1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑高中生2022美国艺术留学申请书 美国高校数量众多也意味着你在择校时有更多项选择择,例如可以综合考虑学校的地理位置、课程设置、住宿、校内大小、师资力气、学费、运动设施等多种方面,总有一所学校能够满足你。更多高中生2022美国艺术留学申请书点击“美国留学查看。 高中生2022美国艺术留学申请书 Dear _, “Get out of here and never come back! Forcefully pushed out of the pub, I sat down against a nearby wall to scrub the dust off
2、my shoes and regain my composure. My pride was wounded, not because of the way they treated me, but because they did not believe what I told them. It was the second time I had been forced out of this particular pub, a place for gay gathering. This is part of my research project “Health education mod
3、el of preventing HIV/AIDS based on employer-employee relationships, which I was working on. I believed that in order to effectively prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, employers, who are on the top of business pyramid, should be first in line to know the disease well, because they can leverage the suffi
4、cient resources necessary to exert great influence on the disease prevention within their enterprises. This approach fits the circumstances in China particularly well. In face of this frustration, I didnt give up trying. Before the start of the project, the local center for disease control and preve
5、ntion had already counted the fifth reported case of AIDS virus infection, who later acknowledged that he had once provided sex service in that club or dated his homosexual partner. The devastating consequences if no intervention would be taken obliged me to try other means. Working as a team, three
6、 friends joined my endeavor and we handed out brochures outside the pub that introduced HIV/AIDS preventive measures with the elaborately-designed slogan “We understand you by showing our care to you! Eventually, our persistence had been well paid off. Our respect of their personal choice melted the
7、 toughness of the owner of the club and he agreed to give a hand in sending the information to his employees and clients. My name is Yuan, Chen. I grew up in a Nanjing family, where my mother is a senior experimentalist at the Key Lab of Reproductive Medicine of Jiangsu Province. Because of her prof
8、ession, our daily communication inevitably touched on health-related issues like health care, disease control and prevention. She showed me the importance of public health and its impact on all aspects of human well-being. I was so intrigued by what my mother had devoted her life to that I made up m
9、y mind to follow her footprint. My aspirations eventually led me to the School of Public Health at Nanjing Medical University. During my years of college study, I was recognized for my academic performance and awarded with scholarships multiple times. Driven by curiosity and a desire to enrich mysel
10、f, I have come out top in my undergraduate class for four straight years. Absolutely, college study is not only a matter of getting perfect scores in the class, as I understand. Since my sophomore year, I began to work on research projects at the Key Lab of Modern Toxicology of Ministry of Education
11、, which consists mainly of graduate students. I detected the effects of pyrethroids (permethrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate) and their major metabolite 3-phenoxybenzoic acid on rat sperm motility in vitro with a computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system and then published two papers in English.
12、The research work proved to be especially rewarding. It provided an opportunity for me to apply what I had learned in the classroom so that I gained a deeper understanding of it. But it also armed me with strong computer skills and laboratory techniques. The direct impact of public health on our soc
13、iety makes it not only an academic subject, but also a social issue. Instilling a healthy life style concept in the community through promotion of healthy habits is as important as conducting research. Upon this comprehension, I took part in the Red Ribbon Peer Association of my university, an organ
14、ization which aims to bring HIV/AIDS peer education to the public, and to help find treatment for those in need. AIDS is a very sensitive topic that people are very reluctant to publicly discuss in China, due to the innate conservatism of Chinese culture. Government also avoids talking about it by b
15、laming lack of information. Gradually, the disease has become a forbidden zone full of controversy and misunderstanding in the public eye. People have either not heard about it, or just do not know what to do with it. Some are so scared of it that they do not want to have any physical contact with i
16、nfected people. Even in the health care industry, many people do not have sufficient knowledge of it, according to our surveys. However, in sharp contrast to the publics ignorance are the brutal facts that we can no longer turn a blind eye. It is estimated that in China, there are 740,000 people liv
17、ing with HIV/AIDS, and the number is still climbing rapidly year by year. Each year, nearly half of the new reported cases are under twenty-five. As a group highlighting this sensitive issue in the face of peoples traditional views, we met with much doubts, disbelief and resistance. Many people open
18、ly mocked and shunned us. “AIDS is a western disease. How can it appear here? “I do not want to talk to AIDS patients because I do not want to be infected. “How is it possible for AIDS to be transmitted between man and man? “AIDS is an immoral disease, and as long as I do not have sex with people wh
19、o are immoral, I will be safe. Faced with such benightedness, we used real stories, persuasive data, and vivid pictures with scientific relevance to help our “students understand the disease, and we encouraged those concerned with the issue to join our organization. Gradually, people started paying
20、attention and we gained some credibility within some special groups. For one of our events, “Tell the truth, we invited AIDS experts, patients, and health officials on the same stage, discussing the issue face to face with the pubic. This event gained so much attention after some high profile media
21、reported it that inquiries about our project flooded our mail boxes from all over the country. During this windfall, we received funding support from businesses and government, helping raise our project to a new level. Subsequently, we spent our school breaks and vacations in holding exhibitions, ho
22、sting seminars, visiting communities, and conducting surveys. Undoubtedly, fighting against HIV/AIDS is an arduous task and the road is long due to the traits of the virusits variability and immune suppression. But then, “even a journey of ten thousand miles is started with your first step, as an ol
23、d Chinese saying goes, and I volunteer to become even an inch of what builds up this first step. In recent years, China has made some progress on HIV/AIDS prevention and control, but a lack of advanced concepts and expertise poses a bottleneck problem to major breakthroughs. This is the reason why I
24、 turn to developed countries like the United States. I am eager to receive systemic and more advanced training in epidemiology in USA and aspire to future leadership in public health in China. This has led my decision to apply for the Epidemiology M.P.H. program in the School of Public Health at the
25、 University of Michigan. Holding the belief that ones ability is not limited by what he already knows but what he is willing to learn and do, I am ready to become more than just a professional in the field of public health, but in fact a professional leader. Yours sincerely, xuexila 高中生美国艺术留学条件和院校推举
26、 一、高中生美国艺术留学条件 1、作品集或者视频 在申请美国艺术寄宿高中过程中,同学需要供应作品集或相关视频,好的作品在整个申请过程中可以占到百分之五十。它可以充分呈现同学在某方面的才华和潜力,这也是艺术高中所看重的。另外,美国留学在预备作品时,需要依据各个学校关于作品的要求预备,适当运用一些比较前进的计算机技术,把作品制作的特殊新颖,这样就可以让校方眼前一亮,留下深刻的印象。 2、参与标准化考试 IELTS/TOEFL:出国留学申请奖学金的必备考试成果。假设考生的TOEFL成果能到达81分,IELTS6.5那么很有可能被美国录用;假设TOEFL能考到100分,IELTS7.0,那么申请奖学金
27、的时机就更大了。 SAT:美国高校招生时所用的标准化考试,参与者以高中生居多。申请一般高校只要求供应SAT1成果,多数着名的高校也要求申请生供应SAT2的成果。SAT成果的重要性那么要看所申请高校的竞争性有多大以及竞争对手有多强。而ACT成果作为另一“美国高考,也越来越受到同学的关注,特殊是同学可以在国内参与该考试,并且同样被美国3300多所高校认可。SAT和ACT成果也是同学获得奖学金的重要参考依据。 二、美国高中艺术院校推举 1.胡桃山艺术高中:Walnut Hill School forthe Arts 学校位于美国波士顿近郊,占地45英亩。它建立于1893年,是美国最古老的艺术高中之一
28、,也是美国少数几个接近大都会的寄宿学校之一。胡桃山音乐学校为同学供应独特的艺术和学术训练。同学在术科方面可以在芭蕾、创意写作、音乐、戏剧与视觉艺术中选择一门主修;同时也必需参与严格的学科课程。学校供应同学多样化、富有人文气息而崇尚品德的学习环境,致力于教育来自世界各地,有天赋、又造诣并且品学兼优的年轻艺术家。 2.艾迪怀德艺术高中:Idyllwild Arts Academy 学校是美国四大艺术高中之一,学校接近洛杉矶,距离Los Angeles大约90分钟车程学校的课程超越了传统的艺术课程,包括创意写作、舞蹈、电影和影片制作、音乐、戏剧和视觉艺术等深化的研读。学校已进展出新的主修科目,电影制
29、作、影片摄制、音乐编制和新类媒体等方面培育有天分的年轻同学,关怀有精彩表现的高中生进入美国的高校课程。 3.因特劳肯艺术高中Interlochen Arts Academy Interlochen Arts Academy创立于1928年,位于密歇根州的西北部,靠近Traverse城,学校占地1200英亩,学院是国家第一所视觉艺术和表演艺术的男女合校的寄宿高中,并且也是最知名望的一所。高中供应9-12班级的课程,每年招生约500人,约有80名国际同学,班级平均人数为15人,师生比例为1:6。因特劳肯艺术高中Interlochen Arts Academy供应师资力气特殊雄厚,由81名精彩的艺术
30、家和教育者,40名硕士和20名博士组成。同学沉醉在高校式的音乐、戏剧、舞蹈、视觉艺术、文学创作、动画艺术和学术的教学环境。 三、美国高中艺术费用 1、学费 我们可大致界定私立寄宿学校学费为每年$45,000-$55,000之间,私立走读学校学费为每年$20,000-$30,000之间。 有一些私立寄宿学校学费甚至比哈佛还贵,在亚特兰大市区就有一所私立寄宿学校学费为每年六万多美元!当然也有一些私立走读学费每年仅约万元!美国一学年约九个月,分为8-12月份和1-5月份两个学期。 2、学杂费 美国私立高中学杂费主要包括医疗保险费、书本资料费、课外活动费、校服费等;3,000美元应当可以轻松搞定学杂费
31、。 申请美国留学体检一览 1、体检材料 参与体检是需要提前进展预约的,在线上就可以进展,成功之后可以会直接将个人信息表打印出来,确认自己的身份资料,然后还要预备好自己的身份证明(护照或者身份证)。 还需要备好证件照(4.83.3cm),以及学校供应的需要承受检查的工程表格,假设大家有接种过疫苗还需要带上记录原件,这样就不需要重复进展接种。 2、体检流程 在体检的前一天,需要大家保证比较清淡的饮食,不然可能会影响检查的结果;检查当天记得吃早饭,衣服尽量选择上装下装分开,不要戴首饰,并且按时前往医院。 体检一般会支配治安8:00-11:20,整个流程需要花费一个小时左右的时间,大家要依据指引完成每
32、一项的检查,这样才不会有遗漏,能够正常的完成流程,顺当的猎取结果。 3、体检工程 X光是需要首先进展的,对大家的全身进展安康检查,包括内脏骨骼等;然后要承受B超的检查,速度会很快,只需要在仪器前露出自己的单独就可以直接猎取结果,心电图也会同步进展检测。 抽血早一点进展,这样对结果的影响会比较小;全科的检查包括体重身高视力五官科等一起进展;最终就是承受尿检,在此之前可以多喝一点水保证顺当。 4、疫苗接种 需要同学接种的疫苗,会直接在官方的网站和学校发放的表格中标示出来,大家假设有接种过里面的相关工程,只需要出示接种的官方证明就可以了,这样可以少挨几针。 而没有接种过的疫苗,那么需要去接种室确认自己需要接种的工程,一般最多两针,或许需要花10-20分钟,接种完之后需要观看半小时之后才可以离开。 高中生2022美国艺术留学申请书相关文章: 高中生美国艺术留学申请书2022 2022艺术生美国留学申请书 2022美国私立高中留学申请书 2022年同学美国优秀留学申请书 2022美国高校留学申请书优秀范文 2022海外留学美国留学申请书范文 2022美国读本科留学申请书完好版 2022年美国留学申请书及申请材料 2022海外留学美国申请书格式 2022美国高校留学个人申请书格式 第 9 页 共 9 页
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