1、英语警句名言 1、女人如花,期望有人爱,有人疼,有人暖。 Women such as flowers, hope that some people love, some people hurt, some people warm. 2、人生没有白走的弯路,每走一步都算数。 There is no detour in life, every step counts. 3、有时候,突然很想哭,却难过的哭不出来。 Sometimes, suddenly want to cry, but sad cry can not come out. 4、人生是盘清水煮青菜,你要加调味剂吗? Life is a
2、dish of water boiled vegetables, do you want to add seasoning? 5、诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也。 Sincerity is the way of heaven; thinking of sincerity is the way of man. 6、每一分收获,都来自你坚持不懈的努力。 Every harvest comes from your unremitting efforts. 7、遥远的将不再遥远,平凡的已不再平凡。 Distant will no longer be far away, ordinary is no
3、longer ordinary. 8、做好眼前事;珍惜身边人;走好脚下路。 Do the things in front of you; cherish the people around you; walk the road well. 9、困难的时候,要能冷静分析,查找突破。 When it is difficult, we should be able to analyze calmly and find a breakthrough. 10、人生太苦,太累,太艰辛,太不简洁了! Life is too hard, too tired, too hard, too difficult!
4、11、伟人与常人最大的差异就在于珍惜时间。 The biggest difference between great people and ordinary people is to cherish time. 12、赶路要趁早,修身重戒律,养性贵有恒。 We should make our way as soon as possible. We should cultivate ourselves and pay attention to discipline. 13、别由于知道我会等你,就把我晾在那儿等。 Dont hang me there just because you know I
5、ll wait for you. 14、爱心构建和谐社会,文明塑造完善人生。 Love builds a harmonious society and civilization shapes a perfect life. 15、努力过的充实,别留给自己难过的时机。 Try to enrich, do not leave yourself sad opportunities. 16、不要沉迷天堂或地域,由于你在人间。 Dont be infatuated with heaven or region, because you are on earth. 17、这个世界并不是公正的,要学着去习惯它
6、。 The world is not fair. Learn to get used to it. 18、信仰,便是人类生生不息中隐蔽的力气。 Faith is the power of human beings. 19、多年后的你,确定会感谢如今舍命的自己。 Many years later, you will thank yourself for your hard work now. 20、轻松时别忘了努力,劳碌时别忘了幻想。 Dont forget to work hard when you are relaxed and dream when you are busy. 21、愿你阳
7、光下像个孩子,风雨里像个大人。 May you look like a child in the sun and an adult in the wind and rain. 22、以诚待人,人人敬;以信办事,事事成。 Treat people with sincerity and respect; do things with faith, everything will be done. 23、假设不想被打倒,只有增加自身的重量。 If you dont want to be knocked down, you have to increase your own weight. 24、记住
8、,立自己不败之地,永久是做自己。 Remember, to make yourself invincible is always to be yourself. 25、具足信愿行,这个人就是阿弥陀佛的化身。 He is the embodiment of Amitabha. 26、坚持自己的幻想,即使没有翅膀也能飞翔。 Stick to your dream, even if you dont have wings, you can fly. 27、好好扮演自己的脚色,做自己该做的事。 Play your role and do what you should do. 28、仰视别人的奇特时,
9、别人也在仰视你的奇特。 Looking up to the happiness of others, others are looking forward to your happiness. 29、别人今日的成功,是他的过去所成就。 The success of others today is what they have achieved in the past. 30、我要连续努力,由于世界不会为谁而停。 I will continue to work hard, because the world will not stop for whom. 31、人生的天平上,得到的越多,承受的越
10、多。 On the balance of life, the more you get, the more you bear. 32、永久不要玩小聪慧,由于聪慧的人太多了。 Never play smart, because there are too many smart people. 33、只有不用担忧生活的人,才有资格稚嫩。 Only those who dont have to worry about life are qualified to be childish. 34、私下提看法叫补台,当众提看法叫拆台。 Its called mending the stage in pri
11、vate and breaking down in public. 35、风雨人生路,你陪我一程,我念你一生。 Wind and rain road of life, you accompany me a journey, I miss your life. 36、说的出来的不叫苦,说不出来的才叫苦。 What can be said will not complain, and what cannot be said will be bitter. 37、成认自己的脆弱,比故作坚韧有用的多。 It is more useful to admit your weakness than to p
12、retend to be strong. 38、爱美是人的本性,过于爱美就是丢失本性! To love beauty is human nature. To love beauty too much is to lose ones nature! 39、无论做什么事情,你的看法确定你的高度。 Whatever you do, your attitude determines your height. 40、是套路太深,还是我跟不上时代的脚步。 Is the routine too deep, or I can not keep up with the pace of the times. 41
13、、早晨给自己一个微笑,种上一天的阳光。 Give yourself a smile in the morning and plant the sunshine of the day. 42、不埋怨的世界,你觉察,你已经很奇特了。 Dont complain about the world, you found that you have been very happy. 43、这辈子你只管努力就行,剩下的交给命运。 All you have to do in this life is to work hard and leave the rest to fate. 44、要坚持真理不管在哪里也
14、不要动摇。 Stick to the truth - dont waver anywhere. 45、百转千回爱旳味道,甘愿防守留下心碎。 The taste of love, willing to defend left heartbreak. 46、人生的旅途漫长,不能因失信而变得短暂。 The journey of life is long and can not be short because of dishonesty. 47、越挫越勇,总有天我会用实力打你的脸。 The more frustrated, the more brave, one day I will hit you
15、 in the face with strength. 48、生活,消极,就是地狱;主动,才是天堂。 Life, negative, is hell; positive, is heaven. 49、为了很好地站着,就不要停下你的脚步! In order to stand well, dont stop your step! 50、嫉妒的起点,是人们对自身脆弱的隐忧。 The starting point of jealousy is peoples worries about their own vulnerability. 51、落幕,借你一世哀痛,转身离去,说再见。 Curtain do
16、wn, borrow you a lifetime of sadness, turn to leave, say goodbye. 52、每天早上叫醒你的不是闹钟,而是抱负。 Its not the alarm clock that wakes you up every morning, but the ideal. 53、为别人活的日子,或许仅仅呼吸属于自己。 Living for others, maybe just breathing belongs to you. 54、对自己好一点吧,别让自己活得太疲乏了。 Be good to yourself, dont let yourself
17、 live too tired. 55、学习之道,在于坚持和查找正确的方法。 The way to learn is to stick to and find the right way. 56、爱情是女人的全部,却只是男人的调剂。 Love is the whole of women, but it is only the adjustment of men. 57、谁都在舍命努力,不是只有你受尽委屈。 Everyone is working hard, not only you are wronged. 58、友情需真诚来衡量,而真诚由友情来奉献。 Friendship needs to be measured by sincerity, and sincerity is offered by friendship. 59、你必需很努力,才能做到看起来不费劲。 You have to work hard to look effortless. 60、讲究实效完善管理,提升品质增创效益。 Pay attention to actual effect, perfect management, improve quality and create benefit. 第 5 页
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