1、The speaker:顾吟秋吟秋Team members:唐珊珊唐珊珊 吴吴 洁 杨 健健Directory Telephone etiquette Reception etiquette Meeting etiquetteSocial contact etiquetteFirst:say polite language.such as hello.this is zhenjiang import&export CorpSecord:Answer the phone as soon as possible.No matter what customers ask must answer,ca
2、nt answer say sorryThird:Answer the phone with smilebecause people can feel the smile when youre talking.Telephone etiquetteReception etiquetteBritish peoples concept of time is very strong and greets or negotiate the business,must be in advance before visit to date,on time is very important,had bet
3、ter arrive a few minutes early for good.First knew each other,they usually shake hands.First contact with the British businessman,in order to ease tension,conversation topic often begins with talking about the weather,and then talk about how you like to visit the UK feeling,and so on,and then enter
4、the formal meeting topicMeeting etiquetteDoing business in the UK,you must strictly abide by credit,promised to things,must go all out.British people treat people very polite,please,thank you all.Punctuality and keep your promise.Social contact etiquette u英国商人习惯在酒吧或饭店中英国商人习惯在酒吧或饭店中进行商务磋商、会谈活动。特进行商务磋商、会谈活动。特别是有些部门、公司、企业都别是有些部门、公司、企业都是通过饮酒而完成某项商业交是通过饮酒而完成某项商业交易。有些商人更喜欢把贸易伙易。有些商人更喜欢把贸易伙伴邀请到他所加入的某某俱乐伴邀请到他所加入的某某俱乐部作客,以此炫耀自己的绅士部作客,以此炫耀自己的绅士派头,这也是当今英国商界内派头,这也是当今英国商界内最流行的会见商业伙伴的形式最流行的会见商业伙伴的形式Commumication