儿子哭了,故选A42C考查动词,Arefused拒绝 Bstopped阻止 Cthanked感谢,根据she could pay for the cost她可以支付医药费,可知老人帮助了父子俩,他们要表示感谢,故选C43A考查动词,Aalways 总是Bhardly几乎不 Cnever 从不,根据but it was only seen on TV or in m

22、ovies但是它只在电视或电影被看到过,可知前文说的意思是我总是认为帮助别人是对的,可现实中没有,只有电视或电影里才有,故选A44A考查动词,Ahappen 发生Bhave 有Cchange改变,根据The woman taught me that these things 老人让我知道了这些事情,前文说到老人帮忙支付医药费,可知现在知道了这的确也会发生在现实中,故选A45B考查名词,Atime 时间Bcourage勇气 Cadvantage优势,根据I will remember that woman我将永远记得那个老人,可知老人的行为给了我鼓励和勇气,故选B【点评】解答完形填空题需要快速阅

23、读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文三、. 阅读技能 (共5小题,计40分)17(10分)It is a convenient kind of transportationIt is also great exerciseAnd it makes a healthy lifestyleDo you know what it is?Yes,we are talking about bikingMost of us know that biking is a clean and cheap way to get around a cityIt not only reduc

24、es traffic problems and pollution,but it is also good for peoples healthIn many countries,bikefriendly facilities(设施) are making peoples lives betterIn the worlds top bikefriendly city,Copenhagen,the capital city od Denmark(丹麦),traffic lights in main crossings are always green for bike riders during

25、 peak(高峰) hoursAnd when its snowy,the snow is cleared from the bicycle roads first and then car roadsThe US has a special day to encourage people to ride bikesIt is Bike to Work Day on May 20thTo make cycling easy,the government had built over 200cycle roads until 2014In China,you can also find a fe

26、w bikefriendly citiesXiamen is one of themYou can rent bikes and take a ride on the circular road(环岛路)In Xiangtan,people have been able to rent bikes in busy areas of the city in the past two yearsIts very convenient and liked by many people46What is the text mainly about?CAGreat exerciseBA healthy

27、lifestyleCBiking47From the text,we know that the worlds top bikefriendly city is inAADenmarkBAmericaCChina48May 20th is a special day in America to encourage people to go to workBAby carBby nikeCby subway49The US government had built over 200A until 2014Acycle roadsBcar roadsCmain crossings50Biking

28、is liked by people in Xiangtan because it isBAcoolBconvenientCsafe【考点】O9:日常生活类阅读【分析】短文详细的介绍了一个方便的交通方式自行车详细的介绍了自行车在丹麦,美国和中国的一些地区的使用情况,及其骑自行车的优点【解答】答案:46C 细节理解题根据整篇文章内容及其第一段句子It is a convenient kind of transportationIt is also great exerciseAnd it makes a healthy lifestyleDo you know what it is?Yes,we

29、 are talking about biking这是一个方便的交通方式这也是很好的锻炼,它是一个健康的生活方式你知道这是什么吗?是的,我们谈论的是骑自行车可知文章主要说的是自行车故选C47A 细节理解题根据第三段句子In the worlds top bikefriendly city,Copenhagen,the capital city od Denmark(丹麦),世界上最适合骑自行车的城市,丹麦首都哥本哈根可知是在丹麦故选A48B 细节理解题根据第四段句子The US has a special day to encourage people to ride bikesIt is B

30、ike to Work Day on May 20th美国有一个特殊的日子,鼓励人们骑自行车这是5月20日,一天都骑自行车去上班可知5月20日是美国的一个特殊日子,鼓励人们骑自行车去上班故选B49A 细节理解题根据第四段句子the government had built over 200cycle roads until 2014直到2014年政府建造了超过200条循环的道路可知直到2014年美国政府建造了超过200条循环的道路故选A50B 细节理解题根据最后一段句子In Xiangtan,people have been able to rent bikes in busy areas o

31、f the city in the past two yearsIts very convenient and liked by many people在湘潭,在过去的两年里,人们可以在繁华的城市地段租自行车很方便很多人很喜欢可知因为它是方便的故选B【点评】在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案18(4分)阅读Amy 中考后的活动计划,完成51/52小题June 20th Tidy the roomJune 24th Make a big meal for Mum and DadJune 26th Watch a movie with G

32、ina and AndyJune 28th Learn to swim with the help of the coach51Amy will watch a movie withB on June 26thAher parentsBher friendsCthe coach52Amy will learn to swim on JuneCA.20thB.24thC.28th【考点】O9:日常生活类阅读【分析】短文详细介绍了Amy 中考后的活动计划,6月20日整理房间,6月24日为爸爸妈妈做一顿大餐,6月26日,和吉娜,安迪看电影,6月28日学习游泳【解答】答案:51B 细节理解题根据第三行

33、句子June 26th Watch a movie with Gina and Andy6月26日,吉娜和安迪看电影可知Amy 和她的朋友们故选B52C 细节理解题根据第四行句子June 28th Learn to swim with the help of the coach可知6月28日Amy 将学习游泳故选C【点评】在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案19(6分) International LibraryBOOKS,CDS,AND VIDEOSOver 100foreign newspapersand magazinesEntr

34、ance(进入) FreeMonday to Friday 8:30am6:30pm53There are over 100C in the International LibraryAforeign booksBCDs and videosCforeign newspapers and magazines54The library is not open onCATuesdayBThursdayCSaturday55PeopleA if they want to go into the International LibraryAdont need to payBneed ID cardsC

35、need to buy tickets【考点】O7:广告布告类阅读【分析】这是一个图书馆的广告,介绍了图书馆的藏书情况和开放时间等信息【解答】C C A53C细节理解题,根据Over 100foreign newspapersand magazines可知图书馆有一千多种外语杂志和报纸,故答案为:C 54C细节理解题,根据Monday to Friday 可知图书馆的开放时间是周一到周五,故答案为:C 55A细节理解题,根据 Free可知图书馆是免费的,人们不用付钱,故答案为:A【点评】做题时要在理解好文意的基础上,与题目有机的结合,从文章中找到相关细节性的句子与选项细细比对,进行选择或推理判

36、断,找出符合文章内容的正确答案做题注意灵活,有时可采用排除法20(10分)What do you do during your free time?Travel?Play with friends?Well,some American teenagers over the age of 14may get a parttime jobTheir parttime jobs can be taking care of children,waiting tables or even working at a movie theaterBut why do teens do this?Some wa

37、nt to have extra(额外的) moneyOthers want to start saving money for college because some US parents may not pay for their childrens tuition(学费)Some teens might want to save money for something big,like buying a carMany teens choose to get parttime jobs during the summer holidayThats because they are bu

38、sy studying in the school yearHaving a parttime job is great for any US teenThet get an idea of what the real working world is likeAnd it gives them skills and experienceThat will help them get a fulltime(全职的) job later in lifeParttime jobs in AmericaKindstaking care of children,waiting tables,worki

39、ng at (56)a movie theater(57)Reasonsmaking extra moneysaving money (58)For collegesaving money for something big Timeduring (59)The summer holiday Benefits(好处)getting an idea of the real working worldgetting (60)Skills and experiencegetting a fulltime job later in life【考点】P6:阅读填空【分析】短文主要讲了美国青少年做的一些兼

40、职工作,及其挣来的钱用来干什么,和做兼职工作给他们带来的益处【解答】答案:56a movie theater细节理解题根据第一段句子Their parttime jobs can be taking care of children,waiting tables or even working at a movie theater可知兼职工作的种类有照看小孩,端盘子甚至在电影院工作故答案为a movie theater57Reasons细节理解题根据表格中的内容making extra money,saving money for something big,可知均为做兼职工作的理由故答案为R

41、easons 58For college细节理解题 根据第二段句子Some want to have extra(额外的) moneyOthers want to start saving money for college because some US parents may not pay for their childrens tuition(学费)Some teens might want to save money for something big,like buying a car可知做兼职的理由有挣零花钱、挣大学的学费或者为买一些大件的东西攒钱故答案为For college5

42、9The summer holiday细节理解题根据第三段句子Many teens choose to get parttime jobs during the summer holiday可知青少年一般在暑假做兼职工作故答案为 The summer holiday 60Skills and experience 细节理解题根据第四段句子They get an idea of what the real working world is likeAnd it gives them skills and experienceThat will help them get a fulltime(全

43、职的) job later in life可知做兼职的好处有:对真实的工作世界有一个认识,获得技巧与经验,帮助以后得到一份全职工作故答案为Skills and experience【点评】做题时首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意其次,细读题材,各个击破掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息21(10分)A little girl lived in a small and poor house on a hillAs she grew up,she often played in the small gardenShe was

44、 finally able to see a wonderful house over the garden fenceThe house was high on the other side of the hillIt had golden windowsIt was so beautiful that the little girl dreamed of living thereWhen she was old enough to go outside the garden fence,she asked her mother if she could visit her dream ho

45、use by herselfHer mother agreedThe day was beautifulThe little girl rode her bike and startedAt last,she got to the gate of the house with golden windowsAs she got off her bike,she found that all the windows were a little old and dirtyShe was very disappointed,and so she turned backAs she looked up,she saw a sight(景象) that amazed herOn the other side of the hill was a sm


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