1、Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the three represents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such changes were made, is conducive to implementing the innovation of Marxism in China, especially the scientific concept of development the strategic task of arming the whole party, play gr
2、ass-roots organizations in promoting the scientific Outlook on development into the grass-roots level, and to implement the important role. Third, how to use the contents of the new Constitution guiding party building through studying the essence of the new Constitution, the flexible application of
3、the essence of the Constitution in party building, and I think the key to grasping the following: to catch the discipline, focus on strengthening the partys rules and regulations binding. To strictly observe and carry out the partys political discipline, ensure the centralism and unity of the whole
4、party. Party cadres, especially leading cadres, both doers, but also have a strong sense of political awareness to dry line, line, not lack of ability to work, become a talker; hard work isSkill, political direction, unable to understand when confused. Flag of the CPC Central Committee and the Commi
5、ttees requirements into Departments request, to a holistic and concerted efforts, subject to the overall situation. Second, cadres and strive to play an exemplary role of party members and cadres of hardworking and clean, emphasizes lead, shift, led. Lead is to adhere to set an example, to lead by e
6、xample, deal with the relationship between individuals and parties, real lead role shift is in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility, creating a fighting force; lead is to adhere to strict requirements, strict management and strict supervision. Three catch basis and strive to enhance the c
7、ombat effectiveness of the party organization. To according to Constitution on grass-roots party of requirements, to implementation good basic system, for members for, regardless of party positions has more high, administrative terms has more big, any when are to has Organization concept, active par
8、ticipate in organization activities, consciously accept party of supervision; to do based sex work, management good members, service good members, grass-roots party to using members organization received turned, and members thought reported, and party of Conference and dues pay, opportunities, maste
9、r members of basic situation, care members life. Four to focus and work hard to resolve. Comrades, the above is what I give you guidance in the new Constitution. Hope every Member of the party to pass the tutor, deepen our understanding of the Constitution in the partys guiding ideology advancing wi
10、th the times, consciously link their own thinking and practice, after careful study, read and carefully understand, think, relate, apply what they have learned. Not only runs through the mass line of the party Constitution to learn the new educational practice all the time, but also to harvest as a
11、good starting point to learn, study and work to do better in the future, and strive to create a new situation for school education contribute their机械设计基础课程设计计算书机械设计基础课程设计COURSE PROJECT题目: 双级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器 系别: 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导老师: 时间: 目 录第 1 章机械设计课程设计任务书41.1.设计题目41.2.设计要求51.3.设计说明书的主要内容51.4.课程设计日程安排5第 2
12、章传动装置的总体设计62.1.传动方案拟定62.2.电动机的选择62.3.确定传动装置的传动比2.4.传动装置的运动和动力设计6第 3 章传动零件的设计计算73.1 选定齿轮传动类型、材料、热处理方式、精度等级3.2 初选主要参数3.3 按齿面接触疲劳强度计算3.4 确定模数3.5 按齿根弯曲疲劳强度校核计算3.6 几何尺寸计算3.7 验算初选精度等级是否合适第 4 章轴的设计计算84.1 齿轮轴的设计4.1.1 确定轴上零件的定位和固定方式4.1.2 按扭转强度估算轴的直径4.1.3 确定轴各段直径和长度4.1.4 求齿轮上作用力的大小、方向4.1.5 轴承支承反力4.1.6 弯矩图4.1.
13、7 转矩图4.1.8 当量弯矩图4.1.9 判断危险截面并验算强度4.2 输出轴的设计计算4.2.1 确定轴上零件的定位和固定方式4.2.2按扭转强度估算轴的直径4.2.3确定轴各段直径和长度4.2.4求齿轮上作用力的大小、方向4.2.5轴承支承反力4.2.6 弯矩图4.2.7 转矩图4.2.8 当量弯矩图4.2.9 判断危险截面并验算强度第 5 章 滚动轴承的选择及校核计算65.1 输入轴的轴承设计计算5.1.1 初步计算当量动载荷P5.1.2 求轴承应有的径向基本额定载荷值5.1.3 选择轴承型号5.2 输出轴的轴承设计计算5.2.1 初步计算当量动载荷P5.2.2 求轴承应有的径向基本额
14、定载荷值5.2.3 选择轴承型号第 6 章键联接的选择及计算106.1 输入轴与联轴器联接键的选择及计算6.2 输出轴与联轴器联接键的选择及计算6.3 输出轴与齿轮联接键的选择及计算第 7 章连轴器的选择与计算117.1 减速器与输送带联接联轴器选择7.1.1 类型选择7.1.2 载荷计算7.1.3 型号选择7.2 电动机与减速器联接联轴器选择7.2.1 类型选择7.2.2 载荷计算7.2.3 型号选择第 8 章 密封与润滑的设计98.1 密封8.2 润滑第 9 章 箱体及各附件的设计109.1 箱体9.2 视孔盖和窥视孔9.3 油螺塞9.4 油标9.5 通气孔9.6 启盖螺钉9.7 定位销9
15、.8 吊钩设计小结10参考文献11本文首先研究了我国药店信息管理系统的作用,通过作用,优势引出普及药店信息管理系统的必要性,然后再分析目前我国药店信息管理系统的发展现状包括Thank you very much. -The Constitution Party rules address the series really is a qualified party members earlier this year, all party members to the Central series of party rules, and address of the party Constitu
16、tion, be qualified party members learn education is an important decision. XI Jinping, Secretary General chaired a Politburo meeting in February, were devoted to educational programmes and made an important speech recently personally approved specific programmes, many important instructions. On Apri
17、l 6, 13th, 15th, the Central and autonomous regional party Committee, the municipal party Committee held educational symposium, and related matters For specific deployment, we held on March 4, Hongshan district party working Conference also proposed to carry out this activity. All together this foru
18、m today, main purpose is to study and implement in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on two important instructions for learning education, studying and implementing the Central and autonomous region Party Committee and municipal party Committee two spiritual education Symposium, arrangements for di
19、strict-wide learning education. The following, I would like to stress four points, mainly talk about learning and doing issue, and strive to make people really figure out why, what to learn and how they learn, what to do, how to do it, eventually reached little success, is also leading a lesson in p
20、arty lecture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Branch Secretary or an ordinary party member, to implement certain boundaries education give a Party lecture requirement, practice speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, down to Earth, ensuring educational success. First, you know
21、, pay special attention to education and to resolutely overcome sluggish thinking, and boredom two study and education, possibly quite a few comrades, saying education every year, almost every year fool fool, I feel that with this in mind who may be many. If carrying this idea in mind, what does tha
22、t tell, how the political consciousness is not strong and not see the pulse of the situation, no, the Rip van Winkle, lost or confused in the end do not know whats going on. To realize two a learning practice activities and education is the education of the partys mass line, three-three special educ
23、ation was another important practice in implementing the requirements of strictly administering the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the deployment of doing education, is to promote the inner-party education from critical few their expansion into the vast number of party members, extending fro
24、m the concentrated education to regular education. After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle party, strictly administering the party, and has carried out the partys mass line education practice and three-three special education, but focus on the leading cadres above the county level. The
25、two study and education, is carried out in the whole party and all the party members. This is implemented strictly administering the party, an important measure to21机械设计基础课程设计计算书第 1 章 机械设计课程设计任务书1.1. 设计题目设计用于带式运输机的单级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器,如图如示。 参数FVD单位Nm/smm数据27500.80 300已知数据:1.2. 设计要求1.减速器装配图A0 一张2.设计说明书一份约6000
26、8000字1.3. 课程设计目的1. 熟悉单级圆柱齿轮减速器的工作原理,设计与计算的方法;2. 运用所学的知识解决设计中所遇到的具体实际问题,培养独立工作能力,以及初步学会综合运用所学知识,解决材料的选择,强度计算和刚度计算,制造工艺与装配工艺等方面的问题。3. 熟悉有关设计资料,学会查阅手册和运用国家标准。1.4. 设计说明书的主要内容封面 (标题及班级、姓名、学号、指导老师、完成日期)目录(包括页次)设计任务书传动方案的分析与拟定(简单说明并附传动简图)电动机的选择计算传动装置的运动及动力参数的选择和计算传动零件的设计计算轴的设计计算滚动轴承的选择和计算键联接选择和计算联轴器的选择设计小结
27、(体会、优缺点、改进意见)参考文献1.5. 课程设计日程安排表 1 课程设计日程安排表1)准备阶段12月27日12月27日1天2)传动装置总体设计阶段12月28日12月28日1天3)传动装置设计计算阶段12月29日12月31日3天4)减速器装配图设计阶段1月3日1月7日5天5)零件工作图绘制阶段1月8日1月9日2天6)设计计算说明书编写阶段1月10日1月10日1天7)设计总结和答辩1月11日1天第 2 章 传动装置的总体设计2.1. 传动方案拟定 原始数据: 带速V=0.8m/s;滚筒直径D=300mm;运输带工作拉力:F=2750N 2.2. 电动机的选择 1)、电动机类型和结构的选择:选择
28、Y系列三相异步电动机,此系列电动机属于一般用途的全封闭自扇冷电动机,其结构简单,价格低廉,维护方便,适用于无特殊要求的各种机械设备。2)、电动机容量选择:传动效率的确定:式中参数: 弹性联轴器的传动效率 一对滚动轴承的传动效率 8级精度的齿轮传动效率 弹性联轴器的传动效率 卷筒的传动效率电机转速: 960 电动机所需工作功率为: d总 (kw) V/1000 (KW)所以:电机所需的工作功率:Pd= FV/1000总 =(27500.8)/(10000.79) =2.785(kw)选用电机型号为Y132s-6 额定功率P=3.0kw2.3. 确定传动装置的传动比卷筒工作转速为:n卷筒60100
29、0V/(D) =(6010000.8)/(300)=50.93 r/min总传动比i总=n电机/n卷筒=960/50.93=18.84 按展开式二级圆柱齿轮减速器推荐高级传动比i1=(1.31.5)i2,取i1=1.3i2,得 取i1=4.90 i2=3.83 取i2=3.782.4. 传动装置的运动和动力设计(1)计算各轴的转数: 轴:n=n电动机=960 (r/min) (电机轴)轴:n= n/ i1 =960/4.9=195.9 r/min轴:n= n/ i2=195.9/3.78=51.83 r/min卷筒轴:n= n=51.83 r/min(2)计算各轴的输入功率:轴: P=Pd01
30、 =Pd1 =2.7850.96=2.67(kw)轴: P= P12= P23 =2.670.980.97 =2.54(kw)轴:P= P23= P23=2.550.980.97=2.41kw卷筒轴: P= P34= P24 =2.420.980.96 =2.27kw(3)计算各轴的输出功率:由于轴的输出功率分别为输入功率乘以轴承效率:故:P=P轴承=2.670.98=2.63 KWP= P轴承=2.540.98=2.5KWP= P轴承=2.410.98=2.37KWP= P轴承=2.270.98=2.23KW(4)计算各轴的输入转矩:电动机轴输出转矩为: Td=9550Pd/nm=95502
31、.785/960=27.7Nm轴: T=9550P/n=95502.67/960=26.56Nm轴:T=9550P/n=95502.54/195.9=123.82Nm轴:T=9550P/n=95502.41/51.83=444.06Nm卷筒轴输入轴转矩:T=9550P/n=95502.27/51.83=418.26Nm(5)计算各轴的输出转矩:由于轴的输出转矩分别为输入转矩乘以轴承效率:则:T= T轴承=25.560.98=25.05NmT = T轴承=123.820.98=121.34NmT = T轴承=444.060.98=435.18NmT = T轴承=418.260.98=409.9N
32、m综合以上数据,得表如下:轴名效率P (KW)转矩T (Nm)转速nr/min输入输出输入输出电动机轴2.78527.66960轴2.672.6226.5625.05960轴2.542.49123.82121.34195.9轴2.412.36444.06435.1851.83卷筒轴2.272.22418.26409.951.83第 3 章 传动零件的设计计算第一对齿轮传动的设计3.1.1 选定齿轮传动类型、材料、热处理方式、精度等级选软齿面,小齿轮的材料为45号钢调质,齿面硬度为220HBW,大齿轮选用45号钢正火,齿面硬度为200HBW。齿轮精度初选8级3.1.2 初选主要参数Z1=20 ,
33、u=4.90 Z2=Z1u=204.90=98查教材表7.7得齿宽系数d= 按齿面接触疲劳强度计算计算小齿轮分度圆直径 d1 确定各参数值 载荷系数 查教材表7-6 取K=1.0 小齿轮名义转矩T1=26.56103Nmm 齿数比 u=4.9 许用应力 小轮的齿面硬度为220HBW,查7-21得=550MPa,由图7-23得=260MPa,取安全系数=1,=1.25,许用应力为: 大轮的齿面硬度为220HBW,查7-21得=400MPa,由图7-23得=170MPa,取安全系数=1,=1.25,许用应力为: 取两式计算中的较小值,即H=400MPa于是 d1 =48.23mm3
34、.1.4 确定模数m=d1/Z1=48.23/20mm=2.41mm由表7-1选取第一系列标准模数m=23.1.5 按齿根弯曲疲劳强度校核计算由齿根数Z1=20,Z2=98,查表7-8得齿形系数YF1=2.92, YF2=2.20.代入校核公式: 故满足齿根弯曲疲劳强度要求3.1.6 几何尺寸计算d1=mZ1=220=40 mmd2=mZ2=298=196 mma=m(Z1+Z2)/2=2(20+98)/2=118mm大齿轮宽度b2=dd1=0.840=32mm 圆整b2=35 mm取小齿轮宽度 b1 =b2+10 mm=45 mm 3.1.7 验算初选精度等级是否合适齿轮圆周速度: v=d1
35、n1/(601000) =3.1440960/(601000) =2.01 m/s对照教材表7-4可知选择8级精度合适。第二对齿轮传动的设计3.2.1 选定齿轮传动类型、材料、热处理方式、精度等级选软齿面,小齿轮的材料为45号钢调质,齿面硬度为220HBW,大齿轮选用45号钢正火,齿面硬度为200HBW。齿轮精度初选8级3.2.2 初选主要参数Z3=23 ,u=3.78 Z4=Z3u=233.78=87查教材表7.7得齿宽系数d= 按齿面接触疲劳强度计算计算小齿轮分度圆直径 D3 确定各参数值 载荷系数 查教材表7-6 取K=1.0 小齿轮名义转矩T2=123.82103Nmm
36、 齿数比 u=3.78 许用应力 小轮的齿面硬度为220HBW,查7-21得=550MPa,由图7-23得=260MPa,取安全系数=1,=1.25,许用应力为: 大轮的齿面硬度为220HBW,查7-21得=400MPa,由图7-23得=170MPa,取安全系数=1,=1.25,许用应力为: 取两式计算中的较小值,即H=400MPa于是 d3 =82mm3.2.4 确定模数m=d3/Z3=82/23mm=3.57mm由表7-1选取第二系列标准模数m=33.2.5 按齿根弯曲疲劳强度校核计算由齿根数Z3=23,Z4=87,查表7-8得齿形系数YF3=2.92, YF4=2.24.代入校核公式:
37、故满足齿根弯曲疲劳强度要求3.2.6 几何尺寸计算d3=mZ3=323=69 mmd4=mZ4=387=261 mma=m(Z3+Z4)/2=3(23+87)/2=165mm大齿轮宽度b4=dd3=0.869=55.2mm 圆整b4=60 mm取小齿轮宽度 b3 =b4+10 mm=70 mm 3.2.7 验算初选精度等级是否合适齿轮圆周速度: v=d3n2/(601000) =3.1469195.9/(601000) =0.577 m/s对照教材表7-4可知选择8级精度合适第 4 章 轴的设计计算齿轮轴的设计4.1 齿轮轴(输入轴)的设计4.1.1 按扭转强度估算轴的直径选用45#调质,硬度
38、217255HBW,轴的输入功率为P=2.67kw,转速为n=960 r/min根据教材P230(13-2)式,并查表13-2,取A=118d4.1.2 确定轴各段直径和长度(1)从联轴器开始右起第一段,由于联轴器与轴通过键联接,则轴应该增加5%,圆整后取D1= 22mm,又联轴器长度L=60mm 则第一段长度L1=58mm(2)右起第二段直径取D2=25mm,根据轴承端盖的装拆以及对轴承添加润滑脂的要求和箱体的厚度,取端盖的外端面与带轮的左端面间的距离为30mm,则取第二段的长度L2=70mm(3)右起第三段,该段装有滚动轴承,选用深沟球轴承,则轴承有径向力,而轴向力为零,选用6206型轴承
39、,其尺寸为dDB=306216,那么该段的直径为D3=30mm,长度为L3=20mm(4)右起第四段,为滚动轴承的定位轴肩,其直径应小于滚动轴承的内圈外径,取D4= 35mm,长度取L4= 10mm(5)右起第五段,该段为齿轮轴段,由于齿轮的齿顶圆直径为44mm,分度圆直径为40mm,齿轮的宽度为45mm,则此段的直径为D5= 44mm,长度为L5=45mm(6)右起第六段,应为轴两齿轮的安装留出充足空间,留出130mm的长度, D6=30mm(7)右起第七段,为滚动轴承的定位轴肩,其直径应小于滚动轴承的内圈外径,取D7=40mm,长度取L7= 10mm(8)右起第八段,该段为滚动轴承安装出处,取轴径为D8=35mm,长度L8=18mm4.1.3 求齿轮上作用力的大小、方向(1)小齿轮分度圆直径:
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