1、Do the following three main points:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity,but also let the students themselves,looks up the deficiencies.So,we teachers to understand the students knowledge of the situation
2、prior to the review,students not only found widespread deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these well designed programs,reasonable arrangement of time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you can design a form for investigation,understanding students weaknesses in each
3、 knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the problem of textbooks to review,both to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the basics,reading method,exercises,and so already have a certain degree of accu
4、mulation,the review stage,teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,process,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly do a problem learning a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review
5、 results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages,guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have lea
6、rned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basics(a)1,review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading cacuminal,nasal sound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonan
7、ts,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial
8、consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequencer and radical character lookup method有理数练习卷有理数练习卷一.填空题1.如果上升 3 米记作+3,那么下降 3 米记作 ,不升不降记作 .2.北京与纽约的时差为-13(负号表示同一时刻纽约时间比北京时间晚).如果现在是北京时间为15:00,那么
9、纽约时间是 .3.相反数等于它本身的数是 ,绝对值等于它本身的数是 ,倒数等于它本身的数是_.4.的倒数是,相反数是.3115.比较大小(用“”或“”表示):();(8)|8|.8.123)21()21(6.若,则 .3a5b0abba7.式子-30-20+15-17+16 按和式的读法为 .8.绝对值不大于 5 的非负整数是 9.在数-1,1,-5,-2,-3,6,任取三个数相乘,其中最大的积为 ,最小的积为 10.台湾是我国最大的岛屿,总面积为 35989.76 平方千米,这个数据用科学计数法表示 _平方千米(保留两个有效数字).11.用四舍五入得到的近似数 4.0精确到 ,有 个有效数字
10、.31012.把下列各数分别填入相应的大括号内:%15,32.0,10,213,03.0,1713,0,1415.3,5.3,7&自然数集合 ;整数集合 ;正分数集合 ;非正数集合 ;有理数集合 ;二.选择题1.下列语句:(1)所有整数都是正数;(2)分数是有理数;(3)所有的正数都是整数;(4)在有理数中,除了负数就是正数,其中正确的语句个数有 ()A1 个 B2 个 C3 个 D4 个Do the following three main points:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the
11、one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity,but also let the students themselves,looks up the deficiencies.So,we teachers to understand the students knowledge of the situation prior to the review,students not only found widespread deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these
12、 well designed programs,reasonable arrangement of time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you can design a form for investigation,understanding students weaknesses in each knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the problem of textbooks to review,both to avoid cast
13、ing a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the basics,reading method,exercises,and so already have a certain degree of accumulation,the review stage,teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,proce
14、ss,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly do a problem learning a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the
15、situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages,guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have learned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basics(a)1,review the main points of H
16、anyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading cacuminal,nasal sound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonants,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetica
17、l order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word
18、 to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequencer and radical character lookup method22.下列说法正确的是 ()A正数和负数统称有理数 B0 是整数但不是正数 C0 是最小的数 D0 是最小的正数3.已知亿是由四舍五入取得的近似数,它精确到 ()5.13A、十分位 B、千万位 C、亿位 D、十亿位4.在下列说法中,正确的有 ()符号相反的数就是相反数;每个有理数都有相反数;互为相反数的两个数一定不相等;正数和负数互为相反数.A、1 个 B、2 个 C、3 个 D、4 个5.(2013 陕西)下列四
19、个数中最小的数是()A2 B0 C31 D56.下列说法正确的是 ()A.几个有理数相乘,当负因数有奇数个时,积为负 B.几个有理数相乘,当负因数有偶数个时,积为正 C.几个有理数相乘,当积为负时,负因数有奇数个 D.几个有理数相乘,当因数有偶数个时,积为正7.,是有理数,它们在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,把,-,-按照从小到abaabb大的顺序排列是 ()A.B.baabbabaC.D.baabaabb8.若0,0,则与的和是 ()abba abA.B.C.D.ba)(ba ba)(ab 9.有理数,则的大小关系是 ()ba 22ba 与A.B.C.D.不能确定22ba 22ba 22ba
20、 10.已知,为有理数,且,则 ()abc055cab0acca A.B.C.D.0,0,0cba0,0,0cba0,0,0cba0,0,0cbaab0Do the following three main points:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity,but also let the students themselves,looks up the defici
21、encies.So,we teachers to understand the students knowledge of the situation prior to the review,students not only found widespread deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these well designed programs,reasonable arrangement of time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you c
22、an design a form for investigation,understanding students weaknesses in each knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the problem of textbooks to review,both to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the
23、basics,reading method,exercises,and so already have a certain degree of accumulation,the review stage,teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,process,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly d
24、o a problem learning a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages,guide students on the basis of the previous accumul
25、ation of knowledge to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have learned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basics(a)1,review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading
26、cacuminal,nasal sound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonants,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentences wit
27、h dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequencer and radical character lookup method11.已知点 A 和点 B 在同一数轴上,点 A 表示数,
28、又已知点 B 和点 A 相距 5 个单位长度,2则点 B 表示的数是 ()A.B.C.D.3773或73或12.若为有理数,则表示的数是 ()xxx A.正数 B.非正数 C.负数 D.非负数13.设是自然数,则的值为 ()n2)1()1(1nn A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.1 或-114.(2013遵义)如果+30m 表示向东走 30m,那么向西走 40m 表示为()A+40mB40mC+30mD30m三、解答题1.计算(1).12(18)(7)15 (2)5.6(0.9)4.4(8.1)(0.1)(3).322)21()3(2(4).(5).)2(63)3(232)533()6.0(34
29、521321(6).(7).)31()21()54()32(21)21(2)4(23)2()5(2008)1(8).(9).34.075)13(317234.03213)24()836143()31(322(10).;(11).2)33()4()10(22294)211(42415.0322Do the following three main points:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system a
30、nd regularity,but also let the students themselves,looks up the deficiencies.So,we teachers to understand the students knowledge of the situation prior to the review,students not only found widespread deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these well designed programs,reasonable arrangement of
31、time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you can design a form for investigation,understanding students weaknesses in each knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the problem of textbooks to review,both to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency
32、of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the basics,reading method,exercises,and so already have a certain degree of accumulation,the review stage,teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,process,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises f
33、or students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly do a problem learning a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the situation and life situation to be created in a va
34、riety of languages,guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have learned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basics(a)1,review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the a
35、lphabet of Hanyu Pinyin;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading cacuminal,nasal sound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonants,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowe
36、rcase letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequ
37、encer and radical character lookup method42.在数轴上表示下列各数,再用“”连接起来.,3,-2.5,0,313)6.1(23.如果,求的值.0)2(12ba20082009)(aba4.已知,互为相反数,互为倒数,的绝对值为 1,求的值.abcdxcdxxba25.已知,求的值.0ab|abababab6.一件进价 60 元的商品,某商场一该商品进价的 2 倍标价出售,但无人问津,商场决定降价销售,广告中表明六折销售,并写上“跳楼价”,问共销售 60 件这样的商品,商场获利多少?7.某供电局路线检修班乘汽车沿南北方向检修路线,检修班的记录员把当天行车
38、情况记录如下:到达地点起点ABCDEFGHIJ前进方向北南北北南北南北南北所走路程(km)01046251239107Do the following three main points:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity,but also let the students themselves,looks up the deficiencies.So,we teac
39、hers to understand the students knowledge of the situation prior to the review,students not only found widespread deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these well designed programs,reasonable arrangement of time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you can design a form
40、for investigation,understanding students weaknesses in each knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the problem of textbooks to review,both to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the basics,reading me
41、thod,exercises,and so already have a certain degree of accumulation,the review stage,teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,process,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly do a problem learn
42、ing a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages,guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledg
43、e to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have learned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basics(a)1,review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading cacuminal,nasal s
44、ound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonants,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentences with dot to select t
45、he correct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequencer and radical character lookup method(1)求 J 地与起点之间的路程有多少千米?(2)若汽车每千米耗油 0.12 升.这天检修班从起点开始,最后到达 J 地,一共耗油多少升?(精确到十分位)
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