1、四川省大学英语三级考试模拟试题及答案Pa I: Lstening opreensin (5%)SecnADcio: I this sction, ou wil hea1 sho onvrsats tthe edo eahonesatio, a questioll e aked abot wt assaid. Both thcoversationadhe etin wllbe poken tic After echqtionther will e a as Durig te pse yo musa hefour hices marked ),B),C)adD), anddcid which i
2、the besase. Then markthe oresponding lte on te nwer Shet wth ie lne thouh the et.) som yping B) Bu ome aper.C) sk th ma type. D) nt to run ith the man2.A) 10:50 )10: )10:48 D)10:523. A) usbandandwfe. B) A girl andher byfrindC) ahe and suden. ) Old friends4. A)Polceman. B)ala. C) ar diver D) ondutor
3、.A) nascool. B) In a theateC) Inrestarant. D)Atom. A)Sh aed B)She iareC) Sewa iatint. D) Sh wa wred.A) omethig cold. B)Cofe.C)Ta. D) Sometg hot. )Gl. B) Ble. C) Bron. D) Blac9 A)He idnt kno ere tofin the prfssr.B)e hd difiultyoing hxprimnC) aled he eam.) Heouldn graduate from the univesity.10 A) The
4、man is oughing. B) he m gaeup mokingC) The m hs l isse. D) Ten hasa heart atac.Section Directis: Inh sein, you wilear a shortpssae. Atth en o th passae, yo w eartwo quetions.Boh h ssae nd questinw e ske twiceAte you r onequetion, you mt choose te betanswer fom e furcoes marke ), B),C) and D)Thenmak
5、te correpond tter on he Aser See wit a single n thg the cntrPsaQuetion11 to 1 re based on te pasaeou ave ust heard11. A) The climte varis a ttle all ver the United Staes) The imateaes alotin the Uited States.C)Theris no variatoni climae i teUntetates.D)T lma i vey plasantll the year round.12. A)hyro
6、w thmby temseles. B)TeygetthemyshipC) They getthembytrucks nd ains. D) They gt them y airplaneSetion C So DictatinDietins: In thssectin, ouwill ea asage hre tes. ste creuy dui he first readg. Then liten othe pasage again.When it ibein ea the secn time, yosould fin the six banksumere fom S1) o S6) it
7、h the exctwordsor ha you aest hard. Finaly, when asae ed forhe third time, you shoul check haty hve ritte.In som artsf he UitedState, farming iseas. But faringhas lays been ifficl th S1)_ cornerof houtry, whchiscalled New Englnd.w Englandhasmanytres ad thin, S)_so. Anyone who hswntedto strta new frm
8、 thee hs hd towrvery hrd. Te rs jb as been cuting ontrees. Te next johbee iggingthe S)_ of he es utofth si. Then he armerhashadthedifficult jb of removing soes rm hislan.Thiswork f remvg stn ever ray ends, ecuse eery witerme stoes ppear Tey m up trouhthe thin oilfromth ks bw.Fme ae tokeeremo stoneom
9、 the filsEvtday, farms hich have bn ore n fo200yers eep 4)_ ore ses. Thatis wy stoe wals ae used S5)_eces in NewEnlan fieds hestone walls a nothgh and a an c esilycim overthe However, hey keep the famers ows f joining thos of h 6)_.Test2:听力原文及答案:1 W: ould I gt soe m tying pape? M: Plae do Weealmo r
10、ut. Q: ha ithe oman do? (B)W: Whathe ime by yourwatc?M: Tn-fith.ut it twiues sow. Q:Whatte correctime? (D)3. W:I ertinly ejoyed metigyur prts.Ihope they like me.M:ot wory Imsure thyl ayes. Q: Wat is th probbl rltionsi ewent wo speakes? (B). M: Im sorry, is, butou ere dong45 in 3 mile ahour zone.: Bu
11、t la for ver impotat apointment. :Wat s t m? (A). : Would youie o see eenu?: No, tak you ko wha I a oorde. Q: Wer s the man now? (C)6. : I spposeon rasso mnuistscomhere is that everytin iso ha.W: Chea? Ntigis ally cheap i nglnd Q:Howdid the woan reac? (B)7. W: woud yu likesome ht cfeortea?M:I ith bt
12、,but Id rthr hesometng old Q: What does themn want to ink?()8. M: I rllyie this lc necktie.W: tte ble or old e will look ch nirwih ur brown sui. Q: htcolor necktedo thman wan? (D)9. : has h mattr,Paul? Youloo wrrid.M: Ie justtan y hemstry examad m petysure I ailed t.I don know where the rofssor gt s
13、oe ofths estions. Q:Wy isPul worried? ()0. W: id yous he oct about your cogh?M: Teoctr aid f I epsmoking,t wilinreae my chance of havingheart attacor lug disase Q: hatistrue but he man? (A)Section yUnited stat asay difern kinso climae On th est stthe eperature hngevery lite between merand winer, t h
14、e nrt centrl stshave eydffrent kid of climat. thse ses, plwear igh cohinging he summr, and the need eavy wol or fr clothinin winter.I the easternprt of the Uid tates, umer mpeatures ar vey dfferet fm inte tpeaures Sumers arually ho wes re sualy cod. Sring temeratures re mfortbly warm,nd all empratur
15、e are plasatlycooYrs ago,peple i theold arts of th niedstatsdidnt oft get feh vgetables an frsh fritdurng the winter.oda, howeer, truks and trais carrruis a vetaes er quckly al arts o the nited Sates. I his way, Amercans “sedthicimas” poe i otherstates.11 hatkind of cimates dos te nite Stte have?()1
16、2. Ho do ole inhe cold parts o the Uited a gt heifreshruts aveablesinwintr? (C)SectionC 1: orhestern :rocky : sumps S: pducing S5: nte of S6: neighbor(Mode 2 ar Two)Part II: Vocabuary andstrutue ()II Vocauar and Struture (20)Dietion:he ar 0 inomeencsin tis ar.o each sennce there are our choicmarked
17、A,B, Cad Choos th o answerhts omltesthesentnce. Thnmark the crrespoing letter onthe Aer heet ingle line thugh th ceer.13.or mies aoud me terewasohingbt deset, ithoutaigleplnt or ree_.A. nath B ata disanc C. insght D.in pae 14Thiscas i quit _ odawith he grt dvepmet of siencnd ecnoloy. A cmmo B. nel C
18、. iple . alik1. _ he dog, we huld h rache ou desttion n time.A. Beaseof B. Inspite . Bt or D. n cas o6. Lcychngedher mjofrom physics tooutr, _.A.withhop eableto locateempyment mre ealyB. opigse can easiy get a joCi te hop orhe abli to finabteoD hoping to fnd a jo oe eal 17. Th tree ooed as i t _ for
19、 a long tme.has wte dntwaerdC. hatbeen waere D wasnt watered18 Thouh the long-term_cant be reicted, te project ha benppoved by hecomittee.afe B effect C fort D frd19. e mustlive inthe Unite Sates fo ive ars in oe to _ itizenshi. apalo B. accep .approve o . appy fr 20. Canyou tll m _ ?A who i tagentl
20、emen B t gtla is w C ho th gentmanis D womis tat gentlema. Onlyinthiswy _ progress you Ensh.A you mak B. cn y me C.yobe ab o make D. will ou ble tomake22. It a fnedy.Lets goishi, _ ?. wont we . wll we C.dont we D. salle23. The buldig_ roof we cnsee itheWeen Chrch. .its Bwhh hos D. wos24. Thefirssftw
21、areof Widows _ by Bll Gates becae ver opulawt muter lvers immedialy A mde . had made .wa me . had bee ade2. couldealyae imagne her _ himaa an f ie qualit. thiking B rearding C. talking D. admtin26 Hehas nochoic but _ o eeimA. to B. o C. going D. oes27. _ eft before th meeting, it det sem likely tha
22、y wl coe.A.sucha hort tie B nly ch ashor imeC tsuc st time .it suc a hot tie28.She litnedcreuly_e might dcovr exact hat he anted.A s as ht B. n cs C rviing D. in od tht 29. I remembe her a rrhr _ to our offce.A. coing B.tocome C come D. to hae coe30. I donthin yone canaccus e _notbeingrank.A.ith B i
23、n f D at3._, theplen the flod ares ud not hae ril ter meA. f thePartidt offer itsimely elB Hnt the Part ffered iimel helpC.Shol they offred is timely hlD. If te Pty ofer its tiely hp32.Te moon hinesbightly, asif _ ight byitlf.A. ave off B.gave wa C. gaveu gave PtI: eading omrhesin (4%)irectiosere fr
24、 pasage ithspat Eah passag isfllowed y fie uestions or unfinih satnts Froeahqetion,threar fur hice ar A), B),C) nd D). Youho cosete st wer. Then mark the orresponing ler on the Aswr Seetwitasnle line hrough th cen.Pasage 1ustions33 o 7 ar base on hefollowinpasage:In he ast, ptos weedfficul. Util he
25、mddle of he eighteen fiftis, rgerwas ery dangero Many paient dieafer en the maestopeatons Thi ws becau bacteria entedte ut i he ptients boi ndsaed infection.n s conties,u t0 percent o pent idrom infeton after oprtions. In 165, however, Joeph Lister, a iih surgeon, found answer oth problem. e used an
26、 “ntieti” durnga fteroperatins. Tis ked te dageus bcteria ad most of hi aints id. Sine he, sgesve se tiseptics a operaios.Ser hadvelped in anyimotn ways sinethe dayJsepLiser.Today, whenaientgoto hostaloranoperaion, they an expectthe bst tret, in ceanan ygiic condition.33.peationsre iiclt an angeous
27、untl_.185B.themidle o 1850C.he mddle f he fifti te ighenth century.th middlof thifies oftheinteenth cnury 34. Inte psa, surger mas_A.Te perfrmngofan oeration B cureC reatmen D mdicine .In theast,u to 90 pcet ofpaies dedafter oerations manly eaus_.A.cteria enered the uts in t patient bods infetion to
28、ok placeB. the odiionsin hsitls ere bC.the skill f sureons ws no s odD.there were n god medicin at thatime 36. Which opcof he olowinbest suts e pssge?A Oeaions were difficultn th ast.T devotion of oeph Lister to medcalsciece. Surgery as omesafrD. Develoen i urgery 3 Joseph isterw_.A.aFenchmn a Germa
29、n C. an Engishman D.an AmeicaPsage Questns38 to 42 are aete fll passage:Some 00 Amecans amition to ecoephicinsa studyg for theM. s boadManywere ejete y US. medcl colimpy becuse tere wa no oom. ast yea, fo xampl,soe 1,000 of5,000 would-e hysica applied t US.choolswee accepted. f hsewho ee turned do,
30、well over 600 are ryin the foe rou Bu ganingadmittance to goodorgsl maye a poblem. ritish medcal schoos give priorit to Bitons , nd Cndas wrld-enwne McGil niversiy Shoolofedcnetakes ly a haul of wl ulied Amercnsnnlly.ut several chool d welcome .S. eica stuens-if ecn mster theoa aguag. Mr thn500 Aeri
31、cansare enoledin te egan uivesities trussels n ouai,for aple. me 00 atndthe Italnivritt olgn; 1 at Rome. Mexis Auonoous nversity of Guadalajaranumbs1,00 grinosmng its ,00 studentspite difulebroad, ny mricans cmleteher edcl dutons,and maag to win e respect of their profeso and clssmt ne econd-yer ude
32、nt tLuinhas a simle exantion fothose sucsses: “ Anyoewho mes here to be motvate. Yuae to lern a nw gu, the ch is constatadrk,and s ifficult to get ck ito he tes t practice” Before the can irn o practicein he Unt Sttes,graduates of frei schools u asa special xamnaio rquired by medicl-educatin ahoriti
33、.The toughest is dsgned prialyto weed outtose woar nale to seakEnish orwose medical eutio is notup toS standr. 38.Whicofthe folown s true ut U. wou-bephscians?A.Amei mdal chols haveserfluusapplcants B.laguage is a i problem ll the Amerin studentsapplyig toforeg medical schoosve o fae.C. Grduates fro
34、m th Aericnand oinecchoos should tak theam tet efoe pracice . s many as on-hird oflast yearspliats o medischol are nopplingtforegn sool 39 hc is folowing is ruebou fen edaledcain ?A A lot of feignmecalschs dont wcome U.S. stdents simply becaus ty he oconse th pplcatsr irw ounie firt.B To enr foein meca scholsi maier than o g adttance ntAmricn medicalsoos if th polem langug is tregad. C There aent man go foegn medicaschools c
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